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@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry?
I did not hurt anyone nor breach any rules!
That's what he's saying.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We're allowed to have fun here, you know!
Although there is a "speak English" rule.
@TimTimmy Really?
no you're not.
Why not?
the only purpose this chat may ever serve is answering the questions of linkdumpers.
anything else and you'll get instabinned by Lightness.
It's a lounge, not a playpen.
Sorry... a lounge is where one can have fun?!
(as well as coding)
If you believe so, show me the rule which says so
@TimTimmy It cannot be a coincidence that "BRITISH BULLDOG SPIRIT" happens to be an anagram of "Orbit Digs Bullshit Rip"
I am the rules.
@thecoshman @klmr @rightfold Better to be a foolish child than a childish fool...
@sehe That link doesn't work?!
And I've never heard of that either
@TimTimmy Which one
@sehe i don't agree
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why did you flag my posts?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf A foolish child has potential to outgrow it
@TimTimmy I didn't I think they're awesome.
@TimTimmy Why assume?
@sehe but the childish fool is most likely happy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Please, don't flag. Ignore. If things get outta hand, there's always room P0wners
"^ * 2 this shit would never happen in js room because js room has access control. Just saying." - Benjamin
gets out the popcorn and watches the show
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Oh, that's too selfish for my taste :)
43 messages moved to bin
:14601563 This room has controls too :)
btw... Well I didn't do anything annoying
And I've been here long enough to know the rules
Strange the reply doesn't work. Oh well. It's been fun. Time for...
you did do something quite annoying
43 messages moved from bin
but certainly not justifying the very hostile reaction
and that's coming from Sir Instabin.
@DeadMG Which one was that?
@TimTimmy You posted something that made everybody using ASCII-only browsers feel left out and sad.
@DeadMG That's you remember
@sehe Yes, I'm pretty sure I do remember.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the alltime #3 has a donate button stackoverflow.com/users/157882/balusc
@DeadMG Oh. I missed the point :(
@JerryCoffin even lynx is unicode these days, i think
@TemplateRex Not quite as conspicuous, though. I had to use browser's Find to see it
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Okay, I'll get to work on an ASCII-only one, get annoyed, then form a "poor me" group on Tumblr.
@TimTimmy yeah, in the JS room we'd have told you to stop that after a message or two, said final warning after a third and then just kicked you.
@TimTimmy Y so defensive :)
@sehe if Lightness would place a donate button to go along with his pic, I'm sure he would collect quite the revenue.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Totally read that as "http://dit.lesbians.org"
IOW, that Romanian guy should apply the hitchhikers trick of hiding in the bushes while the gf holds her thumb up
@TemplateRex how on earth
@sehe a freudian lisp
@Cheersandhth.-Alf brillant
I use links
Q: Assembler Programming - Moving content of 32 bit register to a 16 bit register?

user3290531Is it possible to do something like: MOV AX, EBX and if yes what happens in such as case? Also what happens for: MOV EBX, AX? (Using NASM, 8086 architecture)

@BenjaminGruenbaum permalink please?
an answer should discuss sign extension
@Griwes Couldn't resist to add the tag
@TimTimmy wat?
@sehe :D
@TemplateRex With Ctrl-S?
Oh no, they use Ctrl-Shift-S or :wa!
@sehe if you are omnipotent, would you back up?
right, time to put up a donate button
@BenjaminGruenbaum Doesn't matter
@TemplateRex I would back up to before the point of inception creation
Yes! I'm speaking to my web developers in 10 mins!
@DeadMG If she turns off the microphone, she can't talk. D:
Must be quite the tribe
@sehe btw... how do you do the strikethrough for a word?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "Donate to the Fellowship of Pedantry"?
@TemplateRex he's the true prophet
@ThePhD If using the word "sucks" is meant to portray your intent with the gift...
@ScottW they are the same
@LoĂŻcFaure-Lacroix that inception pic you posted, that was gold
huh, I don't know how he marked it up
@TimTimmy You browse to the FAQ. Or inspect that message. Or go to the sandbox with an army of typing monkeys
@LightnessRacesinOrbit btw, how's the war with Vlad?
@TemplateRex yes I know
@TemplateRex it's okay
@sehe so helpful!
@LoĂŻcFaure-Lacroix that was one of the movies that really kept up at night, what a blast that was
@sehe It's moreso that it's a gift meant for a functional purpose, rather than a willy-nilly creepy-person gift.
@Abyx We've been at this for >12 times. It gets boring
@ThePhD The two don't have to be mutually exclusive
Hmm... this is true.
Of course
Well, maybe I shouldn't send it at all.
@ScottW Nah, contemplating sending one.
I did get those!
Aww, it wasn't you?
That's a shame, because those are my favorite things in the world.
I would bend over for the original sender any day.
A: Assembler Programming - Moving content of 32 bit register to a 16 bit register?

