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Yes, you can do it in any language. You just copy and paste the output from your program.
As for Coursera, apparently the ppl that run Rosalind use it for Coursera courses.
hmm...at least I thought that's the case. I don't see the reference to Coursera anywhere, though.
this reminds me of how many times the DNA horse got beat while I was in school
how so?
Every biology class I took always had either the scientific method or basic chemistry + DNA as a lesson no matter how high the class was.
I swear it's some sort of conspiracy.
I didn't take any biology in college.
I have a master's in Biomedical Sciences
So I had to take a lot :p
that would explain all the biology ;-)
how familiar are you with bioinformatics then?
pretty well
you'll probably breeze through most of the Rosalind problems. I did like 20 of them in 24 hours...
I like to think I'm good at programming and problem solving.
and I've only solved 19 more since then
I just finished the first problem
it seemed too easy
I feel like I'm missing something
they eventually get harder...takes a few levels in the tree, though.
Oh boy, I'm timed and I have to download.
it took more time to do that than the problem :v
why does it make me download a text file?
wouldn't it be easier to just.. tell me?
In later problems you have to read and parse the file.
oh boy.
the input is a bit larger
lol this is just like PE forums.
Someone always solves these in assembly
and people who try to be clever ("I just did Ctrl + F")
that's what I miss the most about the first 100 problems actually
after ~200 or so no one posts
dead forums
except for like 3-6 people
so the forums for 200+ still have room for permanent posts?
last I checked most do
I should post just to have a permanent post somewhere
hmm...maybe I'll have to jump ahead some more.
I don't post on the forums at all
I've posted my solutions on some of the lower ones, but they are probably all bumped.
as for rosalind
what do you think so far?
I'm on problem 3 which makes you take compliments and this stuff has always bugged me cause
string algorithms suck
and iunno how to do compliments w/o replacing 4 times :v
haskell was great for that problem.
I know it doesn't matter in this case but it bugs me psychologically I suppose
replacing 4 times? how so?
just replace once...from a lookup table.
like, replace 'A' with 'T' and 'C' with 'G' and vice versa
that's 4 different replacements
4 different if statements to check what to replace.
btw is the filename always rosalind_problemid?
yes, I believe so
it has been for every problem I've downloaded so far.
yeah I can't come up with anything clever
yay! I solved one more!
@Rapptz How many have you solved?
um 3
just getting started!
let me know if you get much further. I am looking for someone to bounce ideas off of.
code code ... cold - going for a jog soon
sounds fun
Wrong room.
Damn. I was trying figure out where to send it to C# or Java. :)
bad mysticial
picking on the poor C# and Java ppl
@Rapptz but then there's less than no point because nobody would possibly try to help me as nobody sits through code like that...
And you expect people here to do it? lol
Mine was just one method, and a small one at that.
You have an odd definition of small.
try reducing the code to something smaller that still reproduces the problem
> Complementing a Strand of DNA solved by 8727
> Rabbits and Recurrence Relations solved by 3940
impressive drop
The problem is simply that I can't comprehend it. Anyway, I don't think it would fit on SE as a question because it's too narrow. I just wanted to know if somebody could help me. I already described the problem: I grabbed a method off the internet that calculates a pixel-perfect collision with rotated rectangles based on textures because I couldn't write it myself. The method takes matrices for input (I think they describe the rotational values... in an unspecified range...).
> I grabbed a method off the internet
that's your first problem
Oh wow. I think my first problem was being in the C++ lounge, and not C#. I think I might be having one of those days.
I did say "Wrong room"
how'd the feel of these problems change so radically
how so?
there's more string algos if that's what you mean.
