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upgraded from Unity 4.3 to 4.5
aaaaand, it uses the same version of MonoDevelop
that is completely broken
@Alex looks like it
@ScottW Hi
oh you
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you used my argument! <3
@MartinJames: Remember to feed Bailey?
@ScottW First world best world.
hm, can we shoot the guy with Anecdotal now?
You don't have to like the alternatives I've used, but the fact remains that I've never come across a beginner who benefited from the Primer as a learning tool, many of whom are now industry professionals at EA, Insomniac Games, AMD, etc. I suppose your experiences may vary. — uberwulu 2 mins ago
@BartekBanachewicz lol. sorry :/
@DeadMG Remember he's still in Berlin?
@melak47 what happened?
We were like 10 minutes from you at one point.
@Xeo That would imply that I knew in the first place.
Don't talk to ghosts. Melak's dead.
@DeadMG How the fuck could you not possibly know that.
Cause puppy
@Xeo Because I'm not physically there with him monitoring his movements?
he knows only those things he has selectively decided to know
whatevs. Time to go home \o/
@BartekBanachewicz my mom had to work so I had to babysit my little brother
@melak47 suckage
I was really looking forward to meet you
@sehe wiat... she didn't did she? (post beheaded people)
@BartekBanachewicz we can webcam some time :3
I have no idea how to do collision detection.
@rightfold just make up some indie bullshit and don't do it then :P
@melak47 sure. Now you're there, would you be yes or no for a 3-hour game jam on weekend 21-22?
@thecoshman wat
@rightfold Do we need another room for that?
@rightfold seems to be how you make indie games. Suck at doing something, so don't, and call it the feature
> Bartek teaches rightfold matrices
> Bartek teaches rightfold collision detection
sounds like a fun kids' programme
A: Getting + installing gcc/g++ 4.9 on Ubuntu?

crasicIntro How to build the source package and serve it from a local repository. Without requiring you to install build-deps for gcc and polluting your machine with extraneous packages, this will let you keep up with packages as they get updated in debian experimental. It takes just a few minutes to ...

I posted a new answer on how to do it without a ppa
Teach a man to fish etc. this is how to get around stuff not in ppa's or dealing with .debs from debian archives
@rightfold It is simpler than you think, but it does require a bit of work if you want to account for more primitives. :B
> Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you cut off your revenue stream.
@Nican detection easy. Large numbers of detections and resolutions, not quite so.
Its OSS, what revenue stream? :P
@thecoshman there's no pun there
o_0 huh?
Open source software
fyi OSS does not have to mean free
I'd love to see someone start a fight about how we should use entry-level, inaccurate, has-no-safety-information books to "teach" people how to architect buildings, or to operate heavy-machinery. Cos let's be nice to beginners. Why are these arguments only heard in programming? It's quite bizarre. — Lightness Races in Orbit 21 mins ago
this one?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not sure what I can pull off in 3 hours, but I'll give it a try :p
@melak47 Hey, that's my excuse.
Can't use that
ok, um, how about "I still haven't learned ogl, so dx is weighing me down, and I can't into text/ascii"
@thecoshman so is UE4 open source?
@DeadMG you were wondering what apple wants with primesense - structure.io/openni
mobile devices with 3d sensors
how was your day?
its 10 a.m.
@melak47 Unlikely
@CatPlusPlus but you can get the source, it's just not free :p
Being able to view the source does not make it open source
Open source things are things which license fits in the OSI definition opensource.org/osd
inb4 stalman rant on OSS/free
That was a crappy sentence
if anyone is interested in toe-jam sensei philosophy
@TonyTheLion One of the most productive day of this month.
I don't care much about FSF, I want licensing to be as permissive as possible
What about you?
@Jefffrey oh well done.
today was the most productive day of the day
@Jefffrey Fairly productive.
I've had better days...
Its alright
Its boiling hot here
Of course it is.
You are there.
@crasic It was more a case of amazement than actual curiosity.
I couldn't actually care less why Apple want Primesense.
@rightfold lol
@DeadMG I care.
pfffff what to eat
crap, that's what everyone else eats all the time
@DeadMG Well apple is a huge employer around here so knowing what they do makes personal business sense
@crasic I'd wait until they actually want to hire you.
We are already collaborating with them
but R&D side
they give us hardware
what's happening with your jobhunt puppy?
I had a phone interview today and they seemed to like me
did you use one of those voice distorter thingies
@DeadMG nah it's good to remain aware about such stuff. you never know when you might run into someone at a conference or meeting or something and end up chatting, and knowing what's going on could lead to things you didn't expect
you can't just wait for the job application process to start
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you've given me an idea
@TonyTheLion i'm sorry :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You could alternatively just ask them what's going on.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what are you sorry for?
@DeadMG that's..... not an impressive thing to do at a job interview. showing interest by asking questions, yes. being utterly clueless right up to the moment you walk in? no.
I'm already working intimiately with the devices, then they disappear from market and support is shifted to third party forks, so I get curious
@TonyTheLion whatever it is
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You usually get advance warnings of such things.
@DeadMG um more often than not you don't
I gave examples
but wait I forgot you have so much experience with this
yes, except in those examples it would be fine to just ask the other people
Sounds like obtuseness and stubborness out of laziness
no, you want to impress them by already knowing. then they're impressed, and ask if you want to come in to chat further
this is not rocket science
you're competing with the rest of the industry, and this gives you a big edge
Also, its kind of different at a conference vs. I literally run into apple/google/w.e. folks when getting coffee
being able to bring up stuff is a huge advantage
LRiO is talking to a brick wall again
ie puppy
i just want to fix people :(
yea, some people don't want to be fixed
some people can't admit they need to be #ftfy
if puppy rather be Mr. I-know-better-than-you, even though he has no experience, then let him, he'll walk into a wall someday, and hopefully learn.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Involuntary sterilization of humans is illegal in most countries. Or do we need to have a Eugenics debate? :P
@Avery Is it illegal though? chemical castration as punishment for sex crimes is legal in several US states and european countries
> in most countries
meaning that there could be countries where that isn't the case
it's probably not illegal to do anything in Tikrit right now
because militants seized it?
Open Season yeeeehawww
My friends platoon was pinned down in iraq for 3 weeks by north korean snipers
that place is a shitshow of mercenaries from whereever, if you want to shoot someone its open season on people
@DeadMG it's illegal to be decent
north korean snipers
I thought North Koreans weren't allowed to leave their country?
Q: Do you need to worry about clean up memory on restart

