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anyone feel like answering a simple (hah, hopefully) scala question?
@JerryCoffin indeed, which is why such long answers as the one linked should be boiled down to several minor questions.
@Jefffrey I just read the meta. If I was not mildly inebriated, I would probably post something that would get me banned. Luckily, I don't post while drunk.
..except in the Lounge.
@MartinJames You have much more willpower than I have, while drunk.
@Jefffrey honestly we shouldn't use "regular" questions and turn them into [c++-faq], instead we should have it made so that explicitly written posts for this purpose are the base of all "duplicate of"'s, so you are in control over what is asked, and what is supposed to be answered
@JerryCoffin As a (kind of) Noob, I really like the long and general answers.
They helped me a lot.
@FilipRoséen-refp I think you want to ping Jerry.
Q: Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

MSaltersIn templates, where and why do I have to put typename and template on dependent names? What exactly are dependent names anyway? I have the following code: template <typename T, typename Tail> // Tail will be a UnionNode too. struct UnionNode : public Tail { // ... template<typename U> st...

@BaummitAugen do you honestly feel like that answer is written in a good and helpful manner?
Just because it's not written by you doesn't mean it isn't a good answer there bub.
@FilipRoséen-refp Yes, I already read and upvoted it. I think I understand it based on my reading of Stroustrup's "C++ programming language"
@FilipRoséen-refp Remove everything after the first two sentences.
That is:
> In templates, where and why do I have to put typename and template on dependent names? What exactly are dependent names anyway?
@Jefffrey I'd also write a new answer to the question, litb's is informative but far from easily read
we are closing questions as duplicates of that one on a daily bases, questions arising from novice developers, and they are thrown that in their faces?
3 mins ago, by Rapptz
Just because it's not written by you doesn't mean it isn't a good answer there bub.
@FilipRoséen-refp Well you can expect a little bit of extra research of novices if they do not understand the answer immediately.
I'm not saying it's a bad answer, heck; showing the entire standard in there wouldn't be either; it's very informative and explicitly answers the question.

me not being the author has little to nothing to do with it
You're welcome to write your own answer but there is nothing inherently wrong with the answer.
I don't get why people are starting to feel like all noobs are idiots and need things broken down to its absolute basic level.
@Rapptz because SO is turning to shit, that's why
@FilipRoséen-refp The problem with removing 80% of the question is that you need to be careful not to break any answer/comment.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the answer or question.
@Jefffrey that's why I feel like it's better to just start off from scratch
@Rapptz As a noob, I agree. Noobs can do some work like reading books too.
Well I'm 100% against the decision.
litb already cleaned up the question in 2010
The "background" stuff could be removed, if anything, but that's essentially it. The code example shows the issue and the question is in the first line.
@StackedCrooked Placement new on static storage?
Didn't know you could do that.
I think the "variadic" virtual function is cooler :P
@StackedCrooked be careful about alignas so that you don't specify something the underlying implementation doesn't support
every compiler supports alignas
you didn't read what I wrote
SourceTree is mega retarded.
I've considered using long storage[4]; instead.
So if I have 2 Private Keys loaded in Pageant, it will only consider the first key and not use the second one to try to access a repo?
THat's just fucking retarded.
@StackedCrooked add a static_assert(32 <= alignof(std::max_align_t), "!!");
@StackedCrooked Use std::aligned_storage<32, 32>::type.
That struct Base {}; bothers me.
or something like that
@StackedCrooked std::aligned_storage?
Yeah, what @Rapptz said.
std::aligned_storage is no safer than specifying alignas(N), but it's certainly more conveniant
@ThePhD right
I'm used to working with ancient gcc which doesn't support those yet.
@StackedCrooked look at this, alignas(32) isn't supported on the platform
But I'll use it in my sample.
or well, it's not guaranteed to be available
extended alignment is implementation specific, so one has to watch out for that..
32 is the problem
for align
kinda weird
@StackedCrooked It's been a while since I've seen a final, as well.
max fundamental alignment
and.. I hate to say I told you so
just experimenting
@StackedCrooked what's the purpose of the snippet?
I might need some fast dispatch system at work. Looking at possibilities.
is std::function super slow?
@StackedCrooked Try starting a physical fight in the office, perferably with your boss. You will be dispatched rapidly.
sure compilers are able to optimize virtual calls, and even optimize them away in certain scenarios.. but "fast" and "virtual" is not ready to go hand-in-hand
@Rapptz no
virtual call overhead is not too bad.
heap allocation becomes a bottleneck much quicker
But it's only relevant if you need > 1M/s in multiple threads.
std::function was supposed to have allocator support.
but it's kinda not supported anywhere
constructors 6+
@StackedCrooked btw, what you are currently doing is not safe.. at all
Hence my initial question :)
try making an allocator and see if it works?
@StackedCrooked hint; what about the copy-constructor?
or the copy-assignment?
heck.. what about every implicit special member function?
Why would it be needed?
A: Does std::function support a custom allocator?

