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Q: StackOverflow search/reputation algorithms specific to C++11

Patrick FrombergHerb Sutter stated, that with the event of C++11 every single line of code in any book written before must be adapted or completely changed. Translating this to StackOverflow means, that at least many correct c++ answers are outdated even if they happen to be technically correct. I think it sho...

Whats wrong with
@Mysticial added an answer
@Mysticial also, I was wondering - why don't you use a Xeon/ECC memory? Aren't memory errors fatal to the kind of computations you do?
@nightcracker I actually catch them myself through error-detection.
Although the coverage is only about 95%.
but wouldn't ECC memory help?
or is it too expensive?
Too expensive.
It's also better if I force the code to handle soft-errors. Doing so does it make it more robust.
Depending on it would restrict the code to a relatively small number of servers, not your average machine.
@JerryCoffin I don't think Mysticial's computations run on average machines :P
@nightcracker I'm writing on above average machines for below average machines. :)
@nightcracker When going for a new world record, no. But Y-cruncher runs on average (or even below-average, like mine) machines.
@Mysticial this has become my build: gist.github.com/nightcracker/7276926
At a glance it looks fine.
Granted I don't usually buy hard drives or monitors when I build new machines. But that's cause I just take them from a different machine.
@Mysticial One of the reasons desktops are so much more economical (especially in the long term) than laptops (though the new "all-in-one" desktops obviously ruin it).
@JerryCoffin Yeah. And when I fried my mobo on Wednesday, I only need a new mobo and CPU to get it working again - upgraded.
Though I'm still returning the ram tomorrow morning.
@Mysticial Does Newegg accept "defective because I inserted it backwards" as a reason for replacement? :-)
or defective because i put it through unspeakable digital torture
@JerryCoffin dunno. That mobo is past warranty anyways. :)
Ah fuck, I wanted to improve on this answer but the question isn't exactly about how to constrain constructor/assignment ops taking uniform references. Is there such a question?
@Borgleader His use of RAM is fairly normal--it's hard drives that (a large computation with) Y-cruncher really tortures.
You can run ycruncher in all ram mode IIRC
@Borgleader But you're not getting anything big done with only ram. :)
@Borgleader Yes, but when you do (as long as you haven't overclocked your RAM) it's not particularly torturous.
I dread the inevitable day when Windows will prepare to prepare to install updates
@Borgleader It already does that, but calls it "acquiring prerequisites".
@Borgleader That's really a cat-zombie trying to eat his brain.
@ScottW That's not normal.
@ScottW Oh. Even so I'd expect that to be for a specific update and not something it will try to do for all of them.
picnic on a really warm day in a crowded place ... sux
How do you call those excel columns where you can choose a value from a list of enum like values ?
Man. How stupid that I can't do f({1,2,3,4}) when f takes an array
thanks ill look at that
@Rapptz what, you mean like this?
#include <array>

void f(std::array<float, 4> arr) {}

int main()
    f({ 1, 2, 3, 4 });
I meant without explicitly stating the size or type.
Like initializer_list except not garbage
(vector works but that's actually besides my point :( )
void f(std::vector<int>&& x) {

int main() {
and what would you want instead?
regular arrays :(
ah well
whaddya mean, regular arrays :E
int x[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
@ScottW Found it, that was exactly what I needed, thanks
@Rapptz for variables...ok...but how's the compile sposed to reason about function arguments? oh you take an int[5] here, so your function must take int[5]! wait..here you do 6...
same way it reasons for the size of an initializer list or a variable?
but you can only initialize a variable once, you can call a function multiple times
I'm not seeing how this is an issue.
How is it any different than this?
I'm about to post something to the isocpp Standard discussion group. Anyone wanna review? It's somewhat long-winded, so it's more of a review for style/language/typos than correctness.
There's std::experimental::any?
@Rapptz because template arguments aren't deduced from initializer-lists :/
@Rapptz The proposal is imo a bit rough, but that's fair considering it's for one of the future TSs.
@melak47 that's why I'm saying they should, there's no reason they shouldn't be.
@Rapptz I suppose
you can make it work with vector or std::initializer_list though :p
s/constrain for avoiding interferences/constrain to avoid inteferences/
@melak47 That's dumb because I want an array.
Not a container or a proxy object that is read-only.
you want an array - why not a container
Mmmh, what if had the possibility to add tl;dr items for the transcript? Or maybe after a fruitful discussion which reaches a consensus one of us can do just that.
Returns: If *this has a contained object of type T, typeid(T); otherwise typeid(void).

