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@CatPlusPlus Don't know how that would work with AngularJS.
The current AngularJS playground Lounge<Chat> concept draft thingy is written in JavaScript.
Should work just fine, it compiles to pure JS. vOv
But TypeScript is fine I guess.
@CatPlusPlus Yes, but how about typing? We'll have to port AngularJS with type information (or use dynamic, if the compiler supports that).
How about Haskell. :P
Makeshift bindings for what we actually use should just work, really.
Ok. I'm deleting the client stuff and starting over doing it The Right Way™.
Same repository or a separate one?
For snake, I wanted several different generation modes...but I am not sure how to structure this.
@Fanael Contrary to your earlier statement, it starts to sound like you've never used either one -- and that you've never used almost any other language either. The absolute worst you can call C++ is "semi-mediocre" if you compare it to Perl, JavaScript, PHP, or almost countless other pieces of crap out there. Yes, Java is worse than C++, but still not even close to comparable to these others.
@Fanael Sounds like your crapmeter needs to be recalibrated.
Java is more primitive, but worse? dunno.
Where should I put the client code?
@Insilico Ya, how can I do that?
What will the web server be written in? Also C#?
@CatPlusPlus The majority of the code I've been inspecting the last couple of months is Java -- a few million lines of it. For a system this size, they're not even playing in the same league. Java is much, much worse.
Or Java programmers are worse.
But then again
I don't know, I just file it all under "crap".
Good filing system is fundamental!
@JerryCoffin I merely have low crap tolerance.
@CatPlusPlus The code could be better, no doubt about that -- but as Java goes, it's really not too badly written. Right now it's probably 10 times worse than decently written C++. It could probably be improved to only 5 times worse, but that's about it.
And crap is crap – sure, Java or C++ are infinitely better than the likes of PHP, but they're still quite crap.
I'd still pick Java over C++.
At least Maven.
don't you call my crap crappy, mister!
@CatPlusPlus I'd pick C++ with Java tools if it existed.
@Fanael We're quickly getting into a range where I think you need to look at yourself. Theyre all going to do what you tell them, not what you want.
Fuck both Csharppe all the way.
@CatPlusPlus Maven is pretty nice (except for using XML).
@JerryCoffin I know. If I wanted a programming language that does what I want, I'd write a sentient AI in 10 lines of Lisp and tell the AI do all the programming for me.
@Fanael How many parentheses are we looking at in those 10 lines of Lisp?
@Insilico Beth hundred. Or perhaps even beth omega.
Does anyone know what java use when telling the user he don't have the runtime? Its pretty weird that they can do that without a runtime.
@DavidKron My bet is a loader in native code.
How about IE support?
Fuck IE.
No IE support. Good.
Some basic tier support for IE9 or 10 maybe.
But not important.
Actually, no, fuck that, just include Chrome Frame.
(Unless someone wants to ensure IE compatibility or whatever vOv)
No sane programmer uses IE anyway so fuck it.
(As if non-programmers will ever visit Lounge<Chat>.)
@not-rightfold Maybe they want to chat at work and their company has some insane browser policy
(Quite far-fetched considering that competent programmers wouldn't be working there for long anyway)
You're better off chatting on your phone then.
@CatPlusPlus Screw using phones for anything but for making phone calls.
And yet still better than IE.
@Insilico The nineties called.
height: 300px; has no effect without !important.
What do you need a static height for?
Well, except images.
Now it doesn't even work with !important.
@CatPlusPlus Nothing, I'm just wondering why 100% doesn't work either.
so, 100% == 300px?
Fuck Bootstrap.
I'm wondering how to model the message routing.
You can test how your site looks in ie here: mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/effects/ie6
are you developing on your phone?
Nobody cares about IE.
@DavidKron lol
I thought about having client nodes and routers, but maybe it should just be nodes with bidirectional communication.
I'm not sure this grid system will work very well for this application.
Should be fine.
I have no idea how to position the input box.
Fix it on the bottom.
Doesn't work with grid system.
Make a second grid. :v
zoidberg is having fun with html/css?
Ok, got it.
Now the fixed sidebar.
Oh hey, three different grids all with only one column!
Sidebar doesn't have to be fixed.
So you want to be able to scroll except when hovering the sidebar?
Or maybe.
Oh it magically works with grid. Cool.
Except the width is fucked-up.
Oh wonderful. Now there's a horizontal scrollbar.
