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@Jefffrey Utterly false! (When I was younger, PHP didn't exist yet).
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, hence the "Not really identical because he's just a terrible person instead of an actual criminal".
@R.MartinhoFernandes that satellite?
I peed in the sea and I don't mind everyone finding out now
@Puppy Criminals are not the only people in jails
¬_¬ and I don't mean the staff
A: What does the Starfleet insignia represent?

WillThough the thought of Atheism having a symbol may seem, at first, odd to some, symbols have been used by every known label we humans can create. If one looks very closely, they may see that one of the two best known Atheism logo's resembles the Star Trek triangle, only backwards. Furthermore, eve...

@thecoshman Pretty sure that Ian Watkins was, in fact, convicted of various child sex offences.
@Puppy I don't recall doubting that
then I have no idea what point you were trying to make, since the only person I ever suggested was a criminal was him.
@Puppy Jails (as such) are used to hold people who are suspected of being criminal until they can be tried. Virtually everybody who's found "not guilty" spent at least a little time in jail despite not being a criminal. Prisons are for holding people who were convicted of crimes( though, of course, some of them aren't actually guilty of the crimes of which they were convicted either).
@JerryCoffin I know that but have little idea what correlation it has to the message replied to.
There is a little difficulty, because (at least in some places) jails are used both as jails and as prisons.
Q: What's the main purpose of C++?

nitin sharmaI'm good familiar with Java, C#, php and other programming languages too. Now question comes up to my mind that i know only that C++ confines to Console Applications only, and never saw such GUI or interfaces in C++ as like Java or C# do. For e.g Swing, JavaFX or XAML or Windows form in C# do? ...

