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Is this really specific about the fact that A is meant to be a base?
@JohannesSchaublitb Hm, the offset to the first member variable is different?
wait I will ask as a stackoverflow question
@Als You incremented the pointer. sizeof(int) == 4. So when you increment 0, it increments the pointer to 4, which is the next int.
@Als I'd only seen it referred to as "spiral" quite recently, but whatever...
@JerryCoffin: I think it is on a web page which refers it so, I recently posted the link on some Q
I don't call it anything, arcane magic incantations shouldn't have a name.
@Xaade: Just an example of using reference to pointer
@JohannesSchaublitb I think it is related to alignment...
@Als right, but I don't see what you mean. Are you trying to say that it's dangerous?
Q: Why can it be dangerous to use this POD struct as a base class?

Johannes Schaub - litbI had this conversation with a colleague, and it turned out to be interesting. Say we have the following POD class struct A { void clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(A)); } int age; char type; }; clear is intended to clear all members, setting to 0 (byte wise). What could go wrong if ...

feel free to answer if you have any insight!
@Xaade: no it was just an example I came up with for explaining it to @TonyTheTiger, I shared same with you, since you seemed confused.
@Als I'm not so much confused as to what I've done. I'm confused on how to explain what I'm thinking.
@Xaade: Yup like I said it's a Blitz Krieg Interview Q
oh anyways, too late for me, time to hit the sack...
@Als Which means?
didn't know this so far
"Monty Python - Execution in Russia"
I'm actually wondering about the whole reference to a pointer thing. Pointer is a type? I wouldn't think you'd have a reference to it.
@Xaade: This
For other uses of the word, see: Blitzkrieg (disambiguation) Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war"; ) is an anglicized word describing all-mechanised force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines, and, once the latter is broken, proceeding without regard to its flank. Through constant motion, the blitzkrieg attempts to keep its enemy off-balance, making it difficult to respond effectively at any given point before the front has already moved on. During the interwar period, aircraft and tank techn...
@Als I know the actual term. I don't know how that characterizes an interview question?
@Xaade: it breaks all defences of the person being interviewed since it causes a little confusion
@Nils It's only one part of a 'sketch' that actually spans most of the episode, if not whole of it.
like it did to you
@Als How is that helpful.
you know what it is but the pace of it got you confused
@LucDanton how's the whole called?
@StackedCrooked youre insightful!
@Xaade: We were just discussing, not that it is helpful
@Als All that shows is how well a person can cope with confusion. Which is essentially saying, "Our workplace is confusing, can you still work here?"
@Nils Don't even know from which series it is tbh. The names aren't helpful most of the time either.
@JohannesSchaublitb That's because I'm sleep deprived :D
@Nils Why not watch the whole of it anway :)
@Xaade: I am afraid I do not want to argue over that at this hour
for me I still maintain that it is a good interview q
We shall postpone the debate for tommorow
@StackedCrooked sleep depriveds usually are the opposite of that xD
good night...oops morning already..bye for now
@LucDanton well can u find it for me?
@Als If I were to anticipate a particular workplace based on its interview questions, I would assume the following. "Our people can't communicate. Our workplace is too distracting. We focus too much on self-gratification. Ego has a rate of exchange. Management thinks it knows better than programmers, even though they don't keep up with technology. And please don't show you're better than anyone else, because climbing the ladder is more important than skill."
@JohannesSchaublitb When sleep deprived all my executive functions start to fail (social interaction, coordination, etc..). In the end the only thing I can do is programming.
@StackedCrooked other guys made good points with the virtual functions
I didn't think about that
But I'm starting to wonder whether the vtable pointer really sits at the address of the A subobject
Does adding a virtual function to the subclass remove the POD-ness of A?
vtable is implementation.
@StackedCrooked i didn't think so
I would think the addressof the vtable pointer is different than that of the A object
@Nils Seems to be The Cycling Tour, from Series 3, and the storyline spans the whole episode.