[Note: Useful for querying against types known either at compile time or only at runtime. --end note]
wot. Maybe I'm misreading it.
tl;dr std::array<T, N> may or may not be a container, depending on what you expect of a container.
8 secs ago, by Luc Danton
tl;dr std::array<T, N> may or may not be a container, depending on what you expect of a container.
@Rapptz For std::function<Sig> that's called target_type.
IIRC there's a different precondition for an empty std::function<Sig>, but that's a detail :v
> Returns: If *this has a target of type T, typeid(T); otherwise, typeid(void).
@melak47 I don't want an allocation.
Would you look at that, they're consistent with one another. Well, except for the naming.
So is experimental the new tr1?
I miss tr1 already :(
Why does any use an allocator?
@Rapptz Yup. The original any proposal was for the would be tr2.
@Rapptz To allocate things. (I assume; I haven't looked too much into it yet.)
too much typing
Did you hurt yourself?
namespace tr2 = std::experimental; // why :(
Because there will be separate TS's. E.g. filesystem has its own.
oh god, std::experimental::filesystem :(
Did anyone finish proof-reading and forgot to tell me? @nightcracker
I don't love it, but I never loved naming std::tr1.
what is 1bis
> namespace std { namespace tbd { namespace filesystem {
I assume that does mean std::experimental::filesystem :D
@Rapptz Ooo right that's not proper English usage. I'll put in (1b) instead.
@LucDanton What I'm really thinking here is just that the type system w.r.t. this is broken and there's only so much to be done from a user/library perspective.
you're right that is_base in this context is a total hack.
@Rapptz In the street numbering systems in France, if there's a new door to appear in between number 1 and number 3 (number 2 being across), it would be numbered '1 bis'.
the problem is that the language has no concept of X is-a Y, except when inheritance.
@DeadMG And can you imagine if every proposal writer tackles the problem on their own? I'm afraid of ending up with subtly inconsistent components.
well, I agree that there needs to be a Standard approach here.
but I personally am more concerned about other problems.
when you say, "Bad things happen if you inherit from any", then I'm less concerned about that than I am if you say "Bad things happen if you try to compose iterators", or, "Bad things happen if you try to use Unicode".
It's true that at each step you think to yourself 'well, I can improve on this by doing that'. But then you take a step back and look in horror at the bigger picture.
@DeadMG There's a cost in fixing subtly broken pieces of standardese.
That's quite true.
I'm not trying to claim that you haven't identified a problem here, or that there should not be a useful Standardised component for handling it.
Suppose the writer of any_random_access_iterator<T> writes the converting contructor to only be constrained on, well, RandomAccessIterator. Then what should happen when you attempt a copy of any_random_access_iterator<T> from a non-const lvalue of same? Do we fall in the trap?
all I am saying is that firstly, I think the core issue is in the language, and secondly, I feel that it is less important than other issues facing the library right now.
@DeadMG Oh yeah I'm trying to outline the goal of my posting on the group. I want my point to come across.
I wish there was a nicer way to query the type.
well, I think it seems clear to me that you have identified that there is an issue here.
I do it this way but they do it typeid(T) == typeid(whatever) :(
I should probably fix any :s
I'll put it on my todo
@Rapptz Most people do it differently to please those whiners who want to compile with -f-no-rtti
@Rapptz You can do if(auto p = any_cast<T>(&a)) { auto& ref = *p; /* use ref */ }
aka for(auto&& item: any_cast<T>(&a)) lol
IYAM, you should look into interactions between boost::any and std::experimental::any.
@DeadMG Their fault for disabling a language feature.
that will be a clearer, more real-world use case than inheriting from std::experimental::any.
wtf man
of course you get an identical problem with boost::function.
You're wrong.
There is no particular interaction between boost::any and std::experimental::any.
That's your real-world use.
I see.
so you would not end up with, say, a std::experimental::any holding a boost::any?
I expect to see tuple-like things privately inherit from their components, think make_overload.
@DeadMG You would. Perhaps I should have said 'exceptional interaction' or 'extraordinary'.
@LucDanton It's the exact same problem as you outlined in your paper/proposal/whatever.
Did you notice the opening sentence?
yeah, where std::experimental::any is just an example?
Or do you mean that every future library component may need to interoperate neatly with boost::any?
my point is, it exhibits the same core issue as the type derived from experimental::any, but boost::any already exists and codebases using it are already common.
Hang on.
and I think you can have a much bigger impact if you point to problems with that, than if you point to problems with what happens if I derive from a Standard value type.
C++03 boost::any takes by ValueType const& so no issue.
