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12:03 AM
Also std::complex<float> is unsigned, although this behavior is documented, it is certainly undesirable.
I can relate 110%
12:33 AM
A former Barclays director was sentenced to five months in jail for passing merger tips to a plumber friend and getting cash and free tiling in return as a judge rejected his request for probation.
12:49 AM
Hmmm, this one is stumping me, although I have a working algorithm. Given a value i, I need to generate a sample whose sum is i, but whose values come from a set of factors. Higher remainders are preferred. Basically, splitting students into an exact amount of groups using a preferred group size.
So far I use math.ceil(mean size) to determine the biggest groups I can make given any amount of students and any amount of remaining assignments. It seems to work, but I'm sure there's better...
Math.SE maybe? or @Mysticial.SE
1:00 AM
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It's not critical, but I thought it would be an interesting brain teaser for bored people.
@Borgleader yes
I am trying to send a Message over the network. For adding checksum, its said that I need to byte-wise unsigned binary addition of all data
contained in the message excluding the checksum, and truncated to 2 or 4 bytes
Can someone help me on how to do this
I am pretty new to c++
1:21 AM
@Geetha You can cast your data to unsigned char* and then sum over that. Do you have a code sample we could look at?
binary addition, not sure what that means actually
(Also, we should probably need to move this to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/116940/c-questions-and-answers)
(We have some people in this room who really hate questions. Perhaps we should invest in one of those Warning: Beware Of Dog signs)
@StackedCrooked fold over data with |
// but on first sight  seems the basic algorithm would be this:
uint32_t sum = 0;
for (auto byte : packet) { sum |= byte; } // or +=
sum = htonl(sum); // if endianness matters
memcpy(packet.data() + checksum_offset, &sum, sizeof(sum));
@набиячлэвэли Ok then.
1:24 AM
@StackedCrooked lol that's almost guaranteed to be 0xFF
My assumption is that Geetha wants one's complement addition.
You know we;; and good I;m memeing
@набиячлэвэли Why?
That's the usual easy checksum I see when people discuss networking.
@набиячлэвэли Oh wait.
Yeah because of the |=
Probably should be +=.
^= could also work
@Lalaland Good guess.
@Geetha What's the protocol?
1:26 AM
I searched for mercat images, google returned meerkat pictures instead
L5 protocols shouldn't require checksums since they're already covered by TCP/UDP checksum, IPv4 checksum and Ethernet CRC.
IPv6 doesn't even have a checksum anymore.
So that's one step forward. But then they also got the big-ass 128-bit addresses.
Just wait, those 128 bits will be wasted in no time.
Why didn't they got 64-bit? It would nicely fit in a uint64_t. The world would be perfect.
@Lalaland so many phones
@StackedCrooked It's OK. We just have to wait until we get 128 bit computers.
1:33 AM
Should just be a matter of time.
I really just wonder what's going to happen in 2038 when time_t overflows.
@Lalaland not much and a lot
I would bet $100 that the vast majority of Internet Of Shitty Things will just break.
At my job there's some people doing IPv6 consultancy for ISPs and stuff. I.e how big of a prefix should the users be assigned. Seems they are very uncertain about things like this.
daily red panda video /cc @Borgleader @TonyTheLion @ThePhD @Ven @Xeo
2:01 AM
software: built to break!
user image
/cc @jaggedSpire @Morwenn
I think generally no one's lived long enough to answer that
teenagers know "what's up"
@Mikhail The sky generally speaking
2:18 AM
@Borgleader Ceiling more likely than not
ur face
you're face
2:36 AM
yore face
2:58 AM
I don't get the lyrics at all. Yet it's one of my fav songs :D
4:44 AM
@jaggedSpire I'm old enough to say: Really old. Older than me, anyway.
5:13 AM
just gotta watch the news
Who even qualifies to work on these sort of things?
1 hour later…
6:43 AM
@Lalaland nothing
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not (quite) true. That one guy still running IRC on MS-DOS is going to suddenly discover time travel and be living in 1901 (where his ancient computer will suddenly be the greatest discovery of the new century).