@JohannesSchaublitb: I believe that the this pointer is corrected before calling A::clear() to refer to the A subobject, so irrespective of where the vptr is, it should not affect
the spec says
"A pointer to a standard-layout struct object, suitably converted using a reinterpret_cast, points to its initial member "
the A baselcass subobject is a standard-layout struct object.
so I don't think the spec allows a vtable ptr at the address "this" of A
I would think the vtable wouldn't be associated with any object.
hmmm I would have thought that would have been a weird place to put a vtable
@JohannesSchaublitb No, the implementation most probably stores it after the A subobject it could do ti before if it so wished, but it cannot change the internal layout of A
it would come before A or after A. if it comes after A, chances are very small that the vptr would be overwritten because it has a high alignment. if it comes before A, it cannot overwrite it in any case. so I think the "virtual" guys are incorrect. at least on a practical point of view
I would expect, lookup type, type has vtable pointer.
@Xaade oh perhaps the vtable is global, but the vptr are just ptrs to it
Vtable isn't in the object, but object needs pointer to it.
@Xaade We are talking about the pointer to the vtable, the vtable is global for the class, each object has a pointer for each one of the vtables that it needs
@CatPlusPlus unless there's a type table.
@DavidRodríguezdribeas there's multiple vtables?
@TonyTheTiger the itanium ABI defines multiple vtables. or whatever it calls them
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I know that, but if you walk out of memory (which can happen), if the vtable were at the end, you'd expect to walk over it. At which point calling a function would fail. I haven't seen this happen.
@TonyTheTiger, think of multiple inheritance
@Xaade What type table? You still need some info on the object, otherwise how'd you make runtime dynamic dispatch?
@Xaade I don't follow
@DavidRodríguezdribeas good point, though I'm not very knowledgeable about vtables, I just know their use, for the rest nothing
@LucDanton thx
have to go to bed, n8
@CatPlusPlus Simple, you'd use the object pointer as a key in a hash table. Now you can lookup type and vtables.
@JohannesSchaublitb I am still thinking on that problem, and I cannot see anything utterly dangerous... is this something for which you have found an example or is it just theoretical?
@DavidRodríguezdribeas If the pointer to a vtable is at the end of an object's memory, and in the object you had a fixed length array, but you got a pointer to that array and used that to write to a memory location outside the array, you'd then write over the pointer to the vtable.
@Xaade undefined behavior you mean?
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I'sbeen already solved
Someone posted this in response to @JohannesSchaublitb's question ideone.com/HjpJQ
@DavidRodríguezdribeas see @StackedCrooked's answer
In g++ the layout of: struct A { int x }; struct B : A { int y; virtual void foo() }; is [ B::vptr, A::x, B::y ]
@JohannesSchaublitb I don't agree with that
@Xaade a vptr is not an issue
@DavidRodríguezdribeas if vtable pointer exists in memory at the first byte after the memory of the object, then it would happen if the array was the last member arranged in memory and you addressed the item one past the last item in the array.
well it can be, but chances are not high on x86, as far as I understand the architecture
@JohannesSchaublitb I thought of that and I tried, even telling the compiler to pack the B object, it would not remove the padding in A
a pointer has the highest alignment
@Xaade The vptr is the first element in the object, and if you write beyond the end of the array you are causing Undefined Behavior, so that is not a reason not to put the vptr there
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I'm not saying it's not a valid reason to avoid putting the pointer there. I'm saying that if the pointer was there, I'd expect a lot of issues finding addresses to methods, as I would have walked over that pointer by now.
So, I've deduced, it's not likely there.
If the vtable pointer is elsewhere you can still get to it with the appropriate, invalid index.
for the struct above the two sensible layouts would be:
[ B::vptr, A::x, B::y ] and [ A::x, B::ptr, B::y ]
Gcc actually implements the first. Advantages (where I tested, which is 64bit) is that the layout of the object is more compact, and there will be less padding after A before the vptr
Disadvantage is that each call to any member of A requires an extra arithmetic operation (offset of the this pointer from the beginning of the B object to one vptr after that
the itanium ABI would need to specify it and it most certainly does :)
Learning that the address of this pointer isn't as straightforward as expected is a little shocking.
