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@JerryCoffin Hey man! How ya been?
Fuck i' 50% closer to solving my SSD problem, I think trying to write 30 GBs to the SSDs at max rate is causing it to hit the so called write cliff: flashstorageguy.wordpress.com/tag/write-cliff
I hope somebody cares
@GamesBrainiac Oh, not bad. New Internet connection has been undependable since I got it installed about a week ago, but I'm hoping it's going to settle in and work a bit more dependably...
@JerryCoffin Ahh, in this country, there's no such thing as an dependable internet connection :P
@Mysticial How did you build your 10 HD RAID0 configuration? Did you find a motherboard with 10 SATA3 ports?
@Mikhail They're not "really" in RAID.
Software raid.
@GamesBrainiac The old one wasn't entirely dependable either, but the new one has been quite a bit worse. It was installed about a week ago. Then down all day Tuesday, and back up Tuesday evening. Back down Wednesday around 1130. Repaired Friday a little before noon. Back down Saturday for a couple hours (but back up without repair, this time).
@Mysticial So you stripe the IO in Windows by writing different files to different drives?
@Mikhail Sometimes I do Windows IO stripe. Other times, I just keep them separate and have the code manage them in parallel.
@JerryCoffin no access to yt here at work
@ArneMertz Well, perhaps when you get home...
@JerryCoffin yep. I sent myself the link to my private mail :-)
@Mysticial Thanks for the info, i'm trying to figure out how to sustain a write rate of 500 megabytes per second for 400 gigabytes. Everythings work wonderful for the first 20GB on the SSDs but then it crash to 80 MB/s...
@JerryCoffin thx for the link btw :-)
@ArneMertz Surely. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
@Mikhail It crashes?
@JerryCoffin why would it
@ArneMertz Well, let's just say that "deep philosophical discussion" may have been exaggerating a bit (or, more likely, a lot).
@JerryCoffin heh ok
@JerryCoffin reducing my expectations then :P
It does, however, fit with my sophomoric (sophomoronic?) sense of humor.
@JerryCoffin Whoah, that is rather bad. How much speed are you getting though?
how likely do you think one would get fleas/ticks on a cashmere jumper?
@GamesBrainiac ~35 Mbps down, 2.6 Mbps up.
@Mikhail: I suspect you will need much more than just a single drive to sustain that.
I think I got bitten, but I don't know by what ...
@JerryCoffin lol, thats a helluva lot :)
@JerryCoffin peak or averaged including the downtimes? :P
@ArneMertz Not including down times.
@User17 kitty got fleas? Don't get mixed up with strays :P
@Mikhail What FS are you using anyway?
Good morning !
With duetto, all your C++ applications can go to the web! http://leaningtech.com/duetto/ #cpp #webprog
that sounds interesting oO
@ArneMertz My blood seems to be very attractive to all the pests I won't want be attractive too - once I lived in this house, the previous owner had a dog & a cat and a bunch of other animals he neglected. So when I moved in I have been eaten alive by the fleas - flea bombed at least 4-5 times, hired professionals, did plenty of other things and still got bitten for the next 10 months. It only stopped when I moved away.
Sadness ...
Mmmh, will there be a live stream (or even just VODs) of the Meeting C++ this week ?
@JBL I think not. But you can ask Jens :-)
Guys, I just made myself the best cup of coffee ever :)
@GamesBrainiac Yay! :D
I want one!
Dammit I want coffee now.
When I went to visit the tenants, they told me there were mossies. I was laughing my ass off inside thinking "they weren't mossies" ... :x but I never told them ...
@ArneMertz Aw ! Well, I'll give a try then. (Maybe the slides will be released, at least)
@JBL which meeting?
I miss my C++. :(
your c++?
> Javascript
> C++ 11
They can’t even fucking spell, let alone make good software.
making startup programs for linux is such a pain in the bum :(
you don't make them in your bum
So, uh, people find "interesting and relevant" a question for which the answer can be found in any correct book on C++ ? Meh.
@mrkkrj “HTMLElement* body=document.get_body();” I see pointers.
I see dead people dangling pointers.
@StackedCrooked lol! :P Got that coffee?
added some sugar because it's Monday morning
Awesome :)
You know, one day I'd like to meet you all in person! That would be super awesome.
Imma visit the netherlands soon, so I might just be able to meet up with rightfold
@GamesBrainiac Would have to be a long day.
@JerryCoffin Aww, come on. I mean think about it, meeting people from across the globe, who you just happened to meet in a chatroom!
As long as they showered.
Well, I'm off to bed I think.
@JerryCoffin I wish I could do that.
it took a pretty extreme circumstance, but... I played a sniper on BF3.
@StackedCrooked Come 0200 your time (give or take a few minutes) you probably will be able to...
@DeadMG Heretic !
@JBL I know.