Jonathan WakelyThe standard says std::function supports a custom allocator but some compilers (at least GCC) do not support it yet. It's not entirely clear how custom allocators are supposed to work with std::function, or other class templates in the standard library that use type erasure, see e.g. LWG 2095 an...

I wondered about this and couldn't think of a reason to implement copy-constructor etc.
Oh, wait, I'm basically doing memcpy on object.
That might be bad.
@StackedCrooked ...for anything but standard layout object, yeah.
@StackedCrooked exactly
@Rapptz It's not about SO turning to shit. But, it starts with two essentially separate and only marginally related question. Then it goes into a fair amount of detail that's not really necessary to answer either of them. It's interesting and informative, but not entirely relevant to the question at hand.
Like I said, the "background" stuff can be removed.
And it should, IMO. It just adds noise.
@JerryCoffin agreed.
But the comments already refer to it. Which isn't a big deal anyway.
I think I'll spend some time trying to write a better answer.. not like I got anything better to do
I still don't think the answer is bad
and that you writing one won't make it magically better
Another thing worth noting is that I feel we are becoming worse and worse at changing titles/questions so that they are descriptive enough to be found by the search thingie
@Rapptz I never said it will be magically better, I'm just saying that I will give it a try
regarding searchability; questions that are in the faq that most often results in a compiler diagnostic should, imo, at least include that error message (how often hasn't one searched for the diagnostic itself, instead of the question?)
Anyone here used Swift on Xcode yet?
Or at least followed the tutorial in Apple's iBook?
Uh oh... Looks like our chat troll is back with a new account. But no signs of ill-intention yet.
@Mysticial Are you talking to/about me?
@DemCodeLines No. This guy:
Q: Should yes or no questions be put on hold?

Bob the zealotI found that some questions only need a yes or no answer, and they only need one answer. It's not worth asking, but some people may need it. It doesn't cause thinking, just a lot of research. Should those questions be put on hold?

Oh, alright.
@DemCodeLines I don't even know who you are. So no, you're not troll AFAICT. :)
I remember these...
@Mysticial :D
@Rapptz Not sure about removing anything, but we could write up a shorter answer (or two--one for typename, another for template) that covers the basics, and refers to litb's for more detail. Would you care to do some writing, or would you prefer that I did? If I write it, I'd rather post here for critique before adding to the main site.
@JerryCoffin I'm, as said, very interesting in writing such answers
@JerryCoffin possibly even three questions on that specific topic, where the third deal with dependent names
I'll need to catch some sleep now though, but as said; I'm interested.
@FilipRoséen-refp Maybe, but I'm less certain about that. Pretty much need to discuss dependent names for any discussion of typename (especially) to mean much.
@JerryCoffin the problem is that the contents on dependent names must be available in both the answer regarding template, and typename
it's not an easy nut to crack, and I need to get some sleep
@FilipRoséen-refp True, but I think the template answer can reasonably refer to the typename answer for it. IOW, typename basically discusses dependent names, and how typename resolves the ambiguity in a dependent name. Then the template answer talks about where template comes in and what it does.
maybe a Meta<C++> room is in order, where we can discuss topics related to fixing ?
@JerryCoffin that is certainly an option
@FilipRoséen-refp IMO, no need--completely topical here.
@JerryCoffin easier to keep track off things if it's in a separate room.. we both know that the Lounge, no matter how cozy, can spin off into madness quite often
Let's talk about Chaos.
aanyhow.. sleep mode on.
@JerryCoffin talk to ya later!
*gone with the wind*
@FilipRoséen-refp G'night.
@ThePhD Let's visit the Courts of Chaos.
@Rapptz I neeeeeeeeeeeed shogun.
Sooooooooooooooo baaddddddddllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy ;~;
@JerryCoffin What we need is: Meta<Lounge<C++>>
In other news. Dutch Shell plant on fire.
Hi everyone! I really really need help -_-!

