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@MartinJames relabel the game "The partly ghost-snake"
By accidentally putting the head at the tail when it grows.
I had this cool effect.
@thecoshman shouldn't jenkins check those out from your VCS?
Except is occasionally kills you.
the FP fanbois here, what Haskell compiler do you use? is there an IDE or something?
There's only GHC and stuff no one uses.
@R.MartinhoFernandes some editor that has syntax highlighting?
I fear I'll have to
make these all into pointers. =[
@ThePhD what are you doing? :(
@ThePhD Take two Diazepam and continue coding.
@ArneMertz vOv I would have thought so... well, no. These are settings that are in theory shared amongst all 'products', so really all of our jenkins servers should have these settings by default.
@ArneMertz I use vim. Emacs has quite good (arguably better) support too.
Apparently Minecraft added Twitch streaming...
I really wonder why.
@Pawnguy7 meh, you have a ready framework working already
it's just a few changes in drawing
@R.MartinhoFernandes uh. vim. I wonder which is more complicated, Haskell or vim o.O
@thecoshman hm. imo such things should not be installed by default. The tools should be installed, i.e. compilers, build tools, VCS etc. But everything else that is part of the projects should be checked into the VCS and Jenkins should get it from there - including such shared configuration files.
@ArneMertz maybe, but that is not the way it is getting done here :S
@thecoshman change it then? :D
@ArneMertz bigger fish to fry IMO
@ArneMertz There's EclipseFP and Leksah haskell.org/haskellwiki/IDEs
Maven supports profiles so having a global config is less effort
@BartekBanachewicz True. I don't know the drawing part though.
@CatPlusPlus thanks, just found the wiki :-)
going to be a bigger tool installation session this weekend...
My Win8 is 94% ready
It only took 2 hours
Fucking HDD
"necromancer" badge wtf.
@CatPlusPlus That's about as far as Windows operations get before stalling for 10 times current elapsed:)
..then BSOD.
Worn out HDD
It's slow as shit
@CatPlusPlus YU not get SSD?
I'm not getting a goddamn SSD
I've had no problem with mine.
I just haven't had time to buy a new disk
@CatPlusPlus then don't complain about slow HDDs ^^
It's not slow because it's mechanical, it's slow because it's old and shitty laptop extra :/
@CatPlusPlus you had the last two hours of win8 installation to order one online :P
All spinners, new/old are hopeless, (for system disk), compared to SSD. I have much spinning reserve for bulk data, (videos:), but I will never go back to things that move for C:
Not cost efficient, I don't care
^ He's right about that
@Xeo Who died? o.0
@ThePhD My guess is some new AS-related woe.
Our app
I just got done cleaning a bathroom.
It's dying again without any fucking information whatsoever
How many bathrooms do you have?
Also, "app" makes it sound like it died in the iOS stage.
My boss finally closed the "text rendering is shifted" issue. Victory is official now.
@CatPlusPlus There are.... 4 in the house?
@ThePhD Oooh. We only have 3. How many people do you live with?
1 next to the master bedroom, 1 near my Sister's bedroom, one half-baked one in the attic, and another on the first floor.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Like, 20.
I have one
Well, not anymore.
Oh. We have 3 for 7 people.
Before there used to be 5 people in the attic. :c
My theory is that optimal number of bathrooms is ceil(sqrt(number of of occupants))
@CatPlusPlus Ours is perfect!
ceil(sqrt(7)) = 3.
Oh great. Viva la hierarchy.
Oh hey Windows upgrade actually works
Who knew
Also, dammit, why are there so many UI issues to deal with.
If a decimal exists,
ceil just rounds it up to the next integer, right?
So 3.00001 is 4?
No, it tortures it first
Hm. Well, we don't have 20 people living here anymore, so we've got one more bathroom than necessary. :v
Better not tell the gov't about Cat's equation~
@ThePhD y = ceil(x) is the nearest integer such that !(y < x).
@ThePhD Less than 10 now?
So you were off by more than half at first?
Q: How to access to a single bit of any kind of variable in Qt

user3022090Sorry man. Some of you guys are really mother F#$&%"s, but I would do the same thing, so forgiven. I thought this site worked in Spanish as well. So, can anybody tell me how can I access to a single bit of any kind of variable, for example an int, so I can made a control word? Pd.: And for the on...

