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It complains about example1, which clearly isn't loaded.
Restarting it solved it vOv
Best game ever.
@JerryCoffin I am finally unboxing my Sennheiser Headphones and I have my Blue Yeti Microphone all set up.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sadly, VS getting its solutions in a twist is not just a problem for you:(
In fact, it's not even just VS. My Crossworks development suite occasionally loses track of what it is doing in a similar way.
@rightfold goedkoop!?
wij vinden dat niet goedkoop
Now why the fuck is it insisting on creating an empty bin/msvc/Debug folder if it puts the ouputs in ../bin/msvc/Debug?
Dan moet jij eens in Nederland proberen te tanken.
Hey Martinho I think I remember you from a while back when I used to go on chat more frequently
I should book a ticket to Berlin
BTW FLT game is coming to iPad
@oorosco hey how've you been man!
I have nothing else that references a folder named msvc :S
I can book my ticket on 07.03. the earliest
@oorosco Howdy.
not too shabby, took a break from school now i'm back in the swing of things
SEE fuck school
Signs everywhere
Oh, wait, it's that empty project I forgot.
I'm actually on here because I'm stuck like a motherfucker, Anyone here know how to add chain loading into a custom boot loader? :) @R.MartinhoFernandes @Ell
trying to load ubuntu from my boot loader lol
Ask @Griwes
@oorosco Erm don't.
Also, if you need to ask this question, you are not ready for writing it.
Yeah i've been looking through that, I put together the bootloader but I can't find a tutorial on the chain loader
only hint I've seen is to "move your code from 0x7c00
I wouldn't know really. I guess jump to a programme which replaces the old programme?
too low level for me :P
Read what @R.MartinhoFernandes just linked. If that isn't enough for you (or isn't what you would consider a good starting point for research), don't.
@oorosco, this is the level of programming when you need to be able to conduct research.
Tip: asking other people, who (mostly) have no interest in the topic (or do have, whatever) is not a research.
Haha, nice and clean.
@oorosco If you need any other hint as a starting point for your research, you are not ready for writing this kind of code.
Anyone know if I can shove the sdf file somewhere else?
I actually read that link @r
@R.MartinhoFernandes Err... backup now.
And the thing it was a bit confusing, seems to skim over things
You've read it and still ask the question? Then don't even try. Go learn and write it only when you already know.
Sure it skims over things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This?
It tells you the idea.
No-one will give you a step-by-step tutorial for chainloading.
How do I OS
Huh. @Gri highlights me? Huh.
@Griwes how do you learn how to write a chain loader then, there seems to be no point at which i can step in and start learning
@griwes I don't think there's anything wrong with trying it and then learning from any problems encountered
@Griwes Will it not be hardware-dependent?
@gri first three letters
@Ell Huh.
All my bootloaders are extremely hardware-dependent.
@oorosco ...you conduct research.
@the hi derp! did this ping you?
Trial and error at this level is horrid, though.
@MartinJames Sure. But you can be sure when someone asks this kind of question that he means x86.
@Griwes yeah I've been googling chain loading for 2 hours, I've found like 4 pages with even the smallest amount of info about it, and even those barely tell me anything
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not really, bochs is perfect for debugging this kind of things
@Griwes Could be ARM...
@oorosco The page Martinho linked tells you everything that is chainloading-specific.
The rest is arch-, bootloader- and programming-specific.
Go learn.
You will find at least two semi-good bootloader tutorials on the intertubes.
And countless forum threads on forum.osdev.org.
Yeah i already did the boot loader
But no-one will give you a tutorial for chainloading, because it's retarded.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah - you have to have a debugger, really.
The community doesn't like spoonfeeding.
@MartinJames Bochs is perfect for that kind of debugging.
@Ell Yes, it did. :D
is there some c++ experts here ?
@El Does this ping you?
@Renaud You want Stack Overflow.
Dammit, I'm so tired
@Renaud I am an expert basket weaver.
@CatPlusPlus Cat I have new Microphone!
Why can't I stake fucking awake for 10 hours
@oorosco, you will probably find something in GRUB source code, but be warned that taking a look at it is even more crazy than taking a look at linux kernel source.
@ell no :(
I am now fully qualified to become streamer.
lounge< c++ > has desappear
@Griwes I only do ARM bootloaders, so I have no Bochs.
@Renaud Cat is C++ Super Expertâ„¢ ©®
@MartinJames Nah. :D
okay @griwes is there some sort of documentation what needs to be done in chain loading?
@ThePhD What do you plan to stream?
great !
@oorosco The page that Martinho linked.
@ALOToverflow I don't rightly now. I was just saying I'm qualified. :D
Just stumbled upon this book that I read 10 years ago and changed my perspective on so many things.
i have some c++11 code theat compiles well under clang and gcc but i have problem to compile it with vs2013
In my expert opinion your code is a piece of shit
@Renaud Nearly. You mean 'lounge< c++ > has despair'.
