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I decided against programming
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah :(
I really must stop stop looking at questions when I get back from the club. It's too deperssing.
@MartinJames Better "deperssing" than "De-pursing", anyway.
default(string) in C# is null, or empty string?
try it?
But I'd have to run a whole applicatiii oh wait there's ideone
I bet it's empty string
Of course there wouldn't be acompile-time alias for string.Empty
other than ""
And of course, STYLE COP DOESN'T LIKE ""
Jesus fuck I hate style robots.
So default always returns null?
> Because string is a reference type and the default value for all reference types is null.
for reference types
I don't feel like the fact that it's implemented as a reference should be relevant.
See Haskell's ByteString or String or even PHP / Python / Ruby strings.
@ThePhD great success
It's so implementation detail level.
it probably has to do with the fact that a reference to string is implicitly a reference to object
or maybe not
I have no idea
lol i got an upvote on an answer to possibly the least searchable titled question
Q: How is this C++ code working

Cameron BallI'm working on an existing project (written by someone else) and I can't get my head around these two simple functions. The first function I am interested in contains this: int iCounts[NUM_GRADES]; PROFILEMAN->GetMachineProfile()->GetGrades( pSong, GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle()->m_StepsType, iCo...

just guessing crap here
@Jefffrey A fundamental disease characteristic C# caught inherited from Java.
@Borgleader :(
@ThePhD :laffo:
Your style rules are terrible
@Jefffrey What's the default of std::string*
I'm gonna write a PasswordCredential wrapper.
So I can make it work on both .Net and WinRT.
@CatPlusPlus Hmm...another fun game. Let's see. "that depends"....no wait, I know: "Utterly irrelevant".
In the end, the internal structure will just be whatever the framework provides.
@CatPlusPlus If by default you mean std::string* something; then UB. Otherwise nullptr. My point being that pointers should be language implementation details.
But at least I won't have to pass through strings and endanger the user in a non-WinRT scenario.
@Jefffrey Uh
why am I in underpants, again?
@Jefffrey std::string *something; doesn't give UB unless you attempt to read from whatever something points at before you point it at something (aka: unless you attempt "lvalue to rvalue conversion").
@JerryCoffin I consider asking "what's the default of this type" to be a reading operation, of course.
Huh, 5 anime avatars and a The Kid.
Well, anime-style. I guess Touhou isn't actually anime.
@Jefffrey The point is that in this case, the type is pointer. The default value for the pointer varies (garbage for a local, null pointer for a global). It's only when you try to dereference it and get to the type to which it refers that you get actual UB. You can do quite a few things with the pointer itself without causing UB.
There's a penis metaphor in there.
@JerryCoffin Yup, I know that. But if you are asking me what's the value of that pointer, then I consider it like an std::cout << something; which is UB, if std::string* something; is defined locally.
@OmnipotentEntity I didn't know you knew about our super secret rules page.
@Rapptz He is one of the good guys.
@Rapptz I employed my remarkable skills of observation to move my eyes slightly up and to the right.
@OmnipotentEntity Amazing how difficult most newbies seem to find that simple exercise.
A pretty rare skill indeed.
Next thing you know he'll claim to have read the README.
@Borgleader oh god, Is that Stepmania code. Did someone tell him to run away?
@Borgleader Admittedly, I get upvotes every so often to a horrible answer I gave eons ago.
The reason why I think it's bad is because I didn't answer the OP's question lol
That sort of thing is the only reason I get upvotes at all.
@Rapptz It's the perk of having the lounge as a friend :)
I like to think people google the OP's question title and they see my answer as the nicer way of doing it and upvote it.
@Rapptz Oh I'm not surprised because I think my answer sucks, I'm surprised because the title of the question is absolutely terrible and makes this answer really hard to find
@Borgleader: I think rightfold edit captures it best. — ted Jul 25 '13 at 6:39
So we've found one of Zoidberg's old accounts (user142019)
Yeah rightfold's edit is a lot better... Sorry @Borgleader.
funny thing is, right now I literally can't remember his current name
Polymorphic Potato
@Rapptz Why do you think I didn't revert it D: /cc @LightnessRacesinOrbit
Because only Puppy does the reverting thing.
They aren't the same person
I still don't get his issue with people editing his posts.
well i revert them when they suck, ive had some of those from edit whores who try to get badges and shit
I thought rightfold and potato are different
He takes it really personally though.
@Rapptz wait, really?
they make the worst edits and sometimes they slip through the cracks
Anyway let's let his internet self die anyhow
Read his messages with rightfold in your mind as the speaker and you'll see :v
