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that was the original question fammit
So, there's your XY problem. You wanted to center your cursor line
@sehe excuse me for not being extremely proficient in text editor terminology
You don't need to be
You merely misstated your question
You failed to adequately formulate your problem statement
@BartekBanachewicz So you don't know the difference between scrolling and panning? That sounds painful for a graphics dev :)
> Careful: If caps-lock is on, this command becomes "ZZ": write buffer and exit!
don't understand why you'd use vim anyway
It's very easy to use with keyboard only
@BartekBanachewicz But that never happens, because CapsLock is never on (it's remapped to be Esc anyways)
@BartekBanachewicz so is a driving game
@LightnessRacesinOrbit But that's hard to write programs with
also I like powerline :v
and I have Lua syntax checker that works when I type.
@sehe ohai bear :)
@Borgleader moaning
@BartekBanachewicz I like how random non-unique features can sell a program.
Yay for the human condition
@sehe my friend posted something a'la Powerline for ZSH
that looked really nice.
@BartekBanachewicz The king of Belgium recently abdicated
(in case it wasn't obvious: powerline eye candy, meh)
@sehe I don't see why I should hide appreciation for visual beauty of the software I am using
Who said you should?
you said it nearly like I should feel ashamed I am liking vim because of how powerline looks
w/o writing a ton of "better" reasons first, presumably
Sorry about that. I'm not sure I'm responsible, though.
can I get some advice? if management initiate a restructure and tell you your title is not in the new structure, but then after the feedback gate closes the manager employ someone new with the title they said didn't exist in the restructure... and you told the head of the dept. that demotivated you, is that really that bad?
no biggie :P
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, that bewildered me, for a brief moment :)
@JeremyThompson what.
@sehe Like German.
I know and if you said that you told the Head you thought your manager did a good job and were no way reprimanding her but just letting mgt, just saying cos she was new she didn't realise what I went through to be promoted to that "Solution Designer" title
@JeremyThompson What is the question? Whether the thing is bad or you "telling the h o/t dept. that it demotivated you"? The first: mildly (it happens), the second, of course not. It's your feeling. If you can't tell them about it, your relationship is screwed anyways
yeah thanks sehe
@JeremyThompson Dude you're getting more and more confusing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. Nice, I didn't see it got stars
that answer it
Sentences of the form "If you said that you told ..." don't help.
@JeremyThompson Try typing only 1 thought at once. And taking about 1.5x the time per word to formulate :)
@JeremyThompson E.g. what did you mean there? ("that answers it", "then answer it", "... than answer it"? Sentences, dude, it helps)
^ irony intended
work drama is nothing compared to the fact that I suddenly saw my female colleague from high school got married. Scrolled down a bit and saw she's pregnant.
I wanted to date her once but she refused :v I guess that's another lucky turnout.
well then, plenty of drama this morning
I'm happy you guys are all doing good. :P
@BartekBanachewicz If you could tell by scrolling down, she must be heavily pregnant.
@TonyTheLion mhm, just finished ex 13 :)
@MartinJames she added a Fb "life event" for that
@sehe I missed the reference.
@BartekBanachewicz for which party?
@BartekBanachewicz Oh! Maybe I misunderstood :)
@sehe for no party. For coffee :v
@BartekBanachewicz You Dexter now?
@BartekBanachewicz Is this related to the Tea Party, in any way?
Ok, keyword 'coffee', found in list, case-switch to coffee;croissants;break;
props if you get that one
yesterday, by sehe
@DeadMG pinning that!
^ I like that I didn't even have to
@BartekBanachewicz she never answers
@sehe I am getting more confused with every reply
@sehe nah. Hint: those are X-es. :) If you didn't watch the movie (which is very Bartek-ish), then it will be meaningless.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh I know what this refers to
god damn it ¬_¬
Work's git server forbids me from deleting remote branches
@Borgleader h5!
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't watch it. I don't watch much tally (<-- git'it?)
I haven't seen the movie either yet, but I plan to. :)
@sehe "tally"? (I feel so retarded for not getting those references/words)
@thecoshman and rightly so, I'd say. (Also, you did try git push branch: or git fetch --prune right)
Ramona wants you to watch it! :3
@sehe It's from Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
@sehe no I did not, just git push origin :remoteBranchThatIsNoLongerNeededWhyShouldINotBeAbleToDoItThisWay
ZOMGERD!!! My right foot feels like its being cut open with a chainsaw. Arghhhhhh
@BartekBanachewicz I really should, I think it's on netflix too...