7:15 AM
@EtiennedeMartel Assange? I don't think good of him.
I don't think good of people who refuse to answer questions on their ethics
Not that he explicitly refused, but answering with essays that fail to address the point is more or less the same.
8:06 AM
@StackedCrooked Anna might have become married to somebody else. There's lots of allusion to greek and aboriginal beliefs in that catchy song
@Aaron3468 Oh I see.
That'd make sense lol.
Almost seems like the buffalo is a relationship with Anna, and the walrus was Paul
@Borgleader Untimely.
8:38 AM
8:48 AM
Well, I got my molar fixed for 1kCZK. Could have been worse.
> This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
No it's used by DNS lookup.
Maybe the thing that does DNS lookup on Windows is called "Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows"?
They are known for misnaming things.
@rightfold do you still have that scala diagram on variance?
@wilx true, you could have it broken for 10k
9:02 AM
@thecoshman The first time I had one fixed with the white filling costed me around 3400 CZK. 1k is much more bearable.
why is armenian's language code HY??
@Ven "Hayastan" is the Armenian name for Armenia.
> The Armenian alphabet (Armenian: Հայոց գրեր Hayots grer or Հայոց այբուբեն Hayots aybuben)
Wicked script.
^ /cc @sehe
^ Also @BartekBanachewicz, because of the guitar.
what's the word for when you think about something without having personal opinions?
like, where you just to talk about the factual details of something
you have a <blankl> opinion about which apple is best
@набиячлэвэли also, woah, what happened last night? suddenly we have lots of stars and people are starting to follow the project
@thecoshman "No opinion."?
"Haven't formed an opinion yet."?
9:14 AM
no, you are discussing the facts about somehthing
like if you wanted to say what apple is best, you might talk about which is the most resistant to disease
it's an clinical? no...
@thecoshman Well, that does not sound like something you have described... I am not sure but I don't think the word means what you think it means. :D
if you have an objective opinion about something, it would mean that you are trying to not let your personal opinion influence it
Like, it would be and objective opinion to say a film was better because it made more money, but not if you simply said you just liked it more
@thecoshman All opinions are by definition subjective.
@thecoshman If it is a hard measurement like that then it is not an opinion but a fact.
yes, I'm thinking more about the arguments
9:33 AM
@thecoshman research?
@набиячлэвэли are, you posted to reddit :P
@thecoshman objective reasoning
@thecoshman I mean, saying that a film made more money is an observation. Saying that a film was better is an opinion. Saying that a film was better because it made more money is using an observation to back your opinion.
9:49 AM
@BartekBanachewicz yeah true
but, point is, objective is the word I wanted
@wilx this video looks like the guy discovered After Effects yesterday and felt compelled to use every single feature from it
@BartekBanachewicz Heh. :)
anyway I'm on the Rush streak recently
10:27 AM
Does nab's actually come here much?
or does he just stick to discord?
Time to get freaky deaky and nominate places for Uncon IV
Pin plz
IntelliJ + Scalac are really hurting my macbook ..
:( I guess the old one didn't need to still be pinned... but still...
@thecoshman ty, voted.
Why did scala deprecate view bounds... but not context bounds :\
inb4 "implicit conversions are bad" /cc @rightfold
@thecoshman don't be a banana, cross-post that to discord
@Ven ¬_¬ it's nomiations, you boob
@Griwes cba to get myself logged into discord at work, will do it when I get home
there's no rush anyway
10:39 AM
@thecoshman SUBMITTED
lmao "just replace view bounds with def goo[E,T : ({type L[X] = X => E})#L](x: T):E = x"
the hell does # mean
Q: What does the `#` operator mean in Scala?

FreewindI see this code in this blog: Type-Level Programming in Scala: // define the abstract types and bounds trait Recurse { type Next <: Recurse // this is the recursive function definition type X[R <: Recurse] <: Int } // implementation trait RecurseA extends Recurse { type Next = RecurseA ...

