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Oh, Tim Post just sent me a very kind and useful message. Apparently, my Twitter account got compromised. Well, shit. Now I know
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Still dealing with the fallout, hehe
> You know what, for safety reasons we're not going to plant a flag on the runway.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ahahha
@Borgleader It makes me too annoyed. One of the reasons I don't write in C++ anymore
Also I was thinking about making a library manager for C++
Bah. Got contacted by Google recruiter again. Too bad they do not have R&D in Prague :(
I mean, that sounds obvious, so why haven't anyone made this already?
@BartekBanachewicz What would that do?
@wilx I'm getting offers for Zurich now.
@BartekBanachewicz What does "library manager for C++" mean?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That is IIRC what I got like 3 years ago as well.
I'm getting no offers from Google!
Should I be happy or sad?
@wilx Let's you keep track of your books, and when you need new shelves, and on which shelves they are, and who you borrowed from and lent to.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And most importantly, who cracked the spines of your books.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not have a look at it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes keep a list of libraries and allow you to type cppmanager install x
@BartekBanachewicz aka... NuGet?
@Xeo isn't that just for VS?
also it has jQuery in it
I don't think so. It's specifically integrated as a plugin in VS, yeah, but otherwise...
I think I'd just want a simple cmdline tool that would allow me to type install x and then #include <x.h> would compile
Right, so NuGet.
It's command-line.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what if I want to use MinGW too?
When learning OpenGL, when did the steps of the process/pipeline... make sense?
@bamboon Because I don't want it. I kinda want to go through the interview process out of curiosity, but I feel like an ass doing it knowing I'll say no in the end.
@Pawnguy7 after 2 years or so
i mean they still don't make sense
@Xeo That is...interesting/odd. They specifically mention my StackOverflow profile as something that has caught their attention.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh you too
@BartekBanachewicz how do you use it when it doesn't make sense?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've just politely stated I wasn't interested at the moment :v
@Pawnguy7 draw a cube.
you have to break that apart, and to do that you have to get inside and start using the functions to get the feel of how they work
@BartekBanachewicz Then put packages with MinGW-compatible binaries.
of course your math understanding has to be perfect
Unless you mean a source-based package manager (like portage), MinGW or VS should make zero difference.
hm, this all sounds dangerously like me returning to Visual Studio coding again
@BartekBanachewicz yes, that might be a problem.
@Pawnguy7 the relevant math, that is.
Anyway, I found some edition of the Red Book.
I think it was 1.x something though.
@Pawnguy7 arcsynthesis has everything you might need
@wilx I got one that found me through SO, and a very insistent one through GitHub.
@BartekBanachewicz but it is "modern".
@Pawnguy7 you say that like it's a bad thing
@Pawnguy7 you could start with WebGL
I only get OpenGL 2.1, so it kind of is.
I don't want to learn something I can never practice.
bah that's obvious
but at some point you will need a machine
@BartekBanachewicz but that implies... Javascript.
oh lord! Just seen how badly my site fits on phones
GL3 is actually easier than 2 I find
@Pawnguy7 or typescript or coffeescript
@Pawnguy7 duriansoftware.com/joe/… uses modern OpenGL restricting itself to a forward compatible subset of 2.1. It's nice.
@BartekBanachewicz I should look into alternatives someday, yes
Just use Core and forget about the old shit
@R.MartinhoFernandes They have kept contacting me like once a year even though I always tell them I cannot relocate. And they do not have R&D in Prague.
@Pawnguy7 typescript looks OOTB enough to just use it
Out Of The Box?
"Looks like it would work out of the box"
It's inside the box and it looks out
The box is on fire
@Borgleader Yeah, but that didn't make sense there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you C++ guys need everything written in low-level language, huh
It still doesn't make sense.
JavaScript also works out of the box.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that looks like it might work. Did you use this yourself?
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/out of the box/badly/
Use GL3 Core
It works badly out of the box
@CatPlusPlus No hardware.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What, Intel GPUs again?
5 mins ago, by Pawnguy7
I only get OpenGL 2.1, so it kind of is.
@CatPlusPlus yup
Life's too short for Intel graphics.
This is really great
Anyway, it probably supports DirectX in not-terrible way
seriously if you go into that again you suck shit.
@Pawnguy7 I used it when I had my old laptop. You get to use stuff your hardware can handle, and you get a nice useful foundation for learning the rest later.