@Puppy I can't, of course, read his mind, but it may be what Cosh had in mind when he pointed out that not everybody in jail is a criminal.
@Jefffrey How could these cretins close a question like this that will inevitably lead to such expository excellence as the world has not previously seen?
@Puppy you responded to robot asking if he (nto sure who exactly, doesn't really matter though) was in jail, and you said 'no, as he's not done anything criminal', so I just pointed out that it's not only criminals that are convicted.
The fact that C, C++ and Java are probably in the top 3 of most popular languages, makes me incredibly sad.
You were born sad, Jefff.
@JerryCoffin oh, there is a difference in meaning between those words.
@Jefffrey Why?
the only language I'd name as actually better than C++ is something like Python and they're not really aimed at the same use cases anyway.
Because, with the possible exception of C++, they are the most boring languages ever.
yes, it is indeed terribly boring to get things done.
Yes, of course I was measuring the ability of getting things done when I said "boring".
@JerryCoffin as long as C++ has its own platform in its own possession, I wouldn't worry about it.
@Jefffrey c++ is awesome
@Ell not really.
I like it :P
what awesome is that it's still alive
I really feel that awe
> It's the tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, biodegradable, politically correct choice.
I like how you can make stuff zero overhead. Not for purrrforrmance, just because it feels right :P
@Ell and then you use std::string.
It'll get sorted out soon enough :P
Is anyone working on ogonek nowadays?
allot of comments were removed from here, as the opinions on this answer are divided. — Display Name Nov 17 '11 at 8:35
I can only imagine
those new Hoya lenses look really great
90s for 0% -> 45% and 60s for 0% <-
Oh, FFS, you are always talking about lenses!
@Ell @r.m if anyone is
everything I see reminds me how crappy my current glasses are
@BartekBanachewicz s/see/don't see/ ftfy
yeah, that :|
not buying plastic lenses ever again
not until they make them strong enough, because seriously after what, two years, they aren't worn out, they are ruined
going to shatters from the slightest tap glass?
@thecoshman the anti-glare surface is scratched
@BartekBanachewicz You can get plastic lenses with hard coatings to prevent them from getting scratched. The pair I'm wearing right now is around three years old, and the only visible scratches are from when my son (about a year old at the time) grabbed them and dropped them onto concrete.
@JerryCoffin glass wouldn't have scratched
just saying
> iD Single Vision lenses are the first to integrate your lens design on both the front and back surfaces, so you can see more clearly in all directions.
@thecoshman Maybe not (but only because it would have shattered.
@JerryCoffin They would probably cost as much (or not much cheaper) as crystal lenses
@JerryCoffin :P
@BartekBanachewicz god damn your hipster ways
Seriously if you had to wear glasses all the time you'd understand how big the difference is
@BartekBanachewicz that... makes... no sense
the entire lense is the lense, not just the very surface of it.
I wear glasses when I'm driving or when I'm reading more than a metre
@thecoshman hoya also makes top-quality filters and optics for photography
@BartekBanachewicz I'll have you know I actually do have prescription glasses... I just don't really need them. :( they saw me comming.
I think they know their shit
@BartekBanachewicz they may know their shit, they still don't make any sense.
@thecoshman dunno, read that yourself if you want
@BartekBanachewicz Offhand, I don't remember how the cost compares to glass. Much more important to me that they're considerably lighter. Glass lenses are heavy enough to be quite uncomfortable after only an hour or two.
@Xeo Could you imagine if Japan was actually like "a traveling country"?
And every 10 or 20 years it just moved to a different continent?
@JerryCoffin maybe you need more correction (and thus thicker lenses). I have -0.75/-2.5
Just fucking fired up its motors and slid away.
"See you guys in 100 years!"
I want a moving Japan.
That'd be amazin.
Well I admit that I wouldn't buy extremely big hipster-style glasses with glass lenses because that gets heavy alright, I'd need to pick something smaller
@BartekBanachewicz oh, they are saying that they don't just focus the lens on the front of the lens, they also shape the back.
opposed to just having like a generic blank curve on the back.
@BartekBanachewicz Their photographic filters are generally considered rather mediocre. "top quality" filters would be B+W.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, mine are something like -4 and -5 if memory serves.
@BartekBanachewicz yes you would
@JerryCoffin I admit I am not into photography that much; it was more of a repeating overheard opinion from my side
@JerryCoffin yeah that's really much thicker
Just found a box of brand new shoes in my sitting room. No recollection of buying them whatsoever. ‪#‎bonus‬
As long as you don't remember buying them, it feels just like christmas.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit calm down lady
@FredOverflow What. The. Fuck.
@thecoshman what?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit shoes -> ladies
they're quite nice too
@R.MartinhoFernandes vOv well I doubt he has NewRocks, so the obviously suck
must have bought them with my current trainers and forgotten all about it
North West make Blue ivy look like a crackhead http://t.co/pwmlGkAA6j
translate: I see that particular hole has been closed!
Feeds did get confused
@thecoshman It's still pretty much complete nonsense. Virtually all glasses in the last century or so have used "meniscus" lenses, which means they curve both the front and back so they sort of wrap around your eyes so they work when looking in different directions.
@JerryCoffin yeah I know
one-sided lens would be flat on the inside