@JohannesSchaublitb I'm not sure I'd want you to interview me for a job, I'd probably look like an idiot
@TonyTheTiger we all would
@TonyTheTiger wait, you didn't say it's a C++ job!
@StackedCrooked Which means that most interviews fail to do what they intend.
@StackedCrooked probably true
@StackedCrooked yea well, would @JohannesSchaublitb interview for a cook job? I doubt it
@Xaade yes, very good
@TonyTheTiger maybe he needs a house keeper
What if you just want a good hard worker that knows his stuff. If the person is shy, he fails interview.
a cleaning lady, or baby sitter
@StackedCrooked What, is this a class?
Are you schooling me on the failure that is the modern interview?
@Xaade lol, ignore me, I should sleep soon :)
Because, you're preaching to the choir.
@TonyTheTiger lol im a bad coder. i'm just a good troller!
@Xaade we know that's a failure :P
@JohannesSchaublitb OMG! You say that once more and I'm gonna kick you!
you're a very good coder, from what I've seen, I suck
Most people don't know how or can't adequately conduct a job interview. Mostly because interviewing is a skill, and the amount of people skilled at their job (meaning they have the knowledge they need to find in an employee) and skilled at interviewing is low.
When looking through @JohannesSchaublitb 's codebase it must probably feel like Alice in Wonderland.
must probably?
This must have a probability!
have any of you actually seen his code?
@jalf only what he posts on here, it's probably too hard for me to understand anyways
with all respect to @JohannesSchaublitb, knowing goddamn everything about the C++ standard doesn't necessarily mean you write good code, or are a good coder.
@jalf no, he hides it because it's probably very dirty :D
my code is full of gotos
it's full of memsets and stuff
and templates
I one time was high on morphine after a surgery, and I dreamed of something that must probably be @JohannesSchaublitb's code.
Which isn't to say that he doesn't write good code, just that this hero worship is a bit silly ;)
and quotes from the standard
my favourite goto abuse goes like if(0) { recover: longjmp(savepoint, 1); } vector<int> a; ... if(wrongThings) goto recover;
sounds like how the .NET people behave when Jon Skeet is around
@jalf we all need a hero :D
@JohannesSchaublitb ZOMG, die naow code!
@jalf why are you bashing our hero fun? :P
You should make it someone you've never met
(Btw, my hero is not Johannes, it's Luffy)
that way, it's very unlikely that you'll ever be disappointed by them
@jalf good point :)
my hero is in
@jalf note that rule doesn't apply when the hero is fictional.
@jalf never met @JohannesSchaublitb
fictional hero's ability to disappoint is not influenced by the event upon meeting one.
my hero is me :P
@TonyTheTiger look out for Nr 1!
@JohannesSchaublitb you mean heroin?
that explains a lot
yeah, it's long known that heroin enhances c++ insights
my hero is not born yet
ugh, I really ought to write another blog post, keep the momentum going
@StackedCrooked heroin results in a lot of things observed as truths, regardless of the accuracy of the observation.
but so tired
pics and it hasn't happend yet
@jalf I need to write my first blog post
pics or it didn't happened?
but I'm scared to write things that are bs... meh
I got a comment from a VS PM, I figured I'd better rant some more while I've got his attention ;)
bs = bullshit
and eh, if you do, just delete the blog and start over
I think I must have done that 3 times at least
Then cs = cockshit.
@jalf oh lol
and CSS = cockshitshit
@TonyTheTiger cockshitstank
what''s the star on "oh lol" for?
yeah, I was just wondering that
I say lol a lot, so it shouldn't really be something extraordinary
but yeah, just write something. It's not important what it is, really
you can never go wrong with a pointer tutorial!
