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Shame Blizzard is absolutely terrible at balancing and bug fixing.
quiet in here today
Right; that's it. I'm downvoting questions with extreme prejudice from now on.
So many pinned things
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's standard procedure =/
@Borgleader I used to comment mostly and downvote a little less. Now I'm just going to downvote and move on because fuck it.
I'll also support the hindi.stackoverflow.com proposal (and then never visit it)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You mean turboc++.stackoverflow.com :P
har har har
Too bad it didn't work out. I'm fond of multilanguage stackoverflows.
@Borgleader ;p

Proposed Q&A site for this site is for any part of Trolling. For those who want to prevent trolling, design systems that discourage trolling, or for people who want to successfully troll others.

Currently in definition.

wtf is this
@Jefffrey I'm not but I want these newbie fuckers off my SO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, tell them champ. Tell them how you became who you are without being a newbie.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit still more useful than parenting.se
or is parenting.se the real trolling.se?
Also, the Google+ and their UI is, um,... well, frankly, I just hate it. THIS PLACE is focused on clear, worthwhile and useful communication (instead of use-less and annoying Google blather and glitz). Please, please, please SE--give us folks who love sharing with and helping one another within our rapidly growing Statamic community a better home!? We're your kind of people! P.S. The points thing you've got going here to encourage participation is kinda fun. :-) — iDGS Jan 16 at 20:46
we may never know
what's wrong with Parenting?
@Jefffrey I was a newbie once, yes, but I didn't fucking cum all over the internet about it
I had patience and I watched and read and experimented and learnt. I did not write lazy shite into the first thing I could find that vaguely looked like a message board
@Rapptz I personally think most of the questions there are particularly sad to look at, some looking as if they were made just to cause this
I'm talking about "5 yo wants birthday, nobody coming because of event X, how do I make others come to birthday" questions
and pretty much all other control freak driven questions
> My 3 year-old child wakes up after about 6-8 hours of sleep which I think is normal. I get up around that time to pick up the house, study for school, and then I head out to work. When he wakes up, his mom is still sleeping, so he climbs up into her bed and tries to wake her up and asks to breastfeed.
Anyone here can help me with a small ios problem ?
The kid is precocious.
Are you one of those "breastfeeding for long periods is bad" people?
@AlexM. Never seen any


Join to become part of the community, not to simply ask questi...
Q: Classmates choosing soccer tournament over my sons birthday party

FaberAfter kindergarten class my son started first grade this fall in a new class, which was a mixup of children from the previous kindergarten classes. There are 15 boys and 10 girls in the class. 10 of the boys are heavily into soccer as are most of their parents. My wife and I as well as the pare...

That chat is empty :(
@AlexM. neat
@PradeepMittal Fill it.
I don't think those are the norm.
@Rapptz I'm not trying to make any sort of scientific point. I just think it's weird and unusual and kinda gross
@PradeepMittal you should wait for someone to get there; chat seems perfectly active statistically
waiting for help in the right spot is better than searching for help in the wrong spot
Ok thanks.
You're right that it's weird in the sense that people don't typically do it
@AlexM. Unbelievable.
@AlexM. Yeah. I don't think this is normal. OP is clearly a little bit insane.
Excellent – 1,500 visits per day is good, 500 visits per day needs some work. A great site benefits people outside the community. Eventually, 90% of a site's traffic should come from search engines.
those stats are impressive
they're better than a lot of the out of beta sites
makes me wonder why it's still just a beta. I guess Q/day is really important.
Question per day ratio. Yeah.
100% of the questions are answered!
"Location: Massachusetts" on SO profile. stab stab stab
should say "Massachusetts, USA". Americans like to assume the community they're in must only have Americans in it.
present company excepted of course
Is... is there another Massachusetts I'm unaware of?
Looks like there isn't.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hardly restricted to Americans. I've seen quite a few with just "Aberdeen", "York", etc.
You should read the documentation for the language features that you use. The syntax error in your query is trivially identifiable by reading the SELECT documentation. What prevented you from making this effort? — Lightness Races in Orbit 10 secs ago
can't help it
@JerryCoffin Really?
I can't say I've ever seen that, personally, and I don't just mean on SO — I've never seen Brits fall into that behaviour any place a global audience can be realistically expected
Not saying it never happens, but I've not personally seen it.
is there a relatively cross platform way to change the colour of text outputted on a terminal? :s
i.e. a library that does the work for me?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I can't say it's extremely common, but yes. I guess "quite a few" might be overstating it a little, but certainly a few anyway.
@Rapptz you can make the text transparent:v
@Rapptz I'm a frayed knot.
taking the relatively small sample of the SO users front page, there are 36 users listed. Of those, 9 are from the States. Of those, 5 fail to indicate that their state is part of a country that exists within a wider world. None of the 7 UK users do this, and neither do the 20 that are from elsewhere or do not list a location.
@Rapptz curses/ncurses.
@JerryCoffin I assumed it didn't work on Windows.
I'd say that's pretty representative. Wish I could be bothered to do better stats gathering. Huh, maybe the Data Explorer can help me...
stupid Windows.
A: optimizing code performance

