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Here = where?
I can get 50mbit for 30GBP/mo
@doc I'd probably use it for downloading games
Thought in US Internet is pro and cheap
UPC doesn't have the infrastructure for 1Gbps yet I don't think
Steam and Blizzard's downloader are the only apps that made use of my 9+ MB/s
@doc lol I wish
UPC is American company btw
I downloaded WoW at constant 9.9MB/s
UPC is European
UPC is European yeah
Owned by some big thing from UK
and RDS-RCS afaik comes from Greece
or maybe that was Cosmote
Queen Elizabeth
whoa.. wait
Liberty Global
RCS & RDS is one of the biggest telecommunication operators in South-Eastern Europe and the largest cable and satellite television company in Romania. It offers cable television, cable internet, VOIP, 3G services and since 2004 satellite television (Digi TV). It provides services in Romania, Serbia, Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic and Croatia. The company is controlled indirectly by RCS Management. The shareholders of this company are: Zoltán Teszári – 58.92% Sfetozar Bugarszki – 7.23% Nicusor Dorel Schelean – 6.98% Mihai Patap – 5.31% Maria Docea – 4.56% Ioan Bendei – 4.51% Gheorghe...
you guys have the same ISPs across borders?
nevermind, RCS & RDS is Romanian
lol I'm a noob
I thought it came from another country
@Rapptz Europe is better at the whole "united" thing than US :v
@CatPlusPlus Virgin, Tele-west, or some crap like that, it's changed names nearly every three years
@thecoshman Liberty Global is the thing
@CatPlusPlus lol, it really is. But heaven forbid Americans give up their freedom
> Liberty Global is since 2013 the worlds largest international cable company
and yet isn't utter shite.
I think I said something to this effect last night, get your shit together America!
Eventually it will invade USA
what will?
seriously, how the hell does Lib-Global become the ISP of EU and not resort in utter shite?
well, their TV box sucks balls
Good morning.
Hello Ape.
It is, isn't it :)
TV sucks balls by definition
High definition~
Sometimes it's nice to watch a TV show without having to look at bewbs on pirate bay
If LG goes to shit then competition will eat them p quickly
@Xeo: Can you please un-upvote one question of mine right now? Thanks!
... done?
> 99,999
@Xeo Thanks!
shit, you got an upvote too many now
I soooo wanted to do that!
@AlexM. I don't care. I got my pic and I didn't need to shop it.
> Researchers at MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe have developed an algorithm that can reconstruct an audio signal by analyzing minute vibrations of objects depicted in video. In one set of experiments, they were able to recover intelligible speech from the vibrations of a potato-chip bag photographed from 15 feet away through soundproof glass.
Potatoes bad for security
Well, I guess this was the very first time I had too much rep. :)
@CatPlusPlus crazy
Damn. That rep thing made me forget to get my home-made buns out of the oven in time. Now they're a bit too cross. :-(
Ah, priorities.
Well, folks. It's quiet here, and I got a bunch of hungry kids to feed those cross buns to. See you!
yum, buns
@CatPlusPlus right now, who would that be? In Ireland at least, the is ADSL over the phone line, but that's already shit.
@sbi yes, misplaced. Never forget about the buns
and the bums
:O I actually get to do something close to coding again! reviewing other peoples mistakes :)
fuck, I just realized that I left my new pot of Nutella at the self-checkout last night, after fricking paying for it. :(
go to the store and ask them
how am I to prove that I left it there?
you don't, but you probably won't need to.
they will likely have found it after closing and will know that somebody left it there
@thecoshman Dunno about elsewhere, but UPC here has plenty competition
the worst that can happen is that they tell you to piss off.
@Puppy hmmm, ok. Seeing I still have the receipt, I may try that
@TonyTheLion Serves you right for using self-checkout
@CatPlusPlus from actual high speed ISPs?
@thecoshman Yep
@TonyTheLion worst case, they say "sorry, we don't know anything about that". Best case, they either say "oh yeah, we found that left over yesterday", or they say "huh, we haven't seen it but I believe you. Here, have a new one"
@TonyTheLion o_0 robot?
@CatPlusPlus hehe, I never done that before.
@TonyTheLion If they have security cameras, they probably have a security recording of you leaving it there.
