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@BenjaminGruenbaum Good work. I agree with all the points made there.
I know "throw things at it until it works, then test it and avoid it like fire" is a really shitty approach - it's just really black magic sometimes. It's terrifying :(
Ah, everyone knows programming ends up with magic at the end of the day.
Also boat/sea sick for good part of the trip

Also was boat/sea sick for good part of the trip
All hail the duct-tape programmer
That's not a C++ problem, but it's a problem I have to deal with when writing C++ :/
You shall be glad you are not duck taping in java. I have no words for that
@DavidKron Um, java
Lambdas in java are a pain
I must say actually, using any kind of language is a relief once you've had a share enough in java.
See, I dislike Java, a lot. However, it tends to be very well documented and I never have black magic issues with it (except for stuff like JNI). Once I had black magic when I used pointers in an existing hell project (fun fact: in Java to use pointers you need to use reflection to access a private property)
@Ell ""lambdas""
I write them with anonymous classes with .setCapture methods
Don't we have real lambdas in java 8 now?
Who's we?
Yeah was going to say so, we do, and inline classes are quite ok aswell. My pain in the is is how it tries to be a staticly typed language with so many runtime type errors.
Programmers don't use Java
Naa I had to use it in uni for like 2 months recently :s
hey @ScottW
Partied so hard after that exam
@DavidKron lol, it amazes me how Java typing is unhelpful, broken and quirky yet still undecidable ^^ When your compiler uses heuristics and can't always figure out your generics although they have no runtime meaning - you know someone dropped the ball.
Java isn't that bad. At least it's relatively consistent.
@Lalaland We believe everything is an object except for stuff that's not like primitives or functions ^^ Also, please have 10 lines of code of types of exceptions thrown and broken arrays. Type inference? That's for suckers who don't like typing because real coders are typists first. Mixins or sensible ways to share information between classes? Hahah! Implement an interface and compose because lol.
I like Stepanov's attitude towards OOP and its overuse
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dont get me started on the generics. The factory pattern is hugely favorized yet templates dont allow new on template types so for allocating factory functions they have to overload for every fucking type there is.
@ScarletAmaranth misuse and overuse are not the same. Java's oop is abusive.
Java was designed to remove all the sharp edges that C++ has, what they didn't count on is people being pummelled by bowling balls
How is Java's OOP model worse than C++'s?
@DavidKron The Java community figured this out pretty well though, they do a lot of AoP now and most objects are constructed through DI with a container anyway. The problem is you have a lot of configuration in stuff like XML which is horrible on its own.
and they say piracy is killing they music industry... bullshit
I'd rather have my throat slit by c++s sharp edges that be pummeled to death by the bulky round edges of the club that is java
@Lalaland In Java you can't declare things like protected inheritance, which is fairly pointless in C++ :)
@Lalaland In that in Java the OOP model is broken and in C++ it's slightly less broken.
@GlennTeitelbaum Imo java was created to be able to hire stupid programmers who relied on some "bruteforce" programming pattern.
Worst thing is that it works
I don't think it's broken in either, but more broken in cpp in ay
@ScottW C# lets you do a lot of crazy things if you really want - you can write unmanaged unchecked code with pointers and references in c# and manipulate the memory directly if you ever so please.
@Ell interested to hear, what don't you like about C++ oop?
isn't there like a keyword for it in C#? was it unsafe {} ?
I.. don't think I have many issues with C++'s OOP.
I can't think of any atm.
me neither.
I found it quite funny how they teached getters and setters at my uni as it was some kind of feature of the java language rather than a pattern. In c# however it really is.
@DavidKron In most OOP languages I know actually.
In java there are no surprises wrt OOP
Its mostly the fact you have to worry about dynamic allocation and slicing and having a virtual destructor
@DavidKron They are a kind of use of the language.
The main thing C++ is missing is a "built in" standard GUI
I find it interesting (not necessarily bad) that with private inheritance, your derived class is basically not your subtype
they were originally designed to be reflected on.
