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Mmmh. Quick question with Git. If I want a repo to just have the most recent version of a project's files (i.e. a non-bare repo), then I can't push onto it, I can only pull from it ?
I don't git it
I'll try a few things...
ugh, cppunit... I hate y ou
I wish I'd been able to convince my boss that we should switch to Catch :/
We use google test which is OK. But Catch is cooler.
I just wish I could at leat remember the assert macro names
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
cppunit is really shit
just try to test short int variable
we have made some modifications to our version of it to make it a bit more bearable
but it's still shit
> "bearable"
I object
You'll have to bear it.
no, I think it would take a bear to deal with this
If he'll bear with us.
bayern bear bruno would do
Hmm, the Catch unit testing framework looks nice.
How portable is it?
I used gtest, and is very good
@wilx should work on any platform with a C++03 compiler
and yes, it is nice
Catch is the best.
Oh, it is headers only? That's awesome.
all libraries should be header-only, until we get modules.
@wilx t-test.
I wanted to test a normal distribution.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and the results are?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah. My first thought was Pearson's chi-squared test.
@Abyx Haven't had the time to write it yet.
@wilx Welch's t-test, actually, since I didn't assume equal variance.
... so yeah... Java... singleton object... holding thread local map...
have I missed something there?
@wilx I might need that too.
@thecoshman yes, an 'h'
shut it smart ass
oh man, that felt great
@thecoshman ...
@sehe ¬_¬
> Be extremely careful with ThreadLocal as it is probably the number one cause of memory leaks in Java. With web servers that have thread pools you can get even more serious bugs if you don't clean them out properly.
I'm just going to assume something is being done wrong
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you sent me a twitter DM?
I'm not sure whether I should be clicking the link. I won't report for spam until I hear back :/
@sehe I'd say not
I had one too
@LightnessRacesinOrbit SORT YOUR SHIT OUT!
can anybody tell me What is CPU Hysteresis temperature ?
I don't want to learn physics now
lol @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@NeelBasu Do you know what does hysteresis mean? It is not necessarily only physics related.
@NeelBasu Also, Google and Wikipedia?
@wilx Ya tried It all points to some physics related article
Wait what
inf < 2000?
@NeelBasu Hysteresis is a common effect in physical systems, but it's a concept that can be applicated to others.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, I think your Twitter got hacked.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and what that means in CPU temperature
The same it means elsewhere.
@NeelBasu My guess is that for CPU temperature it means that above some temperature T1 the CPU starts throttling itself until it cools down to temperature T2 where T2 < T1.
A system with hysteresis has properties whose values depend on the past values of those same properties.
@wilx So T2 is Hysteresis or T1 is Hysteresis temperature
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes That I read. Does it mean CPU memoizes its past temperature ?
Erm, no.
But how ? and this past means how past ?
It means that temperature changes don't take effect instantly.
ugh, I wish we could use c++11 in our code at work :(
writing unit tests without lambdas is just painful
@jalf I feel your pain
> Whenever you get a call from a phone number not in your contacts, your phone will look for matches from businesses with a local listing on Google Maps.
wow that's cool ^
@BartekBanachewicz And US government now knows who calls you.
When a fan stops spinning the temperature will not stay at that point; it will "bounce back" a bit. So you want to keep spinning until it goes a bit below your target, and then when you stop spinning it rises up to the target.
That "bouncing back" effect is hysteresis.
@wilx I hate all that paranoid BS TBH
@wilx you mean they didn't already?
This sort of thing.
@jalf >_<
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not sure paranoid is the right term. I mean, by now we pretty much know for a fact that they collect that information. The only reasonable doubt you might have is what, if anything, they do with the information
@BartekBanachewicz Well, was it not proven beyond any doubt that they actually do that just recently?
@BartekBanachewicz Of course, yours and mine calls are of no interest to them.
@wilx precisely
@jalf I mean why would I care about if they have it or not, really.
If you aimed exactly for the target, the fan would be constantly quickly flickering on and off as the temperature would be always exactly the target-slighty above-exactly-slightly above-exactly-slightly above-exactly.
I am just extremely annoyed by people who, say, use Chromium instead of Chrome BECAUSE IT GATHERS MY PRIVATE DATA
@BartekBanachewicz Assuming there are no people with bad intentions in their tens of thousands of people organization who could misuse this kind of information for personal gains or vendettas...
@BartekBanachewicz Why do you get annoyed by that?
@thecoshman Nice. Shouting. It is possible he sent it to both of us. We'll see. /cc @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it's the bullshit'o-meter ringing
@wilx Ugh. If they keep that information indefinitely, it could be of interest to the next guys.