gnasher729I'd optimise it as follows, but good compilers might do that anyway: #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream> using namespace std; #include<math.h> #include<thread> using namespace std; si...

^^ brillliant
Fuck it, I'll just emulate a terminal
@Mysticial wth
OP wants to use threads.
without counting, the second page of SO users has similar proportions
Just remove all the code.
@Mysticial using namespace std; three times? Wow!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm not getting the same numbers you are.
@JerryCoffin 3 star stdlib programmer?
@Rapptz Then your numbers are wrong.
I don't like using namespace std;s.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'd guess it's at least reasonably representative as well--the problem, of course, is that when you do find one with just "York" or "Aberdeen" (etc.) it's essentially impossible to know whether it's a Brit or perhaps a particularly insular American who doesn't even realize (or care) that there are four other "Aberdeen"s just in the US...
@melak47 Call me lazy if you will, but I think "idiot" is at least enough syllables to waste on that description.
return handler(request, **parameters) wow such tail call much possible optimisation
A 27-line web framework woo!
@JerryCoffin lol true
should probably pack for my holiday at some point
why do all british news look so sketchy
What’s the difference between a test case and a test suite?
@Rapptz Cos Etienne just referred you to the equivalent of Fox
@Abyx gcc 4.9 has a lot of C++14 features.
or you could build clang yourself
@LightnessRacesinOrbit For the record, I don't really know what constitutes a "serious" newspaper in the UK.
Got any suggestions?
they all look sketchy except for BBC
@Rapptz it doesn't have new constexpr
but clang34 on coliru does.
guess you'll have to build clang
@EtiennedeMartel Times. Telegraph. FT.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I saw this on reddit.
Someone (presumably a student?) posted that they used the thing to cheat
the article says all that
> Plymouth University didn’t realise they had made the error until a pupil uploaded the posters to Reddit on Thursday.
> ‘Just took a maths final with this on the wall of the exam room. It has formulas [sic] on that were needed in the exam,’ wrote hazzaap123.
> ‘The poster got me an extra 10 per cent on the paper.’
I forgot that constitutes as journalism now a days
@Griwes I don't like the term "maths"
hard to see how that poster could get you 10% at university level maths, but whatever
@Rapptz Do you go around saying "mathematic"?
no I go around saying "math"
which is a stupid abbreviation
Why? Is it because it's not British?
no, it's because you don't go around saying "mathematic". It is a plural. Don't be so obtuse
a mathematical formula -> a math formula
where's the s in mathematical?
Fun fact: in French, "mathématique" has a female gender.
and in any other romance language
I can't really say for any other because I don't speak them.
I just assume that none of the romance languages are special butterflies when it comes to certain things.
@EtiennedeMartel it can be female, but it can't have "a female gender"
that's like saying "my car has a fast speed". that means it's accelerating quickly.
@Rapptz It would be correct there. Still, it's used as an abbreviation for "mathematics", not for "mathematical".
@Rapptz I have come to the conclusion that French is full of arbitrary bullshit.
Or are you now going to claim that you enjoyed your fifth grade "mathematical classes"?
Haha. Noticed this on a frontpage question:
it's not. magic. It is new (oh noes, what a bad pun). Now async is the future (gasp) — sehe Sep 28 '11 at 0:30
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "a female grammatical gender"?
No clue why it's on the frontpage though
> edited 5 mins ago
@Rapptz "its gender is 'female'"
French words are transgender.
@sehe To help you weave your dreams.
You can fix it too, given a few sturdy nails.
too bad you can't deliver sedatives over the internet
especially via SO
chat is sedative
chat is seductive
Chad is seductive, lol.
night friends! (and you)
Ironically, if you specialize it, it could be derived :/ I find this explanation very confusing. Not enough "covariance", if you ask me. — sehe 12 secs ago
