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ITT melak is g++. 4.7.
main.cpp:4:41: error: (an out of class initialization is required)
I'm out of phase.
why is it surprising that it works if the error told you what you need to do to fix it? :)
I need 15 minutes to catch up.
@melak47 I understand that, but why? Why do I have to put it outside? Can't C++ figure it out inside?
i just pressed "full site". whoops.
I've just pressed "mobile". wtf
@Jefffrey Obsolete hysterical raisins and inertia.
fuck you're right wtf
I see.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The "mobile" link is all the way in the lower right corner.
thats handy since i cant reach that cornef
gahh how do I get back
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It works if you zoom out like mad.
You don't.
ah there we go
I've been through that before.
@melak47 hahahaha\
Oh I see. You can even edit the last message. That's pretty handy. I didn't know that.
fuck they cancelled Community & Revolution :(
they did?
they did.
Okay, seen enough Eurovision for this year.
Better go watch Erlang: The Movie.
Do they do that on purpose?
this reminds me of the time I read one of the harry potter books
"Pensieve" was translated to "Pensiv" in Romanian
@Jefffrey Misspelling September as Septermber.
Oh, yeah.
and there was one chapter named "Pensivul" - meaning "the pensieve"
Took me quite a while to notice.
on one of the pages though, it was titled "Pelvisul" meaning "the pelvis"
it could so not be a typo
You changed avatar again.
yup, mentioned I'm doing it often
you'll never make $70,000 that way
22 hours ago, by Alex M.
dunno why, it just makes me feel like I'm not sitting on the same things for too long
You are beautiful the way you are. You don't need to keep changing mask.
I usually do it weekly
You are beautiful inside.
and terrifically ugly on the outside
let me take this knife then, I'll take a pic of my stomach
Wait, are you a girl?
@Jefffrey nope
@ScarletAmaranth Huh. I'm not sure how I missed this message. I've been busy failing EVERYTHING. :D It's been fantastic.
@JohanLarsson hey!
@ThePhD shiny! :)
@JohanLarsson I don't get the question
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not sure I'd make them anyway
alexm so beauty doesn't sound right
I thought names like "DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs" were an exaggeration.
@CatPlusPlus I'm not sure I get it either, guess it is about the implementation of equals.
@Jefffrey not my name, framework struct
No, like, what the hell are you even asking
> As I read the peeked code it is designed to explode.
What is the reason for the exception and what can be done about it
You're trying to compare uncomparable objects...?
Why do you even have a collection of object

public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.Equals((DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)obj);

an infinite recursion?
@ScarletAmaranth I know!!!
@CatPlusPlus why not? I'm letting wpf resolve templates, can push it to github if you feel like flaming
@Jefffrey No, there's also Equals() that takes that specific type
How can I include System::Collections::ObjectModel in my cpp file?
@Alex haha i suppose not :)
@hosch250 #include <System/Collections/ObjectModel.hpp>
@Jefffrey Thanks.
@CatPlusPlus is casting (DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)obj like that standard?
I was doing using System::Collections::ObjectModel;
If you don't want Equals to work on some random types, yes
The only comparison between random erased types that makes sense is identity
Equals taking object is just silly implementation leak
It is not my code, peeked it
object.Equals is a mistake on its own.
You could do a typecheck and return false, but hard error is better
Just a remnant of genericless C#.
It says there is no such file or directory?
@hosch250 We don't do C++/CLI
@hosch250 In which file is "System::Collections::ObjectModel" located?
I don't know.
@Jefffrey It's C++/CLI.
mscorlib.dll duh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks.
What is that.. thing?
@CatPlusPlus Namespaces are not constrained to assemblies, though.
I don't remember which System things have their own assemblies :v
mscorlib is a safe bet!
Why would you use C++/CLI?
I think I am using C++/CX
FWIW we don't do that either.
My chest is killing me
If I die, you guys know why
@Jefffrey It's nice for writing interop glue.
@Rapptz ThePhD made a PR?
I already told you the reason, don't do <object> collections that require equality with types that can't be compared to each other
He accepted my PR
It's not a bug in implementation :cripes:
If you watch lines, you don't actually see them
The world in 1D would be pretty boring.
It'd also suck for having sex.
Imagine, if you're born next to two guys and you need penetration to have sex.
Aw, no major owning in this week's Mahouka episode :(
@ThePhD I don't even.
@ThePhD You are onto something
And you weren't gay. :c
UNless you can implement position swapping, you're pretty much screwed.
The world would still be in 3D. You would just "see" it in 1D.
... Oooh, "in 1D"
No ass penetration problems.
Not "a 1D world"
time to eat
I should be better at reading.
Q: Reducing if-statements in a Pokemon element type system

user3010090Im in the process of trying to create a simple pokemon battle simulator in C++. The problem Ive ran into now is how to implement the Element system (water beats fire, fire beats grass, grass beats water, and including all the other element types). I dont know how I would create such a system wit...

