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These are comp-sci students, using a glorified notepad for code
@SantiagoPacheco Bender plugin? Is that 10W-40?
@MartinJames what?
I'll have to google that :)
@Rapptz is that real?
Kinda. Non-white folk tend to get accepted easier into university than white and asian folk.
@Rapptz It took me a while to notice the giant arrow.
@Rapptz I'm pretty tanned, OTOH, I'm incredibly old and don't need uni admission ATM ;)
While we are on the subject or just passed it anyway, you know what else I hate
and other usages of long
long long
thought i was the only one!
whats the point of long long
It's minimum of 64-bits.
I get we can't have int32 because we work in char lengths, but why not some other thing, like int1 = char, int2= short, int3 = int as we know it, int4 =64 bit one, (it's not number of chars, it's the power of 2 progression)
@AlecTeal Yeah.. why can it not be clear? int64, float128 etc.
@MartinJames We have those too (<cstdint>)
or even number of chars! int1, int2, int4, int8.... we won't run out of numbers for a while!
@AlecTeal #include <cstdint>
My fav is char=24 bits. Soundgear
AND UNSIGNED? seriously, wouldn't it be nice if uint was it's own type
std::int32_t, std::int8_t, std::uint16_t
yhea, but keywords are better
You don't have to put std:: on it.
What's so special about keywords?
they are cooler
...echo... why?
please don't design a language with that mentality.
I typically don't do std:: for types (feels like doing std::int and stuff)
come on, was a joke
so.. size_t, not std::size_t etc.
there's no reason really
I do really hate the comma operator too
I'd love to have an operator[T1,T2,T3] so I could use thing[a,b,c]
BUT NO! Comma is an operator! THAT NO ONE USES
@Rapptz Dunno, not using std:: feels kinda icky to me, can't really say why, though
@MartinJames 38 pounds lost now.
also, if you do that as keywords, most editors color it diferent
'CEPT to build a tuple, to circumvent the comma being an operator in the first place.
@AlecTeal Go do perl, you dirty ick bastard
@SantiagoPacheco Get a better editor that colors all types the same way
@AlecTeal Boost.Phoenix would like a word with you.
@DeadMG Please send your GPS coordinates. I still have a couple of drone passwords..
i'll go crazy if my user types where the same color as the language keywords
you're weird
Any decent editor would highlight int8_t etc the same as keywords
do you have the same color for everything?
well, vs doesnt
I did say decent
well, it works for me, and is the easiest way to use directx
@DeadMG Put Daisy into kennels for the next couple days. I promise she will be well looked after. She can sleep with Bailey.
I seriously need to go to bed now. I'm issuing death-threats online :)
I wonder where Bartek went.
Oh fuck, we lost banana-sandwichman as well?
Not sure. Haven't seen them for least four days, I think.
So, PhD, Ell and Bananarama are all AWOL?
It's hardly worth logging on..
Anyway, BFN..
@MartinJames you still have meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wow, Ell has gone AWOL.
@StackedCrooked: well this is new: "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to coliru.stacked-crooked.com Try reloading: coliru.­stacked-­crooked.­com"
Reddit DDOS.
It's on the front page of /r/programming
I prefer the "reddit-hug-of-death" formulation
lol this is on proggit too
A: How do JavaScript closures work?

Jacob SwartwoodI'm a big fan of analogy and metaphor when explaining difficult concepts, so let me try my hand with a story. Once upon a time: There was a princess... function princess() { She lived in a wonderful world full of adventures. She met her Prince Charming, rode around her world on a unicorn, ba...

TIL Closures are confusing
Sorry, . We don't really appreciate link dumping for help.
is a question I am using to complete a recursive function
@Rapptz He went to Spain for some holiday or someshit.
on the answer listed first, how does the for loop work when it is ended before any calculations with a semicolon
> inferiority to exceptions
This guy...
@Xeo ?
Ah yeah. Cplusplusdeveloper is a very strange guy.
Guys you know how sometimes answers (or the number of answers to a question) has a green box around it
What does that denote?
Is it the accepted answer?
No, sometimes the question has no answers
It's not if I've visited it or not
Wait, nevermind, yellow text in green means accepted answer, I think.
Q: What do the colors on Stack Overflow mean?