I was gonna write about recursion, cause I've been playing around with that of late
well, go ahead and write
I always find the "this is a learning process for me, here's what I've figured out so far" kind of blog posts interesting
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Where's it's not important what we write, but that we wrote it.
"Pointer tutorial: 1. Pointers point at things. 2. Don't use pointers. 3. Read a book."
but anyway, it doesn't have to be super original
@CatPlusPlus Your heap must be small.
i have the bestest pointer tut, so, already done
there's a pointer
"The first rule of optimization: Don't do it. The second rule of optimization (for experts only): Don't do it...yet."
Third rule of optimization: ah, fuck it, buy better CPU.
i think marius does this song far better than him clapton:
@AlfPSteinbach isn't it in Norwegian though?
(wtf, @TonyTheTiger did you see this??)
ZOMG, there's more than just America?
shame. Everything sounds better in Norwegian ;)
@StackedCrooked yes, on een there was a special extra news for that
kinda of sad tragedy :(
@Xaade It's been dieting.
post it on reddit, for kharma :)
Has London figured out yet that it's better for some to not exist, or are those kids still having fun?
@jalf do you speak Norwegian?
@Xaade some what?
@TonyTheTiger No. But I understand it, and I can make myself understood to a Norwegian
kewl :)
By yelling "DO. YOU. SPEAK. ENGLISH?"
well, for the most part. If people speak slowly, or at least aren't from the most faraway corner of Norway ;)
I tried to learn Danish once, I failed :(
Is it bad that I saw this pic and thought I saw the word sex?
I don't see sex, so it's bad you saw it
@CatPlusPlus Nono, when Scandinavians communicate, tradition dictates that you first spend 10 minutes speaking your own language very slowly, without the other party understanding you, then listen to them speaking very slowly
cause I see sex everwhere
Then, after 10 minutes or so, you may switch to English
I don't see anything.
u blind?
hmm I thought when I tested the code, GCC did erase the derived class members
For some odd reason, earth looked like X
but when I just retested it, it doesn't erase the members
It's clearly plotting against you.
@CatPlusPlus star the message and click on link in starred column, then unstar.
not sure what I did :)
anyway, I think the compiler is free to put the members into the padding
@Xaade I have Firebug for that.
But since SEO is circlejerking, you weren't that far off.
yea, I did SEO for a while, it sucks
AHg..... WTF...
That's a weird name for a girl.
Why would you do that?
oh noes
@CatPlusPlus I didn't bang a girl that was named SEO... derp
What makes a group of guys get in a circle.... and say... hey I have this idea.
English is practically designed for innuendo.
@johannes: most people agree but it's a bit unclear what that means for definition of object
@AlfPSteinbach what do you mean?
@johannes: about reusing padding. the long debates about object def were never concluded satisfactorily. so there's probably umpteen defects lurking here.
ahhh now I see!
hold on
ok this is really wtf NSFW
I mean, really WTF
@TonyTheTiger I read about that before. Never seen it actually.
The situation must be pretty bad there if they are resorting to things like that..
@cat: why posting star wars pic?
@StackedCrooked yea I know, but that does sound painful that thing
@AlfPSteinbach for teh lulz
Why not? :P
@StackedCrooked Hmm...as I recall, Snowcrash featured something similar, but with only one needle that injected a powerful sedative. Neal Stepheson wins again!
@AlfPSteinbach the spec says that the layout of the base class subobjects may be different than a complete object of its type
which to me says that it may omit trailing padding
@StackedCrooked the pukkelpop thing already made reddit :P
@JerryCoffin As long as you can't accidentally do self-injection
i can't imagine it says the layout may be different. what if u have a pointer.
@TonyTheTiger do you have a link?
@TonyTheTiger never mind
@StackedCrooked At least in the book she didn't, but of course in science fiction the author gets go ignore (almost) anything he wants.
@StackedCrooked found it?