> When you declare a class inside another class in Scala, you are saying that each instance of that class has such a subclass.
Is there any actual use case for this?
yup, this is necessary due to lexical scoping
class A(x: Int) {
  class B { def add(y: Int) = x + y }
Makes sense.
10:46 AM
that quote sounds like each instance of the outer class has it's an instance of it;s own unique subtype...
"instance" is a very overloaded word ;-)
so if you have three isntacnes of A, you have four types, A, A1::B, A2::B and A3::B
they all have a different type, yes
Hello. o/
but that sounds insane :S
10:47 AM
> Not to be confused with the Chinese character 井, the sharp sign (♯), the viewdata square (⌗), the numero sign (№), the equal and parallel to symbol (⋕) or the game Tic-tac-toe's grid.
@Xeo where that from?
Wikipage for #
(linked in the question above)
curious as to why yanks call it tic-tac-toe... in UK, it's noughts and crosses
in German it's tic-tac-toe too (AFAIK)
wikipedia only lists the English names
10:54 AM
morpion here.
In Polish it's "kółko i krzyżyk" ("a circle and a little cross" ("krzyżyk" = diminutive form of "krzyż"))
Ahahaha fucking vegans
props to Swiss
In Portuguese, it's "game of the rooster".
("cock game" would be ambiguous)
@BartekBanachewicz oh, you got me.
@BartekBanachewicz to be fair, it's not because she's a vegan, she just sounds like a right pita
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's really random :P
11:07 AM
@BartekBanachewicz nothing to do with veganism
okay, maybe a little :P
@Ell Vegan activism, more.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, just activism that happened to be from a vegan
New colleague doing scala. Doesn't seem to know scalaz/cats – or even Either. We'll see how it goes.
11:19 AM
I am fighting with the Unix command shell, and I am rather bad at that.
oh dear
not a good idea then really, is it?
go on, spit the problem out
let us mock then help and mock some more :P
@thecoshman It wasn't my idea that I do this task. :(
@thecoshman How do I check whether the (multi-line) output of a command contains a line with a specific pattern?
@sbi pipe through grep
that will result in only lines that have your pattern
@thecoshman How do I deal with multi-line text in grep?
Just ignore line endings and search for the text?
grep works line-wise.
11:23 AM
do you need to match a pattern over multiple lines?
@thecoshman no
then you are fine
foo | grep "my pattern" is only lines from the output of foo that have my pattern in them
@sbi Don't fight it. Embrace it.
@wilx I tried to, but it shied back.
@thecoshman OK, so grep will then spit out the matching line, if any. How do I check whether the result is empty or not?
@sbi erm, that's a bit messier
11:26 AM
Still need to be done, though.
You mean if there are no lines matching?
If ihink you can just use an if... if there are no lines, it will do a false block
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
Its exit code is 0 if a line was found, 1 or 2 otherwise.
I see.
11:28 AM
grep -q will supress the output if you only want a binary result.
you can also invert if that helps
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh, that's nice to know
thing | grep -q pattern || this_runs_if_not_matched
OK, so I do $foo = ´foo | grep -q "pattern"´, and then if $foo?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh.
Care to explain that curious || syntax?
`thing | grep -vq pattern || this_runs_if_matched
it's a binary or
Oh, I see.
11:30 AM
if the left is false, the right is executed
@sbi It runs the right side only if the left side fails (i.e. return non-zero)
you also have &&
For more complex stuff, you can use $?. It's the exit status of the last command.
foo | grep -q pattern
if $? ...
@BartekBanachewicz u seen Eta?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I believe this the exit value of the leftmost process into $?.
11:34 AM
@wilx it's the last thing to have exited afaik
last thing in this shell that is
@thecoshman Ah, right:
╰─$ true | false ; echo $?
