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how they work
an unnamed function
assigned to a variable? well in jscript
or just created on the fly
And even Objective-C. That covers all high-level general purpose languages in the top 40 SO tags.
Only Java remains.
@LewsTherin Yes, you can assign them to variables.
I think java has them..I think I saw it when coding with Android
so something like this
var v = new function()

that's jscript syntax...so the reference is returned to v but you can do v() ?
doesn't make sense to me
@LewsTherin No, Java doesn't have them.
var v = function() { ... } would be more accurate when it comes to anonymous functions I think.
@LewsTherin Yep.
@LucDanton you might be right can't remember been a while
so how is it one can do v()?
The new function() { ... } syntax is sugar for a closure IIRC (although of course the previous syntax also allows closures).
@LewsTherin Because v is bound to a function.
That's what you do with functions: call them.
new Thread()
  //if i declare variables here i get errors
            public void run()
            // ....define variables in function
Is new Thread not anonymous
@LewsTherin That's called an anonymous inner class.
@LucDanton bound?
It can be used to emulate lambdas but it's way more verbose.
And a bit limited in that they're not closures.
@LewsTherin v the variable can be bound to stuff.
@RMartinhoFernandes how do you mean inner class it creates a new class and overrides existing function? Or can append new functions?
@LucDanton ok.... so basically v is an alias of the function created
@LewsTherin Yes, even though I don't think that's the usual way to describe it.
var v = 10 binds 10 to v
@LewsTherin It's called inner because it's inside a class or method. Don't really know. That's the name.
It's an anonymous class.
@LucDanton I don't think so too...but I have no idea how else to explain it
v = 'hello' rebinds 'hello' to v
v = function() { ... } now binds it to a function.
@RMartinhoFernandes where is it inside the class? I don't see the class new Thread(){} is in
@LucDanton I guess that only works because v isn't of a specific type
Just throwing in some Touhou Soundtrack Remixes
it is like that void* thingy is it?
@LewsTherin Like pretty much everything in Java, you can't declare that outside of a class.
except it is a reference
Q: C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

ClairvoireFrom all the material I used to learn C++, auto has always been a weird storage duration specifier that didn't serve any purpose. But just recently, I encountered code that used it as a type name in and of itself. Out of curiosity I tried it, and it assumes the type of whatever I happen to assi...

Cute question.
@LewsTherin That works because it's specified to work.
@LewsTherin It's unlike a statically typed language.
@RMartinhoFernandes you are right yeah...
I'll get to it in the book I guess.
@LucDanton yeah...is it a good idea using var a lot?
It can make code a pain in the butt
@LucDanton > It feels like I'm using using a 'fun' language like Python.
@LewsTherin There are no alternatives.
@LucDanton There are! Not using var. (Talking JavaScript here, right?)
@RMartinhoFernandes I haven't found a way though
@RMartinhoFernandes Yes.
@LewsTherin A way to what? To not use var?
f = function() {}
Just don't use var. That's the alternative. It's not the same, though.
Oh yeah...that makes it even more unreadable lol
I think that's dangerous...it doesn't differentiate locals
Yeah, it's something like that. I don't know the details.
@RMartinhoFernandes So you admit it's not an alternative!
what about events?
what's the difference of this...
var v = function(){}
Honestly, I don't buy all those "auto/var/type inference can make code hard to read".
function() { var v = 42; function() { var v = 10; return v } } what now?
(No idea if my use of the semicolon is allowed.)
It smacks of someone that never used a dynamic language.
Those guys do fine without type names written all over.
@RMartinhoFernandes You mean a type-inferring language, right? :)
@LucDanton Or that.
I only know Haskell and boo, though. Not as popular as Python.
OCaml! With structural subtyping!
Also, Google Go, also with structural subtyping.
@LucDanton Oh, well, never tried that one.
@LucDanton Oh, right Go. I like Go.
   onclick = function()
    alert() ;
   // and
       onclick = alert() ;
You like it except when you do error handling.
@LucDanton They use multiple returns for that, right?
And defer for cleanup.
@RMartinhoFernandes There's also defer and is that panic or whatever?
It's like the unholy spawn of Algol and Lua.
It's not perfect, but I still like it.
I gotta sleep will ask later...good night :)
And thanks both of you ;)
And admit it, it's way better than the C error handling idioms.
It's fine as long as there's no error to report, yeah.
@LewsTherin You're welcome. Good night.
C error handling idioms: goto, nested ifs, or trod along without knowing things went wrong.
setjmp/longjmp. No idea how serious I am right here.
Oh, never tried that one.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's like panic + protected call, no defer out of the box though.
And since there are no closures defer-like functionality is painful...
All strategies greatly impact signal-to-noise ratio though.
Which is one of the boon of RAII and that defer alone doesn't provide...
Java error handling idioms: do nothing and let the caller handle it, but add a throws clause to shut up the compiler; swallow the exception and trod along as if nothing happened; try-finally or the new fancy try.
The second seems very common.
Come to think of it, I just realized I use throw/try-catch like I use protected call + defer/panic.
Wait no I already realized before. Nevermind me.
@RMartinhoFernandes What's the new try about?
Like using-with?
It's exactly like C#'s using, except they didn't want to add a keyword.
Got it.
I wish Lua had that out of the box.
Closures can mitigate that, though.
ret, err = using(dispose, functor, args...)?
Possibly, but I don't think the args are really necessary.
A nullary function works fine since the language allows captures.
using = function(dispose, functor, ...) { ret, err = pcall(functor, ...); dispose(); return ret, err; }
I'm not sure what passing the closures buys, yeah.
Better check how it works with Lisp again.
But yeah, language level support is better.
What's the idiom called again :( ? use-with?
with-open-file exists apparently.
Jul 25 at 16:22, by Jerry Coffin
@LucDanton I suppose the name varies, but yes. In fairness, I should add that even in Lisp it's still an idiom that requires active participation by the user, where RAII allows the user to remain oblivious of the resource management. At the same time, Lisp is based enough around idioms that in Lisp it's only semi-clunky, whereas in C# and Java it's beyond clunky and well into the kludgy category (IMO, of course).
execute-around idiom I think
Q: What is the "Execute Around" idiom?