@Ell Slicing and virtual destructors are non-problems for anyone remotely competent.
@GlennTeitelbaum right. we need no filesystem support, GUI is more important :) I'd know of a number of things more important to C++ than GUI support
@Ell Both extremely easy to solve.
@ScarletAmaranth It's a way to share code, there is no is a - at least I like to think that, I don't realy use it at all.
I agree
slicing problem makes sense in my head.
Like I said, I don't think oop is broken on either
but then again, I'm weird.
template <typename EventType>
    class EventQueue
        typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (Event<EventType>)> EventSignal; <-- Doesnt work
        typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()> EventSignal; <-- Works
       // WTF!?
But on java these issues aren't present
@sehe <filesystem>!
@Ell that's not a problem with C++ OOP, that's a problem with writing unmanaged code and such. You're solving a much bigger problem here in a sense.
@Ell You trade them off for much worse problems.
@Rapptz Yeah I know, It's imminent. After... what, 30 years
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I think about it in a similar way, it's just weird that you're still doing inheritance yet you're not creating a subtype, it's something that bears unexpected implications, potentially :)
> bears
@sehe Most of the people I know that use C# or Java over C++, have told me it's because they need a GUI, not becuase of filesystems
@Rapptz I would have rather had a compile time error, it's unexpected.
@sehe that's an unbearable pun
@GlennTeitelbaum Peaople using java because of GUI :s
@BenjaminGruenbaum C++ has value semantics, it's pretty expected IMO.
@ScarletAmaranth Most inheritance in Java I've seen does not really create a subtype, nor does Java really enforce proper subtyping.
@GlennTeitelbaum They probably couldn't even conceive of how inconvenient it is to not have it as part of the language. Whereas it's easier to consider a specific GUI feature you want not being part of it.
@GlennTeitelbaum How does that make the inverse logical? Why would anyone be doing their GUI in C++? I mean, certain high-performance rendering tasks, yes. But their GUI, hell no!
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually, all inheritance in Java creates a subtype, as far as I am concerned
@Rapptz You're passing the wrong type of value , you should get an error.
Qt isn't that bad.
@ScarletAmaranth Java does not verify that the subtype is behaviorally a subtype, it can be completely meaningless.
Qt is not a part of C++.
Agreed, It's not _that_ bad
I like Qt.
@Rapptz it really isn't. I'm not sure it fares poorly compared to the alternatives in other languages at all. In fact, it was a lot nicer to work with than some alternatives in other systems.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're not passing the wrong type at all.
@sehe Qt is a library in C++ though. So..
It's valid for GUIs.
It is
But, dependencies are a big pain for C++.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but it's still a subtype, as soon as you say: T extends U, doesn't necessarily have to be "Liskov's inheritance" sort of thing
@benj if a subtype isn't behaviouraly a subtype then you're inheriting for the wrong reasons p
@DeadMG let me ask you this, how many times was slicing the desirable outcome of what you meant to do?
@Lalaland Agreeing again. They're the same for anywhere else, but it's usually much easier to have then portable/ported
@Ell of course. I was just making the point that you have to enforce that, and that Java doesn't help you with it any more than C++ does.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Since I've never written code that sliced, it's difficult to suggest that this is truthfully more than non-zero.
@ScarletAmaranth what is a subtype.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 0 because I don't slice.
@benj how would the compiler enforce it?
@DeadMG @Rapptz have you ever had a bug that a warning or compile time error about slicing would have prevented, like when passing something by value instead of by refernece?
I think I've used code that sliced before. With a kind of decorator pattern (soo, void fooApi(X value); struct decoratedX : X { int more; } mystuff; fooApi(mystuff);
slicing is not a problem at all, it's people not properly considering the implications of inheritance.
Honestly - me neither, I've never had an issue with it. It's just something I've heard.
That's a hack though
@DeadMG Or value semantics
@BenjaminGruenbaum You might wanna have a teeny bit of clue about that before discussing it.