@CatPlusPlus No, not really.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also there's Regal
@JerryCoffin Well, relatively
6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
but at some point you will need a machine
@BartekBanachewicz Ahahahaha yes tell us how Pawnguy's Intel GPU actually does support non-ancient OpenGL
@CatPlusPlus what matters it's old and crappy, not that it's particularly Intel, and you're saying that just to annoy me
Then again, I don't really play games either.
so fuck off.
@Pawnguy7 What's your GPU, exactly?
I want to do a comparison here
@CatPlusPlus Intel chipset something or other, let me check.
Because someone still doesn't get why we mock it for being an Intel GPU
We, the king
I only mock people based on the hardware they own when Apple is involved.
@CatPlusPlus Or rather, why someone is being an ass. I know that old Intel GPUs sucked. SO FUCKING WHAT
2011 is really old
I don't get what you don't get in "fuck off", really.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm ok, but maybe the interviews can convince you? Even, they could give specific negative reasons why you would decline it in the end.
Pretty sure it is older than 2011.
Someone get Bartek a Snickers.
You just get so up in arms about Intel GPUs
@CatPlusPlus considering that new GPUs are completely reengineered, it is
I'm still gonna laugh at them
@CatPlusPlus because you're comparing chipset integrated crap to CPU-integrated ones
Come on dude.
or rather, throwing them in the same basket
good morning
which is dumb and unfair
mummy, I'm scared... I just found a class 'ExceptionMessage'... I really do think it is a wrapper for String
Should've thought of that before releasing shitty GPUs
@BartekBanachewicz Just laugh along.
You're getting a kick out it, aren't you @Cat?
Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Last driver from 2009.
Must defend the fair maiden completely new and totally not-sucky we promise guys this time we can get it right Intel GPUs
If I remember correctly, there weren't any new ones.
OpenGL 2.1 is from 2001 or so
Oh, no, 2006; still, 3.0 is from 2008
KSP maybe
taking samples is so much science
much science
why did i bother with mystery goo
Are there even any non-integrated Intel GPU products?
Yes, I think it existed before GL 3+ did.
I really don't get why you get science for samples on the surface of kerbin
@wilx Intel Phi, if you count them :)
fair enough inflight stuff... but even then... come on
@thecoshman Who the fuck cares.
@wilx Larrabee?
<working in objective-c> someone kill me plz
@thecoshman They never left the KSC
@BartekBanachewicz I loved this game.
@BartoszKP you could be working in Smalltalk
@BartekBanachewicz That would not be that bad, IMHO. :)
@BartekBanachewicz I'd like to try, anything seems better than this shit
@BartekBanachewicz The news ticker in the top right corner is made of gold
Except for the lack of operator precedence, maybe.
@wilx come fucking on
@wilx ...and (just to be complete), the original GPU.
@BartoszKP no, seriously, Obj-C is an amazing tool compared to smalltalk
@BartekBanachewicz I have done some Smalltalk at Uni, and it was not all that bad.
Smalltalk has silly VM/environments, but there's GNU Smalltalk which is more traditional interpreter
@Borgleader that's dead as a standalone GPU
@BartekBanachewicz No it's not
@BartekBanachewicz seriously? ;0 won't believe till I see it
I was going the cheating route, and changing it to the initial videomode.
SFML says it isn't valid O.o
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@EtiennedeMartel oh god lol
to add some more thrill I'm trying to do this on Windows ;0
@BartoszKP What, OSX apps? Forget about it
@CatPlusPlus I agree that maybe using all "IDEs" that made me cry had impact on my opinion
@BartoszKP not gonna happen
Language itself is pretty solid
Obj-C is just a giant hack made by giant hacks
yeah, but slow as fuck and doesn't really have anything that other languages don't
@CatPlusPlus I just need to compile it, I don't make mistakes so I don't need to run it ;0
@BartoszKP That's the part you should forget about
It won't work
Objective-C is native at least
It won't run
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@CatPlusPlus :o all right, typing gnustep command right now, let's see
@R.MartinhoFernandes which means you can use any native binary, hum.
@BartekBanachewicz It uses the same dispatch mechanism as Smalltalk
@BartekBanachewicz It does huge amount of table lookups. That is what, e.g., Python does.
@BartekBanachewicz So is (the right implementation of) Brainfuck. Still a worthless POS.
