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@FredOverflow I've used operator T() a few times but never considered the possibility of having a operator T*.
Q: What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

Roger LipscombeIt's common in C++ to name member variables with some kind of prefix to denote the fact that they're member variables, rather than local variables or parameters. If you've come from an MFC background, you'll probably use "m_foo". I've also seen "myFoo" occasionally. C# (or possibly just .NET) se...

I don't even know if that can work.
what the fuck
reading over that... it's easier to just avoid them
someone at codementor specified $320/hr budget
@Mgetz But find_if is so much easier to read than findIf!
@Mgetz The importance of this needs to be underscored.
@StackedCrooked I had to teach myself operator T() last week when I was refactoring some C code into C++.
@thecoshman August?
First time ever using implicit conversion operators.
@StackedCrooked people of great taste
@Mysticial that's typically suck FYI
furgle gurgle hurdle murdle burgle purdle freegle meegle hodor — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
What is an "implicit cast"? — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 secs ago
@StackedCrooked Smart pointers, dude
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what the fuck is that answer
install faster you twat
@BartekBanachewicz I had to allow implicit conversion from A to B. B is lightweight and most classes use it. A is rarely used. So I had to decide between implicit conversion from A -> B, or constructor in B that takes A. I went with the former.
don't you mean... an "implicit cast"?????
@Mysticial why?
@Mysticial ... why choose the former over the latter?
@Mysticial And the correct one was explicit conversion ctor in B
Good job!
@BartekBanachewicz A is a very large class. I didn't want to pull it as a dependency in B.
B is a single class with a few opaque objects. A is about a dozen template classes all defined in header chains.
@Mysticial specify an interface and make A implement it to separate them
> Due to popular requests, we're now enabling all mentors to ask for help from other fellow mentors!