@Ell Technically you have stuff like Eiffel, but I'm not saying the language should enforce it. I'm just saying Java isn't better at this that any other language out there.
The only time I would have ever ran into the slicing problem would be if I passed a class into a function.
I dont get why anyone would ever mix dynamic typing and advance inheritance trees with value semantics
and you usually pass by const reference there
But yeah. That
@DeadMG I'm discussing it because I want to obtain that teeny bit of clue, it's something you brought up and I said slicing doesn't really make much sense to me as a behavior. I also added that I haven't had any issues with it before.
I brought up slicing?
Ell did.
seriously, I don't remember bringing up slicing.
ah right.
@Rapptz Implicitly
@DeadMG you did
@DavidKron scripting language on top of another language maybe? Or having to write anything for the web that benefits from value semantics.
@BenjaminGruenbaum on top of another language that has value semantics?
well, slicing makes complete sense when you think of it this way: when you request a T, you get exactly that T, nothing more, nothing less. And since a T can be constructed from a const T& (and a Derived& is a const T&) then it can also be constructed from a Derived&, which gives you slicing.
uhhh the web :s
@sehe lua on top of C++ ?
fundamentally, the definition of value semantics, implicit reference conversion, and copy constructors gives rise to slicing- it's not a "feature" anyone designed in.
Damn. Turns out I still don't know Lua at all
@sehe It's Lua, not LUA.
yeah, they don't like it when you say LUA.
(also Lua doesn't really have value semantics)
or inheritance for that matter
> "Lua" (pronounced LOO-ah) means "Moon" in Portuguese. As such, it is neither an acronym nor an abbreviation, but a noun. More specifically, "Lua" is a name, the name of the Earth's moon and the name of the language. Like most names, it should be written in lower case with an initial capital, that is, "Lua". Please do not write it as "LUA", which is both ugly and confusing, because then it becomes an acronym with different meanings for different people. So, please, write "Lua" right!
The tiny goblin ghosts lurking in the curtains when you sleep?
Looah? seriously?
@sehe "the authors of Lua"
(I have no idea what a goblin actually mean, leap of non-native faith)
I should say looah?
ah fuck, why am I so sick.
@DeadMG right, and it's consistent with numbers, structs in C and so on - I'm just that if you do it - making you be explicit makes some sense to me.
They .... LURK IN MY CURTAINS?!?!?!
Now I'm scared
@BenjaminGruenbaum You could devise such a class if you wanted to.
@DavidKron What else would you pronounce it?
@sehe Lua?
How is that different..?
28 secs ago, by sehe
@DavidKron What else would you pronounce it?
@DeadMG did you eat?
Oh fuck, i think i am pronouncing it in swedish
@DeadMG It's a theoretical issue I haven't run into and like I said - don't have much of a clue about. In practice, slicing never really bit me before.
yeah, some folks pronounce Lua Lua and some Lua, and then there are those who say Lua, so just pick one... also I personally say Lua
@DavidKron That's the same, right? Slightly more open 'a' sound?
No the u is really an uu
@GlennTeitelbaum The minimum amount to take the antibiotics.
L - you -ah ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right. What I'm saying is that you can write your classes to be unslicable, at least in most cases, if you want to.
I pronounce Lua as "dzjif" personally
@DeadMG interesting. Didn't consider it before and until it bites me I probably won't consider actually doing that - seems like kind of an overhead for a problem I don't really run into.
@DavidKron nederländska is much the same
@DeadMG what do you think about the way D solves it?
D can't "solve" slicing any more than C++ can.
@DeadMG D doesn't let you get into this position in the first place though.
oh, you're referring to their garbage collection orgasm?
throwing the baby out with the bathwater there.
Depends on her answer
@ScottW Sign your will now
My D is not sharp, but I remember that you can only inherit a reference type.
@DavidKron good point
yep, so it's a garbage collection orgasm
@DavidKron What answer is the one that makes it not lame?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, that just spells "all inheritance must be virtual" and "we don't support POD types"
I don't really see any selling points for D.
