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It has a strong taste.
Tijd voor een puddingbroodje!
I want to repeat that I strongly resent being connected with random shit simply because it's from the same patch of land.
@melak47 I started watching and he hasn't been moving for 3 minutes. The only movement I could observe was his chest rising and sinking so at least he's still breathing.
@StackedCrooked I hope he's reading or watching TV...
oh wait, he just coughed.
new drinking game! take a shot everytime cyberman moves :)
That guy's most recent blog entry is totally creepy.
Chances are of course that it was hacked by the lulz or something.
time to fuck shit up
> hasteMain()
> myAdd(1,2)
yep that looks pretty fucked up
I've just realized what horrible mess I've gotten into
codegen spits out javascript that's still lazy
if I want to call stuff from js manually I have to eval everything
It's lazy all the way down.
@DeadMG As well you shouldn't. Stilton is only a mediocre imitation of Roquefort anyway.
@StackedCrooked I have to recursively eval everything by hand
but I think it's still posible
If you have eval then anything is possible.
T {f: F}
[0, T, T, T]
@StackedCrooked yep, that's the one thing I do have.
I should probably add, however, that even a mediocre imitation of Roquefort can still be pretty darned good.
@JerryCoffin Yeah. And now I notice that after-taste is not very pleasant.
It's tastes like my mouth is full of bitter medicine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol your .c++ and .h++ file extensions are fucking with MSVC. I've already associated them with VS, and added them to the C++ file extensions for its text editor...but unless I add a .cpp file (or something else it recognizes) to a project, I don't get C++ compiler options in the project settings ._.
lol suckage
public interface class IPacked {
Oh really?
@StackedCrooked That sounds almost like it's gone bad. It shouldn't be a bitter taste at all--should be somewhat sour-ish. This is one of those places that pairing with the right wine can make a big difference too though--goes really well with a Cabernet.
@JerryCoffin In case I die: it was nice knowing you!
shit it's -9 outside
damn winter
that's nothing
for me it's something
@Borgleader generic<typename T>
> hey let's make the code you write totally unportable so you have to pay for VS
> seems legit
Well if it's C++/CLI or wtv there's no point in making it portable, it wouldn't work on Windows anyway
But the question should be re-tagged
@Borgleader C++/CLI not working on...windows?
@melak47 Oh god... I mean "It wouldn't work on anything but windows"
dem tags...
dem trolls
damn it
I am evaling it wrong
@Rapptz where is this? and what site?
@Rapptz Yeah that's gonna happen in a few hours
-45 C?
It's actually a pretty usual temperature for January, what bothers me is that the temperature went down by 20 degrees in 3 days
@Rapptz the site ?
@Rapptz -14
I'm expecting -30 during the night
@bamboon it was a pun for fame and profit
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix thank god it's not windy
In my appartment, there is an electric door and it stopped working
seriously gcc stdlib? void insert(iterator __position, initializer_list<value_type> __l). It's supposed to return iterator FFS (std::vector)
not updated for C++11?
initializer_list IS C++11
what is that btw?
@doug65536 doesn't mean that the function reflects the latest version of the C++11 standard
@AndyProwl examples here
@doug65536 I know what an initializer_list is. I'm wondering what's the class that giving you troubles
@AndyProwl std::vector
oh fuck, already 9pm
I should've woken up an hour earlier
now I either need to get by on water for the rest of the weekend, or walk 15 mins to the next super market
I wrote unit tests for a custom container that has a complete std::vector interface. it is templated to test any container type. first pass tests the real std vector, to test the tests, 2nd pass tests my container. my tests expect a correct implementation of that insert overload
anyone read the last blogpost in cybermanshow? I feel kind of bad for the guy
> My Husband and i Mr Chris & Mrs Colin Weir's are Donating the sum 800,000.00 Great British Currency to you. Send your. Name--- Address---- Mobile #----- Age----- Occupation-----
you lucky you
what are you going to do with so many dollars from Great British
Ithink I have to walk, dammit. Drinking water reduces my liquid intake by roughly 90%, I feel.
@Xeo order a pizza?