@TonyTheLion has it?
@thecoshman oh, I reversed the direction of :there; looks like you indeed don't have purrrrmissions
@thecoshman Why are you changing published history?
> feels like
@TonyTheLion Flees?
Jul 24 at 14:52, by Bartek Banachewicz
robot knows all nerdy things I know.
@R.MartinhoFernandes a remote isn't necessarily published
@TonyTheLion =/
@TonyTheLion Step 1) verify the presence of a chainsaw in the vicinity of right foot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not... I just want to close that branch so it is no longer being used. It has been merged
> feels like
@TonyTheLion I feel hunger when I am hungry
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is there a strong smell of 2-stroke oil?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Poppler called, to say it's more like... falsify
WTF is wrong with you people. That was supposed to be an analogy of how much it hurts
is that so hard to understand???
@TonyTheLion We don't have much experience with chainsaw auto-mutilation
@thecoshman Yea, what is your point?
@TonyTheLion ... would it be too annoying if I told you stop being a cry baby?
@TonyTheLion Oh, we understood it alright; we just thought joking would cheer you up.
oh ¬_¬
@TonyTheLion Sometimes he rather lusts for food.
@TonyTheLion just because you said it felt like it was cut open, does not mean it can't actually be cut open. Infact, if it had been cut open, I would certainly hope that it did feel like it! else you would be walking around on that bloody stump
@thecoshman would it be useful? Would it be nice? Would it be rhetorical?
@sehe no, no, erm... not sure really....
@thecoshman Are you saying that I'm making this up?
I'm not sure I'm understanding your theory here
He's a pirate
@TonyTheLion not at all.
he's just sad because he only has wooden legs
@TonyTheLion don't say 'theory' it makes it sound like I know what I am doing
Whatever. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I don't understand your guys reactions, I will stop trying.
what a bunch of cunts tossers
ahh, it be true :(
@TonyTheLion Maybe you should see a doctor? Unless you had recent surgery and they told you this might happen?
@Borgleader Longstanding problem.
@Borgleader doctors won't help me here. I wish. :/
@TonyTheLion there there, there there.
@TonyTheLion Damn =/
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh you :P
Anyways, I'm out.
@Tony Have you considered amputation?
If you can't walk on it anyway...
you two are having a lovely time in the other C++ room alone I see
so intimate
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Fuck you asswipe
@LightnessRacesinOrbit AFAIK he has, quite seriously. IIRC he said doctors would not be willing to do so...
@TonyTheLion We're basically being flippant/facetious because there's really not much we can do about your discomfort. This is us trying to cheer you up by distracting you from the pain. ... :(
Safety hint: If you are going to cut off your foot with a chainsaw, be careful not to snag any metal implants, screws etc - the chain can snag and and uncontrolled chainsaw might damage your computers or wiring.
@MartinJames "your computers or wiring" - deliciously ambiguous
@R.MartinhoFernandes any hoops, why shouldn't I use git push origin :branchIDonnyWantUsed
@sehe Oh, come on now. I'm fairly sure participating in Lounge chat is more painful than a chainsaw through the right foot.
@thecoshman because you don't have permission to do it
@sehe he means penis, what else could it be?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that might be true
@sehe that is not a reason why I should use it, that is why I can't
@thecoshman I'd call anything that thick cabling, not wiring
@sehe well, if you want to get pedantic over it
I don't. But it happens
seriously, ex 14 was ass-easy
@BartekBanachewicz Why did you dump her?
dupli (x:xs) = x:x:(dupli xs)
@sehe I want to move on with my life
@BartekBanachewicz you just dumped your GF... to just move on...
@thecoshman No, that was 7 exes ago
@TonyTheLion do you have the option of going private? o.O
@BartekBanachewicz and are you implying you dumped her during/just after anal?
@thecoshman you should read the transcript above
@thecoshman It's the same thing.
Clearly you are not the person in charge of saying which branches should and should not be used.
@thecoshman ...
@Ell I suppose he meant, it's not a treatable condition
@BartekBanachewicz Nah. My joke interpretation clearly trumps the mundane truth
@R.MartinhoFernandes If I can create a branch, I should be able to delete the branch, no?
@sehe Oh right. I was just thinking, because I remember puppy complaining that the doctor wasn't very good for him either
@thecoshman Nope.
@thecoshman That's like saying, if having someone's bank account number gives you permission to send money, it should also give you permission to withdraw money?