No I hate string algorithms lol
I just find it odd how it went from DNA/RNA to...
doubt it
I pressed the arrows
check out the tree view: rosalind.info/problems/tree-view
you have a choice of several problems now
quite the branching
I've read this problem twice so far
Still don't get the use of the k input o.o
the rabit one?
it's a generalization of the standard fibonacci numbers
in which case k = 1
what a strange way to word it
so in the example where k = 3, the sequence is umm...1,1,3,5,11,21,...
you mean 10
1, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20
the problem's retarded imo
this isn't even a proper series
define "proper"
there's a well-defined recurrence relation
what is it?
at least I found one that gave me the right answer...
f(n,k) = f(n-1,k) + k*f(n-2,k)
that's what I wrote too
but I'm not sure if it's proper
I didn't even do the DP that the problem suggests you use...
what does "proper" mean?
being able to put it in sigma notation
not all series are suited to sigma notation
just "nice" ones
oh...the sequence I posted above was with k = 2...that's why it didn't make any sense lol
p.s. You don't need to find the sum...which you probably could define with sigma notation.
you just need to solve for the closed form of the recurrence relation
talking about which...hmmm....
I think that's right anyway
yah, that would work, I guess
but that's just the definition of a single element in the sequence
maybe we are talking about different things here...
F(n) is vanilla fibonacci
which has a recursive definition as well as a closed form that can be computed in constant time.
It wouldn't be difficult to solve for the generalized F(n, k) to get a closed form which isn't recursive.
I am interested in fibonacci in constant time :v
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence: :1,\;1,\;2,\;3,\;5,\;8,\;13,\;21,\;34,\;55,\;89,\;144,\; \ldots\; or (often, in modern usage): :0,\;1,\;1,\;2,\;3,\;5,\;8,\;13,\;21,\;34,\;55,\;89,\;144,\; \ldots\; . By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation :F_n = F_{n-1} ...
bleh, didn't onebox the formula...but click it and you will see
I am aware of the closed form
I just don't think that it'll be executed in O(1) time
constant in the input n, and assuming exponentiation is a "elementary operation"
depends on how you measure the size of the input, I guess =p
just letting me stew in my dumbass juices? =p
I was bleeding for some reason
that's not good
so what's your analysis of the closed form and why do you say it won't execute in constant time?
I'm unsure if std::pow is O(1)
std::pow is definitely O(1). But it may vary slightly for different inputs.
It's bounded though.
If we're talking bignums, then computing the N'th fibonacchi number would be roughly O(N*log(N)).
fancy h in the name eh
thus says the numerical wizard!
well, fibonacci numbers are typically in Reals.
so it'd be { x | x >= 0 , x E R } for the inputs
How do you measure the size of the input? The integer n itself or the number of digits (or bits) in n?
just the integer
if std::pow is O(1) then I guess you can compute it in O(1)
that was my unstated assumption
@Code-Guru Correction, I meant the fibonacchi number with N digits.
@Mysticial for the bignum analysis, right?
Actually, wait...
No, it's the same. The # of digits in the N'th Fibonacci number is O(N).
So it's the same.
@Code-Guru naive x^n is x * x * x ... until n is reached which isn't O(1) I think.
(and no, I didn't think std::pow does it that silly)
@Rapptz But multiplying it out is still probably going to be faster than using std::pow().
@Rapptz if you mean that you are counting the number of multiplications, then yes, I'll agree with that.
I'm not sure if std::pow will be able to recognize the integer exponent and switch to the easy algorithm.
there is an integer overload
wait what
it got.. removed?
replaced by a template function, it seems.
> If any argument has integral type, it is cast to double
11 Moreover, there shall be additional overloads sufficient to ensure:
1. If any argument corresponding to a double parameter has type long double, then all arguments
corresponding to double parameters are effectively cast to long double.
2. Otherwise, if any argument corresponding to a double parameter has type double or an integer type,
then all arguments corresponding to double parameters are effectively cast to double.
3. Otherwise, all arguments corresponding to double parameters are effectively cast to float.
I don't know if this means std::pow(floating_point, integer) is removed
Q: Why was std::pow(double, int) removed from C++11?

