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@FredOverflow Eww, a sleep function that takes an integer.
Intly-typed APIs suck.
Duration data type plix.
Why the heck isn't SSH using my keys.
hacked maybe?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You locked out AGAIN?
@RobertLevy: It's an honest question that's too broad. Yes, we can enlighten/help him but (guess what) this is not a helpdesk where we must go to any lengths possible to ensure that the OP gets his help. — Lightness Races in Orbit 43 secs ago
trolllololo (true though)
that'd rather be a codegolfing for codegolfnewbs
@R.MartinhoFernandes file permissions (openssh refuses keys if they're world readable/writable)
@sehe Does it not say why it refused the key?
> location Virginia
@MartinJames often, no. That's because auth is negotiated, and many a time users have many identity files, and listing all that fail/are skipped is not very nice
But, ssh -v -v -v might help (also, sshd -v -v -v)
I got it. The web interface was not adding the keys to authorized_keys.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Isn't that a state in Norh America?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so, it was using the keys! sshd was just not accepting them
@MartinJames No, it's in Australia. Twice.
@MartinJames There are 14 places called Virginia across the world.
Heck, there are four in the USA alone!
Don't let me wait.
(You catholic girls start much too late)
(Plus the state)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If you're looking at the same list I am, Virgínia and La Virginia clearly don't count. And the "Colony of Virginia" doesn't either, unless you have a time machine.
Anyway, I should stop trolling Loungers and mebbe go look at some questions. Either that, or concentrate on the beer.
Also "isn't that a state in North America" No! There are two "states" "in North America" — Canada and the USA
The USA itself has a sub-division of their own notion of "states" but without qualification or an assumption of USA-ness one could not say that those states are "in" North America; it implies that there is no layer of categorisation between the two.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Granted
Hang on, why does Virgínia "clearly" not count?
Because it's spelled differently.
There are two classes of States in US, those with annoying customers and those with no customers.
It's commonplace to elide accents and substitute "í" for "i". There is not enough evidence here to say that "clearly" it cannot count
Not in Portuguese.
Oh, really?
Well, go fuck then!
Note that Virgínia is in Brazil.
Admittedly I was hoping they'd do it the same way as in Spanish
@LightnessRacesinOrbit As far as I'm aware that is pretty much only commonplace in English-speaking countries.
Make sure you're not turning into what you hate.
Q: How important are accents in written Spanish?

Jon EricsonEnglish I notice that native Spanish speakers often leave off accents in writing. Outside the context of edited material, it almost seems like accent pedantry is the sign of someone who has learned Spanish as a second language or has their spell-checker properly configured. Do native Spanish s...

@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not.
Thanks for the thinly-veiled accusation, though.
(Note the predominance of "on the internet" therein; last I checked, SO profiles were "on the internet")
I don't see how informal spellings affect what places are named.
This isn't complicated.
Virgínia is not a place named Virginia.
I'm turnin' into merkin yes I'm turnin into merkin I really think so..
A guy writes the text "Virginia", on the internet. It's now been shown that informally, on the internet, you may well expect people to write Virgínia as "Virginia", instead. You claim instead, though, that by writing "Virginia" he was "clearly" not talking about Virgínia. That is a bizarre conclusion to draw, given the evidence heretofore presented.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, I only claimed that it doesn't count as a place named Virginia.
Nobody at any point has tried to suggest that Virgínia is not actually called Virgínia.
Apparently in Swedish v and w are variants of the same letter
If I'm reading Unicode TR10 correctly
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, but it does count as a candidate for the place we were actually talking about, the only identifying information of which we possess is the text, on the internet, "Virginia".
why so obsessed with the word 'virginia' all of a sudden, are you sure you are not thinking about the one without the 'i'?
@chmod711telkitty what the fuck is a "virgina"
@ecatmur blame the Canadians
The location where you came out from and where you try to get in?
Room topic changed to...... nah, never mind.
sir,,welcome to lounge
can we help u with any Programming(c/c++ ) today?????
What are the Lounge-approved JSON parsers?
We need a wiki page with stuff like that.
there's a Lounge-approved JSON parser?
for home work questions press 1, for trolling press 2, for general discussion press 3, to request a flag press 4, for all other purposes press 8, to try again press 0
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have looked at every single JSON parser for C++
They are all shit
@Rapptz :(
I looked through like 15 pages of google and github repos
they were all so bad
@R.MartinhoFernandes JsonCpp yay
they could ease up on the assertions, but otherwise...
> Rapidjson is fast. Its performance can be comparable to strlen().
The fuck does that mean.
we already made fun of RapidJSON a few months back
I guess I'll use strlen as my JSON parser. Its performance is comparable to RapidJSON.
I used this in the past: github.com/hjiang/jsonxx
it was okay
but I wouldn't really recommend it
@Rapptz Oh, I remember now that I saw it uses SSE.
Dropbox made one: github.com/dropbox/json11 I haven't tried it but it seemed okay.
I think melak has one. I don't know if it's any good.
melak is dead
I ignored the ones that used Boost.Spirit
Meh, I've just used Boost.PropertyTree before
that uses RapidJSON
melak doesn't even show up when you press @
his name is blank to me atm
yeah, bugger is too afraid to join us
Oh no it really is melak47
I know.
47 secs ago, by Xeo
yeah, bugger is too afraid to join us
I was commenting on how far he is gone.
He went dark during the Unconference
We coined new terms using his name.
> seen 3 hours ago
last chat message 6 days ago
Not in chat.
"melak you cock, y u no lounge"
> last seen 3d ago
for chat
Ok,back. My 3G connection had an attack of The Vapours.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess it means RapidJSON performs only one pass through the input string?
I was going to make a JSON parser but I got seg faults so I gave up
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Whatever it means, I'm sure the way they said it is one of the worst ways to express it.
I didn't even use new
@R.MartinhoFernandes picojson, imo
because single-header and uses stdlib types
That sounds promising.
picojson::value v;
std::cin >> v;
std::string err = picojson::get_last_error();
if (! err.empty()) {
  std::cerr << err << std::endl;
lol yeah first thing I saw
did you guys ever use the micro-lander legs? the really light ones
btw is this stuff legal?
union _storage {
      bool boolean_;
      double number_;
      std::string* string_;
      array* array_;
      object* object_;
perfeclty legal union.
I see it everywhere so I wasn't sure
I tend to stay away from unions
eh, it's probably used in a re-implementation of boost::variant, which isn't inherently bad (except for being a re-implementation).
union _storage {
      bool boolean_;
      double number_;
      std::string string_;
      array array_;
      object object_;
This would be fine too.
in C++11 right?
so how do they "reset" the storage?
like overwrite the string with double
Explicit ctor and dtor calls.
Or UB.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they have another (nicer) api as well
Oh, in their case, they can just overwrite it as it is a pointer.
Is there any type you cannot stuff into a union?
meh, undiscriminated union.
picojson::value v;
std::string err;
picojson::parse(first, last, v, &err);
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep
how do you format code blocks in chat again? :p
ctrl + k but they have to be their own message
or use the "fixed font" button for multiline messages
Q: Are there any pratical uses of std::bind outside the STL?