I'm usually a "Gun people down IN THE FACE WITH A MACHINE GUN" support.
but the situation just called for it, so I bit the bullet and did it.
@JerryCoffin 0200 of my time has long passed :(
@JBL what's heretic about snipers?
@ArneMertz The way this specialization is (meant to be) played.
@JBL something bf3 specific then? Never played it, but I loved playing snipers in other games. Lay down and clear the path from behind...
I think one of the most stupid thing about it is people not moving at all in a whole 30 minutes game.
@ArneMertz Snipers in BF3 are a particular problem because, essentially, it's partly map design, but there's not enough cover.
so if your team masses snipers, it's really annoying for the other team because they essentially can't move without being instapwned from the other side of the map.
which is not very fun.
@ArneMertz Also, BF3 doesn't really reward what should be a really important part of a sniper's job : recon.
Also, sniper rifles balance was pretty meh.
the thing is
if your team masses any other class, like, say, assaults which can revive each other indefinitely
then I can still RPG you in the face and kill your whole squad.
even if you hack, I can still RPG you in the face and instakill you.
ok I get it :-) sounds like the boring type of snipe-camper
so there's a limit to how much damage anyone else can do, even if they are stronger.
but it's hard to kill a sniper with some C4 or an RPG
I’m going to eat Greek food today.
save the greek economy!
@rightfold not cool dude, that country so poor they can't spare that food.
I don’t give a shit about Greece.
Also, if they can’t spare that food they should not give it to me. vOv
can someone recommend a c++ tutorial for people who programmed in C whole life?
There is no tutorial.
C++ is too big for that.
Maybe Bjarne's latest book "A tour of C++" will help.
@BЈовић Get (them) a good book !
lol - how did this get "nice answer":
@sehe Thank you for your answer. This was exactly the error, I was thinking about Java, my bad. I kept the "new" operator just because I was trying different things to fix the error and in this way I kept the simmetry with other parts of the code in which I use Object*. Anyway, as I assume, you all think it is much better to use Object object(i, blahblah). Again, my bad because of Java, I first thought in this case I would overwrite the original object and create a copy in every single position of vector. — user2470437 3 mins ago
Since we are on the topic of C++ books, what is your experience on reading reference books on e readers?
I'm considering getting a tablet for reading, because of the flexibility.
@JBL I was told to create a c++ tutorial for people who did only c. I thought about not wasting time, and finding something on the net
@sehe because it is a nice answer. You took the time to explain what is wrong, an evolved the correct solution. Too many people would just jump to "you are wrong, use emplace_back"
@sehe what got nice answer?
added a c++11 version for comparison/demonstration: stackoverflow.com/a/19764772/85371sehe 19 secs ago
@BЈовић The linked one :)
@xslr tbh, I use references only for looking things up. I think they're rather boring to be read from cover to cover. So I would not put them into an eReader
@BЈовић The first step to doing C++ well is to forget everything you know about C.
@ArneMertz same thoughts here. But my method of learning by trial and error seems error prone for C++, as it is full of pitfalls.
@ArneMertz I'd use an ereader for reference. If it had decent Find functionality. (But I don't have an e-reader, so I abuse my phone)
thus the inclination to start properly studying the language with a reference.
@BЈовић Here is the best C++ tutorial.
> 'iterator_category' : is not a member of 'clang::ADLResult::iterator'
@DeadMG and they don't have an iterator_traits specialization to fill it in either?
apparently not.
time to spec it myself.
@rightfold lol. BS would agree
std::string is what made me want to learn C++ after using C for a shitload of time.
I saw it and I thought “wow is it that easy to concatenate strings?”
std::string and std::vector are among the first things that should be taught to beginners
@rightfold and that's about the only thing that's easy about it :) (not true, but anyways, bashing c++ works)
It's also very easy to write wasteful code with unneeded copies :)
@rightfold They gave me to implement something with a compiler without anything (no std library). Fortunately, I could at least throw exceptions. boy was that a challenge
I reimplemented all from std (only what I needed)
First job would be to copy paste std sources into your program.
@BЈовић was that for an embedded application? did you have a heap?
Yes, embedded application, on powerpc.
yeah.. just download libstdc++ or libc++ :P
Implement std::vector yourself. vOv
harder than it sounds.
I know.
@rightfold no, implement string yourself. even harder
Allocator and exception crap. :v
The easiest thing to implement is std::declval.
you could start with minimal dynamic array class that resembles the functionality of vector
There is no implementation. :D
But there's a declaration!
(write it :P)
@Xeo Which you can copy from the standard!
@rightfold If you use declval outside of decltype then it gives a compiler error. I thought it was amazing how they could detect that I was using it the wrong way. Until I saw that it was simply a static assert in the constructor. Doh.
What is the difference between typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type and T&&, and typename std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type and T&?
@StackedCrooked Or sizeof.
