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Anybody know who is behind is? connect-r.com
Looks like something wants to build another SO around R, with payments. Hm.
The only disciplines in danger of moving there would be finance and market research. The rest of us scrap scramblers are safe on free SO. :)
1 hour later…
@DirkEddelbuettel whois says it's registered to Greg Taylor: ntf.com.au/people
@JoshuaUlrich That was the first thing I checked too. But then I didn;t know who Greg Taylor is...
A little spy in Europe now tells me: "Eugene Dubossarsky (Founder) and Keith Lindner (COO). "
And we're no more enlighted than we were...
His linkedIn: Founder at Connect R, Principal Trainer at Presciient, Analytics Strategist
BTW Did any of you get contacted by www.airpair.com? I guess their biz plan is to "rent" out experts....
@DirkEddelbuettel No, but then they have C++ and not R on their language list...
and they only cover three of the twenty-six javascript todo-list writing frameworks
@Spacedman Well they came to me for some R (on an ill-posed Bayesian question I knew little about)
Luckily I don;t have time for that :)
Come to think about it, I think I met Eugene Dubossarsky at the Sydney RUG...
@DirkEddelbuettel I did.
Vote to close because of typographical error: stackoverflow.com/questions/24759986/…
@JoshuaUlrich Hi. Haven't seen you around for a while!
@DirkEddelbuettel Yes. I ignored it.
@Andrie Yeah, been insanely busy.
How are you?
Yay reproducible segfault! options(device=function(...){});plot(1)
Any windows users want to try that (in a fresh session...)?
@Spacedman Crashes for me on Win 7
@Spacedman segfaults on my Mac as well.
Spose I should post a bug report... yikes
I'm guessing because the function doesn't create a graphics device the plot tries to use a no-existent graphics device...
Happens to me to. R 3.1.0 on W7.
(Followed by speedy deletion)
@Andrie I was really depressed by how much attention that stupid article got. Tyler Cowen even linked to it.
hmmm well if i ever get the bugzilla new account creation email maybe I'll submit that bug...
@joran Really stupid article. They deliberately use the same code for each language. How stupid is that? I don't expect author to vectorise every last ounce of code. But at least use matrix operators for a problem like this one.
@Andrie What was really depressing was that one of the authors showed up in the Marginal Revolution comments (Cowen's blog) to specifically defend using the same code for each language, claiming that tailoring the code to each language would cloud the result by introducing "uncontrolled variables" like "programmer skill". Mind boggling.
@joran That article got a lot of play. NBER and all that. An occassional Rcpp contributor and I were contemplated an Rcpp variant as well given how poorly R does (unsurprisingly) and how well C++ does (again, unsurprising on loops).
@joran Because you certainly don't introduce bias by choosing an algorithm that's well-suited to a certain subset of languages...
A triple for loop wrapped in a while, wonder how the compiled languages mangage with it without optimisation flags...
2 hours later…
@Rashad Feel free to drop into the R Public room if you have anything about R you'd like to discuss.
3 hours later…
I just helped the OP solve a bounty question. He then prompty used the information I gave him to answer the question. Not sure whether I should be annoyed or relieved... stackoverflow.com/questions/18151988/…
OP is a user* but Anthony answered the question.
Yes, I mean A. He put out the bounty...
Anyway. Good night!
Oh, I missed that one.
Well, he can't award the bounty to himself at least.
2 hours later…
How would you treat a verbatim copy of another solution for a related problem? I down voted the person who ripped (albeit with attribution) Tyler's answer for not just directing them there in the first place. stackoverflow.com/a/24768416/1478381
@SimonO'Hanlon I guess it's a stretch to call them duplicates in this case. If they aren't duplicates, then I agree that answer probably should have been a comment.
@SimonO'Hanlon It is attributed (if not by name, by link) and a link-only answer would have gotten downvotes and flagged for being link-only. I think it is reasonable.
Unless you are saying the question should have been closed as a duplicate.
...since I appear to be disagreeing with @BrianDiggs here, I should note that my opinion that it should be a comment has so far not been strong enough to compel me to either down vote or flag the answer.
You are free to disagree with me, @joran. Sometimes, it is even a good idea to. :) I was addressing the issue of if it was proper to reuse someone's answer in another answer (with attribution). I didn't consider if the questions were duplicates. And, I didn't feel strongly enough to comment/vote/flag either.

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