You can switch to "mentee mode" at top right corner of the menu to start posting requests.
can people on youtube who are freezing random things with liquid nitrogen stop pretending they're doing science srsly. It's no different than the hippies who pretend they're saving the world by smoking pot all day at a music festival. If you're gonna dick around with liquid nitrogen, that's fine just admit you're dicking around.
@AaronKyleKilleen nobody cares
@bananu7 @intel You might say that you left your badge from Intel inside.
@BartekBanachewicz That's messier than a 3-liner implicit conversion operator.
@Mysticial depends on your definition of "messier". Weakening the type system is messy.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You're worse than @Borgleader. :<
Or, perhaps Borgleader infected everyone with puns disease... ?!
> I was refactoring some C code into C++
@BartekBanachewicz In my case, A was a file object with RAII (acting like an array). B is a "raw pointer" to somewhere in the file. The old system only had B and had manual new/freeing.
So it's not like there was much strong typing in the code in the first place.
Now that I think about it, I should just tell my bank to man up and change the max. password length
@Xeo lol
@Xeo Do you think they'll actually do it?
Genuinely curious.
Who knows.
I sent them a mail for now, let's see how they react
If they don't change it, I might stomp over to the local bank office
@Xeo They'll laugh at you and say, "this guy's an idiot".
@Mysticial lol
@Xeo It’s via this room that I learned that this is called a branch office :v
What's a "branch office"?
Fuck you. That’s how I remember it and I’m not changing it.
@ThePhD No
anyone remember the sony dash internet viewer ? Was wondering there a way email service that fetches the link sent via email displays the article within email ?
@FredMcgiff Do you speak english?
@FredOverflow Seems like she could just smack one or two of them and they'd go flying.
I have an AV software installed
I wonder if I should remove it
lol wat I have to install gdb separately
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, to save space.
@Fanael Well it's not that bad yet
dat movie
so I installed QTC
where is it
ah found it
@ThePhD QtCreator?
Well, it's a decent IDE.
Still has a bunch of things to get right.
And there's some things GDB needs to fix
like the default response to -skip stuff, but.
It works nice enough.
I can install git from MSYS
Can you walk on water? Yes, see this video starring people walking on something that clearly isn't water for proof.
@ThePhD I prefer IDEs that are indecent (not to mention young, female and hot. And come to that, if they're indecent, young, female and hot, it doesn't matter all that much whether they're IDEs or not).
@FredOverflow Pedant.
@JerryCoffin So if I make a hot, young, new IDE, you'll use it?
@FredOverflow Eh, it's been kinda done to death.
@rubenvb Can I acces my HDD from msys?
/ is msys root
@BartekBanachewicz No, msys is so 2014 and doesn't support those pesky outdated HDDs.
/c, /d, /e, /z,
@Fanael thanks
Wikipedia laying wisdom: "A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose flow properties differ in any way from those of Newtonian fluids."
> Total succeeded: 19 failed: 208
@ThePhD Female--distinct emphasis on female.
@CatPlusPlus I like this one as well:
> a large set is any set that is not small.
I socialized IRL today
with other developers
@JerryCoffin cis-female only?
I went to a restaurant with my colleagues
@AlexM. I wanted to say congrats but you've ruined it
@AlexM. Must have been developer look-alikes.
@CatPlusPlus it's still better than nothing
New Katie Perry clip. It's inane but has many colors.
I thought Katie Perry was dead.
@PolymorphicPotato actually
too many colors
wait, what?
katie perry is kinda hot
also worth noting that they were all PHP developers
I was the only guy not doing PHP there
@PolymorphicPotato No that's Michael Jackson
Oh that was Amy Winehouse.
@PolymorphicPotato Are you from the future?
copyright laws are weird... what is considered "common knowledge"?
I'm shocked a C&D cartoon might be NSFW
@AlexM. Why would anyone do PHP while socializing?
just shut your face
@PolymorphicPotato I always confuse the two.
@StackedCrooked Katy*
is polymorphic potato the guy from yesterday?
yeah he is
"the guy from yesterday"
I'd recognize the answer-just-to-get-on-chat about innerhtml anywhere
@LightnessRacesinOrbit userNumbersNumbersNumbers
I cannot find any other reasonable questions.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit awww, the puppy...
fuck me that's a helluva wall of code
shouldn't have answered it
I need to make some plans to make sure I never run out of money again
so I don't have to ask others for help, ever
Instead, you pay others for help.
great, we have a one liner bot now
@AlexM. or the gal
@AlexM. become a millionaire
@BartekBanachewicz with my luck, he's a clone of the guy who went to Romania to eat t-bone
I still think that @PolymorphicPotato is Sorella in disguise
that story is the most interesting I could come up with
@BartekBanachewicz I just need (maybe) an amount of money to never touch
Who is Sorella?
Everyone is Cicada
like, I never buy something that costs $N
unless I have $N + $C in the bank account first
@PolymorphicPotato a lesbian girl that's into Haskell vOv
Sounds like me, except I'm not lesbian.
french sounds great in songs
I wouldn't mention the fact she's a lesbian if she didn't have to write that EVERY FUCKING TIME she posts something
well, french sounds great.
@BartekBanachewicz I bet she is a lesbian feminist.
@PolymorphicPotato bullseye.
but liking Haskell negates a lot of weird things about the person in my eyes
anyway I have the codebase
and I have QtC
what now
ideally $C should be a full salary... maybe
I don't know how to economy
how much money does one have to save for darker days
salary = yearly income
is that what you meant?
That's quite a bit to save, a shorter term goal would be good.
no, I basically want to have this cushion (not sure it's the appropriate term) to ensure I have money for a full month w/o salary, like how it happened during the last exam session
when I didn't go to the job at all
so I had to ask my parents for money
logic tells me a single salary saved is enough
3 salaries wtf
that's too much
"a single salary is enough" do you mean a single paycheck?
yes, a month's worth of pay
Gotcha. I'm not familiar with salary being used to mean that, was confused.
if I have a month's salary saved, then during a month w/o salary I could use that
how do I open nbproject in QtC :F
The number I most often hear thrown around is enough money to cover 3-6months without work.
@SamDeHaan what's a paycheck exactly? like, that paper on which you get the details about the current month's pay?
3 months huh
@AlexM. a paycheck is typically the actual check/deposit representing two weeks pay (or one months, depending on the company's pay period)
oh, so you can call the deposit itself a paycheck, got it
I can't really spend 3 months w/o buying things especially since I need to upgrade my PC and I also want a console, and I'd get them before college starts
maybe I can somehow split each paycheck (yay new word!) in 3 parts
1) food and taxes
2) money for short term goals (e.g. PC upgrade)
3) money for the cushion
I should estimate how much I spend on food and try to weak that
it's most likely my biggest expense
why do you need a console?
I want to play some PS exclusives
I see
I was thinking about getting a PS3 since most games that interest me are on that console but then I saw comparisons with PS4 and jesus are the differences huge in terms of graphics
and since most PS3 games are already being ported, a PS4 wouldn't be a bad idea
except it's more expensive
like, check comparisons of watch dogs and thief between PS4 and PS3
the PS3 version looks horrible
well damn, I want good graphics
I like pretty games :P
Just a matter of time until PHP is an ISO standard.
sure you can live with how it looks on x360 but when you see how much better it looks on other platforms you kinda feel like you're playing a downgraded game
just you
lol ok
and probably other people who care about muh gfx
@Rapptz there are dozens of us!
> You must be physically located in US, Mexico, Central America, South America, or Canada
(to develop (indie) for PS)
actually this is weird
> Form a Corporate Entity
doesn't that exclude indies?
so what it means is, you have to be a company?
then it only excludes individuals
You can form a company that only has a single person.
how can you be a company and publish as an individual?
no no I meant to publish as an individual
Forming a company isn't really difficult.
like you can on the app stores
I can publish apps on, say, google play or apple's using my real name as an individual
Sony needs something to sue, and they don't want to sue individuals
Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all require their indies to be corporate entities.
You're going to publish the thing into the respective stores. eShop, PlayStation Store and the Marketplace.
I don't get why you'd use your real name to publish (?)
Just use the corporate name.
@SamDeHaan They're trying to put a spec together? Crazy!
@Rapptz so nothing
I thought PHP had a spec.
since Romania isn't in that country list it doesn't really matter but the only ways to start a company here are not exactly that cheap
you still have monthly expenses
you are kinda forced to hire an accountant first of all

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