Fuck this you can't use position: fixed; on a Bootstrap column.
The three main parts need to be separate.
Does <thread> include <chrono>?
Why do you care?
If you need both include both no excuses.
^ this
All I am using it for is a simple sleep_for on a single thread. I just noted, I don't need to include chrono to do it, so I was curious.
@Pawnguy7 Not necessarily.
@Pawnguy7 You shouldn't really rely on headers pulling in other headers. Just include what you need, they've got header guards anyway.
And it is also sort of a declaration of intent.
"I want this code to compile this slowly"
Sometimes you gotta take things slowly.
Sit back, relax, get some herbal tea, hit "build"...
And take a week off.
My boss is actively encouraging me to take some of those vacation days I've been accumulating.
You're a bad, not lazy enough programmer
VS's build times seem strange occasionally.
Sometimes, I add three files,and it is done within two seconds.
Other times, a line change in one file takes over ten.
Go figure.
Adding new files doesn't cascade changes.
The change wasn't in a header, if that is what you mean.
swap(a, i, --i);   // I just wrote this line of code, and it's actually well-defined. Anybody wanna guess why? :)
@CatPlusPlus I prefer to think of myself as "overzealous".
@FredOverflow Because it's not in C++?
@CatPlusPlus Correct, it's Java code :)
You Javer
I know all about your funny business
I managed to get the fixed stuff working.
Sidebar hides on small screens.
@not-rightfold I use 320x200. Do you support that?
Ask Bootstrap.
@not-rightfold The Windows XP logon dialog doesn't even fit on the screen at that resolution ;)
@not-rightfold I'm such a nerd, I saw slipstream and I thought of this
It's a dnb song.
Now for some AngularJS and TypeScript.
But first: shit.
@FredOverflow I'm watching this weeks lectures... apparently Java doesn't allow generic array creation. Dafuq!?
Define generic array creation.
new T[n] doesn't work, because T is erased at compile-time, but arrays need to know their element type at runtime.
If you mean new T[] with T being type argument, then you can't do new T either. Java generics are not reified and are mostly just a glorified hidden cast to and from object.
I.e. mostly useless crap.
Haha, did you see what Eric Lippert just dropped about dependency injection?
@KonradRudolph link please
This is a bad fit for SO. There is no killer argument for DI because DI is basically a bad idea. The idea of DI is that you take what ought to be implementation details of a class and then allow the user of the class to determine those implementation details. This means that the author of the class no longer has control over the correctness or performance or reliability of the class; that control is put into the hands of the caller, who does not know enough about the internal implementation details of the class to make a good choice. — Eric Lippert 4 hours ago
@CatPlusPlus I mean s = new Item[capacity]; where s is private Item[] s; in public class FixedCapacityStack<Item>
No, that's not DI.
Loose coupling is good. Depending on contracts and abstractions is good.
I don't think I really understand what Dependency Injection is.
Ugh, no, I have to stop reading whatever appears on SO.
@Borgleader Make an ArrayList<T> :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes not allowed yet :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's from the lecture, not my own code.
> Basically, Dependency Injection is just fancy-talk for "passing a reference."
Is that statement correct? :)
Hmm, I have an hg repo I want as a git submodule :|
VCSes should have some common interop model.
@FredOverflow I think that's the problem in a nutshell: many people don't know what it means, and the ones who are sure they do know what it means all disagree.
@JerryCoffin Ah, so Dependency Injection has the same problem as Object-Oriented Programming :)
@FredOverflow Largely, yes.
Someone needs to build a better version of reddit.
Actually, they'd probably get sued for copying.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl ...and call it redidit?
There were some guys working on a "pure DI" language a while back.
No, call it something different.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl "didintreadit.com"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...where everything is a dependency? :)
> Noop says Yes to: Dependency injection built into the language
And they are talking about LEOs.
I know it means Law Enforcement Officers.
@wilx Low Earth Orbits?
@wilx Oh.
But here, the Czech Republic, Leo is a name of a porn magazine.
The association always triggers in my head first. :)
@JerryCoffin What's the difference between DI and the State Pattern? :)
@wilx That isn't legal?
Q: Strategy Pattern vs Dependency Injection