but I think normally the inside is just a generic blank, it's only the front that is worked to youre eyes.
@thecoshman Other way around.
@BartekBanachewicz which glasses are almost never these days.
because it distorts the view of your eyes for others
@R.MartinhoFernandes is it the front face that is just a blank?
@BartekBanachewicz huh?
why does that matter?
@thecoshman because you look weird with enlarged eyes?
if you don't want people to see you wearing glasses, use contacts
@thecoshman Normally neither is really custom. They start with a large round lens of the correct strength, and simply grind down the shape of the outside to fit the chosen frame.
@BartekBanachewicz ... you realise it's physically impossible for glasses to bend the light for your eye one way, but not do so going the other way.
@thecoshman But then you look weird with enlarged irises.
@thecoshman ^
yeah why not contact?
A one-way mirror, one-way glass, or two-way glass is a mirror that is partially reflective and partially transparent. When one side of the mirror is brightly lit and the other is dark, it allows viewing from the darkened side but not vice versa. == Design == The glass is coated with, or has encased within, a thin and almost-transparent layer of metal (usually aluminium). The result is a mirrored surface that reflects some light and is penetrated by the rest. A true one-way mirror does not, and cannot, exist. Light always passes exactly equally in both directions. However, when one side is brightly...
Reactions to the reboot of BSG before it went on air http://www.snsanalytics.com/Xzi4y5
@Ell I look better with glasses on
@R.MartinhoFernandes not lenses vOV
@BartekBanachewicz I beg to differ :P
@thecoshman Therefore it is physically impossible, I suppose.
no really though putting the contacts on is a hassle
and I don't know if they sell photochromic contacts already
Just make one-way mirror lenses and call them sunglasses.
@BartekBanachewicz No, they don't.
How long do contact lenses last before you need to change them?
@Jefffrey Contact lenses, you mean?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, only lenses are possible.
@Jefffrey you take them off at night, and the lens itself is from 1-day to 90-days I think
@BartekBanachewicz no, just have to mock.
7-day and 30-day ones being the most common (but a lot of people that only wear them sporadically use those 1-day ones)
@R.MartinhoFernandes woah, money spinner there, perscription sunglasses!
ever since I started writing C++ I've been having so much fun
@Jefffrey You can get contacts that can theoretically last a couple of years. Disposable contacts are much more comfortable though.
patents are bad man
everything about it is Dark Souls-ish
@BartekBanachewicz they sell funky colour ones... not sure if they are perscription or not...
funky colour != photochromic
@AlexM. lol newbie
@BartekBanachewicz >
@BartekBanachewicz Doubt it. If they worked well, royalties wouldn't be a problem.
@AlexM. Poor thing.
you're not coding C++ for real if it's not painful
47 secs ago, by Alex M.
everything about it is Dark Souls-ish
ban patents
except for mine
it is painful
but it's fun
call me a masochist lol
@AlexM. was going to
I don't really like that I can't use C++11 features though :\
because not all studios around the world can switch
Wait, you are having fun while coding in C++03? wat
fuck them
C++14 is out
C++11 is the previous standard get it
the old one
lol I should say something like
"Can we switch to C++11? It's old enough, I promise!"
it is old enough to become ubiquituous
@BartekBanachewicz ...except that it's not (officially) yet.
@AlexM. Yeah, it's a pity that imports of C++11 are forbidden in some places.
@AlexM. It also has the terrible side effect of making me write less boilerplate code while still being efficient.
as always people are the real problem
someone end my suffering
hi xeo
oh great every haskeller around is here
let's start the TVar vs MVar debate
@JerryCoffin it is
That doesn't finish the code I'm currently writing :<
> MVars offer more flexibility than IORefs, but less flexibility than STM.
so basically MVars are between unicorns and cucumbers
@BartekBanachewicz MVars are kind of anti-functional if you think of it
but I think anyone with a half decent knowledge of pure functional programming knows that if you look at an MVar with a lense via a monad it's just plain ridiculous
@Ell It's not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wuut
why did they lie in isocpp.org :(
Why do I need admin rights to delete a Release folder?
(By "release", I mean a folder in which the output of a release build goes)
I did nothing.
@Ell In that case, I just won't think about it, so they won't be anti-functional.
C++: 1300+ pages of fun
(Actually I tried to SVN delete a file and I think SVN fucked up)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not really sure what stops a switch to C++11, considering we're not exactly targeting platforms that don't have a supporting compiler, or maybe I'm not aware of it
all I got was a remote studio's "we're not using C++11 compilers for now and won't be for the foreseeable future"
Laziness and incompetence, most likely.
Oh, wait.
It's VS' fault.
I knew those "unexpected error" messages weren't inoffensive.
> This standard was last reviewed* in 2014.
*ISO standards are reviewed every five years.
Yeah, right.
@Ell They didn't lie. They said the vote was complete (and it is). It doesn't become the official standard until it's actually published though. That's purely a matter of time at this point, but it hasn't happened yet.
does unary+ always promote to int? or can it also promote to..idk, long? double? size_t??
@AlexM. so fucking lame
@EtiennedeMartel you're running VS as admin?
@BartekBanachewicz No.
@melak47 Unary + can promote to Captain--or in wartime conditions, to Major (but no further).
@BartekBanachewicz It was actually a misleading error message.
VS had kept an open handle to the directory.
Q: What does this '>>=' mean?

