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@RMartinhoFernandes that's true about the inheritance hierarchy
mmn..what if the abstract class implements the interface
Here's a contrived example: ideone.com/MJP9h
Ah...so that's it
Several interfaces can be implemented by a class, but if that subclass inherits from an abstract class that just requires say one method to be implemented..then the subclass won't be able to inherit from another class
I've a question.
@RMartinhoFernandes ah thanks .. did you just write that?
Lets say I've a code where when this function is run a series of checks need to be run to determine what kind of code needs to be executed.
But the checks only need to be run the first time.
How is that usually done in C++?
You cache the results of the checks for later use either in a member variable in the class, or a static local variable in the function.
And run an if check that is guaranteed to check true every time or false every time the function is run in the future?
In ASM I tend to just rewrite that code on the initial execution so no more checking is done.
Not even boolean.
I think you're over-obsessing with performance.
A good CPU employing branch prediction will make that pretty neat.
So the if check runs, but we all acknowledge it's too negligible to be concerned about.
Since we're now using a local variable.
static auto const cache = [](arg_t0 arg0, arg_t1 arg1, ...) -> cache_type
    // do checks
    return cache_type(...);
}(arg0, arg1, ...);
Assuming using a static for the function makes sense.
@CodeMaker The check will run, but branch prediction will make it practically free.
MovieDatabase db = new ImdbDatabase();
I didn't know you could do that...store a reference to a object in an an interface object
Luc, thanks.
Martinho, could you explain "branch prediction" and "practically" free?
"Must run at most once, program-wide" -> static at function scope.
Branch prediction is a feature of modern CPUs where the processor will just start running the branch it predicts will be picked before the check is complete.
How does that work, anyhow?
Since the branch you pick will never change, the prediction will likely hold true pretty much all the time.
I mean if it predicts the wrong branch...
What does it do?
I need to sleep thanks guys
see ya
pr talk to you later lol
@CodeMaker I guess it has to roll things back.
Welp, the Luabind website is down and I don't have the docs on hand.
(Disclaimer: I don't know all the details. Modern CPUs do crazy black magic to your code.)
So branch prediction relies on CPU guessing right most of the time otherwise it can actively impede performance...
@RMartinhoFernandes Magic. Or circuits to transform the pipeline stage into a no-op.
Well, I'll look into that.
Sometimes they start running both branches and pick the right one.
@CodeMaker This kind of prediction can be dynamic and thus corrected at runtime.
Right, either way some excess performs occurs, which I guess puts me back at stage 1.
if you're busy coding anything that performance sensitive, you might be better off using ASM anyhow.
Even when writing assembly the CPU will consider executing the code the way you wrote it.
@CodeMaker Well, if prediction succeeds, then the test came at no costs; if it fails, the test has no overhead associated to it.
(Nice Herb Sutter quote that I hijacked :)
Well either way it still has to calculate the test so CPU cycles are being used up somewhere.
@CodeMaker Wrong level of abstraction.
Branch prediction is done in the CPU, not by the CPU.
Very well.
It's at the level of abstraction of running an opcode.
I know.
The CPU doesn't have to do any work other than running the opcode.
So when doing prediction, the CPU doesn't have to do anything else other than running the code.
Then, magic.
I'm just pointing out that it still has to run the check's opcodes even if't generous enough to skip ahead before calculating
It can't start running code past the branch before the code in the branch ends (let's assume there's a dependency).
Basically when it has the free time it predicts
Not sure how optimal that would be.
It's not so much free time as the fact that CPUs are pipelined.
Oh well, this takes reading.
So running the test and the branch simultaneously doesn't waste any resources because there's nothing it could be doing instead.
If you've any reading you'd like to recommend I'll look into it. Otherwise I'll look into this on my own.
[nop][nop][nop][optimistic branch][nop][nop][nop][test][[nop][nop][nop]
Put the optimistic branch in the pipeline before the test has run.
Test succeeds? Next step is already in there.
@CodeMaker I have some Portuguese slides I was given in class :(
(Instructions enter from the left and go to the right.)
Right, but I'm wondering if you've any literature on this subject of CPU code optimization
Like I said, I'd like to look into this. So if you've got any recommendations, I'll check it out. If not, I'll try finding it on my own.
Sorry, I was taught that in class.
Ah, I'm a self-taught coder.
Me too. And class material is in Portuguese.
Code is so far away from CPUs though.
That includes assembly by the way.
assembly is closer than you'd think though.