Voted to close as opinion based
What does this have to do with qt?
Dumb peopel
Nothing gets questions answered faster than insulting people's mothers.
The shame is that someone actually answered that question. :/
Yay, I traded a bug.
I don't really understand what people go for with those.
Back to dealing with non-UI crap.
Did I mention I hate UI code?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean you traded in a bug for another bug?
@ScottW have not done it since the last time, I think I was on 2-7 or something
No, I traded an assigned bug for another.
is the other bug less evil?
@User17 It's not UI code => less evil.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your component branch is not that long - it's typical of GUI trees in general.
@Jefffrey lol, Vlad answered it.
@ScottW I am curious, though: why Windows Phone?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is he famous?
@Jefffrey Vlad from Moscow? He's somewhat known here, due to his participation in the Asylum.
@ScottW I have never seen somebody with one as of yet
Do you have one?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess I'm not that active in here. I don't even know what the Asylum is. :c
@ScottW what makes it a test phone?
@Jefffrey ISO C++ Proposals Forum. Got that name because of all the crazy people posting there.
I tweet some of the pearls from there here: twitter.com/stdasylum

> @ptic12 Why is the cppreference search so bad?

Because I wrote it :-) See https://github.com/p12tic/CppSearch. It was written because existing search engines are worthless if you want, for example, string::data and basic_string::data, or istringstream::flags and basic_ios::flags to resolve to a single page. It's not a surprise that this search engine is poor for queries where a full-text search engine is more appropriate. OTOH it's possible to handle C++ keywords; I guess I missed something when generating keyword data for the search engine.
@Pawnguy7 The shortcut to 'reset to factory settings and reboot'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, nice :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Discarded iDalek5'ss after iDalek 6 comes out?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@ScottW I see. Do you plan to continue targeting mobile?
I should make a twitter account.
One of my cow-workers likes to abbreviate "cumulative" to "cum" in variable names.
What are the major improvements in c++11 ?
In one way I almost think it would be fun.
But I don't have any device to test it on :\
Not a smartphone.
Scott W, Thank you. you've been flagged
C11, C.XI, C-11 or C.11 may refer to: In transport, vehicles, ships or public transport routes: * C-11 Fleetster, a 1920s American light transport aircraft for use of the United States Assistant Secretary of War * Fokker C.XI, a 1935 Dutch reconnaissance seaplane * LET C-11, a license-build variant of the Soviet Yakovlev Yak-11 trainer aircraft * C-11 Gulfstream II, the military designation of the Gulfstream II business jet * Barroso (C11), a light cruiser of the Brazilian Navy * HMS C11, a 1907 British Royal Navy C class submarine * HMS Liverpool (C11), a 1937 British Royal Navy Town cla...
Big list.
@fahadash I've invalidated the flag.
Wait, what.
flagging "your mom"???
I also invalidated.
Yes, I asked a question; he made a 'your mom' joke in response
so ignore him
Does SO break on this wikipedia article?
Isn't stackoverflow for good discussions ?
don't annoy everyone else.
StackOverflow is a place to go an beg for free answers and code.
@ScottW Watch out, another flag incoming!
Oh are you serious?
@fahadash stop it
@ScottW @fahadash why the heck did you flag this?
do you understand how the flag system works?
Did someone link the hints to that guy?
@Pawnguy7 lol yeah. oneboxing ftw :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum He said sof was not for good discussions
Last I knew, it was for questions and answers to questions.
@fahadash when you flag a post ALL users with 10K+ rep get pinged. Site wide. Don't flag stupid shit okay? thanks.
discussions are for forums.
@fahadash lol, It's not like you can flag everything you don't like, go away Hitler.
