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Would you say that positive then negative feedback is better than negative then positive?
yesterday I spoke a little harshly to an incorrect answer, and it was flagged as offensive and removed. This morning I posted an apology for my behavior in response. His repsonse? "There are many mean people here that jump to down-vote and criticize other's answers just because they (answers) have a minor flaw..." His code allocates memory needlessly and leaks all of it :(
I've had a memory leak for two years
Voting is shit.
@Borgleader You can write shit code in any language.
@Crowz My memory has been leaky for close 50 years, and it's getting worse all the time.
You should see your garbage collector about that.
Ugh programming jokes.
And... I caused an internal error in the VS2013 compiler
You'll get a cookie when you ICE GCC and Clang, too.
make the mallocing stop!
I just got "lucky", gcc gives me errors that VS doesn't
so I can't even ICE it
@sehe Aw, missed you by not much. There was very similar functionality in one of the Boost.Process (or Boost.Process-like) candidate, which was just as alluring.
(note to self stop using btw when it's not btw)
@CatPlusPlus Time to make children.
lol I made such a big mess. I shouldn't have tried creating arrays containing sequences of numbers without actually knowing variadic templates xD
@LucDanton Overkill much
@CatPlusPlus I still love you :(
why am I here so much
We're the last bastion of sanity on this shit site.
that doesn't explain why I'M here...
I set up the Samba share and everything!
Did you look at ZFS?
Me? Should I have?
It's p cool.
Damn, and there are packages for it, too.
@CatPlusPlus The process does seem a bit involved. OTOH I set up that box to pick up a bit on admin skills.
Doesn't seem too complicated.
Crap, laundry still not done.
And I need to get up in <5h
Create RAID-Z zpool on both drives, setup weekly scrub.
@Borgleader ... expands any kind of pack(-expression). There, all you need to know. :P
You should have seen what I tried. Something like int... Idxs = template<int...> BuildIndices<...Idxs>
it was horrible xD
@CatPlusPlus I'll give it a try after so overdue sleep.
Since I need to set up a new Linux vbox thanks to my old one "dying", any distro I should try out?
@CatPlusPlus Do you have protips regarding ZFS and RAID?
You should ask @sehe, I'm new to that stuff too.
I have to get that thing right from the get go, once I fill the disks with stuff I'll be stuck with my choices :)
You should make backups of important stuff regardless of RAID anyway. :v
Yeah sure. It's more about not doing something silly.
Don't use RAID 0.
Just kidding.
That's about as much as I know.
> INF-installation has stopped working
I shouldn't have updated vbox
> RAID can be done by hardware [...], or as software raid such as MDADM, LVM, ZFS Raid-Z, [...]
Exactly the kind of stuff I needed to know.
I think I'm starting to get it: to make the switch I'd ditch the RAID I have now and point zpool or whatevs to the two drives.
the time is upon us.
Coliru is.. going a bit nuts.
It's saying I put requires Sortable<Cont> in my code, but.. I didn't. So when I went to share this for you guys to see it tells me I put -std=c++17.. which I didn't.
I keep getting it now. @StackedCrooked
@Rapptz Sorry. I am fooling around. Try it again.
It should be fine.
Oh okay.. that was weird.
:lol: live editing
@LucDanton Hey, do you know why this keeps getting a linker error?
@Rapptz Have to define the static members GCC asks for (which will be all of them IME).
It can still manage for integral constant expressions although what with passing by reference it's still a crapshot.
They're not defined? :s
No. Isn't C++ fun? You can declare and initialize static members, but even then they won't be defined.
(It kinda makes sense in terms of the ODR.)
What isn't defined can't be subject to the "one definition rule" !
The definition of insanity
How do I define a static constexpr..?
Also, whee, alarm goes in 4 hours.
@Rapptz out of class
like normal static members.
> Every program shall contain exactly one definition of every [...] variable that is odr-used [...].
Exactly one means it can't be zero and thus left undefined :p
That's.. so dumb. :s
@Rapptz Yes and no. Think pass by reference. The variable has to live somewhere. (All of this is the silly compilation model leaking everywhere though.)
Um I don't think a static data member is a variable, so wrong quote actually.
Eh the requirement is still 1+ I think.
Yeah I found the So question on it
Q: Undefined reference to static class member

Pawel PiatkowskiCan anyone explain why following code won't compile? At least on g++ 4.2.4. And more interesting, why it will compile when I cast MEMBER to int? #include <vector> class Foo { public: static const int MEMBER = 1; }; int main(){ vector<int> v; v.push_back( Foo::MEMBER ); ...