Mark BWhile looking into Efficient way to compute p^q (exponentiation), where q is an integer and reviewing the C++98 and C++11 standards I noticed that apparently the std::pow(double, int) overload was removed in C++11. In C++98 26.5/6 it has the double pow(double, int); signature. In C++11 26.8 all...

@Code-Guru while you are here, is there any good code I could paste for getting current location on Android
and a decent json parser
So I guess it wasn't removed
The Android API has a JSON Parser.
@Mysticial That means that std::pow can special case for std::pow(float, int) btw
That's neat.
@telkitty.exe don't know much about location API
cool thanks
re-writing one of my apps from IOS onto Android (objective C to Java)
not sure why I'm still up...
gonna meet my mom for lunch tomorrow.
probably should get some sleep...and maybe shave
the closed form expression is disgusting
for fibo?
I think it's incredible.
You can throw out the smaller term and floor the big one. It'll be the same thing.
Where the hell does sqrt(5) come from and how does the formula magically become an integer?
Oh no I meant
for retarded_rabbit_fibo
not for regular fibonacci
@Code-Guru Fibonacci is just a recursion. The solution to the recursion is root of a quadratic.
right...I can solve it mathematically. I just mean...there's a effing sqrt in there! WTF it's supposed to be all integers!
I hate you let down
just type the formula into wolfram. x(m) = x(m - 1) + k * x(m - 2)
yah...that is ugly
the link worked for me
no script thought I was doing XSS
having lunch but have to shave for it ... sounds like a date but not with your mom >_<
well, I don't see my mom very often...and I haven't shaved for a couple of weeks.
rabbits :: Int -> Int -> Int
rabbits k n = rabbits' !! (n-1)
    where rabbits' = [r i | i <- [1..]]
          r 1 = 1
          r 2 = 1
          r n = (rabbits' !! (n - 1)) + k * (rabbits' !! (n - 2))
why is this slower than the straightforward recursive implementation? ;-(
you only need to keep track of two numbers
hmm...apparently I was trying to compute r 0...
now it's almost instantaneous
gotta love it when attempted optimizations actually worked
mine's instantaneous too
my previous version took 11 seconds to run
but then it was the stupid recursion
178956971[Finished in 0.0s]
I should properly time it or something
but it's lame to so I won't
did you use the closed formula?
didn't think so
I'm using recursion
time to see if I can figure out FIBD
I don't know if I would do that one with fibonacci
I guess that ruins the fun though
fibonacci number doesn't really apply to the rabbit population - you need at least a mother and a father rabbit to start the multiplication :p
that would be F_1 = F_2 = 1
or t starts at 3
@telkitty.exe fibonacci counts the pairs of rabbits, not individuals.
and I think the assumption is that it is male/female pairs
it is
debugging haskell is a pita
t starts from 0 or 1? ... nm 1 in that question
@Code-Guru I am getting different figures from the sample:
is what I calculated, the sample gives 1,1,2,2,3,4
then you are doing something wrong =p
1,1,2,3,5,8 is the normal sequence @ t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 & t6 right?
did you come up with a recurrence relation?
for the modified sequence?
I assume t2 & t1 is the same pair?
a pair of rabbits only reproduce after 1 month
t5 = 5 - 1 = 4 then?
do you know how to solve for a recurrence relation?
not only do the rabbits die, they also don't reproduce more rabbits.
did you finish yet?
no, that's one I'm still stuck on. I haven't found a recurrence relation for the dead rabbits.
might as well get paper
my whiteboard's been fucky lately
is k = 1 in this problem?
yes, every pair produces only 1 pair...until they die
I need to get a whiteboard for my new apartment...
You should not overload that operator for serialization archives. And using *this instead of thischanges object tracking semantics. This is not an appropriate answer in the context of boost-serializationsehe 7 mins ago
GOD. The awfulness. Everybody is just "guessing" stuff. The comments and the answers are almost equally bad therre.