@sehe why not? What I pushed the branch just because I don't trust my computer to not die and want that work safe.
@sehe true...
@thecoshman Push it somewhere central, but not "official"
@sehe There is only this one place. The repo is supposed to be for my team to work together on the ~product~
(I hate how I don't know the proper word instead of "send" money)
@thecoshman together and personal backups don't sound right.
@thecoshman Ask for a personal backup remote.
is there any git plugin for vim worth using?
@BartekBanachewicz Really?
Is that a question?
@BartekBanachewicz Fugitive, ThreeSome (now Splice, IIRC)
Why are you not using fugitive yet?
To be honest, I still use VCSCommand at work. It does most things I need. Fugitive rocks, though
ok, let's install fugitive then
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's not a personal backup. I am working on the product as well, I am working on my own part of it right now, wish to push my changes to prevent lose. I should be able to push the WIP to the repo, it is where those changes belong, they are changes to this product.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ooooohh... shiny!
"[...] not a personal backup. [...] my own part [...] to prevent [loss]"
@BartekBanachewicz pssst. I said it before ;/
@thecoshman If you should push it to the common repo, it's no longer yours. It's the team's.
@sehe oh thanks to you too polar bear :3 Either way I'm happy with that tool, because it just works.
:Gblame looks really nice.
@thecoshman I routinely push to a network share, even though our company (brace yourself) uses SourceSafe for the devs and Serena Dimensions for the client release history
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes...
@BartekBanachewicz :)
Jul 31 at 11:06, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Fugitive is sliced bread with strawberry jam without whole strawberry bits.
Jul 19 at 16:48, by R. Martinho Fernandes
All hail fugitive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm. Don't fully agree. Anyways, it's a good addition to vim and git-cli
@R.MartinhoFernandes picturing big hail stones coming crushing down, people fleeing the scene
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not? In our official repo anyone can make their own personal branches, which you can modify or nuke at will. As long as they're kept separate from the official product branches, I don't see how it could possibly be a bad thing
@jalf It requires access control (e.g. gitosis, or at least custom hooks). It's not basic git functionality. As such, it makes sense to not expect it without checking first
but still, this repo is for our team, so why is the team not able to manage it. ATM the only solution is say "Stop using that branch, we have finished with it, and it should never have been called what it is called in the first place, make a new semantic branch if you need it"
@sehe huh?
@thecoshman The team is able to, likely. Just not any single individual from the team. That makes sense
To me "and it should never have been called what it is called in the first place" sounds like you made a mistake in publishing it.
@sehe only if you want to enforce it at that level.
@jalf Of course
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, I have my own branch I want to delete, and there is another I am trying to clean up. Both have been merged, neither can be deleted
@jalf I didn't mean it that way. He said the repo was supposed to be for them to work together, and that was why he wanted to use it to backup his personal branches. I don't think that logic makes sense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes its a branch for the small part I am working on... why wouldn't that be done on a branch...
I want others to be able to see what I am doing, it's easier to push it the central repo rather than emailing them the latest version of the files, or what have you.
holy shit I just got a BSOD
haven't seen one of those in a long time
@thecoshman You said you wanted to do it to prevent loss.
Once I am done, I want to merge that 'feature' in, and then close that branch, as it does not need to be sued any more.
If you want to do it to make it public that's a different matter.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that too, that is why we push to central repo
you don't just keep months of work on your own machine do you?
@thecoshman Fire your lawyer.
@thecoshman I no longer know what the situation is anymore so I'll just shut up.
communication is hard :D
inb4 @sehe answers this with an answer longer than this one
I want this!
@jalf tell me about it :( I have the language skills of a fish
@thecoshman what kind of fish?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, let's go back to the code, I have created branches, as have other team members. The code that has been committed to these branches has been merged, and I want to tidy up by delete the remote branches. Why should I not be able to do that?
@thecoshman If it's a babel fish, you should be OK.
@thecoshman that sums up my social skills in general xD
@jalf those putrid 'rotting in the tin' kind those ~Icelandic~ (I think) people like to eat... could be Finnish people...
if this is just a question of the policy enforced by your team on their central repo, I don't think we're the right people answer it ;)
IIRC, in C++ this actually invokes UB due to dereferencing the past-the-end pointer of the array (inside the subscript). The safe way would be &arr[0] + N. — Xeo 4 hours ago
This needs more upvotes.
If you're not able to delete your personal remote branches then it is because someone with the authority to do so decided that you shouldn't be able to ;)
@thecoshman Maybe because deleting stuff can be a dangerous operation and your people wants to be extra careful?