is that C++17?
couldnt have said it better myself
now I have a small furry companion to help me code
ITT Jefffrey shows why the technology industry is seen as so unfriendly to women
Wtf is wrong with you all?
you're right, your name has three fs in it and I only used two.
my bad.
nothing wrong with appreciating so beauty
I'm complimenting her.
you think chicks dont check out guys?
just dont make it the only thing
@DeadMG I do hope that's Daisy down there.
I actually tried to get a shot with more Daisy in it but it's hard to get the phone high enough.
I can tolerate Bailey half-lying across me for about a minute, then pins & needles set in as the blood supply fails.
Daisy's not so bad
she's a little dog, even with all the fat
@DeadMG KKC spanners are great:)
if only I had more pictures of her predecessor
@DeadMG i totally read preprocessor =/
aw shit
I just did a stupid.
@Borgleader Get out of work mode - It's Saturday!
I'm not in work mode! I'm playing GW2 =/
and toying around with TBB
cuz you guys were talking about multithreading last night
@Borgleader Concentrate on the game:)
It's not a bug
how is it not a bug?
Having an equals that takes object and then (DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)obj
R# implementation (in history)
not sure as works with a struct, prolly not
but then there is no inhertiance so just check type
Blimey. The work on Spirit X3 scalability is really interesting. They're using templight (libclang based template debugging tool):
> I had to reduce the monster.cpp file in order to get reasonable xml
files to process ( I stopped in the middle of the compilation once with
a 6GB xml file ....), which I used to find critical path. Once it was
found I reintroduced a bit of complexity in the grammar to see how the
path evolved, how many templates of which type would be instantiated etc
... That led me to the cause of the problem.
@sehe ..using XML.
Well, it appears he has some xslt tooling lying about
It is simple. If we stop the science, we save the people.
@ThePhD There's some strong evidence right there
how the fuck can you die by being tangled in your own bedsheets?
That's what I want to know
It's increasingly popular, too
wouldn't their parents simply untangle them?
No, because they'd be asleep
@DeadMG Natural selection at work
parents aren't awake 24/7
ok, but I'm struggling to see how the baby can tangle itself with sufficient force to even choke itself
choking isn't exactly synonymous with suffocating, right?
I wonder if the umbilical cord counts as your "bedsheets" if you're still in your mother's womb. Unborn sometimes manage to almost strangle themselves with that.
@sehe its chokingly obvious
@Xeo Don't they receive oxygen through the cord?
I mean, it's not like the womb is full of air
hot air
I guess I can see that you could tangle yourself in it when being born
> Strangulation is not about breathing but blood flow to the brain.
well I guess that if you're unborn it probably doesn't take a lot of force
that happens surprisingly frequently
one of the most common reasons for a C-section IIRC, besides idiot yanks wanting to pick their delivery date
also, Butterfly Effect
SHIT it's surprisingly hard to hit the shortcuts when your left hand is immobilized
His hand's full with Daisy
46 mins ago, by DeadMG
user image
the weight drags down on the wrist and it's hard to reposition the hand
Remove dog, problem solved.
but she's so cute.
lol dat question title
Q: Database not being updated :-(((

user3418824This is my code: conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(localdb)\\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=|DataDirectory|\\Users.mdf;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"); conn.Open(); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("update users set surname='simpson' where id=1", conn); int i = comm.ExecuteNon...

Remove dog, add cat, problem solved.
Cuteness increased, weight decreased.
program not working :-(((((( :(((( :( :'(
dog > cat by far
Yes, dogs weigh more than cats.
and they're way cuter
The cats are, yes.
That's what I said.
nope, dogs are way cuter
and they're actually friendly and want to interact with you
dogs are sorta cuter than cats
they're just hard to look after :(
the japanese spitz is the cutest dog ever
some dogs are mutt-ugly
black labs are ace tho
Breed a Cat/Dog hybrid.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I had a black laborador golden-retrivier mix
"and I shall name him.... 'Bartek'"
Lovely black fur, but it was bushy.
I want to name a cat "Basket."
@ThePhD so, a dogcat that stops giving a fuck about you after you feed it, but also lets strangers pet it just to make you feel more unimportant?
@AlexM. Sounds like the perfect Tsundere pet.
.... Clever.
8/10 didn't see it coming.
@AlexM. I'll see your Spitz and raise you a Samoyed. Same idea, but more of it. :-) Oh, but you really want to admire somebody elses's Samoyed. Having one of your own isn't so great (unless you like white fur everywhere, all the time).
Small dogs can be annoying/dumb, barking and bs.
I would take that as a direct insult to Daisy if I were you, @DeadMG
Daisy barks way too much
reminds me of this
I'm gonna shift her now
OK, my laggy UI problem is solved and, yes, I should have guessed - a FF update. Why is FF so incapable of downloading its own update without involving the UI? It's got 57 threads as it is, so WTF?
well you dont have 57 cores
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's network bound! I only have 8 meg.
Why is it so common that programs start many threads?
do you know how much meg I have
@LightnessRacesinOrbit shut up meg
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's all that is available here. At least I don't live in puppy's swamp.
@ThePhD <3
tsundere pets are best pets
couldn't even be bothered to get up when I shifted her off my lap
just flopped right back down again
@JohanLarsson Even Notepad has 2 threads, (no, I don't know why).
one for the notes and one for the pads
welp it's amazing how much better the pictures are now that I cleaned the camera
@DeadMG She's a dead weight alright. Lazy pooch:)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Enough that Meg would get jealous if she knew about all the others?
she's gonna spend most of her time sleeping on my bed now the parents are gone
@AlexM. you have strange taste
@JerryCoffin samoyeds are cool too. I don't know much about fur problems, never kept pets inside the house, always had a small yard for them
@MartinJames obviously, one is running the copy of internet explorer that does the real work of detecting the BOM
@Jerry possibly
On of my dogs ate a pack of musli yesterday, there were farts today.
@sehe lol:)
@DeadMG I'll send the bill
May 1 at 21:16, by sehe
@DeadMG If it's like my old htc, open it, wipe the sand out :) Sand + grease will do this.
I think the other Loungizens are going to be billing you for the swarm of Daisy pictures
Q: How to change the array text being displayed?