@CatPlusPlus I didn't mention smalltalk randomly
@BartekBanachewicz what?
"Native" is meaningless
@R.MartinhoFernandes there's no FFI
you can link directly to native code
"Is native" and "has FFI" are two completely different things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's native -> it doesn't need FFI
C++ needs FFI
What do you think extern "C" is
lol, wtf, it supposed to be complete ready environment, and they didn't even include header files? : |
@CatPlusPlus I personally found linking Terra native code to C much more pleasant experience than running C code from, say, Lua via FFI
@BartekBanachewicz Erm. If it's not C, it needs FFI.
FFI these days is pretty much "can call C".
@BartoszKP Ahahaha GNUstep has nothing to do with OSX development
@R.MartinhoFernandes would you still call it that if it happens at compiletime?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, my understanding of it might be broken
Really, just forget about it
It's not possible
If you want to develop for OSX, you need a fucking Mac (because VMs are unbearable as well)
@CatPlusPlus nothing? that's not what they say on their page
@CatPlusPlus well, to be completely fair, it's possible, just not in Obj-C. You can write in Lua and build in the cloud, for example
That is so not relevant
@CatPlusPlus yeah, I know this already - was using a VM with Mac till now
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do :S science should be fun to get, something to aim for, not a grind.
@BartoszKP Yeah good luck with that
@CatPlusPlus makes sense... sort of...
@thecoshman Oh. I don't grind soil samples.
> private function onStorchLoaded /*lol*/ (e:Event):void
I grab one when I hit the ground, but don't aim for it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but science :P
@thecoshman Kerbin samples are not really worth much once you get to a certain point.
@CatPlusPlus not saying that I will have any luck, just talking about relevance
@EtiennedeMartel ... isn't that legal though? it's like a 12 year old think it's drunk of pop... right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes none of them are. All samples have deminishing returns
@EtiennedeMartel yeah, interesting topic. debatable method imho ;0
Kerbin has 0.7 modifier on science values
Better to go to Minmus
> Of the 1,000 men who were willing to pay Sweetie to take off her clothes in front of a webcam [...]
@thecoshman No, I mean even the full values.
It's too much effort to chase after 9 science when you can toss some goo into Mun orbit and get hundreds.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh yeah, it's handy to start with, just to unlock that first tire I guess.
@EtiennedeMartel is it opensource?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wut, hundreds?
It's only worth 30 for me :<
On the first sample
@EtiennedeMartel ... its CGI though
@EtiennedeMartel Good job on catching a bunch of pervs, but it won't pass in court imo
@JerryCoffin wow
@Borgleader I think the point of that is that you can then start watching them.
@Borgleader Generalizing them as "perverts" really is mean to the poor perverts.
@Xeo Yesterday I farmed about 600 science in two flights, one for Mun orbit, another for Kerbol orbit. Only instruments were goo and the materials bay.
@thecoshman Doesn't matter. Would you wank to a little girl just because it's CGI?
@R.MartinhoFernandes hm
@EtiennedeMartel That's the thing, to watch ppl you generally need a warrant, from a judge, and I doubt you can use this to get one. I could be wrong though.
@EtiennedeMartel on what grounds? that they tried to pay for a CGI character to get naked? By that logic people who play first person shooters need to be 'watched' because they are killing hundreds of people.
Now I have a barometer and a termometer, but I can't use them in vacuum.
type Kleisli m a b = a -> m b
Kleisli arrows!
@EtiennedeMartel if i'm not mistaken wanking to little girls isn't illegal.
@BartekBanachewicz T'was a strange device. The TI 34010 was (somewhat) more like a modern GPU.
@BartoszKP Child porn is, so...
@EtiennedeMartel are you going to put most of the asian world under surveillance because of anime/hentai?
@thecoshman The characters are not minors in hentai.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Kerba's instinctively know a vacuum is a vacuum
@EtiennedeMartel bullshit
@EtiennedeMartel You don't want to go there
@thecoshman Also, you did not answer my question.
@EtiennedeMartel not sure how porn is defined, but just "little girl" seems not enough. (if she's naked then it seems close, but still depends on the context)
@EtiennedeMartel I wouldn't know, but then I wouldn't wank to any CGI porn
@EtiennedeMartel I hope you are not trying to build an ad hominem argument out of his answer.
Now you answer my question, are you going to arrest all those FPS players?
what about gamers who crash planes in buildings?
