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11:02 AM
Was it not you who wrote about that you wanted a log house?
> Generating and compiling a zillion numerical type aliases, this might take a while
11:17 AM
GitHub support is good.
Sent an email and they responded within like, two minutes.
Maybe I should spend more money on graphics for my current app
11:21 AM
fml, clang 3.2 barfs when using c++11 threading with libstdc++4.7
who has used the mysql c++ connector?
@KevinGuancheDarias a word for warning, most of us hate mysql
Also fuck MySQL.
11:27 AM
Can anyone here recommend a fixed point math library?
Is it possible to say auto func = [](std::vector<int>& v){ /* fill */ }; func(v);?
Why wouldn't it be? (Apart from the syntax error there)
I'm getting this error: no match for call to '(main()::__lambda0) (std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>&, boost::filesystem::path).
That is not the code you posted.
11:35 AM
Was just an example.
Shouldn't it work regardless?
Never post "examples"
Always post the goddamn code that fails, why is it so hard.
Ah, you've got a point.
auto fill_with_dirs = [](std::vector<bfs::path>& v, bfs::path& p)
                 , bfs::directory_iterator()
                 , std::back_inserter(v)
                 , [](const bfs::path& p){ return bfs::is_directory(p); });
Can't this stupid chat format something correctly for once.
And how do you call it?
fill_with_dirs(v, ".");
You can't use implicit conversion with non-const reference.
The temporary has nowhere to go.
11:37 AM
Oh wow .. how the heck did I miss that.
See now why your "example" was irrelevant crap
mm :/
Lesson learned.
i have been blocked with this stupid mysql c++ connector for around 4 hours alredy, looks like i'm the only one who uses it
Don't use MySQL.
Everybody uses MySQL, so it must be good right?
11:55 AM
i have to use mysql :(
@not-rightfold well it means something, that's for sure
Everyone uses mysql because it's present in all web hosting, i would prefer to use the postgreSQL. But if i want to use postgreSQL i would have to switch from "web" hosting to atleast VPS
@atsay714 Oh well, as you're probably aware it's because of lacking c++11 support (did you enable it on gcc? Because gcc has had that for years). Here's a strictly c++03 compatible version should you get stuck: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/4c4a7dab39aa78d0sehe 28 secs ago
Nobody miss me? Good! I'm going back into bed. Stupid flu/fever. Hope it'll be over one day. Stay cool
ok, i fixed the firs problem, use con->createStatement(); just once :)
wait. that's mysql? use PHP!
12:06 PM
yeah doing this with PHP is really easy :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes uhoh - I'm not imagining it, for sure :/
Dat site name: "center for advanced hindsight" - pretty apt name for the science department, too
@sehe get well soon
12:27 PM
I just found an error in the swf file format specification :O
@Ell It means that THE TUTORIALS SAY SO.
@KevinGuancheDarias You should do that anyway. Not having root access is an infinite pain.
idk where I'm supposed to report this
All the bug reports are for products, none for documentation
Its page 19 of wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/… if anyone's interested! They got two of their binary values the wrong way round
I wonder what kind of optimizations related to immutability I can make in Kreeft.
Also, not sure how to deal with functions that accept both mutable and immutable objects as arguments, but would have the same function body regardless. Was thinking of some parameter annotation mutability irrelevant, but that’s verbose and meh.
12:45 PM
I know! I’ll use sigils. :)
@Ell Which ones?
Shared webhosts are oversold and shitty, almost always.
Or I can ditch mutability altogher.
If I declare a global in lua script, and then within the same lua_State I call a script which assigns "nil" to this global, why doesn't the global get garbage collected?
Because you didn't run the garbage collector.
12:54 PM
Or you have some other reference to it somewhere else do I know.
@sehe Dan Ariely? I know that name.
@Ell They're for everything.
I actually did because when I do
my_global = my_cpp_class()
my_global = nil

the destructor is properly called, but when I do

my_global = my_cpp_class()
call_script("blah.lua") -- "blah.lua contains: my_global = nil"

it doesn't call the destructor.
call_script just compiles the file and does lua_pcall within the same lua_State
does lua copy environments so it can't be modified?
alrighty then I thought its something obvious
looks like I have a bug in call_script
lol lua. just die and take it with you, ok?
