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Q: Could operator overloading have worked without references?

FredOverflowAccording to Bjarne Stroustrup, references were introduced into C++ to support operator overloading: References were introduced primarily to support operator overloading. C passes every function argument by value, and where passing an object by value would be inefficient or inappropriat...

clarifications plus added quotes
...not that anyone cares ;)
@FredOverflow :)
Qt has a QString::split(QRegExp) function for receiving all text parts except those matched by the provided regex. Is there any (hidden, as I can't find any?) function for getting only the matched ones instead? Kind of surprised about this.
@Regexident haha your name is brilliant :)
@FredOverflow: I have to agree with that statement. :P
@FredOverflow: a somewhat personal play on the well-known "…and now you have two problems." saying. ;)
I'm right now doing
QString haystack = …;
QRegExp linkRegex = QRegExp("foo[bar]*");
int startIndex = 0, matchIndex, matchLength;
while ((matchIndex = linkRegex.indexIn(haystack, startIndex))) {
matchLength = linkRegex.matchedLength();
startIndex += matchIndex + matchLength;
//do stuff
guys where do I have to put the definiton of a friend function of a class?
…but was somewhat expecting a function to exist for this.
Well, guess it will have to do for now.
few more votes needed for dupe: stackoverflow.com/questions/8014259/…
@bamboon It needs a declaration in the class. You can define it wherever you want.
yeah i do have the declaration there but I still get a warning that a private function is unavailible
@awoodland For what it's worth, I have come to prefer int * pointer :)
I was tempted to write a "do it all with typedefs" silly answer
@FredOverflow why?
where do you put the * is the "how do you leave the toilet seat" of C++
d o y o u l i k e t h e s p a c i n g ? ;)
@ManofOneWay Because now you can have heated arguments with both int* pointer and int *pointer people! Also, it tends to confuse beginners the least.
But it doesn't really matter, because I simply don't use raw pointers in C++ anymore.
(trying to find the last time I wrote * not as multiplication or dereference that wasn't a template type)
Finding a fun master thesis is harder than I imagined
@awoodland You got any nice thesis over there?
@ManofOneWay - any subject area?
@ManofOneWay You could study the behavioral differences between int* pointer and int *pointer programmers!
@CatPlusPlus because you're a good cat! Here, have a stroke.
@ManofOneWay - the one I'd love someone to do is a user study on display technology
I don't want to have a stroke. :.
@CatPlusPlus lol
@awoodland High performance, Parallel computing, low-level, compilers
@CatPlusPlus If your answer gets accepted i think it still counts.
But it leaks!
@ManofOneWay "High performance Parallel computing low-level compilers" sounds really cool!
Precious karma!
@CatPlusPlus, nah it gets garbage collected, eventually.
@FredOverflow NICE! =D
That should be the title of your thesis ;)
@ManofOneWay my undergrad project list is: users.aber.ac.uk/ajw/394ideas.php
This is C++ room, we don't collect the garbage.
@CatPlusPlus Right, shared_ptr does it for us.
@FredOverflow It sure would be an awesome title
@CatPlusPlus ;)
Ye olde garbage collekter.
@MrAnubis Thanks for that! Now I'm the only wizard who's ever made it there! :P
I once watched this video interview with Patrick Dussud where he remembers his son having a friend over. "Whoa, you have a nice house! What does your father do for a living?" - "He collects garbage at Microsoft."
@jalf I really liked your answer to my question btw :) It's the only one I've upvoted so far.
If you wanted something that everything can access, but you don't want it in a singleton, and you don't want to pass to every single object. How would you do it?
put it in the cloud
Or make it global, just like good old std::cout.
What corresponds to the cloud in an application.
@FredOverflow I thought global was evil?
Singletons are not the same as globals. They're like globals, but eviler.
@Xaade So is std::cout evil?
Globals are only evil when they are overused. Or rather, when you make something global that doesn't actually need to be global and would be better off not being global.
Anyway, I don't see why globals would be more evil than Singletons. If anything, it's the other way around.
@FredOverflow Yeah, I'm having a problem with circular dependency. I have a global object that everyone can request common usage stuff from. It depends on objects that it contains, but now I have an object that crosses over to get something else, and have a circular dependency because it needs a reference to the globals object in the globals assembly. I thought I could ask a language generic question, but I guess not.
@Xaade Forward declarations? Or is this not C++?
Circular dependencies might mean you just screwed up.
Is this a design question ("is this evil") or a technical question ("my code does not compile")?
@FredOverflow I wish I could use forward declarations. It's C#.
@Xaade C# does not need forward declarations, does it? Can we see the compiler errors?
The thing I could do is put an interface in a separate dll, and have both reference that, then dynamically load the other dll....
Refactor and eliminate the circular dependency?
It's a circular reference, I haven't actually done it yet, because I know it will be.
So no error yet.
@Xaade What is this "common usage stuff", if I may ask?
Then don't do it.
@CatPlusPlus That's the part I'm stuck on. I don't have experience in removing circular dependency.
@Xaade Observer pattern? Just introduce an interface and communicate through the interface in one direction, and to the specific type in the other direction.
You take the common stuff, and put it somewhere else.
@FredOverflow References to available logging objects, references to available app objects.
@Xaade Okay so it's a global Factory or Manager? :)