@Xeo haaaaaard
@thecoshman or carmageddon fans ;0
what about people watching a cartoon character get ripped to pieces?
What about gamers that throw people into decaying orbits with nothing but a space suit?
@thecoshman No. But I'm not sure it's the same thing.
@BartekBanachewicz Monads kinda make more sense when viewed through Kleisli arrows
Why would people offer money to a fictional character?
Hmmm, I'm not sure if I'm trying to make a point or a joke.
You don't pay bots.
@EtiennedeMartel Ever seen Hatsune Miku?
People are shitheads, does this discussion really needs to be here
@EtiennedeMartel For the same reasons they pay for porn magazines?
@EtiennedeMartel how is one CGI crime actually a crime but another is not?
@EtiennedeMartel they could not be offering money to a fictional character - they can offer money to bot owners ;0
@EtiennedeMartel Even if we ignore the CGI part, when you're crossing national lines, who gets to define what qualifies as porn? By the standards of some mid-eastern countries, what you or I would think of as normal street clothes is enough to get a woman severe corporal punishment. While I'm sure 10 is considered "minor" in all the countries in question, 17 (for example) might be "minor" in one country but "adult" in another.
@thecoshman I never said it's a crime.
@Xeo that sentence is scary
@EtiennedeMartel then what have they done wrong that warrants them being put under surveillance?
@JerryCoffin The voice of reason has spoken.
All of ye can now stfu :P
@thecoshman Generated suspicion? Isn't that always the reason? (Not saying it's suspicious or not)
@thecoshman I guess they'll have to try the experiment again with a real girl this time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes does it really though?
@BartoszKP all trees in nature are binary trees.
@BartekBanachewicz A monadic value by itself doesn't give you much. What actually makes them so good is >>= - and when you just think of monadic functions and want to compose them, >=> (aka Kleisli composition) seems really natural. And that's where the Kleisli arrow comes in.
@EtiennedeMartel That would qualify as endangering young person development (rough translation from Czech) crime or child porn making and distribution crime, depending on what would they actually let her do.
@BartoszKP it does to me.
@wilx So, you're telling me there's no way to setup a decent honeypot?
@rightfold well, guess we differ in definition of "binary tree" : )
Because "CGI isn't real" and "real is illegal".
\|     \ /
 |/  =  \ /
 |       |
@EtiennedeMartel I guess there is not. Not in my country at least.
I would also question if these people actually knew it was CGI or not. If they knew, then they knew they were no commit a crime, so it's no different to looking at a drawing, and paying an artist to draw what you want. If they thought it was real (and how do you prove that) then I would consider it could be wrong... even then it is hard to say.
@wilx depends... they could use an adult who looks VERY young, the adult would know what they are doing and be ok with it. But I think that a real child would never be subjected to such a thing
@EtiennedeMartel I suspect there are a number of ways. One obvious possibility: after capturing some child porn, use that existing pornography for your honeypot.
@EtiennedeMartel adult person who looks very young :v
@rightfold That always turn me off.
@JerryCoffin dodgy ground though...
@thecoshman OK but then the "pervs" are paying to and chatting with an adult and all is good.
@rightfold The whole point lies in the distance between the two branches in the left. It's always the issue when applying discrete definitions to continuous spaces. The simplest way to do it, is to define a proximity criterion. And my proximity criterion says, that in this the first three branches diverge from one point : )
@wilx indeed.
@thecoshman And using a non-minor as you suggest is firm ground for accusing someone of pedophilia?
@BartoszKP meh.
Screw visualisations.
@thecoshman Probably--but if a court approved, I can imagine quite a few law enforcement people thinking it was just fine.
@rightfold sorry to spoil your fun : D
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess you have to somehow be able to prove the suspect genuinely believed the person was underage, and thus the suspect should have not acted as they did... but not sure how that would hold up.
@JerryCoffin While this works for drugs, I do not feel it is as acceptable to do so with CP.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "accuse of pedophilia"? but pedophilia alone is not a crime
@JerryCoffin redistributing child pron to help capture pedophiles? Not sure many courts would accept that.
@BartoszKP I suspect some countries would disagree with you but I get your point.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It might be, as long as the suspect truly believed they were dealing with a minor. Just for the obvious example, there are definitely people in prison for buying drugs that weren't real drugs at all.

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