Huh. +1 for the wording fix. However, a compilation error is not Undefined Behaviour... — sehe 38 secs ago
I'm eating potato salad with rosemary.
Geef me je adres, dan help ik je.
e3-plein, ledeberg
I wish IntelliJ showed the current line in the scroll bar.
Why is your flat displayed in 3D on Google Maps.
And why is Rizon offline.
Who's rosemary? Does she have a lot of thyme on her hands?
Did you get the whole pun? Or only parsley?
@sehe Weet je hoe mijn moeder heet?
@sehe I applaud your effort.
I'm just that good.
@rightfold knol is a funny word
@rightfold I think I do prefer IDE's that show the current line in the editor area
Ik ga een gigantische buttplug naar je huis bestellen.
@sehe I want both.
* een deel van een stengel; zie stengel * een (deel van) een wortel; zie wortel (plant) * Knol (plaats), een gehucht in Terneuzen * Paard (dier) * Knol (geologie), een verschijningsvorm van gesteente of mineralen * Google Knol, een Google kennisproject * Knol (bedrijf), een fabrikant van Groninger koek * De Knol (wierde), voormalige wierde en boerderij in de Nederlandse gemeente Eemsmond * Knology, aangeduid met de NASDAQ-tickercode KNOL Personen Achternaam * Aaltje Emmens-Knol, een Nederlandse burgemeester * Ankie Broekers-Knol, een Nederlandse politica * Henk Knol (dichter), een Ned...
It shows errors in the scrollbar, and I want to see how near I am to them.
@rightfold My lines are frequently > 24 characters. It wouldn't fit. In fact, I'd be glad to completely do without scrollbars.
@rightfold Ah
I have no scrollbars in any program except Emacs and IntelliJ.
Fuck you, Rizon.
I wonder if all pirate parties together get many votes.
Fuck you, Rightfold.
Maybe I should get a superior IRC client.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ya might want to avoid jumping in on a dead thread there. I'm fully aware there are other countries, many of whose governments I consider far above my own in quality and ethics. But like it or not the USA has overwhelming influence, and in the absence of any info at all, a question written in clean English will be assumed to be from the USA (or Canada, if it ends in 'eh'). It's like posting a coding question and failing to name the language in question. — Carl Witthoft 8 mins ago
Sometimes I think you try to be offended.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Fuck you, Rightness.
@Rapptz I wasn't actually offended, despite my tactical choice of words. My problem is that I want to fix these broken people, and I get frustrated cos I can't :(
Rightness Folds in Orbit.
dat rightness
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't think he's wrong.
Though he needs to add in the UK too in his English-speaking assumption.
@Rapptz Nah, that's not a real place.
@Rapptz Well then you are wrong also.
making a habit of that today
Out of all people, I thought maybe you would know the different levels of English educations in other countries.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's not especially unusual for viruses.
you only need a few viruses to start an infection of a host.
and they're very small so there's very many of them.
Number of pigs in the United States in 1997: 61.2 million
Number of pigs in the United States in 2007: 67.8 million
god only knows what it is now
that's a lot of pigs
yum, pork barbecue
I dunno
to feed 300odd million people
that doesn't actually seem that many.
well, I have an hour to cook, eat, watch 45 minute TV episode, pack for my holiday, print out documentation, transfer a week's worth of entertainment onto my laptop, wash and dry a set of clothes. interesting.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit MOAR BACON
@DeadMG well, that's only the ones that haven't been eaten yet and, of those, only the ones that have already been born
plus not all 300 million tossers Americans eat pork
and all the ones that never will be eaten
besides you can get a lot of bacon from one pig
probably true
Not in Minecraft.
and they probably import from other countries.