It describes the idea. Relocate yourself, find the bootloader, load it, restore the environment, jump to it.
@griwes i've been re-reading that page again and again, i'll brb I'm basically googling every other word at this point
Here, the documentation for chainloading, right in my previous message.
@oorosco Then chainloading is WAAAAAAAAAY above your league.
OSDev and related are hard, even if you are an experienced programmer.
in fact, in old times i had discussed of c++ with guys on this loundge< c++ > but there seems there was a problem
And from the looks of it, that last part doesn't hold.
@Xeo there are many kinds of "slow" :D
my pproblem is that move constructors must all be written by hand, is this normal ?
@oorosco At some point, you'll need to get your hands dirty
with gcc/clang ervery thing is easy and move constructors are automagic
@Renaud No.
@Renaud VS compiler isn't cpp11 compatible
do you know if VS will be cpp11 ready soon
@Renaud THis is only a problem with VC++. Every other compiler automatically and (mostly) correctly generates move constructors.
@Renaud No, it won't. Not for another year.
3 years +/-
it is pain
Use MinGW.
Problem solved.
@Griwes qemu erry day
i used mingw and windows but i fear problem for network and threadings
True. but my university is a bigger pain anyway
@CatPlusPlus QEmu is nice, but worse for debugging than bochs.
Please don't inquire
does threading (boost/threads) works well under windows ?
(GDB has some silly problems when switching modes, for example, and xchg bx, bx on bochs is awesome).
@Renaud Windows has threads.
and vs had a good interface for debugging
mingw works well with them ?
@Renaud VS has a very good debugger. Probably the best one available for C++.
Also why was the discussion about chain loading
Did someone try to write a bootloader
Don't do bootloaders they're tedious and unfun
@CatPlusPlus Because @oorosco came here asking how to write a chainloader.
Bootloaders are fun, but only if you are willing to do research, not ask everybody instead.
yes but partial c++11 it is a shame,
Kernel dev can be interesting, but fuck bootloaders forever
@CatPlusPlus Yeah i wrote a bootloader but can't figure out the chain loader
Don't, use GRUB, do something less unfun
@CatPlusPlus Were you traumatized by bootloaders when you were a child or something?
for mingw what is the best debuger, i can use command line debuger but it is not funny
GRUB is universally bad for everything but booting linux :P
Oh hey, these painkillers are based on opioids
GRUB is good
@Xeo space drugs
is there any alternative to GRUB ?
@Xeo have fun ;)
@CatPlusPlus 1) Multiboot is awfully bad 2) GRUB's implementation of Multiboot is awfully bad.
But it somewhat works.
@Renaud Not really.
So that counts for something, right?
Yeah, it somewhat works.
@Griwes Multiboot is better than not multiboot
prefer virtualisation or multi boot ?
I want FTL on iPad nao
@CatPlusPlus Yes.
what's wrong with grub?
@griwes okay, can so can you explain something specifically then. I've been reading about MBR just now, and it says they're refered to as "boot loader" on its wiki but what i wrote is a "boot loader" and it's on a fake floppydisk, but it says specifically on the wiki that they "MBRs are not present on non-partitioned media like floppies, superfloppies or other storage devices configured to behave as such."
Also fuck getting the CPU into a non-ancient state
But it is better just because NOTHING ELSE EXISTS.
@CatPlusPlus GRUB still doesn't do long mode. Oh well.
@Griwes Kind of like with good debuggers and IDEs. :v
Whistles. ♬
@oorosco Go read, read, read.
It is all described on the wiki.
@ThePhD Yep.
64-bit kernels are too hardcore
@Renaud yes.
They are the only sane way to start OSDev nowadays.
32-bit is just way too limiting for anything.
I only ever did pmode and I'm good
@CatPlusPlus The kernel is hard, yes.
@CatPlusPlus Long mode is awesome.
32-bit is fine, because ahaha you're not going to do shit with it anyway
@Griwes That’s what she said.
@Griwes All the same problems are there, just fatter.
@MartinJames No moar segmentation, no moar silly 4GiB limitation of address space.
pmode doesn't do segmentation
No moar interrupt frames that differ depending on interrupted ring.
@CatPlusPlus Of course it does.
Long mode still does, but in a much more limited way.
@Griwes Segmentation had its uses, but nobody really wanted to handle selectors etc.
Well it does in the sense that you make a segment, but it's literally one
@CatPlusPlus It's literally four.
Kernel code, kernel data, user code, user data.
@MartinJames Paging is superior and easier. Segmentation is dead, long live paging!
Pick a different platform.
I have to toy with this ARM's ARMv8 emulator they released some time ago.
Such as CLR or JVM or OTP.
The arch looked nice, judging by looking through the ARM.
@Griwes So it is, but they occupy the same space anyway
Who cares
@CatPlusPlus Yes, usually.
There is still at least one semi-successful OS that still does full segmentation in pmode.
You make one segment in long mode apparently, so I remembered wrong (and I don't even care)
Cat is an expert in not caring.