I am a desperate to figure my question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24006550/converting-a-search-code-from-c-to-java out. It's a C++ to Java code conversion but my Java's version is not right.
This is extremely annoying.
QtCreator's file system viewer always opens up.... in some default directory.
Rather than from, you know, where I opened my project.
So I have to navigate all my folders and get to my project again, just to be in my code in QtCreator.
Who designed this stuff and why aren't they fired?
You can ask this on their mailing list.
Q: Drawing 3D Geometries without using additional libraries/API

Buddhika ChaturangaMy question is How to draw simple 3D geometry such as Sphere without using DirectX,OpenGL API or GPU Computational language such as Nvidia CUDA.I want to hard code my own 3D geometry library using visual C/C++. I know DirectX is the simplest and efficient way,but I want to understand how to acce...

There is a whole chatroom dedicated to PHP, how offensive it that? — Martin James 3 hours ago
> static void initClass();
Actually, which are the native apis that lie under OpenGL & DirectX?
Body, y u awake, the alarm goes off in over an hour... :(
@StackedCrooked Native APIs?
Q: How to push changes to Git repository from uninitialized directory

Slava Fomin III have a local copy of all files from some Git repository in a uninitialized directory, i.e. not tracked by Git (without .git in it) and I've introduced some changes to it. How do I push those changes to the remote Git repository? These actions can describe what I mean: git clone … ./ - reposi...

Those are the native APIs
@StackedCrooked It's called assembler
Aren't they a portable layer on top of something?
Yes, excessive amounts of driver code.
E.g. kernel-mode C and Assembly programs written by GPU manufacturers.
That's what game programmers back in 1995 used to program against.
@Mysticial I love the answer to that one.
For DirectX, there's one more shim-layer it goes through (the Operating System), especially since DirectX 11 since DirectX is now considered a core, integral part of the Operating System.
@ThePhD Both of them are?
How can that be?
Or is one implemented on top of the other?
What I meant to say is that it's the lowest level of code you can possibly get at sanely. The rest is driver-based C/C++/Assembler.
They don't really provide headers for those for developers to program against.
@StackedCrooked They're not really implemented one on top of the other, since the function-by-function definition and the various required state machines and objects exposed by either are not exactly a 1:1 mapping.
Q: Is this response from the compiler valid?

dans3itzThe following code invokes an error. I could not find any information on this is in the reference. The lack of whitespace on the right hand side of the '=' operator is an error. let names =["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"] Any other combination of this syntax compiles. Anyone know if this is t...

seriously? seriously?!
bad at code golf eh
=[ is how I felt reading that
ahaha, so stupid
I mean, wtf would a ++b even mean.
if ++ here can only be prefix ++
also implies they see let ... = ... not as a single language construct or something
'latest research', bwahahaha
also, already 233 questions on Swift
the apple hype train is too big to stop
Q: How to find index of list item in Apple's swift?

user3705470I am trying to find an item index by searching a list. Does anybody know how to do that? I see there is list.StartIndex and list.EndIndex bu I want something like python's list.index("text")

