@Crow To give a more accurate description: it's a way of deluding yourself into believing that you're formatting your documents at least sort of close to reasonably well, but actually wasting gargantuan amounts of time trying to get a decent format, and eventually giving up and putting up with the same sort of horrible mess as everybody else who uses it.
because, if two things are a subset of another, and you union them, they'd still HAVE to be a subset of that other one, unioning will always result that way, right?
So A is a subset of C, and B is a subset of C, which implies A union B is still a subset of C. That makes sense, I can't think of a case where that isn't true
@Crow I'd criticize the last step, since you didn't elaborate that an element of A union B is either an element of A or an element of B. But yeah, it's a satisfactory proof. :)
@ScottW What a horrible insult! How can you say such a thing? If I were (for example) some pond scum, I'd be pissed as hell about being classed with politicians.
@JerryCoffin So the case here was that the iterations of the inner loop were all independent. But each iteration of the outer loop depends on the previous. So when ICC interchanged the loop, it took away all the instruction parallelism.
so in the sense of A [union] [nullset] = A, the proof could simply be "null set contains no elements, therefore no elements can merge to A"? That seems deceptively simple...
@JerryCoffin I was comparing the same loop unrolled 2x and 4x. Normally, there isn't much of a difference since the CPU can re-order across loop iterations. So the numbers were almost the same in MSVC. But in ICC, the 2x unroll was twice as slow. I was like WTF?!?!