@BartekBanachewicz (a) because apparently this data collection is also used for industrial spionage, and your phone calls might just be something business related that your US competitors would like to know about. (b) because they might check that data when you try to gain entrance to the US. (c) because while your personal calls may be of no interest to them, that is hardly the case for everyone's personal calls.
@sehe he's spamming us (most probably unintentionally)
I don't really care that they know that I texted my sister yesterday, but it does concern me that they also collect info from people who have more sensitive/confidential communications (and that if and when I have such communications, they will also collect those)
I like how Google and Angela Merkel are "outraged" that they are being spied on, but had no problem helping NSA in spying on everyone else
@BartekBanachewicz durp?
@jalf just found it and found it relevant
@jalf I'd prolly just encrypt those :v
no one can break through 2048-bit key
@BartekBanachewicz what, your text messages and phone calls? The emails you receive?
heck, your password reset emails? :p
Meh, encrypted mail services will just be forced to shut down :/
Ok, you too :/ lol
/cc @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@jalf I wouldn't use open channels of communication to send sensitive information
@sehe If you're talking about that message on Twitter, I got one too
now it's up to someone sending me data to secure it properly
I clicked the link, its spam
if, say, my doctor sends me my medical record in a way that allows third parties to reach it...
@BartekBanachewicz In other words "I don't care if someone sends me sensitive information that is actually important to me, and it is compromised, as long as it wasn't compromised because of something I did"?
@BartekBanachewicz then you wouldn't care, because it's his fault and not yours? I highly doubt that
So, am I correct that 0x00000000 is positive infinity?
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@jalf The damage has been done, of course, but there's no way I could prevent someone from doing that.
@BartekBanachewicz And that's why you don't care about it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes pretty much.
I care about problems I can solve or prevent myself.
@BartekBanachewicz well, you could, for example, take the stance that "maybe it would be a good idea to rein in the rampant spying so that if my doctor did send that information, it wouldn't automatically get collected by all of the world's spying agencies"
You can help solve it but stopping pretending everything is ok.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm guessing you don't vote either? Because you can't by yourself ensure that the politician you favor gets elected
@Griwes Yeah, it did.
@jalf democracy is retarded.
People that think like you don't really help, you know?
Revoking app permissions
Because they just stand by mentioning how retarded democracy is and how they don't care about it because it's someone else's problem to care about it.
@BartekBanachewicz Cooperation and solidarity are not. What is truly retarded is people saying "I won't lift a finger for the common good, until you phrase it as something I can do by myself to solve a problem that directly and immediately right now affects me"
@R.MartinhoFernandes you assume that I don't care, which is wrong.
@BartekBanachewicz You just said you didn't care
So I think it's a fair assumption
If I didn't care I would have no opinion on democracy
Oh gosh, semantics now.
anyway, WRT spying, I agree it would be great if Google couldn't share our data
@jalf There's a name for that. It's selfishness.
but that's wishful thinking
It's way more realistic to make it harder physically to reach that data than to argue with bunch of shitheads running countries
Why the heck is inf > 2000 fljsdasf
@BartekBanachewicz which is quite a departure from your initial statement that being concerned about it was mere "paranoia" and that it didn't matter that your data was collected. So pardon us if we're a bit confused
@BartekBanachewicz You just explained how it's hopeless to try and solve it from a technical standpoint (see doctor example above).
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Yeah, why is infinity bigger than everything else"? :P
Anyone here worked with libmicrohttpd?
@Xeo OOops, I meant inf < 2000.
Is it -inf? :P
@jalf I don't care personally, right now, but I don't want to appear completely selfish here either.
"I think this is entirely irrelevant and you are silly for worrying about it. And my rationale is that it is a very important matter but I can't solve it by myself"
Also I don't care about it, but you are wrong in assuming that I don't care
that's because of democracy going in here, which mixed things up.
anyway, I'd better go wrestle cppunit into submission...
have fun all :)
bah, just make patient-doctor communication encrypted by default like banks do :v
have fun yourself :P
@jalf And there's no way to prevent your doctor from doing it wrong, but it's more realistic to try and solve it as a technical, not social, problem.
@BartekBanachewicz lol, like banks do.
@BartekBanachewicz oh, you mean, like Google does? Except oh whoops, we thought it was encrypted, but apparently the NSA found a spot that wasn't
Yeah, that seems a reliable approach
@R.MartinhoFernandes you can try instructing him to do it right
@BartekBanachewicz WTF DUDE PICK A SIDE
@BartekBanachewicz and once again, what about if you call your doctor on the phone?