@rightfold Something to do with void.
ISTR that add_rvalue_reference<T>::type is void when T is void
but void&& is ill-formed.
void sucks.
time to see how terribly, terribly badly my new Clang interoperation code is going.
lol my answer has moar upboats than lhf's
I feel extremely proud everytime that happens
Nom nom nom Quarkkäulchen
@DeadMG aye
who's that
2 days ago, by Xeo
@FredOverflow I'm glad you asked!
@rightfold It does indeed
@rightfold by definition
oh yeah
I forgot that part where debugging code that calls into Clang causes VS to crash.
makes sense. non-disclosure etc.
> What's the requirement to be a Google janitor?
> PhD in Computer Science - experience in compiler writing with a particular focus on garbage collection optimization.
oh, even attempting to place a breakpoint in that part of the function causes VS to crash.
@Tony Those totally need to be one message to be star-worthy :(
@sehe hm I use online references - when I need a reference, I typically am at some computer.
@StackedCrooked It has no definition.
@ArneMertz me too.
> Nye servicevilkår: Opdateringer om, hvordan vi viser dine oplysninger i annoncer og indhold
I already removed this bar in Dutch Google.
@sehe but when you are at a computer, why use a phone or ereader for references?
Why is it still there in Danish Google.
Why is this software so insanely bad.
Skills required

    Ability to manipulate and control dials, switches, and gauges
    Active listening skills
    Hand-eye coordination
    Keen judgment and decision-making abilities
    Physical agility and strength
@User17 well those senior GC's earn more than I do oO
Are you considering a career change?
It’s funny that I can understand most of what this page says, even though I don’t speak Danish.
It’s somewhat similar to Dutch if you pronounce it.
@User17 tony did :)
user image
@rightfold Yeah
@User17 oh just noticed it's Australian $. Not that much then
Danish Wikipedia is small.
@rightfold In high school, we had to read some old book written in what was effectively a mix of Danish and Dutch. It was a PITA, but it was possible
@rightfold a.k.a. utterly useless
@melak47 lol that again.
@jalf Yum, pita.
@TonyTheLion yep :p
@jalf Ik vind dat wel kløte. Is Danish a complicated language?
now I'm off to uni, before you guys tempt me into posting more crap for stars!
@ArneMertz you missed my message, perhaps?
@rightfold umm, no more so than most others, I guess. It definitely has its quirks
The main issue with Danish is that the pronunciation is quite different from how words are spelled. Norwegians or Swedes generally read Danish without too much difficulty, but have trouble understanding spoken Danish
@jalf I can speak English too.
@rightfold woo grats
@sehe seems like I did. Care to elaborate?
welp, going to be rather tricky to work today, when the people I need to work with are 'cellerbrating' Diwali
Everything is urgh
Everything is fine, I haz Quarkkäulchen
@TonyTheLion could be worse :P
@Xeo yummi
fuck you Clang, I am the victor once again.
@DeadMG Hello, Victor.
@ArneMertz Indeed
I like Feist.
Last album I heard from her was from 2007.
oh baby, you came just in time
@Xeo Ah, it was only a very minor victory anyway.
Clang will probably still disintegrate me repeatedly.
@DeadMG don't give up the fight :-)
ah, and I just habitually wrote struct t {}; in a Wide file.
Wictor is my second name.
@rightfold it's spelled 'wanker' btw
what if you run into a zombie like this
@rightfold "tried to use taco as id"
hey which idiot removed the other stars?
Robot, you're playing too much KSP
@Xeo no such thing
WTF is wrong with Jon Harrop?!
C# has native code compilation of run-time generated code which is a more general solution to this problem. For example, regular expressions are compiled to machine code in C# whereas C++ resorts to an interpreter. You cannot use templates to do that in C++ if the regular expression is only available at run-time. So, in the general case, C# is orders of magnitude faster than C++ in the context of metaprogramming. — Jon Harrop yesterday
You have to go out of C++ to do that in C++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What, exactly?
generate machine code at runtime?
@Xeo What @jalf said, and also... meh, I just forget to close it.
@KonradRudolph Yes.
because that wasn’t what he said
he said “metaprogramming is orders of magnitude bla”
> You cannot use templates to do that in C++ if the regular expression is only available at run-time.
I had this moment where I was like, "How the fuck does this shit ever work?!!".
I was referring to this part.
when the answer was literally right in front of me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Boost.Xpressive
@KonradRudolph What.
@R.MartinhoFernandes compiled regular expressions
via metaprogramming
Show me a sample.
@DeadMG Every FUCKING. DAY. is one large moment of that for me.
C# metaprogramming may be more powerful than in C++, because you can use it at runtime. But it’s not more efficient
(Does it use LLVM or something?)
@R.MartinhoFernandes RTFM?
@KonradRudolph AFAIK TFM only shows statically known stuff.