1:03 PM
@Abyx You're still as friendly as ever, hmmm?
yep, I am
what is so wrong about lua
oh and I'm going to use it with games btw
not some pure clean business apps
poor little games :'(
1:08 PM
yeah games are dirty and so is lua
that's just the way it is
I guess you also like opengl, don't you?
how did you know!
well tbh I don't know the conception of liking
I use what's either necessary or suitable to win
1:37 PM
if I use Boost in a project, but do not redistribute boost with it (or distribute the project at all, really, it's a uni project), where do I put the boost license?
concatenate it to your own
your license
licenses of stuff you use
@melak47 Nowhere; it’s not required.
@not-rightfold oh, so using boost in something doesn't make it a derivative work?
actually, according to the license
> The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
a source language processor.
Oh, wait.
1:40 PM
you have to include that notice
Are you distributing source code or machine code?
If you’re distributing source code, you need to put the contents of boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt somewhere.
It’s usually in a file named COPYING.
well...I'm not really distributing. I'm delivering the source to the "customers", i.e. our tutors
just include boost's license file somewhere and don't worry about it
1:41 PM
yeah but if I do that...and have no license of my own...then am I not putting the entire project under the boost license?
This software uses Boost:
// boost license here
and it's not my place really to put a license on the code since it's a "job" for the "customers" :p
@not-rightfold aight.
effectively a license only applies to files that reference it, though that is very commonly omitted
or so I've been told
1:43 PM
I don’t think that merely using Boost makes your software a derivative work.
@not-rightfold my legalese is weak :/
you need not worry about derivative work with the boost license anyway, being derivative only has real implications when you use something under GPL or similar
Unless you’re distributing preprocessed source code.
But that’s silly.
cause derivative of GPL = GPL
1:45 PM
can it happen that a project A uses a software B with a compatible license, but which legally itself uses a software C with a license X that is not compatible with project A?
That would be illegal.
Hence GPL is terrible for libraries.
if GPL were involved anywhere (C, supposedly), A would not be compatible with B
I don't think so @JohannesSchaub-litb
LGPL solves most of the mess for libraries
@JohannesSchaub-litb That would make it possible to avoid the restrictions of the license by introducing a dummy project yourself.
so a project that uses some libraries can check just the direct dependencies for license compatibility and doesn't need to consider the transitive closure for compatibility?
1:49 PM
@JohannesSchaub-litb yes and no. In theory and an ideal world that would be fine -- in practice, the license in C may have restrictions that are not translated properly into the license of B ... this can effectively cause project A to get in trouble, though they are not directly responsible
this can happen with clauses like 'free for academic use' which seem to get lost on a regular basis in other projects that use them
I need a quantum computer.
Don't we all~
@not-rightfold don't some libraries have exceptions though ?
1:52 PM
@A.H. Yes.
like libstdc++ and intel's tbb ?
LGPL allows dynamic linking.
ØMQ has an exception for static linking on iOS.
@A.H. libstdc++ has the following exception, which basically allows you to compile with gcc to the standard library without inducing GPL gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/license.html
so any library can also state that exception ?
1:55 PM
if a given library uses another which is GPL, they can not make exceptions
that's why GPL is called viral, if you include anything that is GPL, you're automatically forced to be GPL
if the other library uses GPL with exceptions, you can keep propagating only those exceptions
if you ever envision your work to become commercial, none of its dependencies can be GPL or you're screwed
but you can make it pseudodependent if they communicate only over sockets and are not loaded into your program via libs
yes, that works too
You can avoid gpl if it only communicates with sockets?
Technical lawyers must make a lot of money
That's one of the motivations behind AGPL
software licenses are a big mess
2:05 PM
Use MIT/Apache, give no fucks.
wtfpl.net looks like a good license
@CatPlusPlus depends on whether or not you a main development branch or lots of forks
@A.H. If you don't want anyone to actually use your code, sure.
@MarcClaesen Not really, no.
with LGPL it is somewhat easier to keep a project contained into a single main branch
2:10 PM
whenever someone uses your stuff, the interface must be made open source and supplied to you, which usually results in 1 branch instead of forks
Use MIT, zlib or BSD. vOv
No, it doesn't.
a. Neither GPL nor LGPL have any provisions that force people to send their changes upstream
b. LGPL only requires that an LGPL component be replaceable, there is no "interface" to be made open source
Seriously, licensing and workflow are completely unrelated things, words you're saying make no sense :psyduck:
user image
that's what got hammered into my skull before I could release some academic projects, I'll have a look in the actual license then
Also both LGPL and GPL are long and complicated, therefore they suck.
2:15 PM
that is most certainly true
In other news I think I'm done configuring Redmine for LoungeChat
when is the new chat coming alive?