Less complex than C++. Let's face it, it's a selling point
@StackedCrooked That's because you're not Facebook
Garbage collection is not going to entice C++ programmers.
D didn't immediately shoot ahead of C++ in features and power.
Better range library :l
Even though I sometimes wish I had it :)
@GlennTeitelbaum No but lets have meaningless sex each wedsnday 10 am ur place
@benj you mean because you are facebook
If they did that, they could have gained a larger following.
(Facebook didn't adopt d yet did they?)
@DavidKron 10am? That... means you have to quit your job for meaningless sex... Better have meaningless sex on the job then
@Ell they are using it a little bit
they have Andrei in Facebook, he's surely selling D ^^
@sehe Ah we im still mixing am and pm
which is not inherently wrong though
@ScottW The fact that you posted that you did it on the ubiquotous social media that is Lounge<C++> makes it a lot cooler
He wouldnt sell it if he didn't think itd make it easier
It seems more people are getting interested in Rust.
Unless this is a giant way to make himself invaluable
Has anyone taken a look at the steamos sourcecode btw?
@ScottW I'm taken
@ScottW Oh we all have that dream
@StackedCrooked I am.
Nope but my guess is its a load of html and CSS strapped onto debian
Type system: static, nominal, linear, algebraic, locally inferred
Memory safety: no null or dangling pointers, no buffer overflows
Concurrency: lightweight tasks with message passing, no shared memory
That looks kinda interesting.
Atleast to find any programming or tech savvy
That syntax
I love it.
@StackedCrooked also, modern syntax.
Curly braces
Semicolons to end statements
@BenjaminGruenbaum Curly braces aren't really modern.
(Fucking finally)
They are just what we are used to :)
i dont like the lets
They're what we're used to, but the people who decided to make languages where the newline ends a statement is lame.
let's think them away
Because then I can't format my lines the way I want to
I think significant indentation ought to be the "modern way"
I like syntax that allows me to write as little as possible
They have to be single lines. It's annoying.
@StackedCrooked not the curly braces :) The mut to make things mutable, lambdas out of the box and a strong straightforward library on top of built ins. Also, tasks and such.
@ThePhD JavaScript is the worst
The mut looks bad to me :/
Rust's syntax sucks
> Generics type parametrization with type classes
@StackedCrooked oh yes. JavaScript has this horrible "feature" called "automatic semicolon insertion"
Why would stuff be const by default?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, and it looks like a language that you could quickly start using.
I doesn't look too academic or anything.
If nobody learns from T4, C++ Templates, and C# Generics, it's that making a pseudo code-gen that's not really codegen is horrible. D:<
> Computer geeks are stupid. They named the "PDA" when they had the chance to call it a "PAD".
fn, mut, ref, impl, mod, pub, priv
@StackedCrooked I do a lot of JavaScript and it's one of the languages that's easiest to get completely wrong and write bad code in (I'd argue that about C++ too). People mistake it for an easy language.
@Ell Late to the party are you? ;)
@Rapptz I like fn.
also mod isn't modulus, it's module.
It's terse and doesn't get in the way.
that's 1 out of 6 that I listed
I probably missed some others
fn is fine.
What I would really like, though
mod is moderator. it moderates the state.
let x = 5;
int x = 5; // Syntatically the same
is let being like C++ auto
@ThePhD yes.
Heh I am late it seems
Also, rust has pattern matching which is nice.
static constexpr int x = 5; is more like let
Ah well gnite and merry xmas everyone
Merry chrimbus
@StackedCrooked Yeah. What I would like is a compiler that, if a variable isn't used in a scope and its declared at the top with some constant,
I hope the winter man visited you
the auto should automatically make it a static constexpr/const
@ScarletAmaranth Nighty night.
My tetris.clj was loaded with let statements.