@TonyTheLion you can't, touh shit.
@Puppy no, someone will have taken home the free spread.
Yeah the chance that you'll get it is p much non-existent
I kind of suspect that when supermarkets worry about fraud, they have bigger fish to fry than a guy coming in to ask for the nutella he forgot the day before
@thecoshman You'd think so, but when I worked in retail, that didn't often occur.
@Puppy you worked in retail?
You mean you didn't do it
no wonder you're so bitter :D
@jalf For a few months.
Damaged for life
Retail, not even once
@Puppy yeah, but you don't live in scum-don
@TonyTheLion last month I left a shop without paying for a book... I forgot I was holding it in my hand and nobody arrested me. I realized I had the book in my hand after walking around 300 meters from the mall... I went back into the shop and quietly threw the book back in the bookstore.
but like Jalf said, they have bigger problems than one jar of nutella, and giving it to him is a nice little bit of PR
you never know, Tony might be buying one of those gallon drums americans use as snacks
First time I accidentally stole anything...
anyway the worst that can happen is that they tell you to get lost
so it seems like a zero-cost exercise to me
I'll go tonight
especially if you assume that you were going to go buy a replacement jar either way.
How big is the pot of Nutella ?
Prolly 200g or so
@Puppy you don't know that. They might throw him in the dungeon. Or release the dogs
750g might be worth arguing for
not sure if 3.55gbp is expensive
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix how big would it have to be for it to be worth fighting for then?
:'( so many warnings. So much lack of single responsibility.
so much 'why isn't this in a common class so it can be re-used?'
but if he would have forgotten a 3kg pot of nutella who is it to blame
The jar I've been thinking about is 350
@TonyTheLion You're gonna be fat
@CatPlusPlus I don't gain weight, apparently. A pot that size lasts me like 2 months and more.
@thecoshman I can't remember where I saw it (some blog post I think), but someone just hacked together a script which grabbed the file names and line numbers from the warnings, did a git blame to find the last person who touched that line, and then just generate a list of warnings for each developer, then just send them those lists, and ask everyone to take a look at their own warnings. Made it a lot more manageable to get rid of them
Or you can just have a CI build for every commit
Any idea how I can get myself in mood to code
@CatPlusPlus sure, but if the software already generates 3000 warnings, you can't just turn on "warnings as errors" and rely on CI to block warnings from being introduced
@jalf nice idea, but clear case and very old code which is mostly written by people who no longer work here.
@CatPlusPlus you'd think weed have that in place.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix hire someone to slap you with a wet newspaper every 15 minutes when you are not coding?
You don't really need to make warnings errors to track them
@jalf no, but you can have it fail the build for 3001 warnings.
and have it always lower the build, so if you fix up that one warning you added, and a few more, 2990 is the new limit.
@thecoshman well, it might be one step in the right direction
@jalf do it and fix it and thecosman suggestion isn't bad either
@thecoshman yeah, that would work too
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix in the real world, some people might object to the dev team taking a week to do nothing except fix warnings. ;)
Call it 'research'
It also helps to just make sure there's agreement on the team that "we want to eliminate all these warnings" :)
@jalf this is sad... and as sad as taking weeks to write tests
it's the only way you can realistically deal with legacy code. Sure there might be a class that is broken so badly, but so far, it has not be causing problems, so don't go aggravating it. You don't have the time. But, when you do come to that class, make sure you fix it up properly.
Gosh, this website has the worst user interface I have seen of
trully horrific
@chmod711telkitty I'm pretty sure we can find worst
@jalf ¬_¬ they object to spending any time 'just fixing warnings'
@thecoshman yep. Making the code better one step at a time
@thecoshman the last time I worked on legacy code... the manager told me don't make it better... just make it work... and I cried inside
@jalf it's hard to manage though, when you basically have to say "yeah, we realise having nearly four times the staff is not producing 'solutions' any faster, but we are ensuring that long term it will be magnitudes better"
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix you can not enter a number unless you highlighten the 0 ready there ...
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix he's right, to a point.
Most legacy code can't be made better anyway
Well he was right since they were planning to replace the junk by something else.