@R.MartinhoFernandes how generous of them. since they are so nice, you should provide ALL the personal information they request.
that doesn't help with drinks now, does it? :p
can't ask them to also pick up something from the super market
they should deliver drinks as well
at least they do here
they're just a bit more expensive
although one of the pizzerias here is right next to the super market I'd be walking to
@AndyProwl 'a bit'
Drink: $5, Drink Delivery: $25
you're not serious are you
I'd believe that
I bought one book on amazon for 2$ and delivery of 15$
ok, but they're not going to deliver your drinks from the opposite end of the world
petrol still costs money.
water is more expensive than petrol
drinks are made of water mostly!
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix eh?
well that's no joke, you can pay a bottle of 300ml of water for 1$-2$
sucks for you
> The average price of water in the United States is about $1.50 for 1,000 gallons. At that price, a gallon of water costs less than one penny.
a gallon is ~3785 ml
but that's not the price you pay for a liter of water at the supermarket, is it?
if you buy water bottles it's about $5 for like 2 24-packs of 500ml of water.
so 48 500ml water bottles is like $5
use tap water
hard to believe even in Canada it's not that cheap
that's cheap
water is way more expensive here, in relative terms
tap water is regulated and checked multiple times per day. bottled water is unregulated
@doug65536 same is true in Canada.
yeah tap water is good here so I don't need to buy bottled water. But in other places it's really bad - might be regulated, but tastes like shit
@doug65536 true for canada but in russia, tap water is orange
oh you live in canada
well in my house
orange? omg
Yeah sometimes... Last time I drank tap water without filtering it. I went to the hospital
@Rapptz from Canada but I live in Russia for 3.5 years and I still have 1.5 years to do here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes GB Currency, no less
Mmm, I like how my headphones double as ear muffs.
@Xeo you suck
welp, afk walking
Years ago one of the consumer's magazines (Conumer Reports, I think) did a test of bottled waters. Bought some of each, put them in identical bottles without any indication of the brand (etc.) To keep it honest, they added some bottles of New York city water and Los Angeles city water. Sent them off to be tasted, then tabulated the votes. First place: New York city water. Second place: Los Angeles city water.
afk drinking
How on earth does switch come in? It's just a linear flow with several early outs — sehe 24 secs ago
> Well, a little known fact is that when LLVM was first starting out, Apple tried integrating LLVM changes with GCC but it was rejected by the GCC developers. source
@sehe Citation Needed
@sehe lol, he's doing a regex match and is worried about 6 consecutive ifs
@Borgleader I'm still looking through the linked messages (~2005) to see what it refers to
@doug65536 I fully don't get why it's a loop anyways. MOAR BRANCHES!
Ok LLVM might not be the best thing since sliced bread but calling it "a terrible setback" is borderline retarded =/
It's a bad PR move
RMS is a bad PR move imo
Never do I hear him say something these days where I go "Hmm yeah, that's sensible"
In fact it's not retarded. It is probably going to be a "terrible setback" for the GNU empire. But then again, that will mostly be because of their attitude
11 hours ago, by Borgleader
@rubenvb RMS is a dark lord of the sith =/
That's Tolkiens take on Star Wars, I presume?
@sehe oh I see what you mean. yeah, why not make the if be around each regex match call
@A4L Yes. For a fixed array of regexen. Anyways, as written it doesn't make sense to have a loop anyways. What's the rationale? "NEED MOAR BRANCHES"? — sehe 2 mins ago
Perhaps you've already seen it
@sehe This is probably a clever joke but I don't get it =/
@Borgleader "x of the y" rhymes with "Lord of the ring", "Sith Lord", "dark" rhyme with SW.
@Borgleader But I'll submit that I didn't know that "Lord of the sith" was also commonly used: googlefight.com/…
I quite enjoy the SW universe :) Mostly the old republic era.
> Mozart wrote the concerto for two pianos for himself and his sister before he moved to Vienna. It is a wonderful dialog between two pianist and orchestra that is not performed as much as it should. Yuja Wang gives great homage to the near 90 year old Menahem Pressler by joining with him in this performance. (Also note that she towers above the gentleman even without her legendary spiked heals.)
Hahaha. Watching that from the start now is quite hilarious. I came for the Mozart
I suppose in this rare instance it's fair to say that the clarinette concerto is... a bit gay
In every sense.
