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huh... it seems not...
@rightfold can you explain why that above factorial stuff works :S
@ScarletAmaranth I've seen it.
captain schaub
@JohannesSchaub-litb meh, photo(n)shop
nana it's real
@StackedCrooked I thougt for a moment there that the old blind guy is the unknown gladiator, but he turned out to be a navy guy sooo maybe it's bs :)
@JohannesSchaub-litb nah man, the shadows are all funky :P (hint: xkcd)
Lieutenant Litb
@JohannesSchaub-litb is that your living room? :)
@rightfold oooh, I see why that first factorial ended with a semi-colon
I am so smrt
@StackedCrooked i wish
@thecoshman No, it should be a semicolon because more patterns are following.
Note that arity doesn’t count towards this.
yeah, worked out the 'more patterns part', what does arity mean :S
So foo(0) -> small; foo(N) -> big. foo(0, 0) -> small; foo(N, M) -> big..
@thecoshman Arity is number of parameters.
It’s the number you put after the / in an -export directive.
@rightfold yeah, your example actually helped.
@rightfold can those exports be like variable, say foo/1..3 or foo/1,2,3 opposed to foo/1, foo/2, foo/3
No, you need to specify them all explicitly.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
You can use -compile(export_all). if you want to export all functions in the module, though.
oh... can a module use a module? ie, you have one module that has the interface and for sake of being lazy export_all but uses an internal module that has all the ~private~ functions you do not want to export/expose?
But it is bad practice for obvious reasons.
@thecoshman You can do that but I don’t see why. You still have to write the export clauses in the internal modules.
@thecoshman Same as nazity.
@R.MartinhoFernandes risky move robot, risky move :P
@rightfold the internal module is only helper functions, and only a few. But you have the main interface module that has all the many functions you do actually want to expose.
@thecoshman I'm in Germany.
Oh, that works.
But prefer to just write the export clauses.
@rightfold good to know, but probably still not something to do.
If you update the helper module, Erlang will start using the newest version if you hot load it.
can you have more than one export clause? say, if you wanted one for functions that has many 'arity'.
@rightfold o_0
With private functions it isn’t the case, so the things are not completely the same.
Erlang can also not inline functions from other modules.
@thecoshman You can have as many export clauses as you want.
@rightfold oh, so this sounds like a good reason to not do that. also sounds like a bit of bad idea.
A small helper function that is used in many places has to either be C+P or not get inlined when it can be...
If you call a function with an explicit module, like foo:bar() instead of foo, even when it’s the same module, Erlang will always use the latest version of that module.
You can have multiple versions of the same module running in Erlang because that allows for replacing code in a running server without affecting existing clients.
oh... so do you not have to c(foo) first?
AFAIK c is a shell command.
It compiles and loads the latest version of the given module.
But existing processes can continue using the old version until they calls using explicit module names.
If you have a long running loop, for example, you can do loop() -> receive … end, ?MODULE:loop(). to automatically continue running using new module version when the code is updated.
oh I see...
it's almost like the language was built for long running applications :P
@thecoshman no shit. :v
Can’t have 99.9999999% uptime when you have to stop the server to change the code.
@rightfold ¬_¬ it was a funny
PHP is similar to Erlang; spawn a process for every request. Except in PHP it’s terrible. :D
@rightfold stop mocking php :)
@HamZa How else should I test it?
Freaking Color Color problem again.
Argh, C++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... you mean Color Colour?
Erlang has a behavior behaviour problem.
you've got a behaviour problem
You two have a ProblemFactory :P
I think that the normal name is "gut".
I vote for Jeffrey :)
ok... now that I am actually putting effort into learning how to use vim... I'm starting to see the appeal
@thecoshman being sucked into the void are we... :)
it makes sense to learn it. I would use nano as my go to cli editor, but it is not on our work servers by default, vi(m) is
the question is
why CLI editors : - /
and currently, the only thing I really know how to do in nano but not vim is cut a line and paste it back in else where.
@ScarletAmaranth ... I have to ssh to servers a lot and tunnelling X over the shitty network means GUIs suck so hard.
@thecoshman dd, p
why not write whatever you need to and batch send via ssh?
@jalf oh, dd copies to a buffer :D
> Imagine we had a shortage of pianists, and Year Of Piano was the proposed solution: £500,000 to train 100,000+ piano teachers - people would naturally call it absurd. You can't learn the piano in a day, certainly not well enough to teach it. Why on earth would anyone believe programming is orders of magnitude easier?
@ScarletAmaranth ... because that sounds like more effort than just editing the files as I find I need to edit them on the server I am using for a while
@FredOverflow what's going to happen to you as you "finish" teaching wherever the hell you're teaching as of current :)? found a new uni yet?
@FredOverflow ugh, I don't get why people get so butthurt about the idea of normal people learning the basics of coding. Petty job security maybe?
@ScarletAmaranth You can't stay at University for more than 6 years total in Germany. Changing universities won't help.
@FredOverflow wait, you can't teach for more than 6 years whaaat?