Alright, time to catch some sleep. G'night
@Xeo 'night
anyone else find it hard to believe that the domains stackoverflow and superuser were both untaken at the time of the site development
or maybe they just arranged a deal with the holders at the time
room topic changed to Lounge<Zzz>: One compiler bug... two compiler bugs... [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-questions]
Is there a way to see domain owner history?
I feel whois is only the current, but I forget.
@JustinL. Clearly the impossible happened.
If they needed to buy a domain name off someone they could have pretended to be a hobby programmer who'd like to register stackoverflow.com and settle on a $300 deal.
Domain Squatters are everywhere :(
There's one behind you right now.
@JustinL. Who cares?
Ah! Anyway, it is business, I suppose. Sigh.
Listening to AC/DC - Highway to Hell first thing in the morning! With shit like this, who needs coffee?
Weird, it used to take apple pretty much exactly 7 days to review a submitted new app or an app update. But my current app is in review despite the fact I have only submitted it for review yesterday
@GamesBrainiac You'll burn out in 10 minutes.
@StackedCrooked Says the guy who has rubber for hands! :P
But that's not related with burnout.
There will be 2 likely causes for this: 1) I asked a question on SO 2 days ago and apple has 'spies' on this board, which is not surprising. Or 2) they accidentally opened it and it will sit in the review for 7 days like once happened before
@StackedCrooked Well, you're so burned out that your hands feel like rubber! :P Anyhoo, it gets me going in the morning, that and some hot lemon tea.
What about you? A regular Coffee man?
Lot's of it.
@Servant I don't do much Google+, though I often here in this room.
That picture.
@StackedCrooked Well, I had a hard time sleeping last night, I think I got high on Haskelll
That shits awesome.
Soy == I'm
@Lucio Didn't even know that.
@StephenLin I am really Asian, and the person in my avatar is me (with a neighbourhood flea infested cockatoo)
@Lucio You beat Google Translate!
@StackedCrooked That is why it is funny. Funnier for me :)
@MarkGarcia See my bio.
@Lucio Your name explains everything. :)
@Lucio I just thought that "soy" pronounced in a funny way kinda sounds Spanish and that's why it was funny for me.
I'm a simple mind.
It is not a big thing, it should be funny in any way, see the face! :P
BTW, is anybody here that knows how to use Tamper Data?
mmm. I think no
@StackedCrooked Paper Yoda?
@StackedCrooked Fuck Yea!
I <3 jetbrains
@StackedCrooked Thank you so much for telling me this.
Ack. A project ran fine when I left it, I come back, and now it crashes.
Well, that was not very promising.
@StackedCrooked Still no additional word for the IDE.
What wasn't?
Only for R# C++.
I'm usually confused with how documentations use the words "input" and "output" in C++ streams.
They aren't putting it clearly?
dat put pun
@StackedCrooked Somehow, though I think it's more on my part for not fully understanding how C++ streams work.
I know nothing about them.
All I know is std::cout.
@StackedCrooked That is more or less the same with me.
OK that is somewhat a weird diagram.
kinda creepy
@StackedCrooked Unsurprising and poorly kept secret: nearly nobody has a clue about iostreams.
The biggest exception being Dietmar Kuehl.
and probably STL?
@Borgleader As from Andrei's GN2013 talk, I feel that he doesn't like it either.
@Borgleader Not really sure, but maybe.
That situation where he says he is defending it's performance.
He was referring to one function.
getline or something
Yup. That.
Not iostreams in general.
I thought i read a comment from Dietmar saying theres no reason iostreams should be slower than c io its just nobody gives a crap about them.
Why should we give a crap?
Just because it exists doesn't mean we are obliged to use it.
Like anybody cares much other than cout/cin and fstreams.
@Borgleader I'd say that's pretty accurate. In case you care, C++ really had two separate documents named "TR1" (stupid, but true). One of them is a report on performance, that includes quite a few hints (which may have originated from Dietmar, for all I know) about how to make iostreams fast.
The lower-level parts are just too complex.
@MarkGarcia ...for some definitions of "low-level" and "too complex".
Oh. lol
I tried reading about locales and iostreams
I get some of it but they are really complicated
@Rapptz locale is worse, IMHO.
locale isn't so bad
Indeed, it's SOOO bad.
I know even less about locale than I know about iostream.
> Actually, IOStreams don't have to be slow! It is a matter of implementing them in a reasonable to make them fast, though. Most standard C++ library don't seem to pay too much attention to implement IOStreams. Source
found it
Oh, I only requires a sufficiently advanced implementation?
That's an often heard argument :)
Even Java is just as fast as C++ given a sufficient advanced implementation :)
@StackedCrooked std::locales are a little hard to understand, because they sound like they have something to do with locales, when they're actually just extensible, type-safe, heterogeneous containers. Everything to do with actual locales is actually in facets (which are what you normally store in locales).
heterogeneous containers?
@StackedCrooked The obvious difference being that no sufficiently advanced implementation of Java has ever actually existed.
@StackedCrooked There's still the code. Even if they're compiled natively, they're still no match. ;)
@StackedCrooked Containers of objects of various different types.
I thought that was interesting.
But they are type-erased I assume.
@StackedCrooked It is, somewhat.
Not like tuple or anything.
@StackedCrooked Something like std::vector<boost::any>.
locales aren't type-erased, I don't think.
@StackedCrooked Not really, no.
std::locale is actually just a fancy shared_ptr for all facets.
All facets have to inherit from std::locale::facet for that to happen though
I answered this before.. somewhere.
A: Who is responsible for deleting the facet?