user3216167While reading a 'C' code I came across this line of code b>>=1; Can anyone clarify what does this mean?

@Ell yeah I guess TVar the way to go
What do we close this as?
@JerryCoffin is there a type trait for that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes UWYA
That's wrong.
oh look fucking vlad is there
and of course he gets an upvote
Who the fuck in a sane state of mind puts an Uzi in 9 year old's hands? And loaded!
> Comments should address specific technical shortcomings of the post being commented on. Do not engage in intimidation, name-calling or other nastiness.
All I wanted to write was "This question is repwhore bait."
This is one of the reasons why I do not even want to visit the USA even as a tourist.
Shit like this does not happen in Europe.
> "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error.
that's even more wrong
@R.MartinhoFernandes We don't.
@VáclavZeman poor girl and poor guy
@Puppy if someone asked why in C++ 1+1=2 that would also be UWYA
@Ell Well, the dude had it coming, sorry, I kinda do not feel any pity for him. He flipped the switch from single shot to full automatic.
@BartekBanachewicz That's quite ridiculous.
@VáclavZeman Well, now the 9 year old girl knows what it's to be like to be a murderer. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes ha
@R.MartinhoFernandes OK, that's fair enough. The other close reasons were bullshit, though.
That's a memory that'll be great for her growing up.
"I wasted a man with an Uzi!"
@ThePhD Absolutely. :)
@melak47 None that's standardized.
I mean, you'll win Namecard Bingo every time.
"Has pumped man full of lead."
Also, her parents are retards.
@JerryCoffin hm, I see boost has one.
true, but so is the guy himself in this case, I think you'd have to be a particular kind of dumb to give a 9-year-old an automatic weapon.
@VáclavZeman I'd say both the parent and the gun instructor are retarded.
> Bullets and burgers
or hell, any kind of weapon.
The gun INSTRUCTOR in particular.
@ThePhD Yeah.
@ThePhD Want to generalise more? 'murica.
@VáclavZeman "A firearms instructor".
"Let me give this wobbly-armed little human being a FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPON. Nothing about recoil or anything could possibly go wrong."
@R.MartinhoFernandes And her parents
No wonder people there don't know how to handle guns. The instructors don't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
AMD/Microsoft have released cross-platform AMP C++ stuf
How cross-platform?
@ThePhD Linux/Windows/Mac OS X and some more detailed things that might not really fall under these
Based on LLVM (duh!)
This should be merged ASAP into Clang IMHO
Clamp is a stupid name for a compiler :-p
@Xeo The article clearly states it was the instructor that gave her the weapon.
@rubenvb Sounds kinky.
wow, libreoffice starts up quick
First time I've really used it, opened my doc just fine. Wow :-p
The world may finally be becoming a better place after all :-D
@rubenvb @ScarletAmaranth C++ AMP, now for Mac and Linux too, so feel the cross platform!
@ThePhD ohoho; does GCC compile it?
I think it's Clang that does the compiling.
No, it's just a translator to OpenCL
But it also spits out the fancy IR that's in the works
The SPIR stuff.
So you still have to hook this up to some basic OpenCL machinery.
Eh, probably easy enough.
yeah, OpenCL is all in the driver as I see it.
I hope this finally will kill CUDA.
probably won't :-(
@rubenvb They'll need it to finish clang-cl.
alright, today I actually achieved some things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, and her parents took her to a fucking shooting range.
But... but it has burgers!
@rubenvb Nah. It'll be like DirectX versus OpenGL.
There's the platform-specific solution NVIdia willa lways build on and ship with its good products (like Optix and PhysX).
And everybody else will be like "Goddamnit why don't you just integrate."
Yummy, burgers.
lol "damnit"
@PolymorphicPotato Five Guys, Murder and Fries.
@Xeo I've been around shooting ranges ever since I remember. I first fired a gun around seven or so. There have always been several firearms in the house I grew up and, depending on the time of the year, various amounts of ammunition too. I don't think educating people about firearms is inherently negative.
The core problem is a fully automatic weapon in the hands of a kid, with nobody bracing her or even mounting it on a stand of some sort.
@ThePhD Well, PhysX never really got a large market share... I think Havoc still beat that by a large margin...
@rubenvb But it's still there.
I don't recall if Unreal4 has havoc support; last thing I remember when browsing the code was just handrolled stuff or PhysX.
They probably do have Havoc support somewhere...
... I mean, they should.
I hope.
Unreal Tournament 3 had some PhysX based stuff for particle effects.
Seems so silly
I mean, using the GPU to also calculate stuff besides graphics.
While calculating graphics
You know, in a game.
Aren't particle effects.... graphics?
ok yeah, but I don't even understand what PhysX has to do with that at all, I just read it on the wiki list page
When I think physics in games, I think: water, debris, ragdoll.
Eh, maybe smoke too, that's indeed particle effects :-|
Water can be made out of particles, debris can be made out of particles...
@rubenvb Also particles.
Dust, for instance.
Particles can be affected by gravity.
Or wind.
lol yeah yeah
Or any object, really.
point taken
If I pass my hand through smoke, the smoke's going to move.
@EtiennedeMartel Using particle effects for particles? Now that's just crazy talk!
Someone should use the whole of Minecraft keypresses for random number generation.
There's too much random crap going on in there
@rubenvb There should be an aggregator that hits a bunch of internet resources to get random numbers.
I have been humbled: a.singlediv.com
@ThePhD I wonder how random the result actually is.
You might be surprised :-p
Spicy pork meatballs.
@sehe Yep, just like that: ShellExecute bla-bla-bla. ShellExecute is what you want. ShellExecute rubble-rubble-rubble... Did i mention ShellExecute? — ivan_pozdeev 23 mins ago
lol. Answer from 2011 no less
Fuck Qt

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