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@thecoshman You just need to trace an orbit along it. That's easy and cheap.
@DeadMG UB related aborts?
@wilx No, input error.
as in, if you ask LLVM to generate malformed IR, they terminate your process.
@thecoshman You only need to accelerate to orbit. It's easy to reach it from there with the usual orbit shaping maneuvers.
even running under the debugger, I can't get anything other than "Exited with code 1".
@DeadMG lol
But if it doesn't work anyway, you have to do your transfers the old-fashioned way.
@R.MartinhoFernandes still, using L points properly is 'slower', so why bother in KSP. It's not that hard to tour the solar system with very little fuel as it is. Just requires very careful planning. I just don't think developing L points would be worth it, especially as to enable what you want, I am sure would require proper N-body physics.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hoffman transfer FTW!
@thecoshman Because they're nice spots to park space stations (not L1/L2, though) :S
urgh this cross origin restriction
@R.MartinhoFernandes but with only one SOI, nearly every where is a nice spot to park
@thecoshman Erm, an orbit is not a parking spot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do you want exactly? A 'place' to leave your space station that is stable?
Q: C++/LuaPlus: Global variables

ForivinWhen my C++ aplication starts I want to open another process to read some values from it. By opening a process I'm talking about this: HANDLE processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, processId); I'm creating the handle in the very beginning of my main function. My question is: Ho...

makes DeadMG cry
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I'm pretty sure I've heard of parking orbits. OK, so there's no white lines or pay-and-display machines..
@DeadMG no need to cry. Its ok.
Do I HAVE to open that?
Q: casting template to child template

user1463313I have class A, and it's extended by B class. Then I have class Ptr - kind of smart pointer. I need to statically cast Ptr<A> to Ptr<B>. and all the time compiler gives me: error: invalid static_cast from type Ptr<A> to type Ptr<B>