garbage standard library
> Optionals are an example of the fact that Swift is a type safe language. Swift helps you to be clear about the types of values your code can work with. If part of your code expects a String, type safety prevents you from passing it an Int by mistake. This enables you to catch and fix errors as early as possible in the development process.
I should stop reading , or I'll wake my neighbours from laughter
@Xeo wtf any sane language does this
I thought Bartek's star thing from a few days ago was a joke
”Let’s describe the basics of computer science to you."
yesterday, by Bartek Banachewicz
> Swift takes the best features from the C and Objective-C languages. It includes low-level primitives such as types
@Rapptz that's directly from the Swift language homepage
Does Apple have no shame?
I mean, to us it is a fucking joke. But apparently not to Apple
Soon, iOS will be programmable only in Swift.
And then the mountains of nightmares for developers will begin.
> I am porting an App from Objective-C to Swift
You guys think C++ will get coroutines?
there are proposals for it
issue is it's lame coroutines
not language level
but library level
I wanted neat yield like Python or C#
Never gonna happen.
Allergy to new keywords and what not.
this proposal is stupidly verbose :(
With nice Southern accent.
Yeah. It seems we'll never get cool Coroutines.
TIL that M_PI isn't standard.
Just finished watching this
Surprisingly good.
anyone want pet chooks? you can pick them up for free from my place
@Rapptz The young animator program brings out some good stuff
Did you watch Little Witch Academia?
also a 1 episode show, pretty fun
massive butt frustration devastation in the comments.
So, we get ~~purrrfumance~~ questions in too: stackoverflow.com/q/24030222/85371
@chmod711telkitty You bullied them
@sehe oh come on, wtf was that move for
@sehe I am not you, I don't bully smaller animals ... besides they might have mites, I don't want to be bitten (I have already treated them a couple of times - to no avail)
@Xeo hehe look here:
Why using extra memcpy when you can avoid it? You don't need profiler to know that memcpy is slower than "no memcpy". I think spsc_queue is too general. Just give me pointer to item in storage I can guarantee safety myself. — javapowered 36 mins ago
@Xeo Oh, that move. The onebox was too damn loud. Fixing it for you:
PSA: Anyone looking for the latest XKCD: you can find it at xkcd.com. Just for today!
> Refactored C Runtime (CRT): This CTP contains the first preview of the substantially refactored CRT. msvcr140.dll no longer exists. It is replaced by a trio of DLLs: vcruntime140.dll, appcrt140.dll, and desktopcrt140.dll.
Dunno how I feel about that ^ Gives me the jeebies. I suppose they /could/ have done it right
@sehe what would be the advantage of it?
@jalf I think automatic reference counting
refcounting of what?
holy shit, they're adding C++11 stuff
thread-safe statics
@jalf I don't know. It might be related to "Object file size reductions: [...] For example, [...] improved to be less than 1 KB."
my bad, I notice sehe talking about ^
Who the fuck is talking about c++-cli? Or CX?
@legends2k where do you see a hat operator?
I asked what the advantage was of refactoring the CRT. Not what the advantages are of switching to a different language. ;)
@legends2k By the way, it's more. The gcroot<> is just a smart pointer
still no unicode string literals though? :/
@Rapptz that's quite disturbing
@sehe: aah, I just saw, it's COM underneath
"library conformance is better improved by software updates and adjustments"
kind of a weird sentence fragment to throw into the middle of the bullet point list of new features
@jalf lol. I skipped it because it came under the C99 library features heading
@jalf It does look like they had a drag/drop mishap with their bulleted list indeed
in Java Sucks, May 23 at 19:08, by rightfold
Who invented Scala? I want to suck his cock. Not because I’m gay, but because he invented Scala.
I may have wrongly expressed myself there.
the object size improvements sound really nice. Less data passed to their absurdly slow linker can only mean less slow builds
Fewer builds helps :)
oh god, their versioning
In 2013, they release VS 2013, which is version 12. In 2015, they're going to release VS 14, which is version 13
github.com/syvex/native Is the immutable string any different than just "std::shared_ptr<const std::string>"?
@Nican Yes, because substr doesn't copy data.
@rightfold It does in Java :-(
@FredOverflow lolfail
@FredOverflow They apparently did that because it increased performance in many of the large framework's benchmarks.
Q: Java 7 String - substring complexity

anoopeliasUntil Java 6, we had a constant time substring on String. In Java 7, why did they decide to go with copying char array - and degrading to linear time complexity - when something like StringBuilder was exactly meant for that?