@KonradRudolph The manual does not contain an instance of a dynamic regex being statically compiled.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, I’m referring to that
@KonradRudolph That's not what Jon Harrop is referring to, though.
@User17 I was thinking about Halloween and I thought this: I would be afraid to walk around as a (too realistic) Zombie in the USA, fearing somebody trigger happy will get scared and is going to shoot me on sight. :D
@wilx ffs
@DeadMG he’s making general claims
one handed typing is almost as much a pain as this cut in my other
@KonradRudolph He's making a quite specific claim- that a dynamically-known regex in C++ cannot be JITed.
and he's right, unless you want to start pulling in LLVM.
@DeadMG I’m not contesting this claim – see above! I’m contesting his “C# metaprogramming is orders of magnitude faster” claim, nothing else.
And using regex to demonstrate C#’s superiority is facile since C++ regex are shit anyway
(FWIW, there's a regex_compiler in Xpressive, but all what it does it mostly pre-parsing.)
I still only have 18 tests for Wide's semantic analyzer.
@jalf Is it normal that sometimes my ships crash so hard that debris from their parachutes are tossed out the atmosphere in an escape trajectory from the Sun?
late evening jog $$ ... release the fattie fuel cell within
Did you ship crash in Warp x10000 ?
You can't warp x10000 in the atmosphere.
Maybe you reentered atmosphere with that speed and the game didn't manage to go down fast enough? :P
Cat mentioned that he managed to phase through a planet with high-speed warp
@Xeo With escape velocity for the Sun?
I doubt it. I only recently managed to get into orbit.
@Xeo usually, the game will slow down, but like you said, maybe at such high speeds it does not manage it, and you jump to being 'in' the planet.
@R.MartinhoFernandes baby steps
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd guess that the physics get quirky with such high speeds.
The other night, I finally rescued Bill from his dead orbit around Mun
had to get a ship real close and EVA to it. Worked like a charm
and I think I know what I am doing now when it comes to rendezvous
I've been drinking out of a glass for the last ten hours
just noticed it's filthy
Lesson: Never drink out of glasses
@DeadMG How big is the glass?
@KonradRudolph Sure it is, have you tried running complex C++ metaprograms (hint: they run at compile-time; they're fucking slow).
@CatPlusPlus Have you tried running C# metaprograms?
so what leads you to your statement then?
Compilation performance of C++ (which is when metaprograms run)
@CatPlusPlus … compared to runtime performance of C# when metaprograms are run?
… or are you seriously comparing apples and oranges here?
We're comparing performance of metaprograms
so you claim that C# metaprograms run many orders of magnitude compile faster than C++ metaprograms?
got a benchmark to back you up?
No, I don't care about this shit that much
Do you really need a benchmark of C++ compilation performance :cripes:
But hey I forgot that C++ is the fastest thing ever always so whatever
man, I have to deal with C++ now
@CatPlusPlus but we are not interested in that here, just in metaprogram performance!
@TonyTheLion The C Preprocessor?
C++ is slow for a host of different reasons, foremost among them that it needs six passes over the source code
meh, compile time, if you are complaining about that being slow, don't use a compile language.
@thecoshman No, it’s a valid complaint, C++ sucks balls in that regard
If you care about compile times, don’t use Clojure.
if it would just dump that silly C compatibility it could speed up compilation by orders of magnitude
C++ 2.0!
As in "C is the worst thing that happened to C++" ?
@KonradRudolph You mean switching to modules?
The worst thing that happened to C++ wasn’t C but cplusplus.com.
Yeah, but we can ignore it. We can't ignore C compatibility however.
@KonradRudolph It would also dump essentially the only reason to use the language from most perspectives.
@Xeo I have never been at such high-speeds. The only objects that ever travelled at those speeds in my game are the goddamn debris.
@Xeo For instance.
@KonradRudolph That's easier in C than C++.
There are also a few parses caused by syntax sillinesses
@Xeo I don’t care. C can die as far as I’m concerned
@KonradRudolph Eh, ISTR Chandler Carruth mentioning that C++ really only needs multiple passes for class members and one other thing.
My ship crashes because it couldn't escape the planet's gravity, but the debris are projected beyond the escape velocity of the sun.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So you must design a module that needs to crash to send its payload in space ?
University is a murder weapon.
@JBL Sounds like my style of playing physics simulation games :)
I remember this bridge building game that I played with the unofficial goal of making every bridge self-destruct upon first use, right after the car/train/whatever passed over it.
@KonradRudolph I want LTR declaration syntax. :<
@R.MartinhoFernandes o_0 parachutes? Save your little green man you monster!
Or PICs. :D
@KonradRudolph It's 100% tied to that
You can't run C++ metaprograms without compiling the entire thing
@thecoshman The parachutes deployed, and then it crashed and the parachutes were tossed out of the sun's gravity well.

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