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@jalf see, what should have happened is that the second he rejected it and someone from joyent didn't like that - they should have called him and had a chat right there. Instead of approving it behind his back. He was wrong to revert that merge too - but the whole thing is a clusterfuck of bad project management.
In other news, 1600 Belgian pigs died in a fire today.
In a stable fire.
> Speaking as a woman, I frequently see documentation that uses exclusively male pronouns and and know that it's often because doc authors forget/don't consider that they have female readers too. The implication (intended or not) is that the audience of software developers is male. I mentally compare that to how I'm always assumed to be male first on the internet.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree, it's not a big deal, and it never should have become a big deal, especially because the poor maintainer didn't have English as his first language, and genuinely didn't see why this might matter to some, and suddenly he's being accused of sexism and misogyny
why is this important aaa my head
@jalf being unable to do even the simplest crisis management shows how shitty the fact Joyent controls node is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes. I agree fully
It would have been so simple to just talk it over before it exploded
@CatPlusPlus a bunch of people you'd recognize from SO commented saying they don't get what the big deal is, but deleted their comments when they started getting angry emails - it's absurd :/
@StackedCrooked Obviously would have been much worse if the fire had been unstable. :-)
It's the same in Dutch. We use 'hij' (he) for everything, even female animals.
@StackedCrooked That's a lot of delicious bacon!
And joyent's grandstanding "WE WOULD'VE FIRED YOU IF WE COULD" nonsense is just tasteless
@JerryCoffin lol
21st century pitchfork mob
@Xeo yep, you have to hurry if you want some
@jalf like I said, shitty project management. Microsoft/Google/Linkedin/anyone using node in production should've forked it and taken over long ago.
I remember reading a book where the author alternated he/she every chapter.
It was very noticable.
I honestly wouldn't mind if it wasn't ben, that guy built libuv which is a huge accomplishment imo - seriously, over 25% of the code there is his :/
@StackedCrooked that just sounds silly
Why are those people not getting angry over using "she" as gender-neutral pronoun
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would mind no matter who it was. :p
Why are people so fucking stupid aaaaaaaa
@CatPlusPlus ...because that word is not used in the node.js source comments, perhaps?
In professional AI literature, "she" is actually a lot more common for some reason.
Which makes it kind of, you know, fucking irrelevant?
And they can't even get to an agreement which pronoun you should use
@jalf I'm talking in general
@CatPlusPlus No, you were talking about" those people". You were making a dumb strawman
There's always people that love drawing the offended card.
The NodeJS source code is so shitty anyway...it works well but it's shittily, naively coded code. It's really odd to follow code paths and move from node's horrid C++ to V8's sane C++.
grow up
"Those people" = people who think pronouns are fucking important
You mean, people who think that it actually matters what we say and how we use our language? Yeah, crazies, the lot of them
yeah such an urgent problem
When they make fucking large threads because someone wrote "him" in a goddamn tech doc, yes, they're crazy
It's extremely :psyduck: inducing
@StackedCrooked I don't think anyone claimed it was "urgent"?
Fuck humanity
@CatPlusPlus Oh, so you were not talking "in general" after all?
Even if they do think pronouns are important, thinking that "he" necessarily implies gender shows they're just ignorant fools. Changing "his" to "their" is not merely tilting at an imaginary windmill, it's rendering the text grammatically incorrect.
Also, no one made fucking large threads because someone wrote "him"
The entire stupid shitstorm was about how people reacted when someone tried to change it
@jalf People involved here are a subset of stupid people
not about someone writing "him" in the first place
@jalf Claiming that they'd have fired him immediately if he was an employee certainly implies that somebody thought it both important and fairly urgent.
@JerryCoffin I don't see how it implies urgency. Important, yes
@JerryCoffin The changed version of the text actually sounded more natural to me, regardless of all the gender politics. But of course, I'm not a natural English speaker
@jalf Saying that the firing would already have happened implies a degree of urgency compared to (for example) saying: "We'd have suspended him, carried out a thorough investigation, and then taken appropriate action, which might easily have gone as far as firing him."
@JerryCoffin I don't see how. It simply implies that transgressions against their gender policy rules are taken very seriously, not that the matter of gender-specific pronouns is an urgent problem.
It's also a stupid and counterproductive overreaction, like I already said
If he worked for a company which has those rules he'd probably follow them. (Even if he thinks it's silly.)
@jalf That's not particularly surprising--ignorance of English grammar (even among those who purport to speak English natively) has become sufficiently common that use of "their" as a singular pronoun is all too common. That doesn't change the fact that it's clearly incorrect gramatically.
@StackedCrooked yep, which adds another layer of stupid to the whole thing
@JerryCoffin Language is always evolving though.
And English is pretty much defined by consensus in any case. There's no governing body setting the official indisputable rules
@StackedCrooked Quite true. Someday, the practice may be sufficiently widespread that it's accepted as proper grammar--but it's definitely not accepted as proper grammar today.
Not sure if a reliable source, but:
Anyway, I just find it sad how so many people, all of whom had genuinely good intentions, can kick up such a shitstorm that everyone loses
> Singular "their" etc., was an accepted part of the English language before the 18th-century grammarians started making arbitrary judgements as to what is "good English" and "bad English", based on a kind of pseudo-"logic" deduced from the Latin language, that has nothing whatever to do with English.
Q: Trolling homework questions - sorting

VictorI am intending to make this a new category of programming puzzle (let's call it "code-trolling"). So you could expect this to be the first question of the series. The idea of this category is: Suppose that some lazy guy in StackOverflow or elsewhere, asks a homework give-me-dah-codez questio...