Justin StandardIn Stack Overflow there are many color codes. Sometimes the number of votes on a question is highlighted with certain colors. Sometimes the background of the question or answer text is highlighted. What do these colors mean? Return to FAQ Index

Thanks @Pawnguy7
@Xeo They complain about shared_ptr and then complain unique_ptr doesn't have sharing capabilities?
@AlecTeal means upvoted
Means "has ansers"
Oh wait, in the general question list
I have white text with a green box. I don't know where yellow text came from.
Oh, never mind.
Think it would be interesting to have a bunch of pictures (say, that can easily be viewed side-by-side) of code? Like, I notice, there is a distinct visual to it, both in the syntax coloring, but also the style of the code itself. I like looking at such things, but I don't know if it is just me.
Can someone please tell me what does the "POD" abbreviation stand for? Like "POD class members"? I guess something like "Primitive ------- data"?
I want to say Plain Old Data.
It is.
Q: What are POD types in C++?

ceretullisI've been following SO for a bit now, and I've come across this term POD-type a few times... what does it mean?

great, thanks @Pawnguy7
How do you figuratively create a makefile?
@Borgleader Think about it for a bit.
Wheee, almost 4am
Is Coliru down?
I should head to sleep for any hope of waking up before my train leaves. G'night.
@MarkGarcia reddit-hug-of-death, likely
Good night.
@Xeo What?! Most probably someone linked some code or Coliru itself.
cppreference has Coliru "built-in" now, and the reddit post about that is on the frontpage of r/programming
Think I will be able to make snake the fourth time around?
probably not
but when you utterly balls it up, you'll learn well from why it failed.
that's what I did, anyway.
I shudder to think of some of the code I wrote.
Would it be wise to make it as much of a clone as possible?
I'd say so.
the clearer you are about what you want, the easier it's going to be.,
Thats what I was thinking. I had this fancy idea about making it not all in one view, but that is probably not a good thing to try.
you don't want to get mixed-up requirements and write bad stuff because you don't know what you want, and then confuse that with writing bad code because you can't write good code.
@Pawnguy7 Snake as in the Nokia game?
I think so. The arcade one, anyway. I think it was on some phones.
just keep it as simple as possible.
when it works, and you're happy with the code, then you can be happy and add some new features.
That seems wise.
Cubes cube, cube cubes cube cube! stackoverflow.com/q/18478196/764357
That is bizarre.
This question appears to be off-topic because it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense — ceejayoz 14 mins ago
love it.
@LegoStormtroopr lol
@Mysticial The cube made absolutely no cube, how are you supposed to cube such a cube cube?
The OP has an acube syndrome.
How do you forward declare a class in a namespace?
So apparently my sister has been texting me once a second for the last how long and my phone got turned off somehow.
namespace blah { class bob; }
lol. That was straightforward.
@NeilKirk thanks
A: Clarify the Populist badge description

jmac Given Unaccepted Answer U, Accepted Answer A: U.Score > A.Score x 2, while A.Score > 10 Screw it. Just post the real code. People will have a better chance at understanding it than this convoluted English thing.

