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@DeadMG I want people to come back. Because people who come back eventually become people who are answering questions.
seems to me like you're making a pretty big bet on that guy's long-term development.
But even if he doesn't, even if he's just going to leech forever, that's small fry. It's not a big deal, compared to the harm of actively discouraging those who are already part of SO's "useful" community
I agree that discouragement is the big fish here.
but as near as I can tell, the primary discouragement is questioners like that guy.
it's no coincidence that I'm increasingly spending time in #llvm where the questions are, "Is this complex behavour a Standard defect?"
@DeadMG Yes, and discouraging people from answering is bad IMO. Discouraging people from posting crappy questions is more useful (but again, has to be weight against not scaring people away entirely. Ideally you just want them to post better questions, not to stop asking)
instead of, "i++ + ++i but I changed i to some other name and therefore found nothing when I searched for it"
But discouraging the people who are currently valuable contributors is Bad with capital B, IMO
in other words, telling that guy "this is a shitty question and you are shitty and should be ashamed of yourself" is much preferable IMO over telling someone you actually want to keep around that "you should stop contributing your time to helping people!"
This answer is very vague. — rightfold 8 secs ago
Or is it just me?
@jalf well, encouraging help vampirism is another thing, though.
@BartekBanachewicz sure, which is why I'm saying discouraging him is fine (to an extent - again, it would be better to encourage him to become useful), but discouraging you is bad.
And here we go. The six-monthly jalf vs the world edition WEHAVELOSTCOUNT.
@Jefffrey has it been 6 months already? :)
By the way, how many of you were surprised at the unconference that I'm not a total asshole irl? :p
I certainly was.
Can I boot from an USB drive on a mac?
@DeadMG you weren't there, you don't count
Who gives a shit.
@jalf I don't think you are an asshole; you are just really really bored.
> I'm using hugs to compile a simple Haskell function.
@jalf if someone enables help vampires then that can outweigh their other valuable contributions
@R.MartinhoFernandes hold option while pressing the power-on button.
@BartekBanachewicz awwwww hugs kawaii
Moral compass is probably pointing hippie-east too. But that's a non issue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but you need to boot into the firmware to change boot options
@ecatmur in other words, people need to prove themselves before they can be allowed the privilege of sharing their knowledge and expertise? I call BS on that. If people want to help, let them help. That is not SO's call to make.
A: Does return 0 by int main() in C/C++, on any OS, clears off all the resources used by the program in any(RAM, cache or any...) memory?

ouahWhen main function returns open files are closed and output streams are flushed. C does NOT specify if memory allocated by malloc is freed.