DarthVaderHow is strategy pattern is different then dependency injection? ie below is what you can do with Strategy pattern: class Foo{ private readonly ISortAlgo _sortAlgo; public Foo(ISortAlgo sortAlgo) { _sortAlgo = sortAlgo; } public void Sort() { _sortAlgo.sort(); } } wi...

Q: What is the difference between Strategy pattern and Dependency Injection?

NeroStrategy pattern and Dependency Injection both allow us to set / inject objects at run time. What is the difference between Strategy pattern and Dependency Injection?

Q: Is dependency injection just another name for the strategy pattern?

Robert GouldAre these terms equal or are there any important differences between dependency injection and the strategy pattern? To me it seems like Martin Fowler just renamed the strategy pattern with a catchier name, am I missing something?

@Pawnguy7 USA is a weird country wrt/ its laws and expectations.
It seems I was not the first to think of this :(
@wilx s/wrt its laws and expectations././
@FredOverflow Strategy != State?
Fuck, I meant Strategy. I always get those confused.
I thought it wasn't admissible in court because it could be beaten.
@FredOverflow No. There are also quite a few questions about DI vs. IoC.
loC = lines of Code?
@FredOverflow IoC = Inversion of Control.
Isn't that what GUI frameworks do?
@FredOverflow Arguably, it's the defining difference between a framework (any framework) and a library.
Q: What is the difference between a framework and a library?

anbanmWhat is the difference between a framework and a library? I always thought of a library as a set of objects and functions that is focussed around solving a particular problem or around a specific area of application development (i.e. database access); a framework on the other hand is a collecti...

Windsor has quite nice explanation of IoC/DI that's not just ~~~PATTERNS PATTERNS PATTERNS~~~: docs.castleproject.org/…
It's C#, but I'm sure you'll manage.
Isn't that one with XML all the way down?
No XML needed.
Ah, I see that they now have a non-XML API.
> _ioc = new WindsorContainer().Install(FromAssembly.This());
> The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.
+ installers.
That's it.
Took me too long to set my ghci prompt as two-line.
And there's convention-based registration, so installers are pretty short too.
:set prompt "[%s]\n> " best prompt
I always set my prompt to ghci > (not that ive been programming in haskell for very long)
I'm liking Windsor a lot.
@CatPlusPlus "[%s]\n\955 " is bestest
What is that character, anyway.
Lowercase lambda.
Decimal codes. :/
Yeah, that sucks.
I was wondering how this makes a good prompt fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/955/index.htm
Maybe if you squint and tilt your head.
It's a non-spacing mark.
It would be horrible to get your prompt combining with your input.
I like how fileformat lists Character.isValidCodePoint()
@R.MartinhoFernandes You mean fun!
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is quite sexy. How can I set this as a default, so I don't have to type it in every time I start ghci?
@CatPlusPlus That's the point. They only list the valid ones.
@FredOverflow Drop :set prompt "[%s]\n\955" on a ~/.ghci file.
@FredOverflow ghci.conf
@CatPlusPlus That the Windows variation?
I don't really know how it's called on Linux.
.ghci or ghci.conf??
@FredOverflow Linux or Windows?
homer@marge:~/.ghc$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.4.1: haskell.org/ghc  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
*** WARNING: /home/homer/.ghci is writable by someone else, IGNORING!
chmod g-w .ghci
umask 027 :cripes:
@CatPlusPlus I know, right.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Worked. What does it mean?
Disable write bit for group.
@R.MartinhoFernandes git-hg
@R.MartinhoFernandes fast-import?
@FredOverflow GHCi doesn't like it when other users can write to your config file (security vulnerability).
Your system is broken by default makes files writable by the group.
Mirroring the hg repo to git and adding mirror as submodule is probably the way to go.
Q: ghci configuration file

rturradoI'm using ghci 6.8.2 on Ubuntu. Does ghci use a configuration file where we can do some initial setup?. E.g.: :set prompt "ghci> ". Thanks, Roberto.