@AlfPSteinbach What if you do? It's only omitting trailing padding, which doesn't affect anything in the base class subobject -- it would only be present to assure you could create arrays of that type and have all of them properly aligned. Since you know that won't happen when it's a base subobject, you don't care. Omitting internal padding would be a whole different story though...
@AlfPSteinbach then I have a pointer
yeah but that does not change the layout
I cannot see what it implies other than having a pointer and doing what one does with pointers
correct, it still has to have the same offsets because of offsetof
but if it removes trailing padding, it doesn'T affect the offsetof thing
see the linked codepad snippet. my system'S GCC does in fact remove the trailing padding
I haven'T figured out its algorithm yet
the scary thing about that snippet is the comment that the padding reuse depends on presence of constructor
is that true?
it does depend
on my box at least
not on ideone and codepad
i can't think of any rational reason why it should depend
ah in ideone with c++0x enabled it also depends
so it seems to be a new "feature" of gcc
perhaps they were afraid of the many codes that uses C style base classes with memset on them
so, then, it's like g++ advocates that "if it has constructor, don't memset it"
i think so
same if I add a private datamember
seems to depend on PODness
yes i was abotui to say that
in any case, it's unspecified
not so fast
i remember that part
im sorry now it's gone :( I can repaste it
@AlfPSteinbach My take is that the compiler behaves differently for POD and non-POD types, maybe assuming that @JohannesSchaublitb might want to play with us and this type of questions
i think it was fixed up in c++0x, and it's at the core of this
but I have to remove it again :)
i hear one should not paste whole passages of the spec/FDIS
because it's copyright violation
which is why I lately don't give complete spec quotes anymore
@JohannesSchaublitb If you find anywhere where that is stated and it seems serious, I will stop posting snippets...
How can quoting be a copyright infringement?
a second reason is because quoting the spec is useless for most questions
As long as you attribute properly.
people want to have spec quotes but only for the lulz. they can't understand it without reading its context anyway
when it's "last day of consumption", is it risky to fry steak medium or rare?
i just put a lot of black pepper on it
@AlfPSteinbach I guess it depends on how the stores behave in your country. In Spain they are quite safe, and you can probably eat it even the day after without any problems. The due date (or last day of consumption) is usually a bit strict, to ensure that you don't get poisoned if you eat it according to label
@AlfPSteinbach I think they're usually conservative enough that it should be fine.
I'd be a bit more careful with something like chicken, but steak will actually keep a long time, as long as you're keeping it refrigerated (and remain safe longer than most people would believe even if you don't).
i checked, the wording about base class subobjects was introduced in C++03
btw., is it unethical to have that pdf and not payed for it?
earlier i had only the list of changes, but then i had this crash (everything) and i just downloaded things :-)
i'm thinking, what with the ethics of posting small quotes, i may be pushing the boundaries he he
Copyright on an international standard isn't logical imo.
@AlfPSteinbach I don't feel at all badly about posting small quotes -- but I did pay for my copy. At least here in the US, the copyright law specifically allows "fair use", which (it's been ruled) includes quotes for educational purposes. There are obviously limits, though it's not clear what they are. For that matter, part of it contains things I wrote that are being used without the ISO ever officially asking my permission to use it, so in reality it infringes my copyright (and undoubtedly yours)!
He he, funny with that "¡ǝɔılod ¡dlǝɥ" at the end :-)
Kim Jong looking at your stuff must be the highlight of your life in North Korea.
@StackedCrooked what thread is that from?
it just fit so well with having steak for (late) dinner, because the author's e-mail address is makemisteaks [at] gmail [dot] com
for some odd reason I can't send emails from my yahoo mail in outlook anymore, I just don't get it
meh :(
u don't need to send via yahoo
any smtp server will do
like your ISPs
unless you want to have a copy of sent mail in the yahoo account
then i don't know
well I always used yahoo's smtp server, cause they use the secure port (465), but two days it suddenly stopped working
I can receive alright, but not send
<Place witty comment here>

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