user3505901Okay, I just want to print the contents of an array then I want to replace the the contents of the string of the array then replace the them with another name...plase someone help me... I don't really get what to do to it, can someone show me how to do this right and how to use preg_replace? Ever...

I find it surprising that phones take as nice quality pictures they do in general. Given the how they are used and their hardware.
my phone takes horrible photos for how much it cost
no I'm not watching Eurovision, shush
It's a phone not a camera
HTC did some ultrapixel crap to hide the fact that the camera really has 4MP quality
in some circumstances, it's just barely better than how my sony ericsson w810i was
and the w810i is ancient
phone cameras aren't all that good
I got a proper camera, and even though its nothing special, its much better then my phone camera
yeah but given that it is 10 mm thick and the lens is Ø 3mm I say is performs well.
Samsung also makes phones that are really cameras with phone functionality added to them
I think they're ugly :(
that lens looks like a jamming problem waiting to happen
yup that too
@AlexM. that looks turbo dumb =/
Given their size, the cameras in cell phones can produce pretty impressive results--but you pretty much need a larger sensor to produce really good quality. It's easy to produce a sensor with more pixels, but pixels a lot smaller than the wavelength of light don't accomplish a whole lot...
@Borgleader google for samsung galaxy s4 zoom too
@JerryCoffin If Canon would release a high end fullformat, 24*36, with 3Mpixel I would buy it in a second.
High|large range and low noise would be sweet.
@JerryCoffin speaking of small sensors, I read that they managed to make phased array optical sensors on a chip. Tiny (cheap? maybe :p) lidar would be cool
@melak47 I'm surprised that phones don't have an IR LED options as well as the normal white light. It would be good for dark nights.
Well, dark, cold nights anyway:)
@JohanLarsson I doubt I would. Given the low-noise performance of the Nikon D3s, I don't see where you're be likely to gain a whole lot (of real use) from even bigger pixels. Beside, if Canon made it, the only Zeiss lenses you could get for it would be manual focus...
what is the size of the sensor and pixel count on D3?
The noise is directly proportional to the area of the pixelsensor, averaging the number of photons hitting it during the exposure.
@JohanLarsson 24x36mm, 12.1 MP.
@JohanLarsson I'm sure you intended to say noise is inversely proportional to area...
@JerryCoffin That sounds sweet! Not sure it is enough to go through the pain to sell all canon lenses
@JerryCoffin yeah if I knew the language :)
A new 24 series.
@JohanLarsson It was good for its time. From what I've read, the D4 has about the same noise level, despite somewhat higher resolution (16 MP).
hmm, I actually feel kinda shitty tonight
To be honest though, the D4 has been rather over-shadowed by the D800 and D800e. They have a lot higher resolution (36 MP) by low enough noise to be quite usable. When/if you want it badly enough, you can down-sample it to get close to the noise level of a lower-resolution camera, but still have the chance to retain higher resolution when you want it (which is about 99% of the time for most people, once the novelty of taking pictures at night wears off).
@JerryCoffin I still have my D20 it is really old but I never found a reason to upgrade when I tried newer cameras.
this is beautiful
When is super high resolution useful? Cropping is the only thing I can think of, cropping is useful though.
Any editing stuff will likely benefit from higher-quality source material
A 30" 2560x1600 display is only 4Mpixel
@JohanLarsson Depends on what you want. The other obvious possibility is when/if you want to produce really huge prints. Also necessary if you might want to sell pictures (e.g., to a stock photo agency) at some point.
go go captain am-i-trippy-line
@JerryCoffin I have B&W dogs, I want detail in the whites & the blacks :)
Also sky is nice in pictures
@JohanLarsson Lower noise allows the picture to keep detail over a wider dynamic range.
Why isn’t there an artificial planet yet. :<
@rightfold what makes you so sure earth isn't artificial?
Just ask some mice

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