Cheers and hth. - AlfAssuming Intel syntax, where MOV AX, EBX if allowed, would copy the contents of EBX to AX. Just try it. As I remember it's not supported. But you can copy any 16-bit group, e.g. MOV AX, BX However, regarding the opposite, extending a bit pattern, like the hypothetical MOV EBX, AX how to...

@ScottW Jazz is mostly dreck. Try something with real feeling and skill. youtube.com/watch?v=z83aiQz8RrU
Wait, I just noticed. @LightnessRacesinOrbit you're a PHP developer?
Hehehe. ♡
BTW, this reminds me of Yoda going into his duel. Can barely walk out there, but then it starts, and suddenly he's an acrobat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sometimes
@JerryCoffin Hey, not all Jazz is dreck!
@JerryCoffin This is some classy trolling :)
@JerryCoffin No reason to use the Force for something as simple as walking
God, why? I just read your description to see if you added a donate button.
@JerryCoffin rather, perlman playing paganini (that is, P3)
@ThePhD I did say "mostly".
but then there is also shlomo mintz
@BenjaminGruenbaum What implementation of Eiffel did you use?
who is baddest?
@rightfold the one the university had installed on its computers.
Did you forget what it was called?
@JerryCoffin Tssss.
@rightfold I want to say EiffelStudio but I don't want to mislead.
Oh, okay.
playing game of CS -> brother starts downloading for 1000ping gift.
Dose comments.
Yeah... What is up with the vid director
i don't know. have a clean version on disk. not all the bg noise
@rightfold also, me being frustrated with a language and calling it shit after trying it out a few days is not a good indication of it being particularly bad. It's an indication of me not being able to like it after a few days. It's quite possible that some people love Eiffel and if you're learning it you should talk to them - then again people love C too
Well, my Mumble client was so outdated that it crashed on startup.
I am extremely interested in learning Eiffel.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf My fav paganini player is Salvatore Accardo
@EtiennedeMartel hmm. that's not a feature
@sehe thanks for the tip. i'll check it out. :-)
^ The old mega-hit.
I didn't know it was a "she" until about 3 weeks ago.
Funny coincidence
@rightfold I found a guy on IRC
There is like, 1 guy and me in the #eiffelstudio room in IRC freenode.
I didn’t.
@DeadMG You need your own place, yo!
@ThePhD Fund it and I'll take it.
but right now my income is £57 a week sickness benefit from government, and that's it- for everything including rent.
Come do an internship with me. <3
@rightfold wait, you aren't bernard from the room - the other guy, right?
@DeadMG that's like impossibly low
Lol, that would have been creepy - well, I asked him if he'd be willing to help you on IRC.
@ThePhD You've gotta be at university to get an internship.
@rightfold He said he is willing to help you. So if you want a kick start, join #eiffelstudio , if you don't usually use irc irccloud.com is a very solid IRC client
@DeadMG Oh, right. :c
Well, just apply for a Fullt ime job!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Well, it's basically "Bum off your parents or you won't survive".
At leasty, when you get better.
I was gonna say
@Cheersandhth.-Alf well I worked as a programmer in Russia for 300$ a month 40 hours a week
And despite what they say, their client is free
it's one thing to get a full time job, and it's another to get a full time job in my current medical state.
@DeadMG Any of the tests come back with anything yet?
ideally I'd do some kind of remote contracting work, with flexible hours.
Have they actually tried a colonoscopy?
but it's hard to find such a position- partly cause I imagine basically everybody else wants that too
@DeadMG where are you located?
the swamp.
which is looking like a lake right now.
I mean which country?
a swampland. with islands
mozilla <_<
Check jobs for Mozilla, if you're lucky it's not too hard to get in london for an interview, you could work on Rust
I heard they write terrible code.
@Abyx can't say for all projects but the Gaia code base is quite nice from what I saw
@Abyx Some is, some isn't. It really depends.
maybe. it almost always depends
The main problem is that their code base is somewhat inconsistent. They have good parts and bad parts and different styles. Some places write C++ like C, some places try to do OOP C, some places use different coding styles. At least that's the shallow impression I got.
the spidermonkey part is quite crazy to be honest, and the versionning
> You see here a distressingly furry robe.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What is the most confusing are versions
@Abyx I guess it depends on how old/fresh are the projects. Check the WinAPI and mozilla doesn't look so bad afterall
What's cool about mozilla is being able to work remotely. When I'll come back in Canada I'll try to get a job at mozilla
@LoĂŻcFaure-Lacroix yes that too.
I think what's really cool about mozilla are the opportunities... there are like so many jobs and I don't have any idea where they get all that money to pay employee
"v8 source code" gives you a relevant link on the first result. "spidermoney source code" gets you a redirect page with a wall of text and wget to a big tar instead of source control. Mecurial/Git are only the second option shown and so on.
@LoĂŻcFaure-Lacroix They got 300 million dollars from google for search referrals last year iirc.
That's their primary income source (I wondered too)
@BenjaminGruenbaum before they used CVS, and had one big mother fucking mercurial repo
haha, yeah :)
called Mozilla Central
> "spidermoney"
I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored
@BenjaminGruenbaum well I get that now with firefox os they get some money from telecoms but that's really weird
@sehe best kind of moneys.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If only the game jam had been this weekend :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't tell the Ape. He'll bemoan and berate you :)
@LoĂŻcFaure-Lacroix static.mozilla.com/moco/en-US/pdf/… that's 2011, not too shabby.
@BenjaminGruenbaum millipedemoney > centipedemoney > spidermoney
@Ell I'm tired for that.
@rightfold you're kind of making me look like a fool there on #eiffelstudio :P
I’m trying to get the fucking compiler to work.
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgthread-2.0.0.dylib
  Reason: image not found
@R.MartinhoFernandes Tired for any kind of programming?
I fixed a missing semicolon today.
Let’s try Homebrew.
I want to contribute back to society.
And I've always thought a gcc ppa would be handy
Also, fuck, burnt my tongue.
@rightfold easy on the alcohol
@rightfold so I asked this guy as a favor to teach you a new language for free and you're struggling with a compiler :P?
@R.MartinhoFernandes T_NQWDH_WPSYQ :) (נקודה ופסיק)
@rightfold I don't get it.
Nobody won the PC games market, but steam does?
I know who Gabe is.
Still don't get it.
Not that I'm curious to know.
Gamer drama is boring.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don’t get it either.
I think it's about DRM or something.
Eiffel compiler y u need libtiff.
no lift-off
no liftiff.
Q: Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