I still don't know why constexpr can't be inferred
With the right media spin asm could be the next new language, small syntax, easy to learn, dynamic types...
more like no types
Ya, but tones of code generators :)
@GlennTeitelbaum some people are actually learning llvm (though statically typed)
@Ell Maybe nobody knows, that's why it can't :)
@GlennTeitelbaum it's not portable, it's extremely burdensome and error prone
You'd need a crafty salesman.
Can anybody test if this bug is real?
@StackedCrooked nothing is perfect
Is that your sales pitch :D
Apart from C++, JavaScript and Bash seem to be becoming my main languages.
careful so that your JavaScript lambdiness doesn't creep its way into your C++ ^^
Even Google doesn't know what "lambdiness" is :)
Did you mean: lambdins, lamb doneness, lambda ess, lambdanet
sure, creating fake scopes :) I've seen quite a bit of C++ doing [](){ stuff; }(); sort of thing :)
"use of many anonymous functions" ?
@StackedCrooked Many years ago, IBM was trying to sell their PC, but the graphics were aweful, and they couldn't come close to what Apple, or other personal devices were doing, so they went to businesses and said, "Our graphics are sufficient for business, you don't want your employees playing games, you want them focused on business", and well, it worked
  "a" : 1
^ Do you know this JS pitfall?
@ScarletAmaranth You shouldn't be doing "fake scopes" in JS either.
you shouldn't o_O? I wouldn't know :)
@StackedCrooked returns undefined :)
maybe the syntax is wrong, I dunno.
lol JS
But the problem is that a ; is inserted by the interpreter after the return.
I find myself writing quite a bit of Go for kicks and giggles for some reason recently
@StackedCrooked no, it's just automatic semicolon insertion sucking.
Yeah, that.
But I think tools will generate warning.
Yes, any decent static analysis tools you should be using anyway should generate a warning, but that's still really stupid :)
So, back to making a perfect hash table / trie for these magic numbers...
@ThePhD what are you trying to do?
Nothing important.
well, good night everyone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nite
> The HP (SourceForge) implementation of Judy arrays appears to be the subject of US patent 6735595.[5]
Well. It's not like I wanted to anyways.
@CatPlusPlus you said something about having implemented Tries and stuff?
@ThePhD Judge Judy?
I think
if I just make a bunch of nodes
with a std::bitset<32 * 8>
I'll be a-okay.
It's not obvious for me how to represent a trie in memory.
Trie's are meant to be bounded. In my case, there's 256 possible values per each step in the lookup.
Trie reminds me a little of a heap.
A bit, except it's not a direct search deal.
It's meant for incremental lookups.
@ThePhD and how many lookups?
@GlennTeitelbaum n, where n is the number of steps in a key k.
what is the upper limit of n?
If you now the structure of the tree at compile time then I think it would work nicely with TMP.
I technically know it.
I mean, I have all the keys in advance.
So theoretically I should be able to generate a minimal-use lookup table or hashtable using... stuff.
What I could do, though
Trie's are good with "minimal" lookups or with repeating step sequences, I'm trying to figure out if that is what you have
is just write a C# program that takes a list of magic numbers from a text file
and just writes one big-ass switch function.
you could store all paths in a list.
all linear
wait - there are only 256 possible payloads?
No, less
what about just PAYLOAD[256] ?
All the lookups right now are less than 16 bytes.
just use an array
I know how I'll hash this.
I'll use an uint64_t as the hash key. It will just be the memcpy of the extension's UTF8 bytes into the uint64_t (if extensions get longer than 8 bytes... Shrug)
Hash and compare.
In the end it's not optimal, but it's better than my current linear search, I suppose.
hashing faster than linear search of 256 length array?
I dunno.
that seems unlikely
In my current method it's string compares, so 256 comparisons against 0 to 16 length strings.
I'm misunderstanding the problem I thought you started with int- you have char[] of size 0 to 16 which will map to int ?
start with std::map, without that many members the logN won't kill you
a bad hash will :) As will an expesive one
Dunno if it will work though.
I forgot to branch the i, in and inn words.

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