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the important thing is, I can now auto-detect Linux include paths.
including stdlib headers works oob on TC and my Ubuntu install now
begin is such a terrible keyword for a try–catch block.
Q: Can I avoid GPL if I copy-paste/learn a bit of GPL software's code?

Foxcat385I know I must license my work under GPL if I use software which is licensed under GPL license. But does that at the same time mean that if I learn/copy-paste class physics code from a GPL licensed game's source code file of other hundreds of files that the software into which I paste that code m...

oh, God, so many assumptions
A new question contributed by @jlitb is out. Thanks for the q, and for clearing up my misreading of the standard! http://cppquiz.org/quiz/question/129
@milleniumbug lol, "closed source" -> "will not get pirated"
@JohannesSchaub-litb UB, duh.
@JohannesSchaub-litb too easy
It’s a pair of iterators, lol.
even rightfold knew that shit
you'd do beter with std::vector<int>{5} vs std::vector<int>(5) or std::vector<std::string>{5}.
@milleniumbug why how
those are easier
It's not that fucking hard
Jun 18 at 19:50, by rightfold
C++: where initialising a variable couldn’t be more complicated.
thats why it is marked as intermediate
Also I got reminded that The Games Factory existed
i will post more nerdy quizzes there and become famous
I think I’m going to find my PS2 tomorrow and complete MGS3 without kills.
I’ve completed MGS4 and MGS1 without kills, but never MGS3.
gonna be hilarious when you get to the part with The Sorrow and there's nobody there.
@Puppy bosses don’t count towards kill count.
@rightfold What are you ordering?
@FredOverflow Nothing.
well, IIRC you can tranquilize them, in both MGS2 and 3.
You can do that in MGS2 at least with Olga.
Don’t know about MGS3.
you can tranq Fatman and knock out Solidus.
@rightfold lol Scala has a typeclass for that: Ordering
The End is the easiest boss. Just reboot machine, set machine clock two weeks in the future and resume game. Died of old age.
I don't know about the other bosses.
presumably you can't tranquilize the Harrier
@FredOverflow dat pun
@FredOverflow fleshlight
@Puppy You probably cannot tranquilize The Boss because the story wouldn’t make much sense that way, lol.
^ I find this very funny.
A: What do you do when someone calls you personally about an answer?

Steve BarnesI would simply reply that I normally charge $$$$/hour for tech support in office hours and $$$$$$$$$/hour for out of hours with a minimum charge of 4 hours as he doesn't have a support contract could he please supply his credit card number and a bank reference. Bet he would have hung up rather ...

^^ nice
@FredOverflow When I discovered scientific calculators I started wondering why people still use those shitty crap calculators where you cannot use any decent notation but only see the numbers you have entered since the last time you pressed an operator.
Never knew why they called double kayaks "divorce boats." Now I do. #*&^$^&*%&
@FredOverflow Hah that's excellent
So, lost a game of Go against my flatmate for the first time. I'm getting old.
> Accuracy per volume of the calculator
@rightfold started watching that one 5 minutes ago :)
Gonna try Cucumber with Scala.
You're cooking?
Syntax sugar wanking
@CatPlusPlus Boredom Driven Development?
I know Rapptz loves that
I like to try out things before judging them.
It's TDD, except with added 'bonus' of Ruby-idiot-like 'oh my god plain English'
or your flat mate is getting young.
Or getting to know your weakness. Or both.
nah he just needs a firmware update
> business-readable domain-specific language
If you thought Java community is bad at buzzwords
Gonna try it anyway!
Unsurprisingly this buzzword can also be traced to Fowler
Yay, more time wasted!
DSL? Or "business-readable" (<-- taht would surprise me)
A weekend is an inherent waste of time.
@CatPlusPlus Fowler is the guy who wrote a book about Alt+Shift+R, right? :)
@rightfold only if you decide to waste it
@CatPlusPlus The fact that this is worse doesn't change the fact that the Java community is bad at buzzwords.
@sehe Business-Readable DSL, because Patterns cannot have short names
I have rarely had a fun weekend.
@JerryCoffin Oh I know
@rightfold fun is a waste of time
No. Fun is good.
Having fun is the only thing I want to do in life.
@FredOverflow I don't know, but I'm close to autodismissing anything connected to him as shit
@rightfold And you almost never have it on weekends?
@CatPlusPlus How come?