Rapptz Am I required to delete the time_facet or is the std::locale object responsible for deleteing the it? You're not required to delete the time_facet so long as time_facet derives from std::locale::facet, which it should. The std::locale::facet is a base class that all facets should derive fr...

@Rapptz I think it's my question.
That. :)
I just noticed an inconsistency in the standard.
getloc to get the locale, but get_future to get the future.
@Rapptz How could a document as small and simple as the C++ standard possibly contain an inconsistency?
@JerryCoffin Also "comprehensive". ;)
@JerryCoffin They are surprisingly (really, it's surprising) really really consistent with their naming/casing
Except for the C stuff.
@Rapptz Not particularly so about when they use underscore or not. Leftovers from the C library are also pretty inconsistent in capitalization (e.g., lots of all-lowercase identifiers that can be macros).
@JerryCoffin Beat you to it! But yeah, I can't blame the C++ standard for the decisions of the C standard.
@Rapptz Yup -- not really about blame either. I'm mostly concerned with the hoops I have to jump through to write decent code, not about where those hoops came from.
The good point is that most of the time, I can avoid most of those ugly parts of/from C completely.
@MarkGarcia I've asked your question before btw, months ago.
Jan 25 at 2:26, by Rapptz
does this leak memory? ss.imbue(std::locale(ss.getloc(), new Separator<char>())); ?
No one answered in chat though, so I looked it up
@Rapptz Pretty ignored.
@Rapptz Exactly what you deserved for asking when I was in bed!
Points to anyone who hacks the Flickr devs' computers to make their text editors do this when you click on anything.
@Feeds No GIFs please. But lol!
lol I'm not binning that
That's actually hilarious
@StackedCrooked The IDE isn't much to gawk at. Eclipse already gives you all this shit. Talking about the video. Really nothing special. I'd choose Visual Assist any day.
This sucks.
posted on September 13, 2013 by Herb Sutter

A reader wrote me today to ask the following. Since this is a FAQ, I thought I’d post the answer here. With the advent of C++11 and upcoming C++14 and C++1y, the language has strapped much of the digital electronics industry under its belt. High performance software, Libraries, Embedded, Research, Web backends, our everyday software, […]