Infocide is a right!
But not really
Well the potato thing aside, I think what confused me was that I knew the name 'rightfold' but evidently he had that name at the time of the edit (i.e. last year), and my brain said "nah that can't be it; you've forgotten the one after Zoidberg". But he's gone back to it I guess. And now he's a potato anyway.
He's gone through a lot of names.
man I am really bad at taking these meds at roughly equal spacing three times per day
taking Tuesday's second dose now ....
If you have a phone, set up reminders.
I have a checklist of things to do with reminders set up a specific time. I imagine it'd be extra helpful if I had to take medicine.
it's more to do with the requirement of eating at the same time. I just don't eat that way
Ah. One of those meds.
Yeah that's a toughie.
I don't know if information can be property
especially when on holiday. I was up at 2.45pm today, no milk available for breakfast; eventually bothered to make a pizza around 5pm so that was my first dose. then I went to the cinema and then pissed around on the internet such that it became 1am really quickly. So I quickly made some cereal and watched an ep of SG1 and here we are. Dose 2. :/
I have to take some meds at morning. Problem is my sleeping time is between 5am and 12am
cba to stay up much longer tho (let alone 5 hours) so I think I'll let it "wrap around" until tomorrow. I'm expecting a phone call in the morning so that should get me up
I'm grateful that I have never really taken meds
So now I have to wake up in the morning.
I have taken chloramphenicol bit that's it really
I'm grateful that I only have two more days of them, then 48 hours after that I can drink again #yay
I don't even remember the last time I had a paracetaml
I'll tell you what though it has made me feel kinda special.
I also look kinda special trying to swallow these fucking things
one of the doses took me 10 minutes yesterday
I'm pretty spectacular as far as human beings go though so it's all okay
@Rapptz I wouldn't say it's that horrible. Many (possibly even most) questions display (at least) a little bit of XY problem, so the best answer frequently looks past the question they did ask, and instead answers the question they should have asked to achieve their real goal. I'd say you did that reasonably well in this case.
Feel special as in in the eyes of others?
In my own eyes but that kind of thing yes
First prescription I've ever had. It's like I've joined some club, if only temporarily
You are all special.
As in, nobody is really special.
I can't swallow pills, so I have to crush them.
Ohh I understand you
@Rapptz it said to take them whole :/
i'm getting better at it tho
Pretty much the death of me right there.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Reminds me of Dr. House.
I constantly try to swallow pills but the end result is that it dissolves in my mouth
Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.
I used to not be able to swallow pills. But eventually I learned how to swallow lima beans because I hated how they tasted when I chewed them and my mother forced me to eat them. That was in the 4th grade. Cool story bro.
@Rapptz You have yet to taste wasabi I believe.
@OmnipotentEntity Haha. Another person who was forced to eat lima beans.
@Rapptz I'm pretty sure that's intentional to teach you not to do that.
What is it about lime beans that makes our parents force to eat those disgusting things?
Wasabi is great
@rapptz what happens when they put them on the very back of your tongue?
Don't you just swallow them by reflex?
@Jefffrey I think you underestimate the sheer disgust of a dissolved pill. I suggest you try it to understand the pain. :v
I like wasabi
@Rapptz I think it's like an initiation rite--it has no real benefit to anybody, but somebody did it to them, so they figure they need to do it to the next generation.
@Rapptz For my family, they're cheap as hell and we were broke ass po' white trash.
Use more water
@CatPlusPlus I agree with you, but only the fresh wasabi ... to go with fresh sashimi and soy sauce
I think a lot of low quality wasabi is horse radish. Which is fine because I love that too
Wasabi is fucking horrific what is wrong with you
I'd really love bitter-sweet little onions right now.
I also love lima beans ~_~
Wasabi is awesome.
and lima beans are OK, my mother is a horrible cook.
@Jefffrey They look like maggots.
Now I want sushi
I've never eaten raw fish sushi
I can't bring myself to do it
@Jefffrey pickled?
@Ell it's really mild - less fishy than ... most seafood. Works well. Get brave
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't know what you mean. It's called "agrodolce" here. They are usually seen like this.
Depends on the type of raw fish though, some raw fish definitely taste fishier than others. Though most people just dunk it in the soy sauce because they like criminally ruining an expensive dish.
I lived in Japan for 2 years and I don't like Sushi.
heh - i suppose some are, but it's not hard finding a mild one to start. Go with a friend you can trust
Which makes me the weird one apparently.
what about the Squid flavoured ice cream?
Tuna is usually safe and tasty