I'll believe you
since I know nothing about boost
doing it by hand is interesting
found the pattern yet?
// 2m
// 1m 3
// 0m 2m 3
// 0m 1m 2m 3
// 0m 0m 1m 2m 3 3
// 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m 2m 3 3
is what I got by hand
0m means dead mature rabbit btw
got it
A: error: no match for 'operator<<' using boost::serialisation

seheYou are not giving all the information necessary. Here's a self-contained example based on the sample code you /did/ show Live On Coliru As you can see, it runs fine. The only significant edit I think that may be causing trouble is this: std::string tmp = t->Scheme().GetSchemeType(); ar <<

That's it.
I don't know what the other people were smoking, recommending cargo-cult practices :(
@Rapptz hmm...I like that idea. I'll have to pull out my notebook and follow it for a few more generations to see what's going on.
it looks like f(n) = f(n-2)+f(n-3)...
this is for n = 7
it's well past my bed time. I think I'd better hit the sack.
let me know if you make any progress, @Rapptz (on the mortal rabbits or any others, for that matter)
@T.C. your comment and the first answer encourage cargo cult progamming. You don't fix problems by randomly changing code. You'll have to understand what the library does, and how it was intended to do this, before you can suggest fixes. Just simply changing this to *this changes object tracking semantics. — sehe 1 min ago
Done there.
Phew. Sometimes it feels like work.
n(t) = n(t-1) + n(t-2) - n(t-3) // n(0)=0, n(1)=1, n(2)=1 t has to be greater than 2
can't eat dinner & think @ same time
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Mortal Rabids loungecpp.net [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [c++-faq] [c++-magpie]
@einpoklum Indeed, you failed to make clear what should print if the character isn't printable (Get it? you decide the requirements). My answer - randomly - chose 'url-encoding'-style, e.g. %08 for \bsehe 57 secs ago
Apparently, people expect us to make up requirements for them, on the go
Speaking of which, the magpies have been bullying the chooks. I am thinking of trapping the magpies and put them into a cage while let the chooks roaming free for a couple of day
Apr 18 at 11:29, by sehe
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Don't Bully The Chooks, Please http://loungecpp.net [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [c++-faq] [c++-magpie]
@sehe morning, will you be going to the unconference?
unconsciously, maybe
@FlorisVelleman Nope
pylint's defaults say you can have up to 20 returns statements in a function, but no more than 12 branches??
n(t) = n(t-1) + n(t-2) - n(t-4) // n(0)=0, n(1)=1, n(2)=1 t has to be greater than 3
I couldn't come up with a pure mathematical implementation
but I did solve it
in the most hackish way possible probably
Solve what?
34 mins ago, by telkitty.exe
n(t) = n(t-1) + n(t-2) - n(t-4) // n(0)=0, n(1)=1, n(2)=1 t has to be greater than 3
did it actually work?
tested up to n=9 and working
for different values of m I mean
@Jefffrey Get used to it.
k :c
@telkitty.exe verify with this one coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/d072d22e80e8f2ca
it was the data set I was given
@Rapptz only works for m=3 ... but at anytime the rabbits population should be all the population at t-1 plus all the new breedings minus death
@sehe 12 branches in a function. :(
with m=3, the rabbits is increasing at the rate of n(t-2) but decrease at n(t-4)
Change it to four at worst.
with m > 3 , it should be the same theory but go back further n(t-1)+n(t-2)+n(t-3)+...
then minus the n(t-m-1)
try it out and see
now that I'm done, I should sleep :P
lol that "Yarr!!" button - en.bib.tiera.ru
Java’s PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream API is so horrible.
Why the fuck isn’t there just a function that returns a pair of these.
wait, with m > 3 , it's not n(t-1)+n(t-2)+n(t-3)+...
it is n(t) = n(t-1) + n(t-2) - n(t-m-1) ?
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit...

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