Why do people close this stuff?
@thecoshman It's easier to shoot at a stationary target, no?
Nothing wrong with it
@DeadMG let's cry together
@DeadMG Use a singleton manager..
@ArneMertz And others need to be pushed into looking up and engaging with those around them, for their own benefit and that of the whole team. Can't do that when one guy's in India and the other is in Alaska.
oh man
rebooting my machine didn't fix VS's "Lag for two minutes on every operation" game.
I wouldn't work more than, say, 150 miles from the office
@DeadMG MinGW
@R.MartinhoFernandes I still don't get what you want. If you put one ship in orbit around a body, and get the peri- and apo-apsis almost exactly the same, it is very easy to get another ship along side it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I voted to close, since he didn't create sscee. not even what he tried, or some kind of meta program explaining what he wants
not a fucking chance
I'll just have to reinstall VS.
@BЈовић The question is perfectly well-formed and no code is necessary to illustrate the problem. 90% of people reading the question will know both the question and the answer. People are just being dicks for no reason.
@DeadMG VS is so slow at starting that it could be a .NET app... oh.. wait...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wouldn't work 20 km from the office
just what I wanted to do with my day today
@BartekBanachewicz what was your reasoning for Lua, again? Quick and easy, you said?
@DeadMG Did you get another SSD yet?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "I have class A, and it's extended by B class."
@MartinJames No.
what that means?
that requires money and I have none.
@BЈовић What's not clear about that?
class B : public A
This is incredibly basic C++
@Pawnguy7 a lot of reasons, what would you want to do?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit and not class B: private A?
@DeadMG :( VS takes an annoying amount of time to wake up on my box, despite Samsung SSD.
@BЈовић Irrelevant to the question.
@BЈовић private inheritance is less useful usually, but that's irrelevant
He wants a conversion operator. It's obvious.
struct B : A problem solved. vOv
@BartekBanachewicz Just asking around, because I don't get along well with loose types. Wondering how it was for others.
I'd write an answer providing one then suggesting he change his design instead, if I could. I can't, because twats closed the question. It helps nobody.
@MartinJames I had to terminate the process before I could even get it to close so the installer would run.
@Pawnguy7 You just remove type signatures, done.
@DeadMG Oh, THAT bad :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well it's generally hard to work in a team when there are people in it who are not able to work in teams. And if they need to be pushed that's clearly the case.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it takes 5 minutes to create sscee for that. he didn't even bothered to post what he tried
The problem I'm about to run into is when the question gets re-opened through my bitching, but I can't be fucked to write an answer any more
@thecoshman You settle for too little :S "very easy" includes adjusting phase. There's no phase adjustment if the target is stationary.
@BЈовић Testcases are useful in 90% of questions. But demanding one when it is not necessary is just immature
@BartekBanachewicz That does not make me more productive, though.
@ArneMertz True, actually, I wouldn't have them at all
@R.MartinhoFernandes what exactly do you mean by 'stationary', it has to be moving relative to something...
@BЈовић What he tried doesn't matter. It's clear he simply doesn't understand the cause of his problem. Whatever he did go around trying won't reveal anything additional.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yep
@thecoshman It's stationary relative to your primary.
@Pawnguy7 it would if you wrote new code instead of stripping types from existing one. Imagine it's a crappy replacement for type inference
@BЈовић Closing the question is not for "punishment". You are not the policeman of the world (that's me); closing questions should help the community only
Any orbit that crosses that point at any time, gets you there.
(well, if they never add life support, I guess it won't be as interesting)
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you talking about transfers from one body to another, or getting two ships together orbiting the same body.
@thecoshman Getting to a station?
Lua.execute("require = function(name)" +
            "    local source = js.global.blockingXRequest(name .. '.lua')" +
            "    js.global.Lua.execute(source)" +
I am scared by what I'm writing :v
@BartekBanachewicz Well. The types you are passing aren't going to change, right? What harm is there in knowing what type they are?
@Pawnguy7 you have to change them when you want to change them, assumption that they're not going to change is not always true
@thecoshman What about when a supply ship comes along, and the supply ship is carrying a tremendous quantity of fissile material with high mass? Suddenly your lagrange point actually isn't there any more
@BartekBanachewicz True. Though then I might think I still get the old type.
@BartekBanachewicz The safety of having the compiler check them is well worth the minor hassle of updating when the types change.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Make it carrying antimatter, and hit the brakes at maximum.
hey hey I think you're both missing the point
I'm not advocating dynamic typing
In general, type inference works best, as in Haskell.
but in Lua you can do randomobject.randomfield = randomvalue
and that's useful at times when doing 10-line scripts
it's basically saying "it's runtime content that matters"
wow gosh that thing is working
Is randomly adding new values to a type considered good practice?
You mean new data members?
let's do something hideously dangerous and attempt to throw an exception from a C function.
@Pawnguy7 to an object, not to type
no, wait, a debugbreak should be fine.
@BartekBanachewicz Types are sets of values, so what he said can make sense. I don't think it is what he meant, though.
I thought you could do both, actually.
JS has prototypes or something.
well you can.
a type in a dynamic language is an object.
Is this clear enough?
@BartekBanachewicz Hey, did you hear, auto is a bad idea
@BartekBanachewicz That's unrelated to being dynamic.
If I remember, a constructor is basically adding these members for you.
It's about reflection.
@BartekBanachewicz Types are objects in Wide too, and it's certainly not dynamic.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in a dynamic language a type is a dynamic object! :)
@BartekBanachewicz Erm, again, no.
Only if it has reflection.
well if it's not then it's a shitty language :v
but okay.
I'm always extremely confused by all that "dynamic" and "static" and whatnot
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I'll grant you the phase thing can be a PITA, but it really is not that hard to rendezvous (sp?) with a ship. I parks just 10m away from a ship that ran out of fuel in some cock arsed orbit around Mun.
But given how kerbals have no problem sitting in a one man capsule for years at a time, I have no problem just waiting for the stuff to line up for a good encounter.
11 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
(well, if they never add life support, I guess it won't be as interesting)
ugh fuck errors inside vm.js
what the hell am I supposed to do with those
@R.MartinhoFernandes true, but even then, it's not that hard.
@BartekBanachewicz Suck a dick.
what else are vm.js errors good for?
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
getting phase right is just a case of having one ship in circular orbit and another in highly eccentric orbit. (just make sure it has enough thrust to circularise quick)
@BartekBanachewicz Makes sense.
I am not sure in what case adding a component at runtime is useful.
@thecoshman Ow. I just switch to a lower/higher orbit for a while to speed up/slow down, and then back.
@Pawnguy7 plugins?
@Pawnguy7 when you treat an object as a property table for example
in harvest you can create a new type of unit and add arbitrary fields to it
Is this the Starfestival or something?
@R.MartinhoFernandes that works to, but I find keeping one point at the same orbit is helpfully too.
Never saw so many stars given in so few minutes.
especially as highly eccentric makes plane changes require less fuel.
I hardly star anything these days, most starred things now are just crap.
@TonyTheLion I am not familiar with making plugins, but I don't know why you couldn't do that in... not Lua.
I mean Lua.execute("-- JS<-->Lua glue\n--\n-- Horribly hackish, this is not the right way to do it
of course, when the encounter is close I being both orbits close
thanks, @Kripken
@R.MartinhoFernandes and what are you on about, I thought you said you had never left the atmosphere, or is that just in career mode?
@TonyTheLion Not properly "crap", just not special enough to be worth a star.
@BartekBanachewicz didn't you first make those types in C++?
@Pawnguy7 I'm not using C++
@thecoshman I said I reached orbit.
@TonyTheLion "Of course 90% of them are crud. 90% of everything is crud."
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh right, good for you chap
Stars are serious business guys. We will have an inflation if we don't keep their usage lower.
@Jefffrey I refuse to take your bait
@BartekBanachewicz the original was, wasn't it?
@Pawnguy7 for a short while.
the progress on supposedly fixing VS2013 is actually going backwards.
And did you not define these units in C++?
@DeadMG They're breaking more stuff?
@Pawnguy7 uh in the C++ version, yes, but that one was inflexible
I meant VS2012.
hmm maybe running an XMLHttpRequest inside Lua.execute wasn't that good idea
I have no idea how to do it the other way, though :/
I could pack all files into one giant .lua blob
@BartekBanachewicz So the use of Lua is for end users?
@Pawnguy7 There are no end users as of now, but perhaps. Right now it's for me.
@thecoshman I also set things in trajectories that will leave the solar system, so yeah, I'm a pro.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, get you. kit those things out with sciences toys?
hmm I'm calling execute inside another execute
maybe I could just eval instead
@thecoshman No, those were parachutes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so... you just sent probes into deep space for nothing?
@thecoshman No, I didn't send anything. The parachute parts bounced off so hard they are now in interstellar trajectories. I told you it's a bug.
I can still track them, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh, I thought you meant you intentionally sent probes into deep space.
Should've attached science parts to the parachute
Probes are fun
You don't have to rescue probes
The kerbals which those parachutes were supposed to save are now acclaimed as heroes, I suppose.
Also why did you crash
@CatPlusPlus Hell if I know. Parachutes just broke down about 1km from the ground.
You can reenter Kerbin pretty much in any way and survive
@R.MartinhoFernandes 'broke down'?
So congrats
@thecoshman I told you it's a bug. It doesn't make sense.
uh why won't it work
@R.MartinhoFernandes too much weight per chute? entering too fast?
Deploy them sooner maybe, and don't warp through the deployment
@thecoshman Just the starter command module, starter chute, one kerbal (do kerbals weight in?).
@CatPlusPlus my kerbals have come around to this realisation
@R.MartinhoFernandes timewarping?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, kerbals are massless when in ships (AFAIK)
Deploy chutes below 10k, warp to edge of the full deployment (500m for the starter one), then warp the rest when the chute is already fully deployed
A: Why is it so slow to add or remove elements in the middle of a vector?