@jalf there's no spot. Google shared their data.
@BartekBanachewicz No
8 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@jalf The damage has been done, of course, but there's no way I could prevent someone from doing that.
@BartekBanachewicz You haven't been following the news, have you?
@jalf what news, about NSA cyberkids hacking Google?
@BartekBanachewicz The NSA actively worked with companies to introduce vulnerabilities in security protocols.
Sure, Google shared some data when they were obliged to, but the NSA also tapped the private fiber connecting their data centres, where they didn't use encryption
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's my definition of sharing.
Without Google's knowledge
@jalf interesting
Oh gosh, textbook DeadMGing now.
There is a DeadMG textbook?
@jalf I wonder how the fuck they did that
@BartekBanachewicz Google doesn't own the entire Internet infrastructure.
The NSA doesn't either, but for most purposes, they effectively own the important bits.
I thought google is in practice an ISP for itself
Yes, and it is connected to the external systems...
one would think that connection with "outside" would be encrypted
oh well
Nobody is good at computers
@BartekBanachewicz as I understood it, they have a deal with some private company, giving Google their own fiber link with zero other data on it. So Google basically didn't consider that to be "outside", and didn't encrypt it. It was effectively off the public internet
@sehe oh that he's been a security slacker
> Google told the Post that it was "troubled" by the report and has "long been concerned about the possibility of this kind of snooping, which is why we continue to extend encryption across more and more Google services and links."
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol tomalak you twitter got hacked?
@Griwes you're as bad as it ¬_¬
@Xeo No. I looked at the bits and it's positive.
@thecoshman No, not as bad, I figured it out a while ago :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fun
Evaluating that x<y expression in gdb gives false, but the if was entered anyway :S
tomalak sent me some weight loss website
Welp, special-case it :D
Are you getting some kind of wonky infinity?
There are no wonky infinities.
Only positive (0x7F800000) and negative (0xFF800000).
Well, you obviously have something wonky going on
All the other 0x7F80xxxx and 0xFF80xxxx patterns are NaNs.
> By February of 2013, Yahoo mailboxes were accounting for about a quarter of that daily traffic. And because of the nature of the mailboxes—many of them contained e-mail messages that were months or years old—most of the data was useless to analysts trying to find current data. Fifty-nine percent of the mail in the archives was over 180 days old, making it almost useless to analysts.

> So the analysts requested "partial throttling" of Yahoo content to prevent data overload. "Numerous analysts have complained of [the Yahoo data's] existence," the notes from the PowerPoint slide on MUSCULAR
I would think that real terrorists would not be using Gmail, Yahoo mail or Facebook to begin with.
@wilx as long there is a hole, someone is going to find it
Oh hello, that Vegas export is actually raw video
Maybe there's a way to change resolution/FPS presets
Yeah, I guess they have to do this otherwise the bad people would notice they do not do this and would use it.
But why YUV
@CatPlusPlus that's best you could get. Pack it with x264 now
Well I'd still prefer to export in Lagarith, so it doesn't take all my HDD before final processing
Like, 40 minutes raw footage is 50GB, and this one in lower resolution is 100 :lol:
(And this is half as long)
India launches spacecraft to Mars; god only knows what its system code looks like. :(
Probably written in really bad C
Oh great, I can export all frames in PNG
But custom export settings? No why would we have that
also I want a Tesla car
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oho
So NASA is outsourcing rockets now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes care to expand on that...
Let's see if they have a similar floating point rounding issue as NASA did in the 90's :D
@CatPlusPlus They have been for a while now.
(It is a stupid joke)
> What is hard for people to get their head around is that we are home to poverty but also a global power.
@CatPlusPlus Oh.
@BartekBanachewicz I wonder if he's one of the poor.
> Select the “Customize Template” button in the Render As dialog box
@R.MartinhoFernandes take a guess.
If this is a trial restriction I'm gonna be mad
No, there shouldn't be any restrictions
why does it not find my added reference
fuck you VS
@TonyTheLion .NET?
I added it three times now and it keeps telling me it cannot find it
Check bitness and version
clean and rebuild?
it was set to .NET 4 Client Profile
WHY, VS, WHY????
@ScottW I'm rebuilding you baby <3
Also make sure you put it in the right directory, using the right version.
@TonyTheLion Use NuGet nub
@BartekBanachewicz Also I'm using VP8, not H264
Have I pissed you off already? :p
fucking hell - Firefox has lost my address bar

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