@thecoshman mmm, are you sure :)?
@jalf job security exactly. You pay fast food workers minimum wage because it's a job anyone can do. People wouldn't get paid so much for programming if programmers were two a penny.
@ScarletAmaranth well, considering I am not making batch updates, yes.
I don't think there's programmer shortage... but I do think there's "good programmer shortage"
@thecoshman fair enough, I guess
@ScarletAmaranth That's exactly what the article is about. Or was that a quote? :)
@FredOverflow oh, I didn't read the article
@FredOverflow quote :P
but I am glad they agree
> While there may not be a shortage of programmers, there's most definitely a chronic shortage of good software developers.
I swear I didn't read that
@thecoshman and the programmers who are worried about that are exactly the ones who should find a different job anyway, for the good of the rest of society :p
I think that the guy raises a potentially legitimate point.
@FredOverflow anyway, what do you mean you can't stay longer than 6 years? you do mean you can't study for longer, right?
he's suggesting that the problem is not with the volume of programmers, but with the quality.
@DeadMG He raises a false dichotomy and attacks a strawman argument (as if anyone is clamiing that "we have a shortage of bad programmers")
@FredOverflow oh god, that video :P
obviously nobody thinks we have a shortage of bad programmers
When people say there's a shortage of programmers, isn't it kind of obvious they at they're talking about competent programmers?
@ScarletAmaranth No, it means I can't teach longer than 6 years. After that, the University either has to fire me or give me a job for life. Guess what's more likely ;)
@DeadMG but you can counter that by saying in order to find the few good ones, you have to sift through the many many bad ones.
@FredOverflow aaa, so the next step is to find a university that will give you permanent tenure?
@jalf Nah, I don't think so.
@ScarletAmaranth No, the next step is to f*** academics.
@FredOverflow industry ho?
Also IMO the only way to get more good programmers is to throw a wider net. Don't try to find sufficient numbers of programers among the 3% of the population who are geeky and antisocial enough to go into programming today. Do it by giving the remaining 97% a chance to make an informed decision about whether they think they'd like to become programmers.
I kinda agree
@jalf Not per se
and to be fair, I think they are right, many can't learn programming in a day, but a few can get an idea of it. If you can grasp some of the basic concepts in just one day, you are probably on track for being a good developer.
@ScarletAmaranth Either that, or live on selling all my personal belongings on eBay ;)
@FredOverflow if you have some Stradivari violins lying around, why not?!
And if existing programmers feel threatened by that, then maybe it's because they don't have what it takes to compete in a setting where you no longer have to settle for sub-par programmers because so few enter the field
Or I could become a second Scott Meyers and get rich and famous. But I'd hate to cut my hair.
@FredOverflow you would also have to stop writing actual code ^^
Does Scott Meyers offer internships? :)
@thecoshman exactly. I don't want everyone to learn programming any more than I want everyone to learn tailoring, quantum physics, biochemistry or accounting. But I think it's good for everyone if we ensure that people learn a few basics of the field, enough to figure out whether or not it's something they want to pursue further
but I do seem to find it appalling the way they like to make out that programming is a vital requirement in modern life.
on a national level, especially in this country, it absolutely is.
@jalf probably is, take it to an extreme, how can you decide what you want to devote your life to (say, ... hurling) if you have to play EVERY DAMN SPORT EVER!
@DeadMG vOv not sure...
IYAM a good chunk of the rest of the problem lies with universities.
@DeadMG durrr, what?
@DeadMG dis true
@thecoshman About 80% of our economy is exporting services, including software.
ergh... that video is really grating... the HTML/Jquery is not all programming is X(
@thecoshman So?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a starting place sure...
any way, LUNCH TIME :D
@thecoshman Eh, I sort of think it's accurate. You are kind of illiterate otherwise. Look at how many people are bumbling around with computers not having the faintest idea what they're doing, wasting incredible amounts of their own and everyone else's time because of it
We're at the point where it would make virtually everyone's lives a lot simpler, but we're refusing to admit that this is where we're at, so we're jumping through hoops and wasting time and money and stressing people out by keeping this ignorance and incompetence alive
Hold on - since when are we talking about people who don't care about the community? We're talking about high-rep users, who vote, who want to edit, who even (like me) post on meta. I made that extremely clear throughout the entire question. — David M 1 min ago
This is all my fault for answering to cranks :/
@thecoshman I don't need it to be taken to extremes. More curling players won't dramatically improve our society or people's lives. You're not illiterate if you can't play curling. But computers, software and programming touches everyone's lives, whether they like it or not
@jalf Once AI surpasses human intelligence the problem will go away :)
in the same way that writing does, and thus everyone learns to write
@FredOverflow I have no context here, but that's the Bob Martin post, isn't it?
@jalf learning programming and having a basic idea what computers do are 2 different things
We don't argue that "writing is only for the small group of antisocial geeks who had too few friends growing up and therefore sought solace in pen and paper. There's no need for normal people to learn writing". And yet that is basically what the programming argument boils down to.