C++11 boost::any constrains on is_same, so exhibits the problem. (I assume, untested.)
looks it constrains not quite correctly too
yeah, but I was more thinking of the specific circumstance of where you construct a std::experimental::any from a boost::any.
even if you were to explicitly change boost::any's interface to be compatible with std::experimental::any through an implicit conversion operator or something
it would still be a worse match than the perfect forwarding constructor.
'Compatible' in what sense?
> Requires: T shall satisfy the CopyConstructible requirements. If is_copy_constructible<T>::value is false, the program is ill-formed.
well, let's say that if you mix boost::any and std::experimental::any, then you will not get unfortunate consequences like a std::experimental::any holding a boost::any.
Oh hey, so I'm not the only one with that requirement.
@Rapptz Whoah, good catch.
Oh wait, that's a 'Requires', not SFINAE.
How'd you get SFINAE from that?
Move it to 'shall not participate'.
> Requires: F shall be CopyConstructible. f shall be Callable ( for argument types ArgTypes and return type R. The copy constructor and destructor of A shall not throw exceptions.
That's the broken wording of C++11's std::function<Sig>.
Aw, that's also the wording in n3690. I don't know where to find the fix.
nothrow copyable? really?
A is the allocator type. Can't remember if that's something usual to require, but tbh it wouldn't surprise me.
oh, right, the allocator type.
I got A and F mixed up.
I did a double take as well.
What happened to my proofing? :p
in short, what I suggest is a trait (assuming we're not talking about new language features or anything here).
@DeadMG There isn't much leeway out of that.
Oh, Boost -> Std. Yes, that's fixable.
Imo it's off topic.
@LucDanton Right, but it's for the same reason- boost::any needs to be picked by the move constructor of std::experimental::any so a hypothetical conversion operator could take effect.
Open a feature request on the Boost.Any issue tracker? I don't know.
but it can't, because the perfect forwarding constructor will eat it.
Okay, testing.
Constraint catches it.
I was worried about allowing double-UCS but that's exactly what this is achieving though.
o really? so if you have an implicit conversion to std::function<Sig>, you can get the operator called instead when constructing from your own T?
Oh I can try that easily with my own unique_function.
@DeadMG What kind of type to construct did you have in mind?
@LucDanton Doesn't matter. All that really matters is that it's not a std::function<Sig>, but it's quite reasonable to suggest that if treated specially, the two are quite interoperable, and bad things happen if it's treated generically. boost::function<Sig> is just the easiest example.
I'm not quite sure what I'm doing that's different from the previous one that doesn't work now.
Oh right. I'm doing custom -> std::function<Sig> -> unique_function<Sig>. I was doing pretend_boost_any -> pretend_std_any before.
So not a double UCS in the end.
I'm a bit wary about mentioning all that in my already-quite-wordy opening, but I'll be sure to keep the case in mind when/if the topic of what actual constraint to pick comes up.
I want to encourage the 'we need two-pronged constraints' bit first and foremost.
well, all I'm saying is, I don't think that's enough.
I think you need a real is_a relationship trait.
Give an example of something that allows that wouldn't be allowed already.
Fuck words.
well here's a simple example.
is-a can be transitive, so you could say that my_any is_a boost::any, which is_a experimental_any, therefore my_any can be an experimental_any.
Mmmh kinda feels this would encroach with concepts.
well whenver you talk about requirements of stuff, then it does encroach with concepts.
To expand, I was kinda annoyed that std::future was being pushed as the end-all be-all future, so I investigated a future concept allowing several future 'flavours', with hopes of interoperation between flavours.
There's a looming potential issue that this requires 'clever' (static) dispatch of generic functions. You don't want just to check for the relations between interoperable bits, there are hairy questions that arise when you do something like operate_on_foos(crunchy_foo, tasty_foo).
maybe you're right about the is_a thing.
I wanted it to do more than that, like for example, return types for virtual functions.
and OR differences.
but that would not function without a core language change.
I don't think it's 'bad' or 'wrong' or 'irrelevant'. It's a relatively unexplored side of C++ (tag dispatching, meh).
@DeadMG Ya, if there's a solution with the current language it has to be costly.
This is partly why I have an eye set on Boost.NT2, which actually isn't the right library but the project spawned a library for precisely this kind of stuff. Well, I think -- I have yet to test it.
IOW: compilation time galore.
well, I guess I should just spend more time working on Wide.
it's just so hard when I can load up Starcraft 2 and be playing it before the compiler has finished :(
maybe I need to look into PCH or something.
@Rapptz Sorry to badger you but did you or did you not proof my thing?
there's nothing wrong I could find
well, except the 1bis thing you fixed