But not "gay" as in MLP. This actually can hold my interest a bit longer.
@sehe ah why edit? I was about to star that
lol thanks
I hope you can sustain the quotes.
That was on the last second, I'm afraid. No longer can edit
@melak47 Wut. I thought I'd seen the worst dating blurbs...:
> My favorite is oral sex! :) I lick pussy and i suck dick! I love sucking and licking! I have trustee because i have debt, my trustee ends in this summer allso my debt is all paid in this summer! I cry because i dont have any control of my own life and my money!
Is it wrong that i want freedom of my life? I hope to die! I cant manage with this trustee bullshit! I want to kill my self! Im alone and desperate. I slept a few hours and now all is better! :) I know that my life sucks but i cant help it anyhow! Sometimes i get these moods when i may cry and so on!
> You can e-mail me and if you are girl im single by the way!
I would have never guessed
Of course it had to start raining as soon as I stepped outside...
Life is mean.
Life is the only viable/reasonable definition of fair
and of course my leg hurts now. ugh. Tuesday can't come quick enough.
I am starting to realize that perhaps Fay's strict output isn't very good, after all
Wonder if I should just switch to ST3.
it's easy to use, but dumping lazy evaluation for the sake of easier calling from js
all the plugins I made work in ST3 so my plugins wouldn't be an issue :s
I don't know many people here who use Sublime Text though.
I used to like ST2. Briefly.
No build system, no dice.
lol the build system is the most minor issue I have
it's so easy to fix and they even made it better in ST3
@sehe psycho
Your build system is dices?
My build system slices and dices my source files and cooks them and prepares a delicious executable, for me to om nom nom nom.
I just use my meta build system and call it a day.
Looks like you need to learn about std::declval.
Also, just use std::decval<T>()
to get the return type of that overload of insert?
What do you think std::declval does?
It can only be used in non-evaluated context.
or just std::result_of it
ah, actually, std::result_of won't work, nvm
I would just do decltype(std::declval<IntContainer>().insert(0, 0, 0)) because it's templated and it doesn't really matter in this context iirc.
IntContainer&, though
@Rapptz what about overloads? how can it know which one?
and you need the correct types, obviously
can't have 0 as an iterator type
I'm lazy
ok, @Rapptz just simplified for illustration
really, just declval it
If I generate machine code at runtime, and that code modifies a C++ variable through a pointer, and I want to read the variable from C++ later, should it be volatile?
@doug65536 And size_type may require typename on a real compiler :)
template <typename C, typename V = typename C::value_type, typename It = typename C::const_iterator>
auto foo(C const& ic)
   -> decltype(declval<C>().insert(declval<It>(), typename C::size_type(), declval<V>()))
    return /*something*/
@rightfold Yes. And, if those happen in different threads, also atomic.
*guessing the way in which you'd use this
@Griwes Single thread. :)
But thanks. :)
decltype(declval<T>()) must be the ugliest syntax evah
@rightfold Unless you of course tell the compiler you take the address and pass it around (it should be smart enough to infer the fact it cannot be optimized then).
I've seen worse
@TemplateRex Wait till you trailing return specs with perfect forwarding on polymorphic lambdas.
@Griwes I pass the address of the variable to inline assembly code. This code sets r13 to that address and then calls the generated machine code. The generated machine code modifies [r13].
@sehe which trailing return? do generic lambdas ever need that?
@sehe You don't need them
@sehe the return type might be void though. that causes a problem right?
@doug65536 depending on how you want to use it
you can do return f(); where f is a void function
ah right
@rightfold I am not sure if the volatile is strictly necessary in such case, but I would go with it, as current compilers are mostly utterly dumb when it comes to understanding assembly.
@AndyProwl in fact, just perfect forwarding of poly lambda parameters is enough to make me cry
@Griwes Good idea. Let’s follow the it-can’t-do-harm rule. :)
@TemplateRex Sometimes.
but it won't be as bad as sehe makes it out to be
@Rapptz example?
@sehe std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...?
std::forward<decltype(x)>(x), what's so bad about that? :p
@TemplateRex [](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { /* */ }
you can even macro that one
@Rapptz Is that in c++14 yet?