@jalf writing is a form of communication.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So is programming
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just click on the orange text and you'll have your context.
@FredOverflow ty. I assumed blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2013/11/19/HoardsOfNovices.html which is one of the only few articles I agree with by uncle bob.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you ever read source code written by someone else? Doesn't that communicate information? It also communicates intent to a compiler
@jalf wat?
Besides, what's so special about communication? Should everyone learn to communicate via smoke signals too?
We learn writing not because "it is communication", but because it is useful.
We learn to read because it's how we acquire information.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, it is one way in which we acquire information. It is certainly not the only way we do it
It's one of the easiest ways to learn things.
@BenjaminGruenbaum to people who have learned to read, sure
@jalf right, but this is not true about programming.
And programming is one of the easiest ways to solve a variety of problems that people struggle with. For people who have learned how to program.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wat?
Programming is just a skill (not to mention you need to learn to read in order ot program anyway).
It is just as important to learn how to sing, or play basketball.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, it's not a useful skill? You'd put it next to origami, maybe?
@BenjaminGruenbaum wat?
Yes, because people rely just as much on basketball as they do on software at their jobs
I can just see all the world's offices grind to a halt because there's not enough basketball being played
@jalf right, because you don't rely on a million things you don't understand in physics?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what does that have to do with anything?
@jalf fine, plumbers is the canonical example.
Have you ever watch a non-programming computer user use a computer?
Everyone should learn how to plumb, we all use a toilet, we should have a very good understanding of how the sewage system works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If existing plumbers did as miserable a job at their profession as programmers do in theirs, I'd say yes, we all should learn that
We use them every day, can you imagine a world with no plumbers? All the toilets would overflow and we'd be living in shit.
Luckily, we are in a situation where we have enough competent plumbers already
We can't say the same about the software industry
@jalf maybe I did not explain myself well, I'm all for programmers being better programmers - the vast majority of programmers suck.
if we had a massive, massive competent plumber shortage
then fuck yes, we would do that.
I'm just not convinced everyone should learn how to code. That would just result in more bad programmers and no more good ones.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, they do. Which is why I'm arguing that "maybe we should quit obsessing about the tiny fraction of the population who are sufficiently antisocial and autistic to become programmers today, and look for talent in the remaining 99% of the population.
Most programmers suck. So let's find someone else to replace them
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why no more good ones?
@jalf or you know, train them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ... why would we expend resources training talentless and sloppy hacks who don't care about the quality of their work?
the only pool of programmer talent we have today are the ones who are too extreme or too bad at everything else
@jalf you're arguing against your own stance here.
let's face it
for every puppy there's a thousand rightfolds
Programming is acclaimed for having a fat paycheck, an interesting job solving problems, and good work conditions (at least here). That's part of the problem though :P
@DeadMG no, I'm amazing at everything
@BartekBanachewicz especially Haskell.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am not. Perhaps you should've paid more attention to what I'm saying, before trying to tell me what I'm saying.
I'm pretty sure I can read my own mind better than you can
@BenjaminGruenbaum mhm!
better than analogies
@jalf There's no sense in being precise when you...
@BenjaminGruenbaum The idea of "signing the log" terrifies me. With the except of perhaps 1 brilliant student out of 100, I wouldn't want to sign any logs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a proof that marketing is lies and only lies
@BenjaminGruenbaum Allegedly, programmers are also very sexy!
> Bill Gates, the wealthiest and most philanthropic US citizen, voted “yes” on the 2012 referendum that legalized marijuana in his home state of Washington, he told BuzzFeed in January 2014.
> “It’s an experiment, and it’s probably good to have a couple states try it out to see before you make that national policy,” he said. “Can they keep it out of minors’ hands? Will it reduce alcohol consumption? Are there some people who use it at levels you might think of as inappropriate? Will drug gangs make less money?” were questions he said need to be answered when Washington's law takes effect later this year. Gates refused to say whether or not he's smoked pot in the interview
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, among non-programmers the "interesting job solving problems" is certainly not true. It is acclaimed for being what geeks and weird people do.
If ordinary people saw it as an interesting job solving problems, then I guarantee you we would have a hell of a lot more good programmers around
@jalf finding problem solving interesting does not mean you can actually solve them and that you're good at it - I think "going to space" is an interesting job - but I guarantee you I'd be an horrible astronaut :P
@Xeo so how's your leg doing?
This time, I certainly felt the injection
@ScarletAmaranth not much different, I fear
: - /
you poor thing
@Xeo in my experience, some people know how to set a needle, others just are butchers
I didn't feel the injection the first time (beyond the dull initial piercing)
this time, it seems to have pressed against a nerve or something
was a weird feeling throughout my spine
you know what they say about poking sleeping dragons
I also enjoy revision threads like this
and then there's just open hostility for no reason at all:
@πάνταῥεῖ It's called repwhoring — Lightness Races in Orbit 15 secs ago
@jalf perhaps we live in different cultures then.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That does sound fairly unusual

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