AD 2024
@CatPlusPlus from LGPL:
> The “Minimal Corresponding Source” for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
and then either use dynamic linking, or the following applies:
> Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.
so static linking does require some code to get released under LGPL
Yes. That's why you link LGPL shit dynamically.
Also parsing that one sentence of this fucking license is so much effort, gods.
Fuck GPL forever.
2:20 PM
I wonder what the consequences are for header only LGPL libraries
They're effectively GPL.
I don't really remember the differences between LGPL and GPL other than that linking thing.
I'd just stay clear of that.
Does symbols[std::move(name)] = …; make sense?
Why are you moving strings.
Because I don’t need to copy them.
the linking thing is the main difference, basically GPL always propagates while LGPL usually doesn't
2:24 PM
Though maybe I should rename that, since that's not only issues.
> You attempted to reach issues.loungecpp.net, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chromium cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications.
Oh cool Redmine.
Login and register give 404. :P
I'm changing subdomain.
2:26 PM
Ah, okay.
The certificate will be self-signed, because wildcard certificates are expensive and StartSSL free ones are just for domain + subdomain, and there will probably be more than one.
FYI LoungeChat now has a Redmine instance at redmine.loungecpp.net (also works without SSL if you're a Chrome-using scrub and cannot add exception)
@CatPlusPlus This Connection is Untrusted
It is self-signed certificate, yes.
What good is a self-signed certificate?
I don't want to add an exception.
2:31 PM
I don't trust you.
Why even bother with self signed certificate?
Why would we trust a cat on the internet?
Because I care about encryption, and not authentication?
> Invalid user or password
2:32 PM
That SSL warnings are all scary is just because web users are mostly idiots
Self-signed certs are fine if you're intelligent enough to verify the cert identity without hand-holding from CA.
Cool it works. :3
@not-rightfold Yeah I've set it to manual activation for now. I don't want to deal with bots and shit.
Shall we migrate GitHub issues into this?
2:34 PM
Yeah, but not discussion ones, there's a forum thingy for that
So, only the ones tagged feature?
I’ll do that.
does anybody know any usecases of collectgarbage("collect") in Lua?
@not-rightfold Cool.
2:35 PM
How about the checkboxes?
There's a checklist thing when you're adding an issue.
Well, now there should be, I forgot to add you as a dev. :v
ah yes i see it now
Fuck redmine.
Forgot to add subject and now all the checkbox items are gone.
2:40 PM
It's a plugin not a core feature. vOv
Guess I’m done.
Ugh plugins
This video is so stupid, it is hilarious:
@not-rightfold Works now.
2:47 PM
Do we still use GitHub for Git hosting?
Manager: Cat Plus Plus
Developer: Radek Slupik
I'll have to figure out LDAP later to integrate with CI and stuff.
Fuck Inheritance
A Manager!?
3:04 PM
Has anyone compiled it on linux yet?
It compiled fine on OS X with Mono, but it threw a runtime exception because Windsor couldn’t find some crap.
How much modifying did you have to do?
3:07 PM
Meh. It didn't compile for me when I tried
Only had to download dependencies with NuGet.
Because it didn't do that automatically for some reason, even when I told it to.
Stupid Microsoft with their proprietary crap.
@not-rightfold In VS?
No, from the command line.
3:11 PM
That stupid proprietary open-source NuGet.
I wasn’t referring to NuGet.
What is proprietary, then?
NuGet is open source?
And your point is....?
3:13 PM
That .NET sucks on non-Windows platforms.
ITT Freudian racism
@not-rightfold It doesn't exist on non-Windows platforms.
@Ell Yes.
Argh .NET-compatible shit whatever you know what I mean.
Speaking of Mono, they're finally started releasing up-to-date installers for non-OSX.
3:14 PM
@EtiennedeMartel I though mono took care of that?
@A.H. That's not .NET.
Mono is CLI. .NET is CLI. Mono is not .NET.
.NET is a trademark.
so mono is a replacement for .NET?
It's a cross-platform implementation of CLI.
Man I'm finding pathfinder boring as hell :/
3:20 PM
> mono .\LoungeChat.Server.exe
17:20:16 Components.Server Binding to
17:20:16 Components.Server Connecting to database at 'Server=arch.vm;Port=5432;User Id=chat;Password=chat;Database=chat;'
17:20:16 Components.Server Starting the server
17:20:16 Components.Server Tick
17:20:18 Components.Server Tick
17:20:20 Components.Server Tick
17:20:22 Components.Server Tick
17:20:23 Components.Server Stopping the server
Works fine OOB.