I'm one of those people who finds it weird that someone would eat any kind of raw meat
Tuna contains mercury.
Rapptz, had a friend who did that, went as an English teacher, he's 6'4"
Such low quantities of mercury that it's irrelevant unless you're just eating it 24/7
@Rapptz Usually not enough for it to be harmful.
@Rapptz A fair number of Japanese gourmets travel to the west coast of the US for fresher sushi. If you're really ambitious, for at least a few kinds of fish, Alaska is really the best location.
i have rellies who eat raw lamb mince due to cultural wierdness - f*cking gross and slimy IMHO
I'd be more concerned about cleaning up a broken fluorescent bulb when it comes to mercury.
@Jefffrey Depends.
@nil so you don't play light saber with old tubes then?
so what you're saying is I shouldn't be drinking quicksilver through a straw. Damn
Put it on a hat doofus
I'm getting hungry and it's 3AM
I should go to sleep
9 PM in Eastern Superior Time.
hahaha look at how wrong you are
which eastern? most wide contries have an eastern...
@aclarke Eastern Standard Time (i.e. EST).
the EST i'm living in is 11:06 am
you must be stateside. maybe. timezone shifts do my head in
I don't see another time zone that has Eastern in it
@Jefffrey yeah same thing I think
Which one?
@Rapptz, Aussie
Australia - sydney is EST for winter, EDST for summer daylight saving
@OmnipotentEntity Or they like taste in the food they eat
@Rapptz Bigot.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Heresy, someone whose opinions on the internet disagree with mine?! I shall blog about this.
also fyi Egypt Standard Time.
@OmnipotentEntity ok
@OmnipotentEntity This is so deep.
@OmnipotentEntity On Tumblr. Make sure to point out that this disagreement is also a violation of your otherkin rights.
@aclarke Ah. Apparently you guys use AEST and AEDT.
We also have tasmanian time - when you fly into tas they announce on the plane: "You are now entering Tasmania. Please set your watches back 40 years"
heh - i probably should know that - it felt slightly wrong...
Haha, watches, I get it
@nil cheque your privilege
@Rapptz cos other countries don't assume they're the only one
@nil Care to explain it?
Hey man.
well, your phone of course changes automatically. The dial page on the touch screen becomes a circular widget and it clicks as you touch it. You have to make a spinning gesture
Take your Anti-America thing elsewhere.
@Jefffrey It's funny because watches don't measure years.
Maybe yours doesn't
You weren't expecting that one.
@Rapptz why?
take your anti-anti-America thing elsewhere
watches don't measure anything.
I don't think so bob.
unless it's a chronograph watch
@aclarke f off , tassie is awesome
I'm not surfing on the funny wave today
got a tassie in the place i work. She can't teach me anything distinct that tassies say. You got any I can throw at her?
@Jefffrey It's time to give up your surfboard Jeff.
I am not from tasmania, but it's a great place to do hiking/bushwalking which I enjoy
I like how they had so many contestants in 'Australia's biggest Bogan'. Best TV all year
I am from a test tube somewhere in the former Soviet Union.
your father was an eyedropper?
@aclarke He really meant to say "test boob". Less sense, but more fun.
geez, how do you get the job of testing boobs. Where do I apply?
you need to be a woman ... they are testing silicon boobs - on their chests
if i was a woman, i think i'd spend most of my time in front of a mirror playing with them.
@aclarke Los Angeles, California, USA. Warning: They get roughly 17,000,000 applicants for every position that comes open.
does prior experience help?
are you a pimp?
just a curious amateur researcher
@aclarke No. It's mostly based on bribery (but sometimes on blackmail).
"bogan" is an awesome name
makes you all sounds 4yrs old
it's CHAVS
Aw damn.
I'm out of Twix.
@JerryCoffin Per pair?
Why does vs2013 find the header during make, but not the file the header depends on?
> unclear what you're asking
Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question.
I assigned a folder containing a library to the project additional include directories. In that folder, it finds the header that is #included in the source file but not the other file that is #included in the header
chav doesn't cut it.
@jamesson ask on stackoverflow, this channel is not a help channel
also i've noticed that chav's TRY to be hip and fashionable - bogans however are anti-style.
like rednecks, white trash, etc etc etc
@MartinJames To be more precise, per std::pair<boob, boob> (which, of course, you'll recognize is equivalent to a properly defined tuple of either the std or boost variety).
pair<left_boob, right_boob> // need to be more precise
Wow, I just found a question that has both "help" and "please" in the title. And it isn't completely trash.
@Mysticial No 'URGENT'?
@chmod711telkitty All the babies I helped raise agree they're of the same type.
@Mysticial Link or it didn't happen.
And what the hell did I just walk into? I see Jerry talking about std::pair<boob, boob>...
I think once I read news about this old man pretended to be a doctor offering free breast cancer check so he got to touch the breasts during 'check up'
Q: C# Threading help please