What do app objects have to do with logging objects?
Global factory / global storage.
And why does logging have to depend on that.
Like, it's a factory that can create app objects, but it also stores a few objects as well (like the global logging object, which right now is tied to a list control on a form, for convenience).
I guess it's a problem with those app objects, what are app objects, anyway?
@Xaade If your class "does something, but also something else" it has too many responsibilities. That is, more than 1.
The global factory creates app objects, so it depends on app objects to have the definitions. The global factory has a reference to the logging object. Now the app object assemblies want to log information, but if the app object assembly depends on the global one, I have a circular dependency.
Put the factory in the app assembly?
Then don't keep logging object in an unrelated factory.
@FredOverflow That makes sense only if I extend it to assemblies. The assembly right now does multiple things, but the objects only do one thing.
Unless the global one also depends on this factory.
Which makes it weird.
There's a global factory, and a global reference to common use items.
What's there to factorise in a logger.
So, you're saying I have one global reference to a single logger in the logging assembly, and every accesses it from there?
It's not quite a singleton, because the global reference can be reassigned.
Logging is not a singleton candidate.
Right, but why is this on the "global factory that creates app objects"?
If it creates app objects and loggers, it's doing too much.
It's not on the same object.
It's in the same assembly.
Then move the class that creates app objects over to the app assembly.
This way the global one doesn't depend on the app assembly.
I don't have a global factory. I have factories, I just have a global reference to the factory. The global object has references to different objects that will be used by everything.
"references to different objects that will be used by everything" sounds like a really bad idea
@RMartinhoFernandes What you're saying is akin to, break up your global references object and put one in every assembly instead.
Let's see what it does. Globals has a dictionary of threads, for dynamically created threads that need to die gracefully upon terminate. It has a dictionary of screen objects that the app layer communicates with. It has a factory to create app fields and screens, and it has a reference to the main logging object.
App layer doesn't care what screens exist where, so I could break that out and move it into the app assembly as a global object. The factory could move there too. The log is universal so can move in with the logging assembly. but the Event queue is per thread.
> You will automatically get upgraded to the new look soon. If you don't want to wait for the new look, you can switch to it today.
Damn you GMail.
@RMartinhoFernandes - I'm more annoyed about losing buzz and nerfing reader without plus being a drop in replacement
Gosh, this thing looks ugly.
hey, i was trying to copy a std::map like: map1 = map2; but it didnt copy the elements inside them, is that normal?
@RMartinhoFernandes - the problem I mostly had was the buttons don't have obvious icons or labels
@Rookie No that's not normal. What are the types of map1 and map2?
int->string and string->int maps.
No, show me how the types look like in code.
@RMartinhoFernandes typedef map<string, int, greater<string> >
@Rookie - "int->string and string->int maps." sounds like incompatible maps to me
how come? :O
Oh, I missed that.
the other map is: typedef map<int, string, greater<int> >
i mean, i dont try to copy DIFFERENT typed maps
i have many maps that i copy
so im not trying to do: string = int etc :D
i solved my problem by using .insert() for my maps
but i dont understand WHY i cant just do map1 = map2;
@Rookie - can you do a minimal working example?
@Rookie But you can.
maptype map1;
You must be doing something else wrong.
wait a second...
so 20 lines including #include and int main() that illustrates the problem because it sounds like it should work
@awoodland He's probably found the error on his own by now ;)
pastebin.com/CMRwRse4 here is how the error looks like
can you see any logical flaws?
By string you mean std::string, not char* right?
It compiles fine and runs, it just doesn't make the copies?
std::String yeah.
It really should work.
yeah it compiles, but it looks like the data is different when i use .insert() i really dont get this...
Does it work if you say maptype map_copy = map_orig; or maptype map_copy(map_orig); instead of maptype map_copy; map_copy = map_orig;?
hmm, ill try
By the way, is that line really map_copy = map_orig; (assignment) or is it maptype map_copy = map_orig; (declaration of a new variable with initialization)?
Maybe you're shadowing your map_copy variable? It would help to see the real code.
oh crap!
im dumb, yeah, i actually had the maptype map1; declared twice...
one of them was inside if() so it didnt trigger errors :D
yay for my crystal ball :)
is it possible to make it trigger errors for those btw?
i really hate that its possible to use SAME name in different scopes
No, because it is legal C++.
it doesnt make sense... because how could i use BOTH of them at same time?
If you don't want X, simply don't do X. That's the C++ philosophy.
By the way, we would probably have found the error immediately with the real code.
@FredOverflow pastebin.com/utR3cxMm i mean like this
i make that problem sometimes.. i define same name twice and the compiler wont warn me about it. i cant think why shouldnt it warn about it...
@Rookie What compiler are you using? g++ has -Wshadow.
visual studio 2008 compiler
warning: declaration of 'var' shadows a previous local
@FredOverflow Hmm, -Wall -Wextra -pedantic don't enable that.
@Rookie I don't have that compiler, sorry.
@RMartinhoFernandes Does that surprise you? :)
Q: Is there an equivalent of gcc's -Wshadow in visual C++