@R.MartinhoFernandes In that case you can just do if foo | grep -q pattern ; then ... fi
@wilx or simply foo | grep -q pattern && bar
Annnnnnd... I'm back to as many open issues as closed ones ç____ç
Github issues are a 0 sum game
@Morwenn Close them and pretend they were never filled.
12:22 PM
> Bonjour , j'ai plusiuers questions j'espere que vous me repondez : est ce que c'est une programmation ? est ce qu'on utilise des algorithmes ?
got 2 say I love low resolution seagulls
@wilx I'm the only one having ever opened issues on the project.
@CheukKinSing Wow...
@Morwenn Same advice. :D
@wilx No D:
I'll just fix them beforehand.
> just
12:32 PM
@thecoshman Actually, that -v got me stumped for a while. In the end, foo | grep -q "pattern_that_most_NOT_appear" && echo "Damn" did the trick.
Nevertheless, thanks for putting me on the right track, guys – even if you managed to make me face the wrong direction. :)
@CheukKinSing Where is this gem from?
some youtube comment
@Ven lol
Did you just do this, @R.Martinho? Or was this @Xeo?
(You didn't know that would go unnoticed, did you?)
Oh, @melak could have done that, too!
I swear it wasn't there when I just looked. Guess I'm slow at filling out forms :)
12:40 PM
@melak47 So it was you!
How are you, anyway? Making progress with your exams?
@sbi yes, all lined up to be finished this semester
@melak47 Good!
Should I talk to U. about this? (He asked me if I knew anything about this a few weeks ago, BTW.)
There's still the thesis to do, but good to know you guys are still around :)
omg @melak47!
a google docs miracle happened that transcended discord and SO. hi @Ven :P
12:47 PM
I bet on Paris. Once again ;-).
have never seen any pic of unconf
pic or didn't happen!
I remember a pic of The Robot's shoe repaired with an USB cable.
I can't see into your memory, sorry
@melak47 What do you mean, "miracle"? You (ab)used my name and I noticed within a few minutes. There's nothing miraculous about that.
@sbi I guess I could have used "the ape" - sorry. Just feel weird calling someone an ape :S
12:56 PM
@melak47 I would have noticed anyway.
they are usually mistaken as monkeys
melak is domagoj rite?
"Sorry, something went wrong. A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation."
I would assume the team leader is an ape
@Rerito no, I am melak :P
Git gud RTC is so lame
1:10 PM
@Ven seen what
@BartekBanachewicz new GHCVM
@Ell yeah vegans absolutely aren't all shouting attention-whoring pleb right
@Ven oooh
@BartekBanachewicz You a meathead?
not sure what that means
Do you eat a lot of meat?
1:11 PM
I eat meat, like every reasonable human being without medical conditions
@Rerito what's "a lot"
Meat is great
Tofu is murder
Taste murder
@Rerito dunno a burger has 180 typically
so I doubt my meals have 200 or more on average
1:14 PM
I had no idea that coliru.stacked-crooked.com has range-v3 o.0 — Patryk 18 hours ago
Kudos @StackedCrooked
@BartekBanachewicz their website shows they can even import lenses
lol, that's basically everything you need
@BartekBanachewicz 180g? That's a huge burger Oo.
@Ven not really no
not around here
@BartekBanachewicz subtly implying you mostly think of burgers when you think of meat
1:16 PM
@BartekBanachewicz wow. I don't think I've ever eaten a burger with more than that...
@sehe almost: I mostly think of burgers when I think of meat precisely measured in grams
but then again the steak I ate a few months back was 500g
I measure my meat in cows
altough the server said that it'll lose quite a bit after it's prepared, so it's measured in 500g of raw meat
but steaks are like on the very end of the meat-to-other-things ratio
a good steak can be basically 100% meat and that's it, no sides or anything
@Ven the biggest I had was a triple 150, so 450g
1:18 PM
> This is fake - Obama is clearly photoshopped in.
@sehe I, on the other hand, strongly believe the seagull to be the real Michelle Obama.
I haven't checked it carefully yet, but it seems that making and shipping