Tom Hawtin - tacklineWhat is this "Execute Around" idiom (or similar) I've been hearing about? Why might I use it, and why might I not want to use it?

Doesn't seem useful at all in Lua.
Why not? How do you handle resources in Lua?
using = function(dispose, func, ...)
    ret, err = pcall(func, ...)
    return ret, err
Would that be useful?
Meh, it's a finally block.
Exactly as my previous attempt, which I apparently got right the first time (except synax, heh).
Oh wait, no error propagation.
> I would certainly like to see proper closures in Java, although checked exceptions make that harder.
Hmm, never thought of that.
Anyway, sorry for the tangent, I like Lua :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Some finalizers are guaranteed to run at shutdown, so most of the time it's fine.
That would be file finalizers and those finalizers that come from the C side of things.
Well I guess I just have to try!
$ lua
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> resource = {}
> resource.__gc = function() print 'Hello!' end
> resource = nil
I once tried to learn Lua. I thought "I think I'll read the Portuguese docs. After all that's the author's native language." After ten minutes I gave up.
No output of any kind.
One day I'll try again with the English docs.
Well, I hope that one day I'll stop saying what I'll do one day and actually do it.
> This metamethod only works for userdata values.
So it's not that finalizers are only run if they come from the C side, it's that only userdata can have finalizers.
And are guaranteed to be run.
Q: How do the Incredible Hulk's pants stay on but not his shirt?

jcolebrandI guess I can live with the fact that the Incredible Hulk changes size drastically when he transforms, but why does his shirt rip off and not his pants? I think that we need a little better answer than "it keeps us tied to the fact that inside he's still human".