danio-Wshadow will "Warn whenever a local variable shadows another local variable.". Is there an equivalent in Visual C++ (2008)? I tried /W4 but it didn't pick up on it. I also tried Cppcheck but that didn't see it either. e.g. if I inadvertently do: class A { private: int m...

Q: Is there an equivalent of gcc's -Wshadow in visual C++

danio-Wshadow will "Warn whenever a local variable shadows another local variable.". Is there an equivalent in Visual C++ (2008)? I tried /W4 but it didn't pick up on it. I also tried Cppcheck but that didn't see it either. e.g. if I inadvertently do: class A { private: int m...

Ha! I win by two seconds!
Sadly, the answer is "no".
@RMartinhoFernandes I hereby pronounce you "King of Google"!
damn, well thanks for help!
glad to help
So, the hacker group anonymous say they will hack facebook tomorrow (5th november). What do you guys think?
I think they're full of shit
the only thing they do is a DDOS
anonymous is the biggest collection of morons in the internet.
and occasionally one of them will be smart enough to perform a SQL injection to steal some passwords
barely smart enough to use LOIC.
they merely make a lot of noise, but they've never really achieved anything worth achieving with all their noise
My project is picking up speed. I'm really liking git.
Google Code's support for it is sub-par, though. :\
facebook is much too strng
Have you guys read Programming is Gardening?
@Maxpm I always hated mowing the lawn as a kid.
@FredOverflow Does that count as gardening?
@TonyTheLion Oh wow...
mmn nevermind
@JamesMcNellis does that mean he's continuing the gotw's?
How does one read multiplicity? Left to right?
interesting that he's doing PIMPL again though. the last time he got it wrong, using std::auto_ptr
i think the most infamous GOTW "bug" :-)
@LewsTherin Well, reading it right to left you get "yticilpitlum", which sounds like it's derived from old Latin, perhaps with a bit of Ghost Busters thrown in?
@AlfPSteinbach lol, thanks for the laugh!
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