@MartinJames Actually, optional use of pmode segmentation with selectable sizes can be pretty cool. Just for example, reading data from an untrusted source, you allocate a segment for it, and set the limit on that segment to the size of the buffer. Voila, the hardware enforces the segment size and prevents buffer overruns, no matter what the user does.
@TonyTheLion Not really. If he really was, you wouldn't know, because he wouldn't be caring enough to tell you about how he doesn't care.
@CatPlusPlus You still make 4 segments in long mode, it's just that the CPU does not care about base and limit of those segments, so they are all flat.
Crafty carelessness.
@EtiennedeMartel You're being too pendantic
@JerryCoffin Indeed, but everyone wanted flat space.
Plus there are also FS and GS that are used for TLS and are modified by writes to MSRs.
@TonyTheLion pendantic?
You deserve it.
Fuck you
@EtiennedeMartel You don't understand what that means?
@JerryCoffin Guard pages kinda do the same.
@TonyTheLion Set them on fire
What the heck is with my grammar today.
@TonyTheLion Read it again.
@EtiennedeMartel o fuck
Extremely high level programming forever anyway
What programming language shall I learn today?
@CatPlusPlus Most programming when doing OSDev is high level ;P
@Griwes Ahahaha no
Ahahaha yes.
@Griwes Kinda, but not really.
@rightfold Here's a challenge: Actually do a project to completion in a language you're already good at.
@JerryCoffin Hence "kinda".
@TonyTheLion Right.
If you think there's anything high-level about osdev then you literally never did high level programming
Also I need some food
@CatPlusPlus Data structures, algorithms...
@Griwes Point is, if you're trying to make something secure, segments are effective and guard pages are...well, really just not.
Also more data structures and different algorithms...
That's... not specifically high level
@rightfold Pascal
That's a weird term I used there
Bootloaders, interrupt vector tables, IRB's .. oh wait...
@TonyTheLion I can release Flame 0.01 when I implement query parsing, lookup and the TCP interface. Which is not very much work, actually.
@StackedCrooked Seems useful.
@MartinJames My interrupt vector tables and handlers are generated by some silly TMP code! :D
I want to check out Prolog.
@StackedCrooked Is it similar to Ada? Because I wanted to learn Ada anyway.
I also want to learn Eiffel but I cannot find any working implementation.
@rightfold I don't know. All I know is that I never liked Pascal.
Hence my recommendation.
To share the pain.
@CatPlusPlus I'd say rather the opposite: if think it's anywhere close to all low-level, you're either accustomed to crappy OSes, or you don't know what you're talking about (or, most likely, both). Quite a bit of an OS is basically a database manager, with the "records" being things like threads and processes.
@rightfold then do it
@TonyTheLion ok:3
@rightfold Ada seems interesting.
@rightfold Ada was explicitly based on Pascal, but adds quite a bit that Pascal never had.
I am curious if Ada code is safer than C++ code, and how it is achieved.
safety isn't really a language feature.
I think it is.
Java has ArrayOutOfBoundsException and NullPointerException, while C++ has UB.
I'd say that makes Java safer.
@StackedCrooked You can produce safe code with C++, but you have to know what you're doing and work pretty hard to get around the language's design to do it. For Ada it's more the reverse.
well, you're wrong.
@griwes Am i getting closer, do i use INT 13h AH=02h: Read Sectors From Drive to have the assembly "read" the os from the HD?
principally because if you actually need that behaviour, you can have that behaviour any time you like.
@JerryCoffin I see.
@oorosco You are not, chainloading has nothing to do with OSes.
there's nothing in the design of C++ that prevents you from using bounds-checking or null-checking.
@StackedCrooked Indeed.
you choose not to exercise that power.
@griwes All I'm trying to do is load Ubuntu from my bootloader, is that not "chain loading"
You can also write safe code in C
@oorosco Chainloading is loading another bootloader.
The set of side-effects that Java allows is smaller than the set of side-effects that C++ allows, hence Java is safer.
Or assembly
If have bugs in my code it's often lifetime bugs during program termination.
It's a question of how much fucking effort it takes
@oorosco Also go away and start doing your fucking research alone already.
@CatPlusPlus Hello World is pretty safe
I'd stop there
@TonyTheLion But if you die, then what?
Then you're forever safe from writing code again
@StackedCrooked Then you write Hello World from the grave
Cool, I'll become a phenomenon.
Coding in Heaven. Lousy blog by StackedCrooked.
> from the grave
I never said Heaven
I did literally mean from in between the worms and the earth which will surround you in the grave
but if you want to code from Heaven, fine with me
Sometimes I feel the need to store higher-layer objects into lower-layer objects. For example if I have a low-level Photo class which only knows about the pathname. At the application level I have a viewer modus where I display thumbnails for each photo. Now it would be convenient if I could store the thumbnail object inside the photo object. However, the thumbnail is a GUI object and the Photo class only knows C++ and STL.

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