Well he's not the credible Hulk, is he?
Help, I'm stuck on TVTropes.
@RMartinhoFernandes, @LucDanton - Hello again.
Hi Luc.
if you're reading this, then you need coffee
@LucDanton, @RMartinhoFernandes I set up a little account on a website I have for projects, for my data files.
mobydiv.com - the client ID is "ibrooklyn" - no quotes
@JerryCoffin Hello? :)
@AlfPSteinbach Oh come on. Torturing people just for wasting a little time on chat is going overboard!
what's this about pretending to not like coffee?
@LucDanton Sorry -- I missed the fact that you were replying to Moshe. Maybe I should <strike>be punished</strike> have some coffee after all.
Coffee sounds nice.
@AlfPSteinbach No pretense involved, I assure you. I prefer my caffeine pre-mixed with the correct quantities of sugar and FD&C yellow number 3 (i.e., Mountain Dew).
"When you need to stay up all night for studying, hacking, or Lan Partying and cant get/afford Jolt, Red Bull or Bawls in your area its a OK subsitute." hm
Mountain Dew was removed from the general Norwegian market in 2007. We've never had Jolt Cola. I have heard of Red Bull but not Bawls.
What, Mountain Dew can do that?
and apparently more
I don't see what it has to offer that other carbonated soft drinks don't.
I like Saudi Arabia.
An endless stream of silly news, like today, a woman is sentenced to 10 lashes (flogging) for driving a car. It's silly because of course it was a criminal offense. Since women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, she could not very well have had a license.
What's silly about putting that in the news? I'd like to keep abreast of what's happening.
Or what is silly here?
@LucDanton i mean, would you like to read about it every time someone in Norway is sentenced for driving without a license?
@AlfPSteinbach Well unless someone made a point of pointing out how Norway doesn't allow women to drive some months ago and the king just granted women the right to vote, no.
(No idea if the source is reputable.)
So as I said, I like to be up-to-date on recent developments.
That is quite generous tbh.
@RMartinhoFernandes That should be enough tvtropes for some time.
There, I closed all the tabs.
This resumé writing assignment seems absurd..
Time to begin searching around the event horizon for references
No monkeys were harmed during the making of this code.
@sbi That's a bit cheating.
The monkeys are being "guided".
Each monkey produces 9 characters, and then what? They're joined manually?
I'm trying to decide if I want that to be true or not.
Whoah, my package was in transit starting at 3 am. UPS is serious business.
@RMartinhoFernandes Since Wikipedia also says it, it must certainly be true:
> The book and the story behind it was optioned for a film in February of 2011. The film rights were optioned by producing team Roy C. Booth and Rachael Saltzman, who will also co-write and co-direct the film. The project is planned using crowd funding.
Q: Pass argv[1] by reference

user968243I've an issue with passing argv to a function. Basically, I want to pass &argv[1] to the function and work from that. However, I don't understand why the following doesn't work: void fun(char**&argv, const int& argc); int main(int argc, char** argv) { fun(+...

@AlfPSteinbach The code is (quasi) minimal and compiles fine with a definition for fun.
The one "[that] doesn't work".
both "doesn't work"
according to the IP
Mmmh, first one must be a typo then.
I'm going to delete my 'answer' and buy food, much more productive use of my time.
I don't understand where the deleted answers have gone. There were two.
It's the SO history revision at work, sure, but I didn't think that deleted answers could really be deleted?
I have never been able to see deleted answers except for my own, so I don't know how that works.
Perhaps the OP can see them?
Usually you can see them after 10k.
Maybe Alf had too much coffee.
Or there are several kinds of user deletion. Spooky.
Question got fixed!
@Alf So, can you see my deleted answer?
@AlfPSteinbach On the argv question? I see one deleted answer there, by @Luc.
Other answers were deleted, so I can only guess that if you delete quick enough there's a special treatment.
@sbi yes, me too
@LucDanton I doubt that. I flatter myself thinking that I would have heard about it in >2 years. ICBWT.
@AlfPSteinbach I suggest you ask about it on meta.
A: inheritance and "invalid covariant return type" error on operator overloading

Alf P. SteinbachFirst, your reported error about covariant result is not consistent with the presented code. It only appears for virtual member functions, and in the presented code, as I write this, there is no such. Do not in the future waste our time again by asking about what's wrong with your real code, an...