^^ lol
I was making a particle thing - ok, a manager - basically, particles would have an update() and draw() methods. It would call these, as well as add/remove particles (I was thinking, the update method can return a bool, true when it "died", for example). I am not sure how to add them properly, though, and deal with scoping. I considered making a copy of what is passed, but I don't know what type it would be. Any ideas? Passing an enum seems messy.
Well, I think someone at Riot tripped on a cable.
Anyone up for an opencv question?
@hipplar Are you new here? If so, read this.
Wow, Rust actually does seem pretty cool.
lol, "c++" is not valid english.
fuck them
Aww, PHP is slightly more positive than negative.
@DeadMG I don't know if "cpp" is actually "C++" in the result: whatdoestheinternetthink.net/cpp
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm?
@Borgleader You know, when everyone keeps disconnecting in a game?
Oh... Yeah that sucks.
Ooh wait I have one.
Your momma's so fat her weight overflows the type you use to hold it.
Watch that be a common one :p
It is common.
@EtiennedeMartel That always happens to me.
If your mom had wheels, she would make a fine bus.
@chris , that's not as "cool", though — Marshall Mathers 1 min ago
What's not cool about using the algorithm instead of making an inferior version?
Wow, thanks a lot chat lol
@MarshallMathers clear code >>>>>>> "cool" code. — Borgleader 21 secs ago
@chris C Hacker syndrome
Umm, I just learned that everyone is now raging at Anita Sarkeesian because she took footage from Let's Play videos and didn't credit anyone for any of them.
isn't she the one who wanted to do that video about sexism in gaming?
and everyone raged?
I wonder what happened to ThePhD.
He's not on Steam or anything
@DeadMG Yeah, but this came up as an issue separate from just "omg she posted another video".
@chris Yeah, I just didn't remember who she was.
@Rapptz It's only been one work night. My first guess would be something about being late for work.
This is suspicious ... thePhd was pretty much on 24/7 right before he went to the UK. Then he spent 2 nights with Tony, went back to the U.S. spent less and less time here, then deleted his account altogether.
could not but wonder what did @Tonythelion do to him that weekend ...
I don't think I posted this here. I don't know whether it's NSFW, but if your boss walks in and sees it, you're going to have an awkward conversation.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 It was the lion in the ballroom with the candlestick.
> Actually, my first thought was "Wow! They ported a C++ compiler to javascript!". I am somewhat disappointed that it is all done on the server side.
now now
Congrats on being reddit hugged-to-death
@Rapptz Just woke up to see Coliru is down. Had to reboot the server.
Normally it should be able to handle this. It might become unresponsive for a little time, but it should come back after that.
XNA must be popular as hell.
Haven't figured out yet how that comes.
@Rapptz XNA? Never heard of it.
@StackedCrooked Microsoft tools for game developers.
Yeah, just read the wiki :)
It's dead but I guess people still like it.
you are contradicting yourself - at first you said it is as popular as hell, then you mentioned it's dead
dead as in Microsoft no longer develops or "supports" it.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 necrophilia
But if it is as popular as hell, then microsoft should be able to make money out of it. Microsoft decided to no longer support it, so it is probably still used in places but not all that popular.
@StackedCrooked sometimes I wonder whether the prince who kissed the sleeping beauty was a necrophilia
Good quesiton.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I don't know (or really care) why Microsoft decided to drop XNA but you'd be fooling yourself if you didn't think it is popular within indie game developers.
Oh. cppreference can be read as "cp preference"
That's weird.
Well, I am not a windows games developer so I wouldn't know ...
Well it's used for Windows Phone, Xbox, and Windows so I'm betting that's one reason why it's popular.
^ Analytics for Coliru.
lol, people kept on trying when it is down :p
Could you do virtual ~Base() = default?
GCC doesn't complain but I don't know if it's valid.
Okay.. weird.
The C++11 draft N3092 says I can't but the C++14 draft and C++11 draft N3376 says I can.
@Rapptz Correct -- it's about as popular as hell. IOW, everybody in their right mind avoids it like the plague that it is.
I'm gonna go with.. I can do = default there..
N3092 is 2010 anyway..
defaulted functions sucked back then.. can't be non-public, constexpr, virtual, or explicit.
@Rapptz Yes.
@JerryCoffin You know, it surprisingly looks pretty sane to me.
Otherwise just use {}.