@thecoshman That's Sweden, I believe
On Iceland, they prefer buried rotten (urine-soaked?) shark
@R.MartinhoFernandes how can it be?
Wait, you're asking how deleting stuff can be dangerous?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the branches, yes... well... I know that you can loose track of commits if you are deleting a branch that has not been merged.
Technically, deleting a branch in git has zero risk of actually losing any data or history (unless it takes a month or more for people to notice) (and if it has been merged? Not even then)
@BartekBanachewicz lol
lunch time :D
@BartekBanachewicz Heh! Disabled, drunk, lazy or just having fun?
you are having a wonderful morning, I see ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks.
ungh, qt, why are you so stupid? :/
@jalf what now?
talking about meow ... here is a goat possessed cat
trying to see if I can get QDBus working in an existing non-Qt app, but getting tripped up partly by their insistence that "You've got to have a QCoreApplication and it has to be on the main thread", and partly because apparently QDBus doesn't work, even when running in other threads, if the main thread's (Qt) event loop isn't running
@Telkitty猫咪咪 It is indeed a wonderful morning, (for me, anyway). OTOH, Tony appears to be trying to cut off his own limbs with a chainsaw - something I could only understand if he is an Australian cricketer.
Just admit your defeat and move on would be a good idea ^_^ P.S. I don't watch cricket
basically, Qt falls apart if it's not the center of the universe
@jalf Ow, so much suck.
@jalf You have been intermittently moaning about Qt for days now. What wrong/incorrect/insane thing are you doing with it?
@MartinJames basically what I just said: trying to use Qt from within an application which isn't build on Qt in the first place
(ie. it has its own non-Qt main loop)
For most of Qt, that would be an annoyance, but not a dealbreaker, but apparently QDBus insists on running on the main thread no matter what
what's the licence on Qt's source? maybe a little reverse engineering is called for if you're desperate
Maybe all Tony need is a little boy ... like thePhd. Speaking of which, where are the members of the Lounge wuv club?
oh. I might have an idea
Fucking singletons
@jalf Well, run Qt on another thread.
@MartinJames Good luck with that. Qt throws nasty warnings if it detects that your QCoreApplication isn't created on the main thread
@DeadMG it's open source, so yeah, that is an option
@jalf Sure, so create QCoreApplication from another thread. TBH, it's been a while since I did this.
@MartinJames if I do that, it throws warnings saying that isn't a good idea. I'm not sure how much of that is just bluffing, and whether it might cover over actual problems
It's probably full of static ctor shit.
but given Qt's idiotic design, I wouldn't trust it to work
perhaps it would be easier to try and find a non-Qt component to replace QDBus?
figured that there might be folks here who haven't watch it yet
anyway, I might have a few ideas left to try before doing anything too dramatic
I just need to vent a bit from time to time :p
also their fucked up idea that QThread should be modelled after Java's thread class
So they have a QRunnable too?
Or it only has the stupid inheriting model?
all C++ applications use singleton pattern - there could only be one main();
@jalf I am still trying to figure out how to configure gcc in qtcreator
@A.H. uh? It was damn easy for all I remember
@jalf teehee.
Hmm, ugh, nope. Only the inheriting thing, it seems.
The more obvious design would be to put up with Qt being the centre of the galaxy, (supermassive black code), and put your other app into orbit, (ie. run that on a different thread).
@BartekBanachewicz I can't get it to use -O3 without -O2 and its switch appears after mine
Is there a name for the design pattern in which the GUI and communications are put on their own separate threads?
@MartinJames sure, except that the "other" app is a goddamn monstrosity
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Well, it's a design I use very often. Whether you could call it a 'pattern', I'm not sure.
(Also QDBus is basically the only part of Qt I need)
@MartinJames there are places where this is standard, that's why I wonder it is a known design pattern
I was thinking that Stacked should allow requesting coliru to not compile, but realised the functionality is there already.
@jalf So what? Rename it's main() to monstrosity() and raise a thread to call it :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, just put nothing in the command box.
@MartinJames I'm trying to keep my changes to the main application minimal, and I am far from convinced that it might not have something somewhere which also expects to be on the main thread
but yeah, that is one of the options I might try
having the main thread's event loop be completely ignorant of everything the actual application is supposed to do seems iffy though
it means the gui rendering would suddenly be running on a different thread, and I wouldn't be surprised if something somewhere would fall over
@jalf That's what inter-thread comms is for.
