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Jon Skeet answers will become religious scriptures as he his the messager of God.
wat do
Tomorow in Uni I'll learn JAVA, something related to calculus and cryptography maybe
@rightfold Make yourself a sandwich!
You are crazy.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Here I thought the "Skeet" meant he was a clay target.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Java :(?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah the best best language in the whole world
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix do you keep your mouth shut at classes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what is it supposed to mean?
Evenin' !
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix like, when the teacher says "We should do this 100 LoC thing in Java with a hierarchy and a singleton" - do you shut up?
Just walk away.
just wake up
@BenjaminGruenbaum well nobody asked me to do singletons yet... but when my one teacher said that linux was a microkernel and that for that reasons all drivers are inside the kernel I told him... that's not completely true.. linux is a hybrid
Or start crying.
I used to get annoyed a lot. Especially if the teacher likes Java.
there is nothing wrong with likeing something but likeing something and being wrong at the same time is wrong.
Dividing by zero results in unacceptable behaviour!
@rightfold unless it returns infinity or -infinity
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix They talk about type safety and OO where Java has a horrible type system and inconsistent OO, they talk about singletons like they're good, they talk about 'strategy' and 'command' like it's so smart in Java because they don't have first order functions, function pointers, lambdas or functors. Oh, and dat xml config.
If they do that, I get pissed.
ahah xml
the strategy pattern is nice though but you rarely need it
well they usually teach GoF
@BenjaminGruenbaum They talk about how Java is good because you don’t have procedures that modify globals.
Hence Singleton
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix you're using it all the time. You just don't call it that. Every time you pass a function or a lambda, you're doing either strategy or command based on context.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix GoF have apologized for having Singleton in that book and called it 'a mistake'. Also, the problem is that they glorify it and they don't understand the problem they're solving.
well the lambda is usually the command pattern
It simply that Java doesn't have lambdas...
The worst part about singleton is how people lie to themselves and add a design pattern without understanding what it's for.
Why do I need a singleton? It's because I need one to have one instance! No you idiots, you're lazy and you want a global variable and to sound smart.
Singletons are fine if they don’t carry mutable state and your language provides no other means of polymorphism than subtype polymorphism and maybe overloading.
If you want just one instance, just create one instance and pass it around,.
@BenjaminGruenbaum And then they created the Multiton!
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix haha
Yo momma is the multiton.
In software engineering, the multiton pattern is a design pattern similar to the singleton, which allows only one instance of a class to be created. The multiton pattern expands on the singleton concept to manage a map of named instances as key-value pairs. Rather than having a single instance per application (e.g. the object in the Java programming language) the multiton pattern instead ensures a single instance per key. Most people and textbooks consider this a singleton pattern. For example, multiton does not explicitly appear in the highly regarded object-oriented programming text ...
@rightfold If they don't carry state they're just namespaces in languages that don't support a namespace.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah, registry of singletons. Lol.
They can implement interfaces.
@rightfold So why do they need to be a singleton?
Because all instances would always be equal anyway, so there is no need to make multiple of them.
Even though that won’t harm apart from the extra allocations involved.
I get why Math isn't an object. If a function doesn't change state in an observable way for the most part it makes sense and you don't make changes.
But you cannot pass Math.sqrt as an argument as it’s not an object.
This would have worked if Math.sqrt were an object.
That's Java being horrible at OOP. Everything is an object except for functions, and primitives and other stuff -_-
the Singleton is just for people lazy to pass object as parameter
And that’s why singletons are useful in some cases.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix it's just global state.
@rightfold wait, what? Where?
Name such an interface?
@rightfold wat? You want sqrt to be a singleton?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That’s what I have been explaining in the past two minutes.
It is, but usually people create the singleton with a private constructor to prevent multiple instances.
@jalf Otherwise I cannot pass it to HOFs. vOv
@rightfold O.o
FYI Java has a terrible type system.
But once you start having multiple threads... you can't have a singleton per thread can you?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix right, that's how you enforce it's a global variable. You have state in a globally accessed point and people ask for it and mutate it.
@rightfold A language which has higher order functions generally allows you to pass functions around. So assuming sqrt is a function, you would be able to pass it to HOFs
Let me write a code example.
You also realize that it is possible to pass objects to functions without them being singletons, yes?
but if you have multiple thread you don't really want to share that state and add locks everywhere...
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix You can, but it's just as pointless as any other singleton. It's an anti pattern, it's a horrible excuse.
Please don't. :)
@jalf we're talking about @LoïcFaure-Lacroix who has a Java class. That's how the discussion started.
@jalf Ugh. Yes, I do.
Java is too awesome for functors or lambdas or function pointers. Those are for 'hipsters' and are 'unsafe'
The closest thing java has to lambdas is anonymous types implementation.
Well, Java 8 has fake closureless lambdas or something like that.