@StackedCrooked Its reliability is mostly irrelevant--as you just pointed out, the language evolves, so the fact that something was accepted a couple of centuries ago means next to nothing about its acceptability today.
You're supposed to use "hir" or whatever the fuck that was now
Well, you better do it then!
@CatPlusPlus No, you're not. You're supposed to use "his". The attempts at inventing a new singular, generic pronoun should be ignored as the outright stupidity they are.
Just changing the meaning of 'he' to gender-neutral isn't good enough?
People and simple solutions
@JerryCoffin But tumlrb said so111
@StackedCrooked That's not a change at all--the definition of "he" (and "him", "his", etc.) has included gender neutrality for centuries (and perhaps longer).
@CatPlusPlus Thank you for proving my point. :-)
@JerryCoffin that's a relief.
People have to do something to be activists
I was already wishing I had never heard of "hir" before.
Even if it means making a huge issue out of thing that's completely irrelevant
Fuck people in general
I don't want to live on this planet
that's because you focus on those things
@CatPlusPlus Yes, but if they want to be activists, they could do something useful, like campaigning against dihydrogen monoxide!
That foul poison
Let's replace it with dimethylmercury
Here it comes.
I don't want to know what you are doing.
@CatPlusPlus A neurotoxin by any other name would smell as sweet.
@StackedCrooked Dit.
Ik drink mijn koffie liefst met suiker ernaast.
Is bartek not in the lounge anymore?
Ik drink geen koffie.
@bamboon No.
argh sickness
@rightfold What happened to him?
Do I know. vOv
He’s just not here right now.
he was a good guy
You know, sometimes I'm not here as well.
But I've always come back.
if I don't come back one day, I probably died of cancer or something
Do you want us to post your last words then?
How do you feel today?
like I'm dying of cancer or smoething
is that better than Christmas?
If you had cancer and your doc didn't detect it by now then he should be hanged.
Maybe it’s mercury poisoning.
particles from the planet?
if you die of cancer and your doctor didn't detected it, you could always sue him
@StackedCrooked Mercury, not Mercury.
Though there are probably some mercury atoms on Mercury.
That's where they come from dumbass.
Earth atoms come from Earth?
they come from the World class
darwin says "let the guy die"
and I approve
did you never cross a railway?
@StackedCrooked What a 2-tuple of fucking idiots.
dafuq, where did the Community Choice on Steam disappear to
The server code which renders the html must have been deleted.
posted on December 27, 2013

By looking at a program's structure, we can sometimes predict circumstances in which it is particularly likely to fail.

huh, okay, only the client fails to show it
@Xeo I cant get my vote in =/
client is broketh
but it actually registers
man, seriously
don't just destroy other people's conversations
well, pointer to string is inside the union, so there's no other way than a pointer.
DeadMG, this is not a question, but rather a debate
about rule of three
perhaps consider whether you really need a union
i do :) thanks guys
good luck
For fuck's sake, DeadMG.
Rule of Zero > Rule of Three
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/fuck/bin/
DeadMG doesn't like me, he's deleted my posts before :)
Now you're just binning any messages that have something to do with discussing C++.
If you don't like the messages posted here, just fucking fuck off already.
@RokKralj It's not about you
cool. If anybody gets any idea how the follow the rule of three using pointers in the union...
That conversation absolutely belonged in chat. If posted as an SO question I would have voted to close and pointed the OP here.
Well, probably someplace he could expect more than a dick's welcome, but a chatroom still.
well at least I put some effort into making a minimal example :)
Meanwhile: rep plz
@RokKralj :)
@RokKralj For those, I recommend Coliru or ideone instead of just pastebinning them
@Xeo yeah, that looks better
in bin, 10 mins ago, by Rok Kralj
well in my case it is inside an UNION, therefore it has to be like this....
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 29 minutes.
I'm pretty sure that: No.
Now @DeadMG himself has been binned.
What the fuck just happened?
for that stupid message?
For talking about someone else's mother giving a blowjob? Yes.
He is a wholly inappropriate room owner. Can't take a C++ discussion but feels that comments like that are perfectly okay?
Clearly N people feel this way.
I really see nothing wrong with that comment.
Can't wait until Cat hears about this
Especially as the person targeted by it.
@Xeo Unfortunately you are not the only person in the room?
Сonscience Races in Lounge
@Abyx Hey, I didn't fag it! I just find it incredibly ironic
I think the message was rude but not beyond the standards of this chat. I also believe just binning a normal conversation like that was rude and beyond the standards of any decent chat.
@AndyProwl And quite commonplace.
Problem is, IMHO, that he sometimes just doesn't read further than the beginning of the message.
That's his problem though
Sometimes I don't think he reads it at all
Or doesn't seem to
@AndyProwl Sure
He's a room owner so he can bin what he likes, and that's it
don't know why you guys let him :/
Must be those puppy dog eyes :)
well we have two unrelated things here, binning ontopic stuff and flagging the puppy.
I think that both can go fuck themselves
@AndyProwl I see you stopped posting so many answers, what happened?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Busy with work and health issues, mostly.
Everyone except for Jon Skeet burns out after a while.
Feel better.
Also, I have more rep than I deserve :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you
Hope you get better. Of course none of us knew since you don't go around advertising it in the lounge.

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