As far as game development shit goes, it's definitely not bad.
@Rapptz Why Rapptz, I had no idea you were so old!
were so old?
sounds like he became younger since ...
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Nope -- just one of those oddities of English.
What happened to thePhd? Thought he planned to visit you?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Me? First I heard of it.
Umm ... first he mentioned he was going to visit you, then he disappeared, now you denied he ever planned to visit you ...
all sound very suspicious >_<
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Hmm...I sure hope he wasn't the guy who ran away screaming when my alter-ego the wasp stung him....
I guess if I were stung by an 8-foot tall wasp I might be tempted to hide for a few days too though...
Oh hey, I just realised meta actually listened to our request.
Hmmm....was just fiddling with the "whatdoestheinternetthing" site linked in the starboard. The results seem somewhat...odd, to put it mildly. For example, geek vs. geeks.
it is like saying person vs people
working for the person != working for the people
@JerryCoffin this can't be right, try the term "smartass"
lol, love the randomness on this site: hooker vs whore
@Rapptz yep. Someone should take a look at the tag wiki for that and for`, to clarify both
Apparently it happened because the generics tag wiki said that generics were the same as generic programming
so I made some quick changes to it to get rid of the worst nonsense, but if someone has time to improve on it, that might be a good idea
lol why is there a mini-rant about std::vector<bool> on there
It seems so out of place
um, cbf checking, I think I mentioned it as an example of the specialization you can do with generic programming, and which is not doable with generics. I didn't intend for that to be a rant (unless someone else edited it and fleshed it out into a proper rant? :P)
but like I said, I whipped it up in 5 minutes or so on my way to somewhere else. So it probably could use some a few edits ;)
Well I did say mini-rant, it was basically like "Unlike C++, you can't specialize generics (which is misused very badly with std::vector<bool>)"
ah :)
main thing was that I wanted an example, to make sure the next person editing this wouldn't just go "these differences aren't important, generics is the same as generic programming, I'm gonna recreate the synonym mapping"
@StackedCrooked how does it count? different IPs or is it a new call each time I try to compile something? ;-)
it would probably be a good idea to select a better example
iterator traits for pointers, perhaps?
@jalf Yeah you actually have that in the end
I think the write up is pretty good.
Remove the bits you don't like then :)
Looking at the history, has been mentioned synonymously with since its inception.
@Rapptz yeah, that's what I found out too. Then apparently someone read that later, and proposed the synonym
oh btw, it would be nice if some of the haskell people could look over it too, since I don't know enough about haskell type classes and their flavor of GP
They use type-classes, not generics
though they have a similar thing to it I guess
I know that much. :) But I've been told that people consider that to be generic programing too
@Rapptz Hmm.
@jalf There's stuff there like genericLength etc
I'd say that a function id :: a -> a is quite generic.
augh, plinks are back
@not-rightfold Yeah (second sentence)
What plinks?
Google Hangouts y u no work.
Morning people I don't love
greetings from the people that don't love you either ;)
@AlecTeal 20 minutes into the new day, and I'm already unloved. Ah, woe is me! If I weren't listening to Oh Darling, I'd feel depressed. But, who could feel depressed listening to Supertramp?
Love you too sweetie, and I don't know,I don't listen to hipster crap
@JerryCoffin do you need to be loved by everybody? Is being liked not enough? :P
At one stage I was contented to be hated by everyone being the elitest troll on the internet ... at least they expressed hatre on daily level, so I assumed it was true hate
@ArneMertz I need to feel constant assurance that even matter caught in giant black holes from which nothing else can escape are still sending giant waves of love my way at all times.
++c ftw
Ah, but now the iPod has moved on to playing Fantasia Suite for Two Guitars. When I saw them live, it really did depress some of the audience -- at least one guy walked out seriously offering to give away his guitar because he was so inferior he was just giving up.
@AlecTeal If you're talking about Suptertramp, it hasn't been "hip" in at least three decades...
Sometimes I am surprised to be contacted by people I have not talked to for years
But I guess if it was true hate, it is a bit hard to forget
Ah hey.
A: C++: Can a macro expand "abc" into 'a', 'b', 'c'?