1 hour later…
> Blade Runner is Ridley Scott's adaptation of Phillip K. Dick's classic science fiction novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (a title rendered irrelevant since recent scientific studies have confirmed that robots actually dream about enslaving humans and forcing them to do their bidding).
heh, Raymond Chen edited one of my posts
You're famous now!
@jalf where?
@RMartinhoFernandes Phillip K. Dick, that reminds me of science fiction author Shockley, who among other things wrote about silly underground aliens in Alaska. But I can't find him via Google. All my books by him are 1800 km away up north. I think maybe I don't remember the name correctly. But how to google for something you don't remember?
@cpx yeah
@jalf ok, if u want i'll edit one your posts, later?
Raymond Chen? Where!?
@HeWhoWas He ran that way!
struct a {
int z;
void func() {
this-> z =10; // by default this ptr is used on unqualified member names in class
a::z=20; // qualified name
what's diff between this->z and a::z ?
does that has to do with resolution of names ?
well, the values you assign are different: 0, 10 and 20.
the notation a::z = 20 is unconventional, and it is brittle in the sense that changing the class name can change its meaning silently.
@jalf Raymond Chen? Wow. Is everyone on SO now?
That's good, isn't it?
We're getting more and more smart people.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol , so true
@AlfPSteinbach it's like i am trying to think deeper , and making myself confused at same time, idiot me:)
@sbi thanks, i didn't think of that
The sci-fi site is neat.
@RMartinhoFernandes cool. replace the Death Star with war in general, and it looks pretty much like the defense strategy of any power-projecting country, in particular old Soviet and USA
@RMartinhoFernandes you'd think a galactic empire could spell "strategy"
@jalf That's Galactic Basic, not English.
..........where is everyone?
Even the C# room has become is more active than this...
First time on SO chat. How's it going?
Google didn't even bother to call me , rejected me directly :(
Next step: teaching significant figures.
I think this recipe is much like modern software: looks good, but is actually a recipe for disaster. The single reader response is from a guy whose American wife wanted to try out Norwegian food. Instead of nom-nom "kålruletter" (they're darn good!) she followed the recipe here, and got something much like the contents of a sewer instead of as pictured...
@MrAnubis I think the same would have happened with me, that if I just applied, then I would have been rejected outright and directly. However, Google recruiters have mailed me twice. Of course at times where other factors made it impossible.
@AlfPSteinbach it was for intership even :(
oh. but don't let that get to you. google has very special requirements, i think.
We will continue to use our database to match your profile with new opportunities and will reach out to you if we find an opening for which you may be qualified.
i have no experience ( job before) , they rejected me due to that?
but internships are for freshers ?
can anyone please tell me why i got rejected?
i answered yet another question, yay!
A: pass c_str return value of temporary object to printf

Alf P. SteinbachYour code as I'm writing this: class A { string m_name; public: string getName() { return m_name; } } ..... printf("%s", object.getName().c_str()) ...... You ask, is the code valid? No, the code is not valid, because there is a missing semicolon at the end of the class definition, and &ldq...

Q: Is there a way in C++ to create 'super private' variables?

MullerI had an idea for a feature for C++, and I was wondering if it was possible to create. Let's say I want a private variable in 'MyClass' to be accessible only by two functions, the public getter and setter. That is, if another public or private function of MyClass tries to get or change the value...