This is also a pretty interesting read: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1qw73v/…
@FredOverflow I was pleasantly surprised when finding that indeed I didn't know they changed it in Java 7
I know Mono does not allocate a separate array for strings.
It allocates everything at once.
fuck I can't come up with a good name for this question I'm writing..
// does the Standard guarantee that the *(1)* will always yield *true*?

char unsigned * p1 = ...;
char * p2 = reinterpret_cast<char *> (p1);

*p1 == *p2; // (1)
that's the gist of it, how would you phrase it?
"Is it safe to cast a unsigned char * to char *, and access the data?" sure is kinda misleading
why reinterpret_cast?
@chmod711telkitty it's related to this question
char* can alias all the things
Talking about Mono, I am still asking myself how this got approved into GsoC google-melange.com/gsoc/project/details/google/gsoc2014/…
Q: Warning generated due wrong strcmp parameter handling

user1343318So I have an unsigned char * pMyPtr assigned to something. Then I want to compare this to an arbitrary string with strcmp(const char* , const char* ) But when I do that, clang compiler tells me warning: passing (aka 'unsigned char *') to parameter of type 'const char *' converts betwe...

@Xeo I know, but there the above (1) is implementation specific, which is why I'm writing the question. I thought it might be of interest
Depends on whether char is internally signed or unsigned
if it's signed, you may get UB from overflow
Oh, cool.
@Xeo and since the dependency is implementation specific, it's.. implementation specific
Royal Dutch Shell exploded yesterday and now they found HEAVY METAL in the ground.
@Xeo that's true, I'll add that; thanks!
In plain C, when structs are passed to functions, is the reference to the struct copied?
The struct is copied. Also as-if rule.
Good thing you came to ask here.
That is impossible to google and / or test.
ah so structs are copied
@ScarletAmaranth warning: outgoing irony distortion field engaged
@ScarletAmaranth You cannot test this, because this is C and passing structs may be UB. :P
passing gas is UB
you're UB
I'm not my mom!
@KevinDuke Everything is copied unless you pass by reference.
And since this is C, you cannot pass by reference. \o/
Oh, didn't realize we were talking about C.
Also note that arrays are never passed in C; what looks like an array parameter is actually a pointer parameter.
So please don't tell me that arrays are passed by reference. Arrays are never passed in C.
@FredOverflow Or moved (since you were talking about C++).
@rightfold References aren't objects/values/whatever, so I don't think they can be copied.
Q: Is it safe to cast a `unsigned char*` to `char*`, and treat the dereferenced pointer as if it really points to a `char`?

Filip Roséen - refpFollowing the question titled Warning generated due wrong strcmp parameter handling, there seems to be some questions regarding what the Standard actually guarantees regarding value representation of character types. Example using std::strcmp int std::strcmp (const char *lhs, const char *rhs ...

fcuk that title, any ideas?
Just starting out with pointers but does: int i = 42; int *p = i; correctly makes the variable p a pointer to the memory location of the variable i?
@KevinDuke That should be int * p = &i;
@KevinDuke Go read a book
@FredOverflow No?
thanks rightfold
@KevinDuke lolwat
@FilipRoséen-refp "an unsigned char" :P
Remove the backticks, they're ugly.
@rightfold Better have a dermatologist remove the ticks on your back.
@rightfold fixed, but I still think the title is too long
thanks for f-ing with me rightfold :P
Zen Coding is broken. :v
@KevinDuke wat
I only fuck with Jefffrey.
Ok, let's see what's the best way to serialize to JSON a directed cyclic graph.
I could use array indices or a matrix.
Just make a screenshot and serialize the bytes ;)
10 messages moved to Java Sucks
That's quite inefficient. :v
Especially the parsing at the other side.
rightfold, you seriously have gay tendency ... not wonder you fancy to be taken by force @ unconference
@chmod711telkitty rightfold is attending?
@chmod711telkitty wat
I am not going to the unconference.
@Sillo: LOL did you just threaten to demand free help elsewhere instead of here? — Lightness Races in Orbit 16 secs ago
having sizeof() be a constant is annoying.
maybe I should demote it to a regular value
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hehe: -31
@MartinJames hi there
12 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@MartinJames Did you.. mean to do that? If so... um, thank you?! :D
11 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
I still need to talk to @MartinJames, who is lurking YES I SEE YOU
The only thing sprintf actually does is suck the life out of developers. — Captain Obvlious 1 min ago
is it possible that you believed my joke about lightnesspyramid.com being Cat's donation site?
more likely he was just shitfaced
k-means algorithm is nice
I was supposed to implement it yesterday but got sucked into lua
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it is likely, even. I don't really think anyone would send you money. Voluntarily.
(Let alone repeatedly. That would be enormously stupid)
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, Lua is like that. It sucks

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