k, now to find soemthing to do to shake myself off all this icky C++.
This stuff is taxing.
help me with Wide :P
Join the Dark Side™
I survived longer ..
Damn - i am yet to survive that long
my grandma is turning 102 in a couple of months
you remind me of someone ...
I remind you?
I'm interested now tho -
It shall forever remain a mystery
for User17 does not respond :/
meh. back to reverse engineering :/
You can never be wrong when you are appearing to be mysterious :x
it's interesting that so many people here are about 26-27 y.o.
@ScottW Ding!
happy birthday scottie
you & my dad were born on the same day, lol
except different years of course
@ScottW Here is few hundred famous people: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_3#Births
@Abyx yep. Lounge<old geezers>
one of the ancient ones, like Cthulhu :)
fuckshitballs it's cold in here
@MislavBlažević That births list is shit. It's really "Western pop culture births, most of which aren't even very pop".
@DeadMG Its wikipedia; what did you expect? If you have any data on eastern births maybe you should update it
I don't.
but nor would I give a shit about eastern pop culture births.
it just annoys me that apparently, random models and actresses qualifies as so notable, they have to be listed on that page.
Apparently notable means that there are popular websites talking about them.
@ScottW One day, I will be.
people like Guido Van Rossum aren't, though.
I assume you need to meet the criteria of WP:NOTEWORTHY
Oh it's actually WP:NOPAGE if you're not worthy of a page.
not really
holy shit, that's so bad.
"Use your Initialize() method to create the GameDeviceManager".
for the first time ever, I said, "I need to know something! Oh wait, I already found this knowledge on Stack Overflow, let us simply refer to it".
@ScottW No.
I think I said earlier that... if both Wide OR and C++ OR give a valid result, then fail. Else, pick the only valid result.
I had a weird dream involving c++
My friend lost his "const apple". When we found it, it turned out to be an apple in a plastic bag which he doesn't eat or anything, just carries it round
I think it really says something about Clang that the Clang API for resolving some overloads is like, "Create some opaque value expressions, then create some pointers to them, then insert the set of candidates into two different kinds of sets, then ask the analyzer to resolve the overloads".
and then in Wide it's like, "Create overload set from set of candidates. Call Resolve() with list of argument types."
Ahh no battery
Mmmh apparently internally GCC/libstdc++ uses some <bits/c++config>, and there's also a <bits/c++config.h>. AFAICT they're not the same.
Oh nvm, apparently it changed a lot in between 4.7 and 4.8.
if Wide OR and C++ OR both produce viable candidates, soft or hard error?
It's still weird in that internally code refers to <bits/c++config.h>, which itself I suspect is generated from <bits/c++config>. Since there is only the latter and not the former in the source tree.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Happy Birthday Scott W. :) :) [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-questions]
:) You're welcome baby
:) :)
@DeadMG What is the difference?
@rightfold If it's a hard error, then your program is broken.
if it's a soft error, you might decide that some other path is viable/preferable, but still permissible.
Ambiguity = compilation fail.
so far, I also decided that if C++ OR fails for any reason, and Wide OR produces a viable result, we use the Wide function, even if C++ OR picked a deleted function or something like that that would normally be a hard error.
That makes sense.
now I'm just trying to determine how I'm going to express a C++ function in an interface usually designed for Wide functions :P
Can I declare Wide functions in C++? Do I need extern "Wide"? :P
I got bronze C++ badge. :D
oh WTF, its Sunday
@rightfold You absolutely can.
I didn't sleep much last night, I'm grumpy
and no, you don't.
if you declare a function in C++, the implementation can come from the compiler, C, another TU, or Wide or whatever.
although there are some unfortunate implementation issues with non-C-style functions right now that I really should get around to clearing up one day.
It can’t come from C if you don’t use extern "C".
Talking about C++ on a Sunday morning, what is this abuse?
How do I declare an external C function in Wide?
@rightfold You don't.
why would you want to?
just use Clang to process the existing C header.
Because I might want to interface with a C API.
you don't need to declare C functions in Wide for that.
@DeadMG Oh, okay.
aw, shit.
I did not properly handle C++ member functions.
or unifying when there are Wide member functions, come to think of it.
now that I've finished utterly breaking everything, I only need to alter ClangType to perform Clang ADL and Clang operator lookup.
Do we need to declare the same constructors from class A in class B which is inherited?
using A::A;.
Only default constructor is implicitly called.
i dun get wad u mean by default constructor...
Then get out and buy a C++ book.
@ScottW My mother is also jarig today.
Lots of people here right now. :(

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