@thecoshman well, a script running on your CI server like you suggested seems like a pretty practical way of doing it. It avoids the big up-front hump of suddenly having to fixing a squillion warnings which delays everything else, while ensuring that you gradually move in the right direction
Working with legacy code is touching the smallest part of poop possible and praying that it doesn't explode
(and also, it just sets a precedence, kind of codifying that "we actually care about getting rid of warnings", which might make the next step easier)
@CatPlusPlus in my case thing exploded everyday except we didn't touch anything
Now apply "every code is legacy code" and here's why everyone in this industry drinks
Yes but sometimes drinking helps
drinking is for the weak.
The person who would proof read hitler's speeches was a grammar nazi :d
@Abyx Do you speak Russian?
@JohanLarsson yep, so?
do you know any good russian hackers?
да, товарищ
@Abyx What does the guy say @30?
@JohanLarsson something like "fuck me"
@zigi that makes no sense, you are suggesting that Hitler was a grammar jew.
no fun for the bear
@ЯegDwight how so? I never said that
omfg is this a gay bar, one guy says 'fuck me' & another replies 'reasonable' ...
@chmod711telkitty I don't really get what "reasonable" means here
reasonable request maybe
@chmod711telkitty uhm... is it what you could say if I asked you to fuck me?
lol I don't cyber ...
lolwut? I didn't mean cyber. I mean like hypothetically
I think the room needs a topic.
woah topic is "I an established programmer with an impressive portfolio and important financial clients" ... I mean you could be a established programmer, a world class elite hacker and high class hooker at the same time, which would explain your impressive portfolio of high profile clients
@chmod711telkitty what? are talking about yourself?
I wish ...
that I could be the elitest hacker in the world
I was about to write a s/hacker/fucker/ joke, but for some reason I decided to write that I was just about to write about it.
I can test maximized apps on one screen and edit code/browse on the other :O
two monitors so awesome
@AlexM. yeah but you need a big table for them =(
why is a small desk preferable?
@JohanLarsson it's not. I just don't have enough space in my room for a bigger table =(
@Abyx Drinking is for the week.
Sol looks really great
vs' json visualizer for strings is pretty badass
We do need a better c++ doc tool
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not sure if... they remember the first world war or just the person who served breakfast?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix exactly
either way... they have an insane memory
here's another good one
Ho made?
whore made apple butter
I never had apple butter.
I have never had an apple
Well it seems I broke doxygen
@Jefffrey thanks
seriously though
QtC debugger integration is a fucking joke
@BartekBanachewicz so, is it a joke or you're serious?
it works worse than VC6
go figure
@GuardianX I never had a ho butter either. :)
Apple butter tastes best with iPhone
@Ell IME automatically generated documentation has low value at best.
I agree
Will C++ prevail next 20 years?
@Puppy I'm just looking at all sorts of docs
on the loungecpp project page it suggests a doc generator
and I'm interested just in looking around
my headphones are broken.
I really can't afford to replace them
Get a cheap pair?
from the 99p store
really not the same
Better than none
I once tried on $2 headphones
my ears hurt
it's bullshit
And what's broken?
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 5 mins ago, by Robusto
The six phases of a big project is a cynical take on the outcome of large projects, with an unspoken assumption about their seemingly inherent tendency towards chaos. The list is reprinted in slightly different variations in any number of project management books as a cautionary tale. One such example gives the phases as: Enthusiasm, Disillusionment, Panic and hysteria, Hunt for the guilty, Punishment of the innocent, and Reward for the uninvolved. == References... ==
I mean speaker, cable or what
it's the cable at the base where it connects to the headset
Can't replace cable?
What heasphones do u have Puppy?
I replaced cable 3 times in my Senns
open it up and tape it together
@doc you need to learn to buy new things every now and then
I want to change my headphones because I got bored of them
I shortened the cable for my headphones.
@Ell I think solder would work better if cable is not attachable...
I want these because they look good eu.skullcandy.com/crusher
@doc I'm just guessing that puppy doesn't have a soldering iron
but it's not worth replacing headphones because of a dodgy cable
@AlexM. Oh I have currently two pairs of headphones. Just don't want to make them unusable just because of cable.