SamerI have a c++ application running on an embedded system running windows 7 embedded. In this application, I can send a command to a batch file which can restart the whole system (eventually force closing the application). Do I need to worry about releasing the memory before restarting the system. I...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit I leave it to you, you are the master.
He has thousands of kids? Blimey...
@40two done
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They provide logistics, money, and mercenearies
iraq during surge was basically open season on americans
anyone who wanted to shoot americans could slip in and have themselves a blast
Move this question to Code Review
@crasic that sounds pretty fun
@melak47 why don't you learn ogl then? :P
damn, didn't know some people still use aol. dayumn
a new acoustic lesson on gibson.com
Q: cyclomatic complexity = 1 + #if statements?

FredOverflowI found the following paragraph regarding cyclomatic complexity on Wikipedia: It can be shown that the cyclomatic complexity of any structured program with only one entrance point and one exit point is equal to the number of decision points (i.e., "if" statements or conditional loops) contain...

@FredOverflow dude
@FredOverflow where is qux() coming from
@FredOverflow There is no call to qux() in the first fragment.
The two control sequences are completely different
No shit
You are very good at reading words, but not so much at understanding them
@rightfold lol, where would you propose to put it? :)
a->b->foo, a->!b->bar, !a->b->bar , !a->!b->bar the last two leaves are condensed to one branch
wheras in the second example you add a qux and a distinct 4th branch
“However, we could also write the if statements in sequence:” highly suggests that the fragments have the same behaviour.
If that’s not that case, you should clarify it.
All I'm saying is: according to the paragraph, it should not matter if we nest if statements or write them in sequence.
Yes, but you add an exit point
@crasic Aha! And what exactly is an "exit point"?
@rightfold better now?
All of this assumes that that foo() is seperable
@FredOverflow Yes. :)
@crasic I have no idea what you mean by that.
Why is there no website that shows a dozen examples of what the cyclomatic complexity is for nested ifs, sequenced ifs, whiles in ifs, ifs in whiles etc.?
When I replace an if by a while, does the CC stay the same?
Writing nested as a sequence requires decomposing foo() (the first branch) into two functions foo_ and baz_
I decomposed your mother over the last year
ho boy, time for bool noexcept().
This seprability is not guaranteed
actually that is an interesting question after all, are computer functions algebraically closed
I have no idea what algebraically closed means, but I'm pretty sure that TC means that you can't prove about arbitrary programs pretty much anything.
I need to find the math-world cs-world translator
Algebraically closed means that an arbitrary polynomial over a field can be decomposed into roots
say (x^2 + 4) is not decomposable in reals
they probably are if you restrict it to only genuine functions with a specific domain- in which case computer functions are no different to any other.
but if you mean programs, then I'd like to see you decompose f(x) = day_of_month(); or g(x) = get_microsoft_stock_price();.
@crasic Note that the two program fragments are not meant to be equivalent.
@DeadMG it depends on the underlying field
well, I simply don't see how computer-executed functions are any different.
Like I said, x^2+1 is a function that takes from the real field, but has no solution x^2+1 = 0 in the reals
but it does in the complex field
the only thing special about computer functions is that they can be not actually functions, but programs.
If it is TC then any arbitrary program can be written as product of functions
(potentially infinite)
@DeadMG That has nothing to do with Turing-completeness.
how are you gonna re-write get_microsoft_stock_price(); as a product of mathematical functions?
or get_num_emails();?
@DeadMG you can't its not turing computable
Or not necessarily so
if get_microsoft_stock_price() is turing computable then everything can be mapped to an abstract turing machine
which, because it depends on natural processes is most likely not computable (which requires a notion of recursability, etc. etc.)
Although, I'm sure thats an open question
the computability of human interactions
what should I report about the noexcept state of an expression where the source was a deferred type?
Something for mathematicians 200 years down the line
dayum, I never really considered this.
Deferred noexcept!
I sense stupid...
struct throws {
    throws() { throw "lol@u"; }
struct nothrows {};
template<bool b> struct really;
template<> struct really<true> { typedef throws result; }
template<> struct really<false> { typedef nothrows result; }