@FredOverflow He sucks
smart people, I need your help! are the sections in the C++ standard "chapters" or "sections"? I'm about to quote it for the first time and want to masquerade as one of you
I have fun at work.
During weekends I sit in my room doing non-fun things.
So I try to learn and try out things anyway.
Sit on the roof instead
@Praxeolitic What exactly do you mean when you say section? Give us an example.
@Praxeolitic sections seems to be the common usage
"12 Special member functions"
@Praxeolitic Sounds like a good title for a sex tutoring video
lol, great comic, I wonder if Scott Adams has ever wandered onto a stack exchange and posted strange stuff...
Well. Off to bed.
@FredOverflow It's a trend I'm noticing. If something is ~patterns~, overengineered or just plain useless buzzword nonsense, it's likely based on something he said
Hehe - I have the skinny on thecoshman - he's a software engineer and part-time male model. I'm gonna scan in the evidence tomorrow!
@Praxeolitic The correct term seems to be "clause".
@MartinJames What. Are you confusing him with refp?
Really? Clause sounds like something sentence length? "12 Special member functions" is 30 pages
> 17.3 defines additional terms that are used only in Clauses 17 through 30 and Annex D.
Look for that in the document.
It has links to "chapters" 17 and 30.
@JerryCoffin I'd actually be pretty surprised if that would be a copy at stackoverflow.com/a/24346262/1348195
@sehe All will be revealed..
I am semantically enlightened, thanks Fred!
@CatPlusPlus What is your opinion on Robert C. Martin?
The only thing I know of him is that silly MVC-but-not-really stuff, which I don't really care about
@FredOverflow He is a very talented individual. I wish I could speak like him. He has this amazon power to say absolutely nothing for an hour, or 300 pages and still sound smart.
I totally respect that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum amazon power?
He has talks where he takes a bad code base and makes it oh so much worse introducing global state and such calling it 'refactoring' - that's hilarious.
Heh I don't even remember how that ~pattern~ was called
@Praxeolitic They are "§"
He gets props for SOLID, since that's a clever way to use 5 ideas you didn't come up with to get famous, but that, and the BS are about it.
I don't like O in SOLID anyway
It's terrible bullshit with little merit
And only lends itself to overengineering crap
I mean just look at this
> This is especially valuable in a production environment, where changes to source code may necessitate code reviews, unit tests, and other such procedures to qualify it for use in a product: code obeying the principle doesn't change when it is extended, and therefore needs no such effort.
Why? I think people just take it out of context.
> The biggest downside is that I couldn't figure out a way to continue using my beloved and long-discontinued Kinesis Evolution chair-arm-mounted keyboard (what with there no longer being a chair). I tried attaching it to an arm, but that didn't work out. The whole contraption was too wobbly
Erm ok...
All OCP really says is that you should build your APIs with clear extendability points so you don't have to change the APIs themselves but rather only extend them.
I'm not sure I'd even call it a principle... it's pretty obvious
API stability is a different topic
And also not modifying old code is not really related
@FredOverflow Amazon Power.
> The open-closed principle attacks this in a very straightforward way. It says that you should design modules that never change. When requirements change, you extend the behavior of such modules by adding new code, not by changing old code that already works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes--that's why I deleted. I'd misread the code the first time.
interesting how this thread has turned out: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/28oxfd/…
your FACE is a different topic.
The original article seems to imply that if you just do virtual dispatch then you'll never have to worry about the old code, but that's bullshit
It's just ugh
> The argument against global variables is similar to the argument against pubic member variables.
it's really not at all, lol
pubic hihi
I heard of Fowler only long after I was aware of what I perceive as the primary C++ expert trifecta of Meyes-Sutter-Alexandrescu. I understand Fowler is a professional expert but is he addressing a different audience? Maybe either C or managed C++?
Sutter's kinda a moron.
Thanks for reminding us
Care to share why?
and I'm on the fence about Alexandrescu, I haven't seen as much from him, but right now I'm leaning towards bucketing him as a moron too.
I don't think Fowler does anything with C++
He's more of a Java guy
What really? I thought it was some variant of C
@Puppy I'm totally unimpressed. (Why would anyone expect you to stop bucketing everyone as morons all of a sudden, in the first place)
I haven't bucketed Scott as a moron.
@CatPlusPlus lol haha, I don't think you've read a lot of his books if you say that.
Also, what article?
from what I've been able to observe, he seems pretty perceptive and able to identify core problems accurately.
wow, so opinions are negative on Sutter and Alexandrescu but at least neutral on Meyers?