@MartinJames the entire point here is that I'm trying to avoid modifying the application itself
lol, one of the solutions in H99 is exactly the same as mine, tagged "first thing that came to mind" :P
(which, by the way, among other things contains a goddamn X11 server. I do not want to have to suddenly reroute OS events to/from that)
@BartekBanachewicz Error on line 3: solutions to Exercises 11-16 were not declared... only 1 to 10 were. :P
the hope was that I could bolt a small isolated thread onto it which would use Qt to access the DBus without otherwise affecting the application
@ShuklaSannidhya oh I forgot about that comment
anyway, I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with
@BartekBanachewicz [ x | (x, c) <- zip list [1..], c `mod` n /= 0 ]
I was about to say something abouzt fst
@not-rightfold yeah, I was just wondering about that zipping and unzipping
Progress! Something might be working!
how can I schedule a function to be executed at some point in the future? Does it require sleeping, or is there a better way?
If you are using map and filter often you should take a look at list comprehensions.
@not-rightfold but list comprehension looks really good here indeed
@not-rightfold noted
@StackedCrooked too little info ... Which platform are you talking about?
@StackedCrooked which OS/language/stuff?
@jalf Standard C++?
Actually, Linux.
schedule a cron job
How do you guys think about xs `zip` ys? :P
@StackedCrooked async call to [] { this_thread::sleep_for(..); f(); }?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Yeah - something, somewhere will have to wait, but whether timer/sleep/usleep/cron/TaskScheduler/whatever is design-specific.
@BartekBanachewicz That's what I currently use. But I'm not certain if sleep is a reliable way to do this..
@StackedCrooked Why would it be any less reliable than any other way?
The software utility cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. People who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. It typically automates system maintenance or administration—though its general-purpose nature makes it useful for things like connecting to the Internet and downloading email at regular intervals. The name cron comes from the Greek word for time, χρόνος [chronos]. Overview Cron is driven by a crontab (cron table) file, a config...
I don't even know what granularity to expect from sleep..
I'm going to write an abstract class this evening.
@MartinJames IIRC sleep(n) sleeps for at least n time units, maybe more. And there seems to be no upper limit or anything.
@StackedCrooked ..and we don't know what sort of interval you need - 20ms? 20 days?
@MartinJames we do, it's four. It's always four.
@MartinJames It's a general question. (In my current use case the granularity needs to be < 100ms, which should not be a problem with sleep.)
@Fanael ..except on 64-bit apps, where it's always eight :)
But I just want to check if I'm doin it right :)
@BartekBanachewicz I don't see a problem with it.
You could write a recursive function with an accumulator if you want to.
If you use sleep, don't put your sleep on the main thread ... but I think you already know that
@StackedCrooked Documenters are unwilling to put any upper limit on the interval between calling sleep() and the next line of code running because there is usually some case where it can be made infinite, eg. by running lots of CPU-intensive higher-priority threads.
But zip list [1..] is readablest.
today is ignore Daisy day
damn bitch barked her head off for half an hour last night, and then again this morning
> bitch
@DeadMG Is that unusual?
unfortunately, not if her bark collar isn't working
@DeadMG just noticed she's wearing the anti-bark device in your avatar.
@StackedCrooked There will never be. Upper limits on that are a thing for RTOSes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see.
So sleep is the way to go?
@StackedCrooked Yeah. Unfortunately it is often on the fritz.
and instead of simply learning to not bark, Daisy simply learned to not bark whilst her collar is working.
@StackedCrooked With standard C++? Yes, no doubt.
@DeadMG You have a German dog as well?
I would prefer some sort of timer event thingy instead, but no such thing in standard C++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That just moves the sleep() onto another thread.
isThereSuchThingInStandardC++ _ = False
I should check the source code for Poco::Timer.
You may want to consider if you will be missing some of those ticks or not if it's a repeatable event.
@StackedCrooked Just try sleeping - it's trivially easy. Revisit it if it does not work sufficiently well.
@user2485710: Global replacement of the hash function doesn't make much if any sense. What would it accomplish? — Xeo 16 mins ago
@Xeo changing the hash function used by any structure in just one move. — user2485710 7 mins ago
> whitespace
Dogs are smart ... neighbours dogs came to our backyard by push through the gap between two adjucent losen wooden planks. That was fixed, one of the dogs dug a hole under the fence. That has been fixed by a layer a brick under the fence ... the dog just dug deeper & got in again ...

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