@Rapptz and why would I want to specify the return type there?
don't see why not
@Xeo What isn't :)
and you can actually even macro forward in general like that
@TemplateRex because the default isn't decltype(auto), it's auto.
@TemplateRex perfect return
normal one is just auto
Does having a volatile non-static data member have annoying consequences for non-copyable data types?
Because those with const non-static data members cannot be assigned to, for example.
@Xeo I know decltype(auto) does perfect return, my question is why do I ever need it on lambdas? All I ever do with them is pass to algorithms and such
@rightfold You could also strike those variables with std::atomic.
  SublimeGit is a full-featured, commercial plugin for integrating
  git into Sublime Text 2 and 3. To read more about it, or purchase
  a license, go to sublimegit.net.
>paid plugins
@Rapptz s/paid/commercial/!
@TemplateRex well, you can actually return lambdas properly in C++14, so there may be more uses
That means it's better!
@Griwes Then I cannot safely acquire a pointer to it that I can modify from assembly, can I?
Because the internals of std::atomic aren’t specified.
@Xeo OK, that could be, just that I haven't seen code that returns lambdas
I also prefer not to fiddle with library types.
@TemplateRex I did actually write a piece of code that returns a polymorphic lambda a few days ago
@rightfold Any sane atomic implementation will just use hardware locking.
Which implies lock prefix on x86.
@AndyProwl what was it's use case?
@Xeo I have this in my current codebase at work: paste.ubuntu.com/6816774 (the decltype insanity is just for ease of code generation -> I'm lazy)
and or fences
You can guess what AdlDependencyTag is for
I prefer to disregard insane implementations when dealing with inherently non-portable code.
What pros does it have vs. volatile?
@doug65536 Irrelevant in this case.
@rightfold IDK if it has any pros or cons. It's just volatile is awkward.
class thread { void const* volatile instruction_ptr; }; seems simpler than class thread { std::atomic<void const*> instruction_ptr; };.
@sehe interesting to see #ifdef around MSC_VER that actually enables C+11 code
@TemplateRex It was related to partial binding (Q&A). This is the example - notice, that it has a flaw for std::reference_wrapper as @Xeo noticed, but it can be easily fixed.
which other compilers do you use?
@TemplateRex It doesn't!
@TemplateRex gcc, clang and MSVC12
@sehe hm? =default is enabled, right?
Wow my colour scheme isn't in ST3 :(
@TemplateRex Yeah, but it should not be needed. I'm trying to think of what causes this again. If I even figured it out.
@Rapptz Send bomb letter now!
Oh wait. I'm an idiot.
I already installed it a long time ago.
That's why it didn't show up under "Install"
that's... seriously confuzzled
object volatile* volatile* volatile evaluation_stack_top; // I’m a two-star volatile programmer!
@rightfold ......what are you writing?
I’m rewriting the Styx VM.
@rightfold Two-star three-volatile programmer.
I am not sure if that would be the way I would implement threads in a VM...
@rightfold what the actual fuck. It looks like you just have no clue what you're doing and think that adding "volatile" at every turn will dumb the compiler down to not optimize anything, making your risk of UB slightly smaller. I call BS
(That is mostly the way I implement threads in my µkernel...)
@Griwes They have to be resumable.
@sehe Well yes I indeed have no idea what the fuck I am doing.
@sehe error: insufficient contextual information to determine type on gcc 4.7.2
@rightfold Just go with coroutines.
@rightfold Just have a native thread that executes the bytecode vOv
@doug65536 That's an ... interesting message. SSCCE?
But hey.
At least my code seems to work.
@Griwes That has its own set of problems
@rightfold That sounds a bit PhD-ish
@CatPlusPlus More than doubling the OS' job of thread switching and doing some weird shenanigans the OS normally does for you?
@AndyProwl That's what I meant here
@Griwes Yes, sometimes
my code doesn't work I can't compilers
@CatPlusPlus I highly doubt that.
Green threads are great for threads that wait most of the time
Nothing good comes from duplicating OS' features.
Tell that to Erlang
@Griwes except it's not duplicating
I am not duplicating an OS feature.