I finally thought of 2 stupid questions...a variable is an alias for a memory location yeah?
So it is like a reference except we have the choice of making it a const memory location
so if I have a memory location of 0xff4543 = 10 I could declare it as int num = 10 num an alias to 0xff4543 .. it is just an example
@RMartinhoFernandes Nice message box. Saves a lot of code maintenance. :D
Error messages under consideration for Windows
• Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.
• Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.
• BREAKFAST.SYS halted… Cereal port not responding.
• Close your eyes and press escape three times.
• File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)
• Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.
• Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue.
• Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner.
• Windows message: “Error saving file! Format drive now? (Y/Y)”
• Windows VirusScan 1.0 – “Windows found: Remove it? (Y/N)”
In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?
@LewsTherin It's more like a variable is a name for a memory location.
@sbi so we are giving the memory location a name... so we are manipulating the location directly without the use of references
@LewsTherin Really, I have no idea how to apply this analogy. A variable is a name, and a type, for a location in memory. You can manipulate the object stored at that location through that variable. (You could also manipulate it without the variable, but that's much harder: *reinterpret_cast<my_class*>(0xdeadbeef)->f().) A reference is an alias for that name. That is, you can access the same location through it. It might have a different type, though (base& r = derived_obj;).
Just to ruin your fun, a variable doesn't have to have any correlation to memory at all
it can be stored in a register only, or it can be optimized away entirely during compilation. :)
I emailed back Google that why i got rejected , i did right or wrong?
@MrAnubis what?
@jalf Right, I forgot about that. (But couldn't that be seen as an optimization? I mean a variable in a register has to behave as if it was in memory, right? :))
@sbi thanks
@sbi depends on your perspective, and whether we are talking about C++ the language, or your typical C++ compiler's implementation :)
@LewsTherin : what's up today ?
not sure if this is the right place, but anyways: is it possible to generate 4x 8bit random numbers using 1x 32bit mersenne twister generated number and be sure they are "equally random" each of them ? or what about 2x 16bit etc?
@Rookie of course possible, because you can always build additional randomization on top of the basic generator. i think what you're asking is if a particular simple way to generate the numbers, has the desired property. for that, u need to specify the particular simple way, preferably with code.
@Rookie Yes -- if you could break the result into pieces like that, and find obvious (or even not so obvious) patterns, then the result wouldn't be very random overall either (and the Mersenne Twister is quite good in such respects).
@MrAnubis nothing much..confusing myself with code as usual
@AlfPSteinbach i was thinking if i could make it more efficient to generate small random numbers, for example if my strings are 256 bytes long, and i want to take one letter randomly from it, could i generate one 32bit random number and split it into 4 numbers and be guaranteed the quality of those numbers is same as generating 4x 32bit numbers and rescaling them to 8bit ?
@Jerry: I suddenly seemed to have lost the ability to upvote/flag comments or delete my own. This happened when I got to a comment of mine via a comment link from my activity page. When getting there via the answer's link everything worked fine. (I do use the comment-reply user script, which might be the problem.)
I think the only way to be sure when you're not yourself a mathematician, is to run the relevant statistical tests that you want the thing to pass. That said, you can for example ask over on the statistical analysis sister site, or perhaps the math sister site, or perhaps post the question here on SO and hope that there's a Donald Knuth in disguise who will answer (or perhaps a postdoc?). But even with such an answer at hand, test.
@JerryCoffin as i recall the lowest bits of a linear congruent generator can be very much less random than the full value. wikipedia says something about mersenne twister being "slow to recover" from an excess of zeroes in the initial value. and to my mind that indicates that it is not improbable that mersenne twister might have some problem similar to the of linear congruent generator.
@sbi It does sound like a script problem to me -- using the site directly, I've seen no change in ability to edit/delete comments.
@AlfPSteinbach I suppose it might, especially if you did start with a known-weak seed. At the same time, a couple of the Diehard tests are built almost exactly as described -- break results into pieces, and check for randomness in those pieces individually. At least IIRC, MT is supposed to pass all the Diehard tests, so I doubt it has a problem in that regard.
@JerryCoffin thanks, learned something also today :-)
@AlfPSteinbach I should add that if you did want to test this yourself, the Diehard suite (or roughly equivalent but open source Dieharder Suite ) would be an obvious start.
So that's what those films are about. OK.
@AlfPSteinbach I think they were a reaction to the obvious defects in the PRNGs used to determine the number of people who would die in any given minute of the films. All too predictable.
it's fish-eye lens so it looks weird, but: the clouds are real
^ booooooring
^ maybe not new financial crisis this week
@MrAnubis Only very few applicants get a job offer. For example, here are the charts for Fog Creek:
So only one out of 50 men makes it into the company.
@sbi SO is the new facebook!
@FredOverflow it's just hard for anyone who gets rejected , so am i (depressed a bit)
anyone alive ?
I was grading CS homework last night, and one student turned in a program where he tried to access a Length property on a C-string, and then concatenate using the + operator.
Well, C strings are braindead and should be killed with fire.
Also hi.
Agreed, and hi.
could someone point me to some relevant links that talk of the pitfalls of using a bool for thread synchronization. i just came across some code written by our "system architect" that does this for quitting a thread, no memory barrier / InterlockedExchange instructions. I remember reading somewhere that this is not a good practice, but can't seem to track that down anymore
I'm doing "programming paradigms" course this semester. OCaml and Oz on labs.
I just hate OCaml's weird syntax.
@Praetorian Without proper synchronization, if you change a variable in one thread, then other threads may never see the change. If your "system architect" doesn't even know this basic aspect of concurrency (called "visibility"), he really needs to read a book.
@JerryCoffin Wasn't it you who had problems yesterday? (Sorry if I confused you with someone else.)
@MrAnubis No, not at that time. We were all dead then.
@Praetorian Actually that is so bad, you might consider starting to look for a new job.
Object oriented software construction by Mr. Bertrand is good book ( for beginner or intermediate-- ? ) ?
@sbi believe me, i've thought about it. i just don't have to deal with her stuff very often, only reason i'm still here
@MrAnubis It gives an excellent foundation for software development and object orientation, but of course you won't learn any fancy technology.
@FredOverflow she's using booleans as flags to indicate a thread must quit everywhere, it's a wonder anything works at all. but she maintains this crap software, so i fume for a while when i come across stuff like this and then try to forget about it
@FredOverflow great thanks :)
@Praetorian I see two possibilities: If she is able to deal with you pointing out that she is wrong (backed up by authorities, of course, but you already asked for that), if she can learn, and change, then working under her might actually be great. Working under superiors who are willing to learn from their underlings can be very satisfying. If she cannot deal with you criticizing her work (not because you weren't diplomatic enough, but because nobody could be diplomatic enough), then run ASAP.
@sbi I've already tried pointing out other things a few years ago, got shut down pretty quickly. At that point I did go find another job, but was made a counter offer that included transferring to another department. That;s why I said I don't usually have to deal with the crap she puts out. But really, I wish I could post some of the code she's written.
@Praetorian Posting such stuff is what TDWTF is for. :)
I have a name for her stuff - I call it "C with classes", because the class keyword is just about the only thing that prevents it from being compiled as C code
I think I recognize the WTF part, but what's TD?
haha, yeah, that's a great website
oh and I do have just the thing to post there
what does top-level (non-member) function means?
@sbi Nope -- not me. I remember somebody mentioning it, but can't remember who.
@JerryCoffin Oh, I'm sorry. <blush/>
@sbi No problem.
Ok, how do I post code here? Does 4 spaces work?
@Praetorian You might want to read the newbie hints, linked from the right. (I wish I had a button in the chat window that posts this message.)
@sbi :-) Thanks
i'm still reading this jason bourne book, which was written by a shadow writer. here, jason bourne was manipulated into letting a neuro-surgeon have a go at fixing his psyche. the surgeon (enemy) of course sedated him and implanted fake memories that would make jason more easy to kill. now tell me, why oh why implant false memories while jason is under, instead of just killing him right there? i submit that this is one case where the movies are much much better than the books.
Just submitted this to thedailywtf.com, thought you folks might enjoy it