Why would you want lambdas without closure?
It feels like they went "C# solves this in a way we don't understand - let's just not allow closures". It's a really hard problem too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wat. Really?
I hate having to fake lambdas in java!
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix myCollection.map(x->2*x).filter(x->x%2==0) for example.
@jalf yep, you can capture final variables only IIRC
mind blown
well closure less lambdas means you can multithread it without having to be scared of sideeffects outside of the scope
if that's the reason, it might be acceptable
In java7 you have to make an anonymous class and manually capture, it sucks
@BenjaminGruenbaum That’s still a closure, and IIRC the limitation is quite intentional. The same is already true for anonymous classes anyway.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I said it's a hard problem. I'm trying to solve it in JS right now, but C# solved it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum JS isn't multithread
@KonradRudolph which is why I said "you can capture final variables" , capturing has no context if I wasn't talking about a closure.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix lol, should've told me that a while ago.
You can do it without a singleton, but new Sqrt() is fugly.
And Java has no lambdas.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you also said eariler that Java had only “closureless” lambdas
@rightfold java 8.
Java 8 is not Java.
It will be Java in the future.
Java 8 is like Javascript 1.7
@KonradRudolph yeah, and then my next statement was correcting myself to being able to capture finals. Also, it's more powerful than just anonymous inner classes. It's still very bad imo.
Javascript 1.7 only really works in firefox as far as I know
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix JS 1.7 is not a thing. That's like saying TCPP6 . The EcmaScript standard is currently at version 5.1 moving towards 6 with a lot of stuff already implemented.
You can do threads on the web with WebWorkers or on the clientside. I'm involved with a promises (a nice way to do continuations) and I want to do something like .AsParallel() in C#.
Anyway, for a long time I believe that C# was crap because it only copied Java and now... I believe C# isn't a bad thing at all and really looks good
C# is meh.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix That's from 2006.
@rightfold ew
Scala has syntactic sugar for singletons. :)
@rightfold that's just because they really wanted to not have static variables
Apparently Javascript is at 1.8.5 now, not EcmaScript
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix It's really not. I follow the specification process pretty closely.
JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed. It has also become common in server-side programming, game development and the creation of desktop applications. JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and has first-class functions. Its syntax was influenced by C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from J...
The only ones following that numbering is Mozilla, and even they are not doing it anymore.
@rightfold: So run me through this logic: because you can, through near-infinite amounts of boilerplate code, implement sqrt in Java as an object with an ugly calling syntax, it logically follows that sqrt*should* be implemented as such, and that object should be a singleton? I don't see how the conclusion follows at all
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix lol, that's very incorrect
Well there is EcmaScript and JavaScript as far as I understand and Javascript is a subset of Ecmascript
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix no, that's completely incorrect.
@jalf Never said that.
JavaScript implements the evolving EcmaScript standard. JavaScript is not versioned so browsers can keep running code and not need several different runtimes . ES is versioned and is the standard.
I just said that I like this particular approach because I don’t like new for objects that are always indistinguishable from each other (apart from their identities, which are not significant in this case).
> As of 2011, the latest version of the language is JavaScript 1.8.5. It is a superset of ECMAScript (ECMA-262) Edition 3. Extensions to the language, including partial ECMAScript for XML (E4X) (ECMA-357) support and experimental features considered for inclusion into future ECMAScript editions, are documented here.[47]
ECMAScript for XML?
What the fuck did I walk into?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah, E4X was ditched a long time ago and deprecated. ES4 was a failure. We're at ES5.1 and really close to 6 now.
yeah it's ugly
@R.MartinhoFernandes mozilla thing that never really took off, the idea was to have XML literals in code for things like string interpolation and templating.
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw, it makes sense that no more version of Javascript got released
> Today, "JavaScript" is a trademark of Oracle Corporation.[31] It is used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape Communications and current entities such as the Mozilla Foundation.[32]
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah, the process is standartization.
Better ditch Javascript when oracle owns it
Not versioning of JS itself.
"Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text." :D
> Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language.
ahaha, too slow
maybe "All programmers of Java are morons, whilst only most programmers of JavaScript are morons"?
wow I don't know how I can't become racist against indians... oracle's hq is in india
I'd say about 99% of JS coders I've met were morons very unprofessional.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Oracle HQ is in California, boon.
There are very solid coders, but they're not the majority by a long shot. Good luck trying to talk to the average JS programmer about anything not trivial.
Looks like three databases.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh, s/JS //?
@rightfold May be i'm mistaken.. wait a sec
(Mind the fact that "the average programmer" has significant JS and PHP fractions)
@R.MartinhoFernandes You wouldn't see many C++ programmers leading projects without knowing about RAII, or how to handle pointers, or how to structure basic code. The ones who don't simply usually don't make it into project management positions.