@doug65536 declval<C>() <--- need parens
Because green threads is not an OS feature.
no but really
		return decltype(std::declval<C>.insert(std::declval<It>(), typename C::size_type(), std::declval<V>()))();
I've read what Haste author wrote about export
@sehe that did it. thanks
but FFS it's GHC code
I can't possibly modify GHC code
Sure you can
OTOH the eval forcer I wrote didn't work and was turning into something really hairy
I need help.
I mean, it's a large codebase that takes getting used to, but it's not a magical impenetrable box
@rightfold So you are writing own threads instead of just relying on OS' scheduler (which probably sucks, but I am pretty sure despite being utterly dumb on current OSes, it is still smarter and less buggy than your userspace scheduler). So you are duplicating an OS' feature.
It is not merely about scheduling.
It's not smarter
If you are going to argue that that is not the case - vOv
General solution cannot possibly be more smarter than specialised one
@CatPlusPlus it's quite readable. I mean, it's Haskell, so it's rather clear itself. But I don't know how it works, I don't know how the code generation is performed, I just lack knowledge about compiler construction
Why do you think Boost.ASIO exists?
@BartekBanachewicz Experiment vOv
Hey let’s just spawn an OS thread for every client.
Yeah OS threads are really bad for a lot of things
Which uses read and write system calls.
@CatPlusPlus the guy said "Adding support for foreign exports would likely be fairly easy, however. In theory, at least. I've looked briefly at it and it doesn't really seem any harder than that."
Just make sure you buy a terabyte of memory.
@rightfold And coroutines. Just saying
@rightfold That is a completely different case, but since you seem to know everything about threads, vOv.
Good luck and have fun writing another scheduler, when one is available.
Scheduling is not a difficult thing to do
@Griwes It already exists and it’s called boost::asio::io_service.
@Griwes which doesn't do the same thing at all. I am not sure why are you insisting on using OS features if we all know how crappy OSes are.
Any event lib is a ~~scheduler~~
@CatPlusPlus Yes it is.
No, it isn't
I think scheduling is underestimated. That's why windows isn't fast. And linux can be. AIX isn't. And Solaris can be.
theMod = genAST cfg modname binds

    insFun m (_, AST (Assign (NewVar _ (Internal v _)) body _) jumps) =
      M.insert v (AST body jumps) m
    insFun m _ =
NUMA domains, core temperatures, core caches, core TLBs, shared caches between cores, HT cores, chip topology (which core makes another core's temperature rise), .....
The difficult parts of OS-level scheduling don't exist in userspace scheduling
that's, as far as I know, the part I have to modify
@CatPlusPlus okay. I'll grant you that
But no, let's just shit over all the important information that gives you a chance to be a smart scheduler vOv
Have you ever actually used green threads
I don't know why I even bother
I don't think I could care less about the mere idea.
Seriously, Erlang
I want purely I/O-based scheduling.
@CatPlusPlus lol
OS offers not that.
Or gevent or whatever
I also want to be able to spawn 5k threads without problems.
Fine, stay in your dream that scheduling is a high level task, that is fully abstracted from the machine. I don't care.
Because otherwise it’s not fun.
@Griwes It is pretty low level here, since I’m implementing a machine myself and it’s an integral part of it.
@Griwes ...
soi basically "I don't know what I am talking about but it sucks"
This is what I'd do. Let ---God--- the compiler sort them out! — sehe 3 secs ago
Stay in your dream that userspace scheduling is exactly the same as OS-level scheduling
Stay in your dream that it does not lead to feature duplication vOv
There is no duplication since the features are different.
@CatPlusPlus Yes, you called?
It is unclear what "second option" you are referring to, @Etherealone. The "second option" in the question is still the same loop, right (loops are not branchless) — sehe 3 mins ago
@sehe Please lightning bolt that guy
@CatPlusPlus I'm on it!
@rightfold it's feature differentiation
@sehe ah, also the broken implementation of insert takes iterator (not const_iterator as it should) for it's first parameter. SSCCE (works)
@sehe This code kind of changes meaning in MSVC compared to other compilers I think.
Doesn't explicitly making the copy constructor default implicitly delete the move?

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