f() {
    return really(noexcept(f())).result();
if f() is noexcept, then it's not noexcept because really(true)() constructs a throws(), which throws.
if f() is not noexcept, then it's noexcept because really(false)() constructs a nothrows, which doesn't throw.
I don't see throws being constructed.
the result of really(arg) is a type, so calling it constructs it.
oh, I forgot to actually access it.
lol 8 seconds left.
you may be "calling" a really (wtf?) but you're still not "calling" a throws.
I used function call as template instantiation in Wide.
is this Wide? Why are you giving it shitty C++ syntax and making it worse?
oh my
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not this again
I think that you're missing the core point here.
if he stops writing shitty things then I'll stop talking about it
you can bitch about the syntax all day, but it's clear that the semantics are untenable.
@DeadMG I'm ignoring it because this is far more interesting to me than noexcept
since you can produce a function which cannot be noexcept or not-noexcept.
yes, I understood that
this is what compiler errors were invented for
uberwulu deleted all his comments on that book thread... except his last one. the one that says "just let it go"
@DeadMG @BartekBanachewicz
Shall we delete everything and just leave his stupid last comment? I've already got a screenshot of it all anyway.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit op is probably a faggot anyway
oh wait
:'( builders (warning, builders)
Bob the Builder.
> Austin Wintory—composer for games Journey and The Banner Saga—is facing a fine of up to $50,000 as a result of his work on Stoic's Viking RPG. According to Wintory, his union, the American Federation of Musicians, have charged him for working on the game's soundtrack with non-union musicians. Earlier this week, Wintory released a video, explaining the charges and setting out what he calls an "untenable situation".
ばんざい!My code works!
I have no idea what that means but it seems retarded
patent-level retarded
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That doesn't mean it's fine. Compiler errors were also invented for templates, and we all know how that turned out.
@Jefffrey solution
woahhhhh George Stocker nuked all the answers bar one, on the book FAQ question, back in March. ALL.
he's a ... special ... moderator, for sure.
there are actually a lot of unpleasant possible circular dependencies with inference.
man I'm having so much fun in Civ 5
my noob neighbours keep on declaring war against me not knowing they're only helping me win
I personally like raw pointers because i have complete control over them. the problem of course is much much easier for bugs to happen. If your careful enough and have appropriate unit tests, then its not such a problem, at least in my own experiences — iedoc 1 min ago
don't understand why everyone's going on about pointers in that thread
the question doesn't call for them in the slightest
well the question does but the problem doesn't
let's just skip noexceptness for now and assume that virtually everything, ever, throws.
@DeadMG with no exceptions?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit where's the pr0n?
... would it be too annoying if I said that you can assert some things are noexcept...
more to the point, what does it grant you if you could?
well, wouldn't that be exceptional?
what more do you want? two weeks off work to relax and unwind?
Physical effort in this temperature is death
I'm quite enjoying the temperature, I have to say. And the sun is nice now that it's about to head down. But it's otherwise in my eyes all evening and my office feels like a greenhouse despite the blinds.
I was actually thinking a second ago that I was a little cold
We moved a bed three floors and I'm exhausted and almost liquid
Doesn't help that I'm too lazy to go get a haircut
Doesn't help that I honestly don't give a flying fuck
Good, lemme tell you all the details
I heard that David Moron wants all schools to teach British Values.
I'm struggling to think of something sufficiently idiotic to top that.
The fuck are British Values
I have no idea.
this is a good idea
but clearly, not being nationalistic shits without a brain cell to rub together isn't one of them.
@CatPlusPlus The same as "citizenship" in the US and Australia in particular
@CatPlusPlus something something no immigrants something something
I believe many countries have a similar concept.
It's perfectly reasonable
this thing, it must be great because it originated from the same arbitrarily-defined patch of land that you are currently choosing to associate yourself with!
don't bother asking questions about whether or not it's actually great or if Finland's been doing it better for four decades or something

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