For thousands of years obesity was rarely seen. It was not until the 20th century that it became common, so much so that in 1997 the World Health Organization (WHO) formally recognized obesity as a global epidemic. As of 2005 the WHO estimates that at least 400 million adults (9.8%) are obese, with higher rates among women than men. As of 2008, The World Health Organization claimed that 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight and of these over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. The rate of obesity also increases with age at least up to 50 or 60 year...
This Giyo bloke is really good soundcloud.com/gi-yo/dorothy
> The peasants in Egypt believe that fatness is proper as the “envelope for conception;” therefore, there is enough room to bear and give warmth to the child.
@Rapptz Saw an interesting article today that antibiotic overuse killed positive microbes in our guts, contributing to obesity and a bunch of immune disorders.
I think it's an interesting suggestion
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What?
It's sourced.
@Rapptz Didn't say it wasn't....
@DeadMG makes sense
@DeadMG Got a link?
it was on Ars, I think, or newscientist.
H. pylori guy.
Oh, cool. IntelliJ highlights errors in regular expressions in Python.
Rightfold Races through totally unrelated Comments
but personally
it seems to be a bit of a theme of this century that many of the technologies we used last century were more abused last century and we're having to pick up the pieces now
antibiotics, antimalarials, and antivirals all show resistance, power generation gives rise to climate change, etc.
Climate change gives rise to power generation.
Consume as much as possible #yolo
@sehe elevator pitch fork.
you only live once, but your descendants don't.
Don’t give birth. :3
interesting strategy
Also, what?
My descendants don’t live only once? Interesting.
if you actually have descendants, it's pretty unlikely in modern society that they'll exit the gene pool.
so you'll probably have descendants right up until our species becomes extinct.
I mean, your direct children live once, then your grandchildren live once, then their children live once, etc etc.
Not if I consume so much that they have nothing to consume anymore.
Problem solved!
I’ll most likely never have children.
Given I lack a womb.
don't need one to have children
@DeadMG it's yolo all the way down
@DeadMG I’m relatively gay.
I could donate cum, but meh.
well, that explains a lot.
@rightfold relatively?
@StackedCrooked 51%.
@rightfold You sure it isn't 50.9%?
you'll die just as easily from antibiotic-resistant TB as anyone else
@Code-Guru It’s exactly 51%.
How do you measure relative gayness?
You measure how gay you are compared to all other people.
I’m secretly OP.
@Code-Guru Did you finish fibd?
nope...haven't had time to work on it.
Oh. I finished it before I slept
It was 3 am here when I logged out.
It was 6:30 AM when I went to bed!
and I haven't had any coding time this morning.
Did you finish any others?
No I went on reddit instead
Got hoooked on Rosalind?
the other habit
@Rapptz so you found a recurrence relation? I think if I can figure out that much, the actual coding will be cake.
No, I think telkitty did
especially now that I figured out one way to memoize in Haskell
I just did it in an imperative way
I kept track of the bunnies
kept track of their ages?
or rather how many of each age you have...
I'm kindda don't want to look until I figure it out myself...
it's not a very mathematical way of doing it
at least I don't think so
I think the Rosalind problems are more algorithmic than PE
math doesn't translate one to one in programming most of the time...
that's why I'd rather do it by hand most of the time
but the dumb rabbits problem begged for state
I was going to say "It'd be cool if we had a mathematical based language" and then I remembered Mathematica exists.
fib or fibd?
hmm...I will look at it closer and see if I can figure out a recurrence relation.
None of the comments found out a recurrence relation.
I can also visualize a way to keep track of the number of rabbits for each age.
on the forums?
telkitty posted one but I don't really know if it works
well, I'm off to tutoring. Gotta make money to support my coding habit.
@rightfold Ouch
@Rapptz Isn't it: F( n ) = (F( n - 1 ) + F ( n - 2 )) - F (n - m + 1) ?

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