I don't have the knowledge to judge from what they write but the fact that Meyers doesn't have a real job always made me nervous
I haven't read any of his books, and I ain't intend to, I'm going by what he's writing on the 'net
@Praxeolitic I've read some of Scott's work, and it's good. Some of it is outdated, but that's true for everyone who's been around for as long as he has.
His next book should be good
Martin Fowler changed his mind a few times, most of these guys have. Most/Everything written about OOP that is more than 10-15 years old is pretty worthless. For example Fowler has written a UML book only to later call UML and the long design process dead.
martinfowler.com stuff DISCLAIMER I don't read all of it, so maybe he does things with C++ I DONT REALLY CARE
@BenjaminGruenbaum TBH I read at least two (and some more from his bridges series?) and I concur. Fowler is java-biased
@sehe he has a bunch of C++, but a lot of his stuff is more Java oriented. To be fair that's not surprising. Java developers buy and read more books.
Wrong. There are more Java devs. And their employers buy them more books. Not to mention the Java school mafia
or are there just more of them? especially new ones
Fowler is kind of a leader of a group I tend to think of as pseudo-hipsters who do whatever language is "hot" at the moment. In the '90s he did C++. When it came out, he jumped to Java. Since then he's sort of moved one, but his ability to remain on the cutting edge has been hampered a bit by his age. If you wanted to be cute about it, you could say he's gotten less agile over time...
I've seen a couple of interesting presentations from Sutter, he did a good one on the C++11 memory model, but that was a few years back and since then, all I've really seen is him talking about what other people have done and proposing random libraries for Standardization (badly).
ha, a bit suspicious but you can't fault him for moving around, it makes sense
@JerryCoffin he has a lot of good work though, unlike Bob Martin imo. His refactoring book is pretty decent. PoEAA is pretty good and a lot of what he's written about UI architectures is "not bullshit" which is a lot in that field.
@JerryCoffin I can see how fancy hipster things like BDD can be traced there
@Puppy You must have missed those early days with GotW
Impressive. I managed to solder the LCD pins without burning myself.
Don't celebrate until the iron has cooled off
You burned other things instead? :v
Also, you will probably cut yourself on some protruding sharp wire end
@Puppy Actually, I think of Andrei a lot like you: extremely smart, but sometimes lacking the higher level...wisdom, I guess, to make the best use of his intelligence.
@sehe I didn't miss them, I've seen many of them, but I'm not going to judge people on what they used to be. Well, arguably, I did miss them in that I wasn't coding C++ whilst they were going, but I have seen what remains of them today.
@sehe I wasn't implying Java developers are better :P I think the average Java developer is worse by quite a lot than most other kinds of developers, perhaps every kind except web developers and mobile developers - where the average developer is absolute shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh you did, but you also shortcircuited your sensory chip in the process so you just didnt notice.
@JerryCoffin Well, you're in this lounge so, <sad-trombone/> for you :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum The average developer is always absolute shit
@Borgleader It wouldn't be the first time I realise post hoc that I've hurt myself (usually with cuts).
@Puppy Oh. Okay. Carry on
@sehe You raise a good point.
@JerryCoffin I own a mirror, which explains how I made this observation
@CatPlusPlus well, there are different kinds of shit. Developers can be a little shitty, somewhat shitty, very shitty, really really shitty, and then there are the guys who just copy-paste answers from Stack Overflow all days and try to mash them together into a big steaming pile of jQuery plugins. Those guys make shit an art.
Who's this @Puppy person and why are they impersonating @DeadMG?
Game developers are terrible too
@sehe I own a mirror, but every time I ask a question on SO, I can't see myself in it for a while...
And business app developers
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that supposed to be humorous? I'm just not quite certain
And... well, all developers
Web developers and mobile developers the worst imo. It's like the associative arrays guy.
Confirmation bias :v
Or something like that
I commented on workplace.SE and said "it's not true all developers need to know data structures, there is web developers" and this one guy said "well, my wife is a web developer and she learned about associative arrays the other day!"
there are
@BenjaminGruenbaum What web development job doesn't require knowledge of algorithms and data structures? My wife runs a furniture store online, but when she wanted to make the tiniest changes to the store template templates she had to learn about associative arrays. Luckily she's pretty smart and it only took a few minutes, but she still had to know what was going on. — corsiKa Jun 14 at 22:00
Your comment was worse hth
@CatPlusPlus No, not all. Diafine was a really good developer in its day.