Morning lads.
Now I know your database password. :3
It's actually 12345
@Xeo: back up
3:31 PM
Works on Linux, too, btw.
So your OSX is shit or something
Space brothers ep was awesome :)
kids in our uni still learning how to code merge-sort in java. Pathetic.
Gmail puts everything from Redmine in spam folder.
Yeah, I don't know why. IP is clear and SPF is passing.
I'll do DKIM signing later.
Fuck email.
3:43 PM
Hotmale marks mails from myself as spam
I prefer Hotfemale.
even added myself to my addressbook
Hotmale is a legitimate gayporn website
3:44 PM
Of course it is
Is it possible for a native speaker to tell if someone says hotmale or hotmail?
I'm gonna assume that they mean gayporn from now on I think
Since nobody really uses hotmail
@JohanLarsson emphasis :P
4:05 PM
@JohanLarsson They would normally be pronounced identically.
male |meɪl|
mail 1 |meɪl|
So nope.
4:24 PM
writing spec for graphic requirement is time consuming.
4:38 PM
gah bit manipulation doesn't make enough sense to me :/
use an abstraction layer
Is it you that deals with flash? I get you and xeo mixed up :P
it's xeo.
Ah right.
I'm trying to write a layer of abstraction
but I can't do the bit manipulation in the first place. But it's something I feel I should know anyway
what kind of manipulation do you need?
4:42 PM
Well I have a 8 bit long byte, and I need to take the first 5 bits and convert it to an unsigned integer type
just use memcpy.
I think I have to do byte & 0xf8
Ugh don't do that.
uhm... did you mean "bits"?
Use binary literals.
4:43 PM
@Abyx oh ferk sorry yes
@not-rightfold are they c++14?
Yes and any sane compiler already supports them.
You want (byte & 0b11111000) >> 3.
ok, so...
>>> bin(0xf8)
yeah, Python says that's it.
wait. Why do I need the >> 3?
you don't.
4:45 PM
You wanted the first five bits as an integer, didn’t you?
well, define "first" :)
Well it depends on what you want to do.
byte = 0b10101010;
byte &= 0b11111000;
assert(byte == 0b10101000);
@Ell Do you want this?
Or do you want 0b00010101 as the result?
4:46 PM
I think I want the latter
let me just try something
Then you need >> 3.
0b10101000 >> 3 == 0b00010101
Right yes of course, thank you
actually, for n-bits mask, I'd use auto make_mask = [](unsigned n) { return (1u << n) - 1; }
It basically removes the three least significant bits.
4:48 PM
@Abyx Don't you need to use 1u and 1u?
Bitwise operations on signed integers are tricky, IIRC.
@not-rightfold probably.
@BartekBanachewicz I discovered the Dell 2709Wb on eBay. It is an 27" with an AR of 16:10, which I find quite compelling. It seems monitors like this aren't produced anymore, and it only costs €240.
@not-rightfold last 1u doesn't affect result type, IIRC
Dunno. Probably not.
4:49 PM
It’s better to be clear.
i.e. 1u-1u may be int. not sure though
That would be extremely silly. :V
well, in C or C++ everything may be weird.
Coliru says 1u - 1u is unsigned.
4:52 PM
that "j"? ok.
I updated it to use type traits instead of typeid.
@not-rightfold If both types have the same width, unsigned wins.
ah, right. it converts to unsigned
In Kreeft, subtracting a signed integer from an unsigned integer using - operator is illegal. :P
4:54 PM
Okay. Now I know how to do that to a single byte
Thank you :)
@Ell uint8_t i_don_t_care;
4:56 PM
@not-rightfold Just get rid of the signed/unsigned choice. It's just not worth the trouble. Java almost got this right. byte should have been unsigned.
@not-rightfold why are you posting random profiles today?
I don't get it :/ byte shouldn't have any signedness at all
@GamesBrainiac It’s profiles of people who are new to this room.
byte shouldn't be numerical type at all, should it?
4:57 PM
0..255 makes more sense than -128..+127
@Ell So what operations should a byte have?
@FredOverflow Indeed. I should completely remove signedness.
@FredOverflow Convert byte array to integer with endianness argument.
@FredOverflow writing to a sink I guess
4:58 PM
@not-rightfold Or even better, get rid of every numerical type except double ;)
and conversion to integer/string/etc.
@not-rightfold same in C# I think
Not sure if byte should be numeric.

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