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@FredOverflow oh I see
I share a flat with three humans, because I can't afford it to rent it alone, and don't really fancy the idea of living with some unknown people.
@CatPlusPlus I had to google "sonofamosquito" before I understood it, lol
@TonyTheTiger Once she was gone for two weeks, that loneliness felt really strange. It's great for a couple of days, but not for two weeks.
@FredOverflow I'm not living alone either
I enter panic mode when I'm alone in the flat.
but the same person get's boring after a while, I run out of things to say
So every sound is someone breaking in.
I need to see OTHER people
@CatPlusPlus you pussy
It's ridiculous, and I hate my brain for that.
Hear that, brain? I hate you.
@TonyTheTiger "Interesting... and these other people, where do they congregate?"
(quote by Maurice Moss)
In another flat.
@FredOverflow in places I'm too far away from to go to very often
@FredOverflow I demand a video clip.
video or it didn't happen
Video clip!
Video clip!
Video clip!
You can't even copy-paste a thing without misspelling it.
Nice, I figured out a way to cheat the "same message folding thing".
Shame on you, robot.
The misspelling was part of the idea!
@LucDanton I can't find it :(
Yeah, yeah.
If you post the same message twice, chat folds it into one.
yes this is true
This statement is false!
@LucDanton Here's some unrelated clip:
Damn, seems like I'll need to slice off some rep for a bounty.
oh noes, he has to sacrifice rep
Our condolences.
Next time I ask a question, instead of lots of detail, I'll just make it a one-liner. So no one veers off into completely unrelated matters.
Bloody bugs.
still buggin you?
All bugs bug me. Good thing my bugphobia doesn't activate on flies and mosquitoes.
I hate wasps
Arthropods scare the hell out of me.
Arthropods and cephalopods.
ugh spiders really freak me out
Wasps, bees, and everything tangentially related.
Spiders, too.
where in the world would you run into octopi?
@TonyTheTiger Huh, the ocean?
@TonyTheTiger Bad movie.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh damn, dense moment
@RMartinhoFernandes Lol.
ok, I could bring up sex
@TonyTheTiger Or trees.
cause I haven't mentioned it all day
@RMartinhoFernandes ok lol, post in r/trees
they'll like it there
r/trees isn't really about... trees.
yea I know, that was the joke
What is it about then?
Hehe, Brave Sir Robin.
@RMartinhoFernandes Weed.
the bit about him running is the best
@CatPlusPlus Oh.
I'm not dead!
He's probably quoting from the video the puppy posted.
No, from the beginning of the film.
Or something. I should rewatch that sometime.
Film. Movie. Stupid differences.
Suggesting an alternative here.
I get "attention" from that.
Oh, and "comprehension".
I can understand that!
Well, I had to Google "cyclimse".
"Warning: this flim is not a flim about cyclims. Thank you for your understanding."
"cyclign" is a better "translation".
Damn, writing with typos is hard.
Wikipedia agrees.
> "Attention! This flim is not a flim about cyclign. Thank you for your understanding."
Pyjamas is basically GWT with Python instead of Java. I like it.
What is the best Beginner Book on stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/…
I have already readed "C++ Beginners Guide" by Herb Schildt
reference on double *p is double **&, how to write reference on double const const* p?
double * * p and double const * const * p
writing mistake :P
Put your code inside `'s
Anybody can help me?
@ Bruno, try with Accelerated C++ (barbara E.moo)
not for abosulte begginer, but very nice book
I will download the pdf, or see in the Amazon, and if I like it, i will buy
reference on double * p is double * *&, how to write reference on double const const* p
again :(
`, not ' or "
Backticks, as they're called.
They look like grave accents, if that helps.
" reference on double *p is double **&, how to write reference on double const const *p "
ok here we go again :D
'reference on double *p is double **&, how to write reference on double const const* p'
i'am a retard :D
Not a quote ('), a backtick (`).
reference od double **p is double **&, how to write reference on double const* const* p
hard to find backtick :P hahahahaha
double const* const*& ?
thanks, and sorry for my backtick :P
But first of all, why do you need pointer to pointer. And then, why do you need reference to pointer to pointer.
The Accelerated C++ is very brief for learning?
writing come code about alocating memory
"Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example" vS. "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++" vS. "C++ Primer"... What are the best??
i have the first one, and it is very nice book, but not for absolute begginer
I already readed the "C++ Beginners Guide" by Herb Schildt
I know class, basic templates, basic vectors...
I'm a absolute begginer or not?
I created this code alone: github.com/BrunoAlano/ConfigDB
It's not done
so download book, and see are you familiar with content...
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkProvide QUALITY books and an approximate skill level. Add a short blurb/description about each book that you have personally read/benefited from. Feel free to debate quality, headings, etc. Books that meet the criteria will be added to the list. Books that have reviews by the Association of C an...

I'm already reading this list
But I don't know what the "Beginners Books" I choose
What is the best
I like the Bjarne Stroustrup book and Accelerated C++
they're all good
just don't pick the ones that aren't on that list, because they're not for a reason
You recommend one of the beginners list?
if you are a beginner
I'm not a absolute begginer, but not intermediate
I'd cover your bases and pick a beginner one first then
whats happening fellas
/me == chat killer!
l8r sk8r's
c++0x is published ?
It's been published on September 1st.
any pdf or something like that to it ?
Not for free. The FDIS (the most recent document before publication) used to be publicly accessible during the design process but has since then been removed. The Standard is available for a fee.
The draft is still on github.
Anyone here do iPhone programming? No-one is in the iPhone room

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