I think scala's docs are great
java's aren't so bad
is that a picture for ants
I think being able to edit documentation inline is a useful feature
Ell I'm using doxygen
@AlexM. skullcandy isn't exactly known for audio quality
@Mgetz if I had $0.1 for every time I heard that, I'd have a lot of money :P
I just like the design and the sound so far has been decent
skullcandies are also often on discount
@AlexM. If I had $100000 for every time it was false, I'd be a very poor man
Unfortunatelly didn't have a chance to listen them :(
<3 so awesome
but listened those^
@doc looks like two ribbon mics someone decided to make headphones out of
@Mgetz aye essentially they are LOL.
maybe not mics but speakers
sound good tho :)
AKG 1000 they
Which is you?
this one^
Heh I have a photo I think you guys will appreciate
This one fits)?
see,that character was accidently pasted..its not in code.but still i m not getting output. see for me this string contains value like string=google.co.in and its not getting navigated.its showing error like navaigation failed www/google.co.in — user3855674 2 hours ago
@doc mics can be made into speakers. they look like mics.
the fuck is with the flags
'VladGincher' - it's all in the name:)
Brackets looks really cool
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Your MS Paint skill is awesome.
@VáclavZeman thanks!
which of your f***ers here downvoted me on physics.stackexchange.com??
inb4 everyone says "me"
@chmod711telkitty linky?
are you going to downvote me too? ~_~
what should I downvote?
@chmod711telkitty I didn't see the thing yet
Q: What if an asteroid the size of the moon hitting earth

chmod 711 telkittyWould we all parish due to excessive heat? Or would that be only limited to the area near the impact while as the people on rest of the earth would die from other phenomenons such as mega earthquakes, volcanic activities, tsunamis etc. Does it matter where the impact is - if it landed in antarcti...

FML. I just got an interview offer for a position in London that pays like 4 times more than I get now in the lower bound. Regrettably, I cannot move outside the CR.
@chmod711telkitty I don't like the question because it was asked so many times and you could easily find the answer
but I'm not downvoting it.
@Puppy Czech Republic. It's a country in Europe. Don't worry, it doesn't affect you physically so you don't need to care about it.
thanks, but I'm quite capable of determining for myself what I do or do not care about
Guys, play nice.
How to call class of strtok like functions? One that traverse a data structure producing some result in a set of sequential calls.
don't call strtok
@doc it's called boost.split IIRC
@doc I call them "stateful"
> We work to strict SLA's with our clients with predefined interview dates hence, the sooner we speak, the better!
what even is an SLA?
@Puppy OK now I will call strtok muahahaha
@Puppy usually, service level agreements
or maybe it can be called iterator? hmm
what does a class/function do? If you can't say it all in one sentence, refactor your bad code.
@doc good enough
once you have that, it should be easy enough to name the class/function
or maybe the code just implements a complex specification.
high level description != bad
it's also often meaningless, since the function's specification is essentially the implementation anyway.
the flags are endless
"it parse xml from raw text to dom model"<-- that's not a trivial thing, but a class that does that is ok, and probably not 'one class'
violating SRP => bad
stop flagging, save a puppy
@Jefffrey WOOF WOOF
@Puppy what you do is not the same as how you do it.
actually don't
what's being flagged?
@thecoshman those two old messages in hebrew
@thecoshman Depends on what function you're talking about.
I dunno, when I joined, the flag count was up to 29
plus a newer one that was later edited
there are various implementation functions that don't really have that.
@Puppy I doubt that.
@JanDvorak o_0
@Puppy I agree! It should be particularly easy when the list is so short and the criteria so simple :)
I haven't seen any flags after those
@CatPlusPlus pussy
so tempted to flag
He is a pussy cat.
GOT IT ?!?!???
bootstrap is p nice btw
@Jefffrey you're still abusing a double-entendre
BTW, the headhunter asked me if I knew anybody who wanted to do release engineering and/or pure C++ job. Does anybody I know from this chat want a referral?
release engineering?
sounds boring
It is two different positions, if I understand correctly.
What's an impure C++ job?
Geez. I do not know. I am not British. :)
Using anything beside C++ compiler
@Jefffrey I guess release engineering of C++ based app is impure. Coding the app is sufficiently pure C++? :)

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