James McNellisI am having some difficulty compiling a C++ program that I've written. This program is very simple and, to the best of my knowledge, conforms to all the rules set forth in the C++ Standard. I've read over the entirety of ISO/IEC 14882:2003 twice to be sure. The program is as follows: Here i...

@rightfold I think I've seen this spurious dependency somewhere else. Sadly, don't remember what it was used for (comression?)
It also needs libpng.
I think they secretly ship a Piet compiler with the Eiffel compiler.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How else is Eiffel gonna check all those contracts?
Oh wait. They ship an IDE with it. :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
@sehe kind of
Don't tell me you're also one of those people who say "it crashed" at every second something doesn't quite go as they expect
@sehe I say "it crashes" if something exits with a non zero return code.
lol. I hope you're not in the software industry
@EtiennedeMartel what's the return code for a segfault?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just noted this interesting edit comment:
@JerryCoffin fucking prequels
but yeah, I've recognized one of the star wars soundtrack at the very beginning
here to be precise
which reminded me of this
@sehe lol
I belched loudly.
and then I just did again.
ITT: walking upright is for sissies
@Jefffrey The "original" in "Original motion picture sound track" is almost purely pro forma when the sound track is by John Williams.
Eiffel compiler works.
@rightfold ...for a sufficiently loose definition of "works".
probably works as well as the Wide compiler :P
can haz fixed back pls
I'll trade you for a fixed stomachj
@Xeo Back? Wasn't it your leg?
@JerryCoffin Nope, it's a trapped/damaged nerve kind of deal.
@JerryCoffin the cause is a dehydrated disc pressing on a nerve
the pain just manifests in the leg
@DeadMG deal, I need to lose some weight anyways
and I can work from home with a bad stomache at least
yeah, but as my doc keeps telling me, forced starvation ain't a good way to go about it.
you might want to engage in the comment discussion here: stackoverflow.com/a/21655640/34509
well, I also probably shouldn't sit in a bus for 1h straight
@JohannesSchaub-litb I might not.
but the current Dark Heresy sessions are so worth it
it looks like needless language terminology pedantry to me
@Xeo Ah, I guess I missed that. Sorry to hear it--but at least it sounds somewhat curable?
@JerryCoffin ye, and it's rather common
some injections, some physiotherapy, and I should be good
I hope
I wanna get back to work :'(
lol Jon Skeet. Should be called John Skeet
the guy who jesus fell in love with

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