scott, you are not free to be offensive or misrepresent sof or somebody else
@fahadash SO is a QA system designed to minimize discussion. Also, stop being so butthurt - when you flag it summons users from other rooms just to show them you don't understand the system.
@fahadash He has a point. SO is for answering questions. It's not a forum, and it is ill suited for lenghty discussions. That's why there's chatrooms.
float input_cum;
@Jefffrey ahah. I am not the only one making Hitler comparisons.
C++11 (formerly known as C++0x) is the most recent version of the standard of the C++ programming language. It was approved by ISO on 12 August 2011, replacing C++03. The name follows the tradition of naming language versions by the year of the specification's publication. C++11 includes several additions to the core language and extends the C++ standard library, incorporating most of the C++ Technical Report 1 (TR1) libraries — with the exception of the library of mathematical special functions. C++11 was published as ISO/IEC 14882:2011 in September 2011 and is available for a fee. The ...
@ScottW "you don't know who I am! Or what I've been through!" lmfao
:sobs into his hands and remembers days past:
@fahadash /cc
Does higher rep make somebody above the rules ?
Of course.
@fahadash you are breaking the rules by abusing the flag system
I mean if we want to split hairs
@fahadash We make the rules around here.
@ScottW Oh gosh, don't do this.
@fahadash yes, rep is everything in life - it's so meaningful and important.
@EtiennedeMartel I read the URL of this page with "wikidiots" in it...
@JBL Ooooh. I'm buying a new domain.
Ok. I guess you guys can go back to being pointless
Lounge<C++> is not a place for people without a sense of humour.
@fahadash if you don't like it you should probably open a meta thread about it. Start all sorts of drama - that'd be really cool of you. Go tell meta how people were not nice to you on the internet and that it's against site rules. I'm sure you'll get a ton of sympathy.
@fahadash regardless your flags were not legitimate flags. Please don't use the flag system in lieu of just ignoring the users you dislike.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Shhh.
I bet freenode is still a better option
@fahadash no, don't do it. I miss you already. Please stay!
(he really does miss you. I have him on Skype - a single tear just rolled off his cheek)
@fahadash please don't go - we were going to be best friends, and do everything together :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do that ALL THE TIME :/
@rlemon Catch it !
cept with my computer lock password.
@rlemon except you post your porn videos and confessions about stuff :P
no, I have never once posted a porn tab
Leaving it there for posterity.
that was only Abhishek
@R.MartinhoFernandes What for ? Something like "XXX for dummies" but less politically correct ?
@JBL Dunno.
I'm thinking of diots.com for something called diots, and then wiki.diots.com for the wiki of diots.
Huhuhu, there's a kind of sausage called "diot".
> To solve this I am defining a generic template singleton class in a common place so that it can be used with any type
@ScottW Yeah, those are Apple's diots.
@Jefffrey "The anti-pattern to wrap them all" !
@ScottW Something that has a wikidiots.
That would be telling.
(I don't know)
I'm writing down "diots" in my project codename list.
ok, gleich
I found a Dutch-German dictionary.
@ScottW weil du cool bist :)
overcapitalization (o16n)
@sehe My shift key was so scared, it cowered down in fear while I was typing.
@Xeo not you, silly. I just ignore that
But my witty reply. :(
@ScottW I have several, probably. And then some polyglot technical lexicons
@Xeo Sorry. I missed the witty part.
> How deep sync of string strings implemented in implementation in the standard template library?
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about a Dutch-Flemish dictionary? That'd be a really exciting one!
there is one thing common in horror stories (novels or movies), that is stupid people
it is like those dumbasses are drawn to danger
why do I still like horror so much :'(
@User17 For the subtle, understated humor.

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