Though these days we've gotten away from tricks like using illegal opcodes.
No, it's really way off.
It's closer, but far.
That's why I don't buy the "C is low-level" crap.
It isn't.
But it's lower level.
Your assembly code will not run like you wrote it.
All languages are at a high-level but not every language is the most appropriate for every problem domain.
I don't buy the low-level <==============> high-level spectrum either.
I think low to high level spectrum is fairly straightforward.
It's a question of how much work the computer does for you.
The more work it does for you, the higher level it is.
@LucDanton What do you mean? You don't believe languages have the same level of abstraction, right?
Personally I code in hex sometimes.
@RMartinhoFernandes No. They obviously differ in power of expression.
Isn't that what that spectrum is about?
It's fun to handcraft a binary that can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't see how that works in one dimension.
Also confuses the hell out of people when you tell them to run a EXE on something that's not Windows.
Rather, they think you're the confused individual.
@LucDanton Ah, ok, you object because it's too simplistic. Fair enough.
I gathered that as well, but I feel that they tend to be a different category of concerns when it comes to languages.
@RMartinhoFernandes Also it's a waste of time to classify languages so arbitrarily, but that's much more subjective obviously.
I don't view low to high as a spectrum of utilitarianism but rather a question of how much has to happen behind the scenes to compile your code.
So C is still lower level because people usually handle memory allocation and all that themselves.
@CodeMaker Languages can exist purely in the mind, without any CPUs.
@CodeMaker Don't Windows executables have a different magic number from Linux executables?
But we're discussing programming languages, yes?
@CodeMaker Obviously.
Or you can run stuff without the proper formats?
@RMartinhoFernandes, you can have a ELF header and PE header in the same binary.
That's because PE headers make accomodations for DOS stub prefixes.
@CodeMaker Ah, interesting.
So you can just have your ELF header first and your PE header show up later.
It's macs that were bloody annoying.
Mach-O format and all that.
They wont accept ELF headers.
But as it turns out, they DO accept Windows PE headers.
Apparently there were some code artifacts from an initiative to get Macs running Windows code when they shifted to intel architecture or something.
Normally a PE header will still completely fail for lack of any of the proper windows backbone to do anything with it.
But if you're strange enough you can make a PE header followed by code that makes considerations for you running it on a Mac.
Oh, well, coding with my hands tied is not really my thing anyway.
Maybe not, but it's fun to do exotic things with code sometime.
So I've been crafting a single binary to run on three operating systems.
local width = 129
local map = {}
local mt = { __metatable = true }
mt.__index = mt
mt.width = width
mt.__call = function(self, x, y)
    return self[math.floor(x + self.width * y)]
setmetatable(map, mt)
Lua metatables always make feel a bit queasy. So much noise...
TF's a metatable?
Sounds powerful.
What TF?
It's the Lua way to do prototypical inheritance.
A la JavaScript?
Tables start as 'dumb' dictionaries/arrays, and you imbue behaviour by delegating to other tables/functions.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't know what it looks like in JS, I think it looks nicer.
Well, I'm off
(Though for some reason, JavaScript users seem eager to implement the typical class-based inheritance on top of that, and forget about it.)
So as you can see the only way I really manipulate map is that I populate it with width*width zeroes. I'm essentially treating as an array (1-based because Lua though).
All the behaviour goes into mt.
__index is the event that is used when doing a lookup.
@CodeMaker Goodbye.
In other words, if I do map[42] I get 0 because that's in map.
If I do map.width though there's no 'width' key in the map
So instead, the key is looked up in mt because I set it as the handler of the __index event.
So map.width fetches mt.width and I get that.
Ditto the __call event which happens when using the table like a function.
Then since the metatable is itself a table you can imbue behaviour to that and... you see where that's going.
I wanted the (x, y) syntax to more easily view the array as a 2-dimensional array.
Man, fuck 1-based arrays.
> So? Many things are probably used a lot by people who don't know what exceptions are: functions, strings, coding libraries, system calls, text editors, operating systems, office chairs, highways, supermarkets, and breakfast cereals, to name a few. Are you saying that therefore all these things are bad too? - Response to "Early returns are bad because they tend to be used a lot by people who don't know what an exception is."
There really seems to be something missing from that argument.
Sanity perhaps?
That's also used by people who don't know what an exception is.
Most of them hopefully.
@LucDanton As they say, the real WTF is in the comments.
Sanity in TDWTF comments is overrated.

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