Tere VenegasThis is my first project on threading but i'm lost.. The problem is: I want to make a second counter, where every prime number turn red. Thread Hilo; private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hilo = new Thread(new ThreadStart(FuncionPrimo)); } int segundos=0; void FuncionPrim...

@Jefffrey I'm OK with multithreading myself, but the questions...
That's not exactly a good question..
@MartinJames You don't like it?
@Mysticial Waitaminit. You say it's not trash, but then it's ? I feel so betrayed!
@Rapptz It's not a good question. But it isn't exactly the trash that would get 10 downvotes in 2 minutes either.
@chmod711telkitty oh yes. if you love your woman you should check regularly. It's the caring thing to do.
@MartinJames There's this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/23642590/…
Which has all three: urgent, help, and please x 2
@Mysticial It's the multithread equivalent of 'i++ i ++1' or 'FP compares don't work'.
@Mysticial Troll, surely?
Do you remember that one question?
It had -50 or something
@MartinJames Hard to tell. Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
It was the most downvoted question I've seen.
It wasn't deleted until like 2 days later.
I wonder where it is.
it had all the big tags I think, which is why it got poured with downvotes
No it was after.
I remember BoltClock being disappointed in us for pouring on downvotes that were unnecessary.
You'll have to find it via chat search.
@Mysticial the link is dead, but the title 'fastest way to iterate all GUIDs'? Were they serious?
GUID iteration, so not really that surprised.
Hmm...the lowest (that hasn't been deleted) is at a mere -34: stackoverflow.com/q/22544387/179910
@aclarke You need 10k rep to see deleted questions.
@JerryCoffin No, the 100k emails one is lower.
@JerryCoffin Oh yeah, -35 now..
damn, i should spend less time talking trash and try helping people for a change...
@aclarke Trash is all there is, (mostly).
If you ignore upvotes, the boobs operator question is at +48/-40.
@JerryCoffin It's historically locked.
@aclarke Then you'd get some of that nasty rep stuff. Definitely want to avoid that--anybody with high rep is clearly an asshole.
@Mysticial "ignore upvotes"??
heheh i've noticed that
@JerryCoffin I found this:
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

@Rapptz That was great.
lol -95
Then you have this:
> His display name is BoltClock.
A: Yet another offensive email from another new user on Stack Overflow

NeoThere was absolutely NO NEED for an edit. I specifically had the naked link in there so people would recognise the repo in question without having to click on it. What you did was absolutely pointless and a waste of time for everyone involved. The question itself is clear, capitalisation of th...

@Rapptz Meta is too much of a cesspool to count.
I really wanna find that question.
Bidding war between Robot and LRIO.
I found it.
I actually had it bookmarked lol
The most impressive thing about this is apparently I didn't downvote it.
@Rapptz Screenshotpls. :c
Woah, even I linked it.
Aug 7 '13 at 2:00, by Mysticial
user image
@Rapptz Hmm...would it be bad for me to undelete it just so I could give it one more downvote? Oh, the tough decisions created by the gold hammers...
@Mysticial memorireeeees
@Mysticial huh I quite like that purple
Good morning >10k folks.
Aug 7 '13 at 2:02, by Rapptz
So I can look at it. :(
Only took you a year to get 10K. :P
From 7K.
I feel dirty when I answer Stack Overflow questions.
@Mysticial I miss the old top bar.
@MarkGarcia ohai
I think it's bedtime for me. soon.
@Rapptz I sort of do but not really
@Rapptz Currently what I feel for .
I don't mind the top bar so much anymore.
Only cause I'm used to it.
Q: mySQL Creating a table is not working?

user3666393Ok, This is probably a simple fix, but I am failing to see why it continues to display this instead of just making the simple table in SQL Displays this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'TABLE' (T_STRING) in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/Addyr/tableadd.php on line 10 Here is...

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