@Feeds So C++ is becoming more like COBOL?
@MarkGarcia Not really -- Java is the modern COBOL.
@MarkGarcia I think C++ will eventually become compiler Java
@JerryCoffin lol. Very expressive languages.
@MarkGarcia Sooner or later you are going to see a generic Object class in C++
@GamesBrainiac ...from some poorly-taught programmer. :P
What are you smoking?
@Rapptz Muhahahaha
The linked libraries in the article look interesting.
@GamesBrainiac Been there, seen that (nearly 30 years ago now, in the NIH class library).
@JerryCoffin Oh crap! :P Btw, how've you been Jerry?
@Rapptz You never know, you might like it! :P
@GamesBrainiac Tired -- too much traveling recently (currently in San Francisco, after a few days in Austin TX, and I fly to Colorado Springs tomorrow night).
Cinder looks promising. Lemme try it.
@JerryCoffin You sound busy! :) Take a break every now and then, code isn't everything in the world.
@MarkGarcia Whats that?
@GamesBrainiac The one linked in Herb's article. libcinder.org
@MarkGarcia This looks sexy
Anyone do anything serious with Kotlin?
@GamesBrainiac I hope it's not only the documentation. I'm pretty impressed with the ones in the site's gallery.
Jetbrains seems to be pushing it really hard
@MarkGarcia Me likes teh pics
183 MB for a graphics library...
Or probably more than graphics.
@MarkGarcia Thats a lot for just code.
@Rapptz ...and the up, down, and sideways of life.
@JerryCoffin Needs to activate Java. :(
@MarkGarcia If you prefer, feel free to use this one (win32-specific C).
ooh.. new as a variable name.
Is that a text game?
I don't see WinMain so I assume it is
@Rapptz Yes -- Win32 Console mode.
@JerryCoffin I always wanted to ask you this, did you have a Commodore 64 when you were growing up?
@GamesBrainiac Yes, I had one at one time, but wasn't growing up at the time (and still haven't).
@JerryCoffin Oh, no I was just asking. I've noticed that a lot of really good programmers, started off programming at a very young age.
For example, take a look @ Xeo, he's quite young, but he's really good with C++
Not to mention pretty much everything else
@GamesBrainiac I think I was 20 when I got it. But you're right Xeo is very good (and he's not alone in the "young and good" category either, at least IMO).
@JerryCoffin Most definitely. But you see my point. I'm already 19, and I feel like eons behind these guys
Not only are they good @ C++, but proficient with Python, and languages as complex as Haskell
I mean, when I look at the talent in this room, I get scared shitless! :P
@GamesBrainiac Haskell isn't exactly complex -- in fact, in a lot of ways it's much simpler than C++. Like most functional languages, it does require a rather different way approach and thinking style though.
@GamesBrainiac I wouldn't let it worry you too much. Yes, there are some good coders here, no question about that. But as much as people like to stress things like talent and intelligence, a lot of it past a basic mindset comes down to things like reading and a lot of practice.
Does that mean there's still hope for me? xD
@JerryCoffin I just noticed that 200k text under your avatar. You haven't even made a sound! Happy 200K!
@Borgleader There's always hope (at least until you get married).
@JerryCoffin "See, that's the thing about marriage. No one tells you about the three rings. There's the engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering " - Red Foreman
@MarkGarcia Oh, thanks. Hmm...I guess it happened on the tenth.
Damn. If I knew you all would star it, I could have made a much more presentable statement. :)
I starred it :p ... If I knew you wanted to make it more presentable, I would have waited :p
Too bad there isn't a new privilege or even a badge for achieving such feat.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Thanks.
@JerryCoffin If you receive a unicorn painting or wtv. Post pictures!
@Borgleader "Marriage, n: the state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all, two." (Ambrose Bierce)
@Borgleader I think tonight may be the first time anybody even noticed... :-)
@JerryCoffin OMG you sexist!! What about same sex marriage??
@Telkitty猫咪咪 He was quoting.
lol, & I was joking :p
@Borgleader hahahahahaha Atleast the guy made an effort! :P
> You MAY NOT use C++ string objects Stack Overflow for anything in this program.
@Borgleader Sorry. I've had my daily dose of those questions. :)
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Bierce died before that became much of an issue. Interestingly, after decades of sexist/misogynistic rhetoric, he was apparently killed in a duel defending the honor of a lady.
I actually wonder: What kind of question if posted on SO would be downvoted/closed/deleted the fastest?
Do you like spam? <---- this would be closed in a split second
Probably some sort of pornographic spam in the tag?
@Mysticial A question on the sperm operator ~>
@GamesBrainiac Hmm... Can that be made legal via operator overloading?
@Mysticial I dunno, lets ask! :P
You can do the honors
what operation will it even perform?
Eject out of penis?
@Mysticial I don't think so. An overloaded operator needs the same number of operands as the built-in version.
@TonyTheLion operator~> { return Semen }
@GamesBrainiac Like this? :)
user image
Well, bed time for me + I have a feeling I caught a cold >.<
@Mysticial Oh fucking hell, that was awesome.
@Mysticial wtf. lol
@Borgleader Was it a difficult catch?
@Mysticial And mooing duck answered. This is fucking rich
@MarkGarcia When I was young and forced to endure a Catholic school, they'd force children to wash their mouth out with soap for using words like that!
I still can't stop laughing. Some guys took it so seriously! :P
Ahaha. there's an answer further down that has:
> These are eyes and not boobs. – Sergey K. Jul 23 '12 at 17:15
@JerryCoffin On a more spiritual side, what they say to children that you'd suffer in hell for using those is actually true!
I wonder if this could be valid: (.Y.).
@MarkGarcia Don't think so, but (oYo) would be easy.
@JerryCoffin That looks like an owl. You fail! :P
@MarkGarcia dafuq
unary ~.
@MarkGarcia lmfao
I thought I was the only one trying it! :P
Thank you. Thank you! confetties
@Stacked is gonna see that and be like, "What the fuck!?!" :D
@JerryCoffin lol. Large nipples.
@MarkGarcia I think it should be of type vagina itself, and not slut
Makes things more accurate! :P
@GamesBrainiac I don't usually name my variables the same with my types. ;)
@MarkGarcia lol
@GamesBrainiac Never seen a woman when she was nursing a baby, have you?
@JerryCoffin Nope. But from what you've said, I'm sure you have...
I'll take your word for it
@GamesBrainiac I guess you'll probably have to -- I'm certainly not going to post any pictures!
@Mysticial No, I think he'll go "OMG, code fucking! Yay! Let me write my own version"
We could also have this operator ~.~
People are scared because it's Friday 13th.
@Mysticial Just asking out of curiosity, how many firefox window did you have open mate?
@GamesBrainiac I have no clue. That was more than a year ago.
@not-rightfold Is that you?
@GamesBrainiac No.

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