Chaplin89The usefulness of std::bind maybe is a bit decreased since C++11 and lambda function but I know that is still useful in STL because allow you to do a lot of things in a simple manner. Beside this I don't know any pratical uses of std::bind outside STL. I have sometimes used std::bind for accessi...

pfft using buttons.
@jalf something like that, where it just takes an iterator pair, rather than fucking around with streaming operators
or type four spaces you lazy fucknut
lol typing 4 spaces for every line of code
yes all of three lines of code
whatever will you do
how will you cope
you space-indentation people should be well used to wasting your time typing an arbitrary number of spaces, anyway
@borgleader yay back on linux, here goes: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/98a0ee78646760f2 (note: using static visitor removes all magic numbers from the code and allows overload resolution instead of manual casts; using debug macros; using semantic actions to left-factor the expression productions, reduces backtracking by impressive amounts :))
don't tell me auto-indentation can handle it all for you with no clear semantics whatsoever
nice bait
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nobody types spaces
@Xeo Well, I assume the union is in a struct that discriminates it
@sehe surely you'd have to when someone had edited the program with a different number-of-spaces-per-indentation-level than you
use auto formatting tool
problem solved.
or just use tabs like a pro
@MartinJames You're probably drunk already, your assumptions mean nothing :)
then there's no problem solved because there's no problem in the first place
I reckon MartinJames is pretty much permadrunk by this point
// Set to false to disable detection of tabs vs. spaces on load
"detect_indentation": true,
// Set to false to disable detection of tabs vs. shitty code on load
Tabs suck. The next time someone says "tabs make the code look the same everywhere", I'll slap that person with a giant tab-icon.
  inline std::string value::to_str() const {
    switch (type_) {
    case null_type: return "null";
    case boolean_type: return u_.boolean_ ? "true" : "false";
    case number_type: {
      char buf[256];
      double tmp;
      SNPRINTF(buf, sizeof(buf), fabs(u_.number_) < (1ULL << 53) && modf(u_.number_, &tmp) == 0 ? "%.f" : "%.17g", u_.number_);
      char *decimal_point = localeconv()->decimal_point;
      if (strcmp(decimal_point, ".") != 0) {
        size_t decimal_point_len = strlen(decimal_point);
Oh god, now I understood what it does.
da fuq am I seeing on my screen?
it "resets" by calling the destructor for everything and then constructing
how does that work for regular types?
For everything?
Or just for the one there?
well it does a switch
by destructing I mean delete _u.stuff and constructing I mean new
Yeah, they only store the pointers in the struct.
how would you "reset" with concrete types?
@Rapptz It snprintfs and then goes back and manually fixes the point :(
@Rapptz stuff.~T() and placement new.
sounds like a pain
just as much as delete ptr; ptr = new T();.
it's just a bad re-imeplentation of boost::variant.
well the union in general seems like a pain
there's nothing remarkable about it
The thing with unions is that they have pretty much no use outside of reimplementing variant, and then variant doesn't use them.
when I reimplemented variants I didn't use unions obv :v
hence my noobness regarding them
I've only used unions for type punning back then
@Xeo I don't think anyone's ever said that. And if they did, they are wrong.
It's not about "making the code look the same everywhere". Not at all.
tabs make the code look the same everywhere
In fact when the spaces crowd use that fact of their approach as some sort of overriding benefit, I have a little giggle.
It's ridiculous.
omg my code must look the same everywhere innit otherwise ppl wont see my lovely ascii art lol
@StackedCrooked Consider yourself slapped with a giant tab-icon.
u must use the same font as me
If you want your code to look the same everywhere you should use pdf.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Are you saying you don't use the almighty Consolas?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do :D
but I don't expect that others must
I use Consolas modified for Powerline.
Also, that reminds me I want to check if Powerline uses PUA characters or if it is a horrible hack that appropriates perfectly valid code points for its nefariously gorgeous purposes.
> Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you out
today I threw a Wide type and caught it in C++ as a C++ base type.
I'm awesome.
Can you catch it in C++ if it has no C++ base?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit eh, tabs fuck up our code review tool, also inconsistant
what would you catch in C++?
Other than with (...) I guess.
you can catch(...) it.
@Mgetz wtf?! how?!
you can catch it directly if you get the type somehow, like through a template argument
or you can catch by base.

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