I don't know where I took that from
In languages like JS and PHP every kid who read a w3schools tutorial thinks they're an expert programmer web hacker and they get a job because there is such a need. Lots of small but front facing websites were built by incompetent hacks.
(I think the fact anyone can read a tutorial and then build stuff is awesome by the way, don't get me wrong. I'm just bitter about the field and some people not understanding fundamental issues)
<?php type="src/javascript"
template typedef struct CARtag extends Vehicle {
    private readonly def Move(pos) :
        # ...
End Class
@BenjaminGruenbaum incorrect. There are hordes of C++ programmers writing C with classes and having not the faintest clue about RAII (But you are right, there are a lot of JS/PHP programmers who are in a whole different league of incompetence)
My totally unscientific attempt at average code.
Installed Wordpress
Installed MyCloud
I'm a programmer!
I picked up a rocket launcher!
Average code sucks.
@DeadMG yay?
All code sucks.
@DeadMG starbound?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yes.
I've been searching the entire damn gamma sector for a ranged weapon worth using.
Ran out of honey.
@DeadMG I'll invite you on my server and steal it
@jalf Why would anyone not do RAII it's so much simpler and there is so much less to worry about. Not using it is just tedious and long. I imagine someone typing operator*whatever* whenever you want to use an operator only it's risky too.
It's not even a hard concept.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you should become a beekeeper.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because they simply weren't taught how to?
@rightfold My dad was one.
Wait, I'm not making any sense, people don't do simple things in JS all the time. I want to kill someone whenever I see $("id_"+i)
@BenjaminGruenbaum because nobody knows about its existence.
My flatmates have been talking about it o_O
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll get someone for a job if he can explain me simply "What are monads?"
Putting a hive in our balcony.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about becoming a waspkeeper then?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I can try. I tried in the JS room the other day, one guy ragequit and one left in the middle but I think one actually got it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum were they 3?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah and Bartek but he already understood them and was just lurking actively, other people were talking about other stuff.
People often ask about promises in JS, and promises are very 'monadic' in a way.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Is it strange that I keep all my stuff on my ship instead of constructing a home base on a planet?
@DeadMG not at all. I feel that it's strange but I do that too... give me a sec
It's something like: often we have a value we want, but we don't have it yet (like an ajax request, or the result of a db call, or an async function). You can think about them as things in the box, we want to eventually access these things and take them out of the box (when the AJAX is done, or the db call returns) but we might not be able to do it yet.
But that's promises, not monads.
I have too many projects right now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum as far as I understand monads are cool to force synchronization of process like the IO monad.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's just those examples. In the JS room I had other examples that fit things like Either and Maybe, but I was approaching it from a promise perspective anyway. Promises aren't monads btw because they flatmap.
rip zoidprojects
but monads aren't limited to that
I should work on Flame and Data::Multihash before continuing my work on replfold and Heaven.
You could just use any random words in that sentence and no one would question it.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix So, the data we want from our AJAX or db call or timer is in a 'box'. We want to open that box and take it out of there, that's kind of what a callback does. You get a hook on when that happens. What we often want to do is actually take that value (the AJAX call for example) , process it (open the db and fetch data based on the response, or set a timer etc), and then put it in a box again (that process might take time). Alternatively..
For example, without monads, in scheme this code could have an undefined behaviour: (let ((a (read-line) (b (read-line)) (cons a b))
My litmus test for monad explanations is: would someone that understood that explanation grok State?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Alternatively we can have a box that says "we might have something here or not" then opening it would mean "if there's something, process it. If there isn't, don't do anything, return it boxed". So in general, the notion of having a boxed value, doing something to it and then boxing it again is very useful.
I died again
@BenjaminGruenbaum explain how that is different from a functor.
> 9214 | D:7 | Killed Sigmund
And then I met an eight-headed hydra
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix so far so good?
Everyone should play Crawl so I'm not alone in my despair here
@rightfold functors are also very useful. Would you like the difference in layman terms or in mathematical terms?
Neither; I would like to sleep.
@rightfold night.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't have much time for that now, may be tomorrow.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix all it's really doing is just taking a value out of a box, applying something to it and putting it in a different kind of box depending on what it did.
who's the girl with you?
That's the really crucial part. It's not about "chaining" or anything like that, it's taking the box, opening it and putting it in a new box.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix tool vendor
looted a merchant spawner from a village
have you killed bone dragon?
about to attempt it
I'm super weak atm
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, it is about chaining (or collapsing m (m a) to m a), because just applying to a boxed value is fmap, not monads
but keeping things on the ship is nice as if you join a server, things on the ship follow you
so if you go on a server you can bring back stuffs to your local world
@CatPlusPlus well, when I meant chaining I was talking about the misconception people have about a fluid interface having anything to do with it (douglas crockford lol). A monadic bind is a chain, yes.