Associative arrays aren't "knowing data structures", your wife didn't have to spend a minute thinking about the backing hash table or red black tree. That's the beauty of it :) — Benjamin Gruenbaum Jun 14 at 22:01
This is downright cringe-worthy
Cringe away, I couldn't give two fucks about it :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just remembered, the real problem with using Parsec is working with clang afterwards.
You don’t need to know the inner workings of associative arrays to use associative arrays.
Only how they behave.
@CatPlusPlus You have such a low bar to cringe lol
I can complain about people not knowing their shit and still not being an asshole to their face about it. Magic eh?
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you sure? Maybe you should let us know that you are sure of this
@sehe maybe I should.
@Rapptz It's straight programmers.txt crap
Not really.
@CatPlusPlus That's the beauty of it :)
Honestly there's nothing wrong with the statement
@Rapptz No? 'Associative arrays aren't "knowing data structures"'
That sentences manages to be both true and wrong.
The only generic data structures I know are tuples, arrays, hash tables, singly linked lists and doubly linked lists.
I must say, I'd be pretty scared if I ever encountered a positively knowing data structure
And of hash tables only the very basics.
There are many different kinds of trees.
There are many different kinds of graphs.
I couldn’t see how you would implement a generic graph type.
@rightfold what if doubly linked lists are just two singly linked lists sharing elements?
Yeah, but what a graph is, as in G(V,E)
Trees are just a special case of graphs.
If you don't know all data structures ever conceived, you don't know data structures — Lounge<C++>
@rightfold I bet you know the basics in trees - how to traverse a tree, how to remove a node from a sorted binary tree, how to code a sorted binary tree. How to code a min-heap with a tree or a similar structure.
I only care about abstractions like dictionaries and lists.
Also, the basics in graphs are mostly traversal algorithms, stuff like DFS, BFS, finding the MST and so on.
@BenjaminGruenbaum don’t ask me how to remove a node from a sorted binary tree.
I have no idea.
Do you think you're an effective programmer?
Evening chaps
I don’t even know what a heap is.
@rightfold tree.remove(node);
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you think he's not?
programmers dot txt grows
And hungers
@sehe dict.remove(key);:)
@sehe I think he is, I just don't think asking these data structures questions is a very effective way to evaluate programmers.
@rightfold That's a complex emoticon
@BenjaminGruenbaum define “effective”
Implement a correct B+ tree from memory in C or you're not a real programmer!!!!
What’s a B+ tree?
@rightfold It's something that Bailey deposits on the lawn.
A christmas tree with a heap of presents underneath.
Filesystems love B+ trees
@rightfold roughly a B tree (keeps sorted tree) where nodes contain only keys.
What is a B tree? :D
@CatPlusPlus From memory? Do you mean somebody should have memorized the code and type it in, or do you mean remember enough about how one works to implement one from "first principles", so to speak.
Is it a tree where bees live?
Because I love bees.
@BenjaminGruenbaum good. I was wondering a moment since you were grilling rightfold :)
@rightfold it's a binary search tree that isn't binary.
@rightfold something the you wouldn't mind being in with some hot and horny for you girls
@JerryCoffin Yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum An N-ary search tree!
@JerryCoffin The first. Including code comments. If it's not byte-for-byte identical, you fail.
@Puppy That, unfortunately, sounds all too close to what I'd expect from some universities.
@Puppy Meh. I'll just recite the sha512 hash and be done
I like binary oak trees.
@JerryCoffin Personally, what amazes me is not that universities are shit, but that virtually nobody seems to have noticed or be doing anything about it.
considering the huge sums spent on higher "education"
People are making money on it so why would they change anything
yes, we can all see the video on youtube
anyways drugs kicking in so time for me and the sack to meet.
You're a brick all right
@Puppy Good night.
@Puppy Propose your fix.
It amazes me that you haven't figured out yet that "higher" education is (necessarily) "(in)formative education" or "suggestive education" and true higher education always comes from personal interest + dedicated coaching
I disagree, you can get a pretty good education not really caring about anything beyond what you're studying.
The last member of Dr. Feelgood is about to die:(
@Puppy In the first place God made idiots; that was for practice; then he made school boards. - Mark Twain
He made idiots and then called it a day
@Griwes Oh my, that is so old.