lol, should have Googled. It's all in there, including the chmod.
Everything has a configuration file nowadays.
But seriously, Ubuntu uses default umask 00x?
Why why why
It makes me cringe just to think about that.
@CatPlusPlus I have no idea what you're asking. Maybe I should sell some C++ books and buy a book on the basics of Linux :)
@FredOverflow lol homer@marge
umask determines default permissions on newly created files and directories.
@CatPlusPlus apparently.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you liked that, you'll love this:
$ touch foo
$ ls -l foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 rmf rmf 0 Aug 31 21:20 foo
homer@marge:~$ mkdir homest
homer@marge:~$ cd homest
homer@marge:~/homest$ pwd
Are stars in Lounge<Chat> anonymous?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your system is broken, too. :v
@not-rightfold No, we all know who you are!
@not-rightfold I don't know.
They could be. Or not. vOv
In other permission-related news, I finally paid some attention to how Windows ACLs work.
You'd think after so many years of using NT you oughta or something.
I like them. Inheriting is nice.
holy shit. why is pygame so easy?
@CatPlusPlus "oughta or something"?
I mean I should know how the system I use for so long works.
@AriPorad wait. you're doing programming 101 with JavaScript and Objective-C? What school is this?! Must be one of them Steve Jobs schools... — sehe 11 secs ago
@not-rightfold stars are celebrities
@CatPlusPlus ACLs are nice. Silly Windows ACLs with critically flawed order-dependence of ACE's is... silly
What do you mean?
Hey Cat.
I was thinking about something like this for client-side: gist.github.com/rightfold/59cf2fc689b4680bc914.
I suck at OOP so correct me if it's horrible.
vOv see how well it works in practice
I'd generalise a room to a channel/node though.
There will be system messages and queries.
What's a query? (Pun unintended.)
XMPP's iq.
Well, roughly, since we're not doing XMPP right now.
It's a generic request-response thing.
I think I fucked up something.
@Borgleader "they"
@FredOverflow it's a good joke vOv
Cultural victory.
Also, "don't use the STL" is still a valid piece of advice. Don't use the STL because it's non-standard. Use the C++ Standard Library instead. — H2CO3 5 mins ago
oh gawd
not that again
I present, nothing exciting.
@TonyTheLion That statement will confuse the fuck out of OP
Pff, he made me write :effort: email reply and didn't even bother to write back.
@Pawnguy7 That looks like my percolation homework /cc @FredOverflow
@Borgleader Yep.
@TonyTheLion I like that he is out there preaching truth while he's a self-professed C (non-C++) programmer :/
@Borgleader Like yours :/
@sehe eh. He's annoying.
@TonyTheLion You know that "X is annoying" means that "X annoys you". Which says a lot about you too :/
@Borgleader haha lol yeah
@sehe the push_back(*tmp) one? That makes the code work. I simply wrongly assumed he knew push_back made a copy and would therefore delete the heap allocated object.
I finished the 2nd homework today.
And I noticed again how much Java's Generics suck.
I'm halfway through the lectures, I spend too much time chatting
@FredOverflow s/'s Generics//
@Borgleader percolation?
@sehe Not getting replies is annoying. :<
@Borgleader how much Java suck?
@Borgleader Yep. It works by guaranteeing the leak :D I mean, you didn't post it as an answer, so - no real problem
Oh, I spelled it wrong, no wonder I got bad search results.
@CatPlusPlus Depends. But I get what you mean :<
In mathematics, percolation theory describes the behavior of connected clusters in a random graph. The applications of percolation theory to materials science and other domains are discussed in the article percolation. Introduction A representative question (and the source of the name) is as follows. Assume that some liquid is poured on top of some porous material. Will the liquid be able to make its way from hole to hole and reach the bottom? This physical question is modelled mathematically as a three-dimensional network of n × n × n vertices, usually cal...
@Borgleader The only thing you can assume is that people don't know C++. Or anything.
@FredOverflow how much java sucks yes
Homework for Algorithms class is based on percolation.
@Borgleader You mean it sucks so much that we even spell "sucks" wrong? ;)
Java suck
My Javus sucks
@sehe It merely says that I get annoyed by some of his statements/behavior. Not sure what else you want to read into that?
@FredOverflow Yes ;)
@Borgleader I read "cheating" instead of "chatting", lol.
Why would cheating take more time :)
@TonyTheLion Nothing. Just, you worded it a bit more passive than that, and I wanted to verify you're aware that you have an active role there

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