@joran Really stupid article. They deliberately use the same code for each language. How stupid is that? I don't expect author to vectorise every last ounce of code. But at least use matrix operators for a problem like this one.
@Andrie What was really depressing was that one of the authors showed up in the Marginal Revolution comments (Cowen's blog) to specifically defend using the same code for each language, claiming that tailoring the code to each language would cloud the result by introducing "uncontrolled variables" like "programmer skill". Mind boggling.
@joran That article got a lot of play. NBER and all that. An occassional Rcpp contributor and I were contemplated an Rcpp variant as well given how poorly R does (unsurprisingly) and how well C++ does (again, unsurprising on loops).
I just helped the OP solve a bounty question. He then prompty used the information I gave him to answer the question. Not sure whether I should be annoyed or relieved... stackoverflow.com/questions/18151988/…
How would you treat a verbatim copy of another solution for a related problem? I down voted the person who ripped (albeit with attribution) Tyler's answer for not just directing them there in the first place. stackoverflow.com/a/24768416/1478381
@SimonO'Hanlon I guess it's a stretch to call them duplicates in this case. If they aren't duplicates, then I agree that answer probably should have been a comment.
@SimonO'Hanlon It is attributed (if not by name, by link) and a link-only answer would have gotten downvotes and flagged for being link-only. I think it is reasonable.
Unless you are saying the question should have been closed as a duplicate.
...since I appear to be disagreeing with @BrianDiggs here, I should note that my opinion that it should be a comment has so far not been strong enough to compel me to either down vote or flag the answer.
You are free to disagree with me, @joran. Sometimes, it is even a good idea to. :) I was addressing the issue of if it was proper to reuse someone's answer in another answer (with attribution). I didn't consider if the questions were duplicates. And, I didn't feel strongly enough to comment/vote/flag either.