And yes, I was oversimplifying it. Obviously.
Well, not sure about the 'over' part.
welp killed it first try
as with the other bosses simply constructing the proper arena makes the fight pretty easyt
@DeadMG yes except the robot killed me a lot of times... I didn't expected it to be able to fly
I don't find Crockford's opinions very worthwhile in general
robot was super-fuckin-easy
the alien ship was easy but the robot kicked my ass
Robot kicks everyone's ass.
But I got it in a corner and slapped him like a bitch
@CatPlusPlus he does have a lot of interesting things to say and he did come up with good stuff. He just also got a lot of issues.
I dont understand what a "boxed value" is wrt functors, monads, applicatives
welp time for Delta Sector
It's a value that's boxed hth
@Ell wrapped value is better?
the one after gamma.
Before it was Alpha Beta Gamma X
so that means they added new sectors
I mean what is the difference between a boxed value and a regular value?
Inb4 one is in a box
One is a dick
@Ell when you have a pass by value language
you send a box to modify the state inside the box
int, optional<int>
@Ell in one you're working directly with the data, in one you have a way to extract the data from it. Hmm, let's say you're writing a C++ class that is like a vector only it lazily initializes elements on access.
You implement things like operator[] that creates an element if no element is created for that index. You think all is well but now you want to deal with const.
You can say operator[](int n) const does the same thing, but it'd modify the collection. So that's not an option.
for example in javascript if you do var i = 0; modifyI(i); console.log(i); it will be always 0;. But if you do var i = [0]; modifyI(i); console.log(i[0]);. who knows?
I wish Android apps weren't so coupled with Google services.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I know, but why the heck would you do that :/?
Like Google Tasks, Google Calendar, etc
@BenjaminGruenbaum there is no reason to do that
@Ell You can return null if you don't have the value, but that's not consistent either, that doesn't differentiate between 'value not initialized' and 'value initialized to null explicitly' , moreover - that's ugly and no fun.
@rapptz they are?
most of the decent ones are, yeah
Instead, you can implement another class that returns an instance of something like std::optional<T> , now instead of having to work with nulls and being in bad state, you have a boxed value. You're explicit about its state, you don't have a value you optionally have a value.
@Rapptz that's one reason why I'm turning to FirefoxOS... I think that without that the ecosystem is much more fair, yet firefox os at the moment really suck big time... but we can change that.
And all is well.
@Rapptz inb4 that HN article on why M$ shouldn't fork android.
take two steps in the Delta Sector and grenade launcher
@benjamin I can see how an optional<T> is a "boxed value", but wrt a monad, what is a boxed value?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Much better than rocket launcher. Less energy cost per shot and much better damage
That article is trash tier
I already read it
plus it's one-handed so I can wield both sword and grenade launcher
is that also optional<T>?
I don't think so o.O
@DeadMG my first try on gamma sector this time was me walking on the moonlike planet....and suddenly a meteorite fell on me...
happens on both alpha and beta sector planets as well
it was my first time
when it will get released it will be surely more awesome
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix That's what all the girls claim...
@Ell hmm, there was this article. Lemme find it
@Ell it could be used as such. Only if an algorithm would automatically lift operations on it (e.g. std::to_string(optional<int>(42)) would return optional<std::string>)
I'm finding owning things with a fucking grenade launcher to be quite awesome.
@Ell Here, this is a rather known article that talks about optional a lot and shows the relation adit.io/posts/…
all my previous complaints about the weapons being unfun -> totally over when you have a grenade launcher.
@StackedCrooked have you seen the latest Kill la Kill btw?
I didn't see that coming
it was super cool
(the stabby stabby)
neither did I
That's cool... I'll have to find that weapon. The only handheld weapon I found is a stupid pistol
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix what game is it?
So the box in a "boxed value" is some context depending on the nature of the boxed value?
oh, it's the minecraft 2d game
@Ell yes, just like in Maybe (std::optional) it can either be nothing or the value.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Think you'll have to get into gamma sector for explosive ranged weapons.
@DeadMG already there... but didn't play alot yet in it
but what's not to love about long range, high damage, big splash?
the death
btw, I have my own server may be one day we can play on it
I don't know how many people can play simultanously though
no wonder I thought I was out of titanium
I left 50 bars in the furnace
Now don't everybody jump in at once. stackoverflow.com/q/21666769/179910
> your opinion is priceless for me.
> Is there any special library for programming languages like PHP , Javascript or Jquery for syntax checking ?
ITT jquery is a language
@Griwes I was tempted comment something like: "good, then you won't mind paying me for my time giving the consulting you clearly need."
> I know that i can do this but I don't know where to start.
@CatPlusPlus "I know I could be the greatest F1 driver of all time, if I just knew how to drive."
@JerryCoffin "I assure you officer, I did not allow my baby to drive the car"

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