But hold on. I thought a "const" just before the semicolon in the declaration of a method just meant that that method ITSELF did not modify the object of which it is a member function. That's what the Stroustrup book says if I recall. I am not declaring that any usage from now into the future of the returned will not modify the object. I am just declaring that the function itself will not. And I DO wan t to return a reference that can be modified, not a copy! Also is the const_cast idea safe to use? — kdog 1 min ago
Oh god.
const_cast is such a bad idea.
God made the heavens and the earth, then he sobered up but it was too late.
Where is Cicada?
Cicada get back here you slut.
@rightfold Dormant for the next 17 years?
A: What do you do when someone calls you personally about an answer?

thecoshmanwoah woah woah.... Baileys and Kahlúa? Trust, slip some vodka and milk into that and you have yourself a damn fine drink. Mud Slide Equal parts of the Baileys, Kahlúa and vodka mixed about two parts of milk, slip a bit of ice in if you fancy it. Fair warning, this very easygoing drink. yes, th...

@MartinJames @R.MartinhoFernandes and Bartek can confirm ^
where is Bartek any way?
@thecoshman I was goona ask coshhy about that thing. Now I have it copy/pasted to my diary:)
I'll go there next week and order one to see if they still remember.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh
@thecoshman It was @Andy, not Bartek.
Oh, and it seems the world does know (well, wiki)
@R.MartinhoFernandes ooooh yes
that makes a lot more sense :D
@thecoshman Poland.
inb4 ¬_¬
@rightfold ¬_¬ allow me to rephrase that for douche bags. Why is Bartek not here recently
@thecoshman Call the hospitals and drunk-tanks. He must be around somewere.
I seem to have missed that Mud Slide stuff, was that on Monday?
I want to visit an obscure island in the Pacific.
@Xeo wooooah!!!! New pic <reaction>
yes, yes it was.
I could've used one of those while I was stuck in the train for 9h
@Xeo Quite possibly, yes. The unconference was tailing off.
@rightfold dude
1 message moved to bin
gif off.
@Xeo lol lol lol
"ooh an image on the starboard, it must be funny... oh, I posted it. ooh an image..." I am not a very smart man :(
Need sleeps. Beer festival has just about killed me.
oh yeah, I should prolly sleep too
D&D session in 10h
yeah, day up in Dublin... should probably head off too
Good night all.
Good night.
@Xeo Yeah. It was how we ended the day when you two left.
@Xeo I should sleep too. Carrying furniture up and down stairs in 9 hours.
If you are in the mood for that:
Is there anything worse than the problem with non_virtual constructor when inheriting form sth like std::vector ?
why would you inherit from std::vector?
I won't now, since the lounge said it's bad.
But I'm interested in the why.
(To answer your question, Storustrup did it. See here, including lounge critics).
The answer to the question you posed depends on the answer to the question @Code-Apprentice posed.
Code-Guru renamed to Code-Apprentice?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Answered ^
So you are doing it because Stroustrup did it?
No; I don't do it since the answer of posted question seems better and Lounge doesn't like it.
But Stroustrup proposing it makes it interesting enough to me to ask '"why not? ".
And my question is "why?" as in "What are your reasons?"
If you have good enough reasons, then go ahead
Click on the link! :)
(Wanted compile time triggered range check for vector.)
@BaummitAugen The "non_virtual destructor" problem is a problem only if you are going to delete a pointer to the base class.
In this case a pointer to std::vector.
Nonetheless, inheriting is often the wrong choice.
Poor PE ;-(
@Jefffrey Well I'm not going to do that but others might pass it where std::vector& is expected.
and now I've got an itch to work on a problem, but I won't be able to check my answer ;-(
@BaummitAugen Please reply to message.
@BaummitAugen Might pass what to what?
That would not be too bad since I write that code alone in this case, but I want to know if there are worth poblems.
Problems depend on how you are going to use it.
@Jefffrey Sry, second language plus alcohol -> slow typing.
@Jefffrey To anything that expects std:.vector& or std::vector*.
And pass the derived vector.
@BaummitAugen Are you on mobile?
No, on PC.
But I tend to misspell English words.
@BaummitAugen Here
@Jefffrey Ok, I see it.
@BaummitAugen That answers only one of the two questions. Pass what?
I'm not sure how seriously I should take a job application when it uses "u" instead of "you" in some parts
@Jefffrey Did you click on the link I posted?
I wondered how to trigger range check for vector at compile time, lounge did not like Storustrup's solution. Wondered why. ([Lightness](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24246017/compile-time-triggered-range-check-for-stdvector#comment37453805_24246017) implicitly inclined it was not the destructor.)

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