Is that real?
Cool, at least there are some guarantees.
@jalf anyone can help. But "helping" help vampires doesn't help anyone.
how can the C Standard possibly specify the behaviour of a C program after it's been terminated?
@ecatmur it may help retain the person helping. Or rather, telling someone that they're doing it wrong when they help might just make them stop helping altogether
The moment I need the bored fuckers at Meta's permission to answer a question is the moment I'm out of here.
@DeadMG Was that a sarcastic yes?
@Jefffrey No.
@jalf which is fine. SO is a site with a purpose; it's not a self-validation exercise.
@jalf Statistically, as contributers, we are already getting out of here.
@DeadMG you have lost me there then.
@DeadMG True
Look, people feeding the birds is in general a good thing. But if someone starts scattering bread down by the lake, you can bet I'm going to tell them that it attracts rats.
@Jefffrey If a program running under the laws of the C Standard no longer exists, the C Standard ceases to apply, since it can only apply to executing programs.
@ecatmur Oh god, not this again.
@ecatmur I don't know if you noticed, but that purpose is to enable programmers to share knowledge and help each others. The self-validation comes in with all the bored people on Meta thinking that they need to curate the whole mess and decide who gets to contribute what and under which circumstances.
Feeding wildlife is not in general a good thing.
@ecatmur let's not go there again, please... :)
@DeadMG So he meant that "before the main function returns, open files are closed and output streams are flushed".
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, bad example probably.
So apple bought PrimeSense
and Now all documentation and API information has disapeared from the web
who are primesense and why do I care if they're owned by Apple?
They invented the Kinect
you mean, Microsoft's budget black hole.
frankly I'm amazed anyone would pay money for them.
They invented the ASIC for processing depth data
because its a simple tech that works well
@ecatmur for a couple of reasons (not just that none of us want to restart that particular discussion). But also because (1) on SO, rats sometimes turn into people who eventually become productive, and (2) because that example assumes that I'm concerned with the help vampires. Again, I don't care if they get help or not. I care that SO maximises the pool of "helpfulness" available. I can live with the odd help vampire, if it also means better retention of the people who are willing to help.
@crasic And is hideously expensive that nobody can make fun games for.
@DeadMG Primesense was $50 the rest is Msoft markup
and we aren't talking about games here
Manufacturing QC for a fraction of the cost
Or in my case, medical studies
Nobody gives a shit about games, kinect is a toy, the sensor is a valuable product
@crasic Guess that must be why MSoft can't turn a profit on it?
@DeadMG Because they are selling it as a toy and have a stupid locked down API
as for the other uses, I can't really say.
by the way
> Work on Lua 5.3 has begun but there is no release date yet. If you want to try it now, get the latest work version. Please note that all details may change in the final version.
wait a second
@DeadMG I think the reason they can't turn a profit on it is just that no one wants to buy a console that is $100 more expensive than the competition, for no perceived benefit. :p
support for integers (64-bit by default)
better support for small architectures ("Small Lua" with 32-bit numbers)
bitwise operators
basic utf-8 library
utf-8 escapes in literal strings
functions for packing/unpacking numbers
userdata can have any Lua value as uservalue
strip option in lua_dump/string.dump
Nothing loads for me. Not reddit, not facebook, not stackoverflow.
I am currently being cooled by a huge metal fan.
Why am I still able to chat then?
@BartekBanachewicz If there were threads I'd use it for Styx.
@Jefffrey dns borked? So already established connections work fine, but resolving hostnames to create new connections is a no-go?
@rightfold you can spawn a VM for each thread :F
So it seems.
also ugh, waiting for a build server is boring
or compile a vm with some thread support
@BartekBanachewicz but that would require cloning objects when sending them to other threads.
Ok, not it works.
And coroutines cannot be shared between VMs anyway, so it would still be kinda suck.
@DeadMG WIth a dirt cheap sensor and the right programming you can have a kinect-like system that would scan manufactured parts for tolerance checking, even if it cost $1000 it would still be dirt cheap
Kinect locks down internatl API, so you can't change the sensor parameters
@rightfold is this a problem? It's not like anybody's going to use Styx anyway.
Its locked to 6 foot range
The actual tech is pretty simple, project interference pattern, move interference pattern, extrapolate 3d dimension from phase
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
@BartekBanachewicz I bought your domain. How much are you willing to pay me to get it back?
omg the 100 is soooooo good
@Jefffrey lol, that was just a redirect thingamajig :)
@Jefffrey A slow, sensual blowjob.
also I got photos from our work integration meetup
gotta get myself one of those boards :F
also fuck cameras that stamp date on the photo, really :F
why would you do that.
I mean why would anyone enable that.
I'd like to put gcc 4.9 on Coliru. However, there seem to be no ppa's that provide gcc 4.9 for ubuntu 12.04 (which is the OS my vps). Anyone know another way to get it? (I'd prefer not having to build it myself.)
testing / unstable?
They exist, but only provide gcc 4.9 for more recent ubuntu distros.
I could of course risk the os upgrade.
cue "Coliru mysteriously vanished"
which is like two weeks from official release unfortunately
@Rapptz but that's not released in "precise" (12.04).
@Rapptz Good for them. 3DS though, so I won't be playing it.
I don't imagine you playing any Nintendo games.
@StackedCrooked Can't you just take the deb source file and compile it once?
I am not familiar with that stuff.
@rubenvb that's not gcc 4.9
@Rapptz oh, it only has gccgo-4.9
gccgo is not nearly as cool
it also doesn't list Precise
Wow, Ubuntu PPA's are a joke.
you can't use debian's packages with Ubuntu 12.04?
That might work.
A: Getting + installing gcc/g++ 4.9 on Ubuntu?

A TDebian offers a package: https://packages.debian.org/experimental/gcc-4.9 - To prevent causing issues with Ubuntu/Debian compatibility; don't add it to your sources.list. Instead, simply download all these: binutils_2.24-3_amd64.deb cpp-4.9_4.9-20140218-1_amd64.deb g++-4.9_4.9-20140218-1_amd64....

though the package is in sid now..
@Rapptz That seems to be the most promising answer I found. But the links are broken.
@StackedCrooked Packaging it dirt easy
Pull debian source, change changelog upload to ppa
cause it's in sid now, not experimental. GCC 4.9 has been released since that answer.
pull-debian-source gcc 4.9.0-5
pulls it out of jessie
@Rapptz I fought for Nintendo during the Console Wars. I was a huge fanboy back then. Played a hell of a lot of their games.
Then the Wii came out and I lost interest in all that.
@Rapptz It's in Jessie now, testing not unstable
3 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
> This user has been suspended for 1 year 5 months for posting inappropriate content.
is telkitty unbanned again?
it never happened
@EtiennedeMartel Why?
Try to explain this to me without using the word gimmick btw.
@Rapptz I don't know. I started feeling like I wasn't in their target audience anymore.
Or maybe I got jaded.
@BartekBanachewicz I was never banned to start with
iunno. Their target audience kinda broadened if anything.
@Rapptz trying it out
but I think SE is playing around with users IPs - probably deleting inactive accounts with the same IP as some other active accounts - just a hypothesis
Anyway the Wii U seems promising. I hope sales pick up and what not.
People seemed excited for Nintendo during this E3.
@Rapptz During the 7th gen, I got a PS3 because that had more games that interested me.

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