We have a Windows client that talks to an embedded controller. I came across this nugget while looking through the GUI code.

// Class that manages the "analog" settings dialog
// for system configuration
class CSysConfAnal { /* ... */ };


CSysConfAnal anal;




if(rtn==IDOK && anal.Viewed==false){ /* ... */ }
u can't mix ordinary text and code ha ha
markdown-praetorian 1-0
Abbreviations are tricky. :D
actually i have drunk beer so i'm in a jolly mood. what pains? ha ha
Alright, I can't get the bloody formatting to work, but it is still readable
Hey again guys
I have been away while Internet changed
Has anyone here ever used any binding of GTK?
@KianMayne You mean ur Internet connection changed
the Internet is just the same
Is anyone having trouble debugging on VS2011 dev preview?
what does top-level (non-member) function means?
@IntermediateHacker You know what I mean :L
Has anyone here ever used any binding of GTK?
@Praetorian yeah, hah. but please don't remind me. i was once at a project where i my task was to produce test cases for code that was changing as i was writing test cases for it. it almost killed me, because the girl writing that was cute, had damaged her hand in a motorcycle accident, and was a moron. i didn't want to write any test cases that would put her in the difficult position of Doing Things Right. oh my. i will never do that again.
@AlfPSteinbach ??? what r u talking about?
a case that would have made the WTF if ever submitted
............ [uncomprehending silence]
@AlfPSteinbach But at least she was cute, so it was a worthy cause
yes, but i was stupid
@MrAnubis If it's not a member, then it's an ordinary free function, what else?
@MrAnubis you should ask Bertrand Meyer, because he passionately exclaimed real systems have no top. now what do you think he meant by that?
@CatPlusPlus i was unable to understand whats top-level would mean
That it's on a top level?
i thought its some kind of technique
Probably meant global namespace.
mr anubis, if you design procedural top-down or bottom-up, then if system size > toy-size you get an unmanagable thingy. instead of focusing on subtasks (control), focus on knowledge distribution and responsibility distribution.
hm, i need more beer, chili nuts and utterly silly jason. music: foo fighters 2007, echoes, silence, patience and grace.
When should functions be taught to students?
@LewsTherin i would answer, "as soon as possible". like in chapter 2 here. that was a thing that didn't pan out but it's nice.
I'm so depressed about never being able to not program in XAML :(
@AlfPSteinbach the link doesn't work..what do you mean by asap, second week of just knowing a language?

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