user1653543A solution based on Sylvain Defresne's response above is possible in C++11: #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp> template <unsigned int N> constexpr char get_ch (char const (&s) [N], unsigned int i) { return i >= N ? '\0'...

This is pretty neat.
even though people who contacted me recently never confessed their hate towards me
Oh wait, maybe they liked me? How weird that must feel ...
A: C++: When to use References vs. Pointers

Tom van den BroekJust putting my dime in. I just performed a test. A sneeky one at that. I just let g++ create the assembly files of the same mini-program using pointers compared to using references. When looking at the output they are exactly the same. Other than the symbolnaming. So looking at performance (in a...

^^ Not sure if that's worth keeping.
quite a few people who I have not talked to for ages contacted me recently ... and they have no connection to each other, all the weirder
@Mysticial Not sure it really adds much, but don't see much to really justify deleting either.
@JerryCoffin I saw that, but I think that macro (in the answer) is simpler (as far as presentation, obviously it'll be a mess when you look at the actual Boost.PP macros).
Fucking XML.
@Rapptz Yeah -- thus the "arguably". I'd say the macro looks a bit neater, but is uglier internally. The boost::mpl version may not look quite as nice externally, but strikes me as less magical/more understandable.
mpl libs is insane.
@Rapptz I certainly can't argue that.
Won't lie, but I find them amazing/cool.
@Rapptz That too -- but insane nonetheless.
@JerryCoffin awww cute :P
How does multi-char literals work?
Isn't 'stuff' UB?
@ArneMertz Not really -- I'm pretty sure it's been at least 40 years since even my mother would have claimed that I qualified as "cute".
well, you can reset that counter now :P
@Rapptz §2.14.3,1: "A multicharacter literal has type int and implementation-defined value."
@Rapptz Implementation defined, not undefined (for what little comfort that might supply).
@ArneMertz That's arguably worse
So how does mpl::string deal with multi-char literals if it's IB?
why would IB be worse than UB?
@ArneMertz I guess they're "equivalent" really. You still have no control over it (especially in the context I'm talking about)
boost::mpl::string<'Hell','o Wo','rld!'> <--
@Rapptz it deals with them - nonportably
It says they have to be split up into 4 characters each.
@Rapptz what does it give whe you say boost::mpl::string<2553, -56634, 1>?
I don't know, I don't use it. I'm just curious.
@Rapptz ah now I understand. Those are supposed to actually work?
maybe they found that common compilers translate up-to-4-char literals to the same integer values
@Rapptz Even though its IDB, the reality is that almost the only real variation is whether they're treated as little-endian or big-endian.
So what's the value of 'Hell'?
typically speaking
apparently they handle that stuff by lots of bit-twiddling macros:
I honestly would not dive into the details of that - it would inflict major pain on the unprepaired brain.
Diving into Boost implementations is fun
hmm.. I wonder if I should leave my PC here on to connect via RDP from Berlin
@ArneMertz Hm, ugly.
@Xeo depends. Not if they use tons of BOOST_PP_* macros
huh... it's seems like Google's reaction to me wanting to use 'thecoshman' on youtube is 'have a new account'
So true story
This morning a woman fell of her horse, cracked her rips, a kind passer by let her sit in his car while she waited for the emergency services
The emergency services arrived and broke 2 doors and peeled back the roof of the car to get her out.
Hello everyone.
@AlecTeal to be fair, she really should have stayed lying down. She could easily have broken her spine. She could have taken a rather minor 'just keep you still till it it healed a bit' and turned it into a 'yeah, you are paralised from the neck down and will no longer have any bladder control'
@ScottW Fuck off, she's in the other Lounge

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