Lightness Races in OrbitTake a row of houses: if you build them in a straight line, then finding No. 32 is really easy: just walk along the road about 32 houses' worth, and you're there. But it's not quite so fun to add house No. 31½ in the middle — that's a big construction project with a lot of disruption to husband's...

@CatPlusPlus Why do I have to stop?
Physics warp makes calculations inaccurate, and chute deployment involves a bit of force
@CatPlusPlus You don't have to rescue kerbals. :P
@CatPlusPlus Ugh, what a load of bollocks.
CatPlusPlus. Ugh. What a load of bollocks.
So if you warped when you crashed, then I can see why your parts got infinite velocity all of a sudden
Gonna try it later today.
Still think it's worth fixing, though. I don't want to babysit what is totally an unattended process.
Physics warp can also make rockets fall apart even though they wouldn't normally
@CatPlusPlus Oh, I noticed that with one of my designs. Warp x3 and the whole thing just turned into Challenger all of a sudden. Quite reliable otherwise.
0.22 vOv They'll probably do something about it at some point
Physics bugs aren't exactly unknown
Would be cool if they added comms darkness. That would give some use to putting satellites out there.
You mean like max range or what?
No, like KSC being on the opposite side of the planet.
There's probably a mod for that
@R.MartinhoFernandes re-entry is not normally meant to be a fully hands of thing
You guys are playing games now?
@thecoshman WTF can you do?
@Xeo Oh thanks for that. Now, I have to go cook something.
@R.MartinhoFernandes this I would love :D
I just deploy chutes and let the thing come down.
I want to murder git.
normal side effect of using git
@R.MartinhoFernandes in theory, you should let your ship go through the re-entry effects, killing of most of the speed, slow down using air resistance, for a bit, then deploy chute.
@JBL try learning it
I mean... I may be an idiot (well, of course) but how come I can't push something from my local to a remote which is a clone of my local !
@thecoshman Right, that's what I do. But then I don't want to babysit it at 500m because of time warp.
Isn't there automatic deployment for the parachute, when the game thinks it's the best time?
@Xeo And apparently if the best time takes place in timewarp, you get Voyager 1 without instruments.
And make it modify its current tree.
Try reentry from an eccentric orbit when you don't have fuel to brake, and have to skim in the upper parts of the atmosphere :negative:
Still, I would rather they make re-entry actually matter, rather than fix problems with time warping during reentry
@R.MartinhoFernandes Heh
@Xeo Chutes have fixed deployment point
@Xeo well, it auto deploys in the very high atmosphere
@moyes_must_go prepare for your immediate death
maybe I should download this "KSP" thing.
that's amazing
Meh, better take a break.
@BartekBanachewicz Why?
@thecoshman I like how you can re-enter with the chutes deployed and they don't burn.
Also they don't predeploy automatically, you have to stage for that
@DeadMG nah, it's a sandbox game, you won't like it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the guy responds to every tweet mistakenly sent to him
@Tony: I suddenly see what you mean about that whole "The starboard is full of crap" thing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I'd rather they fix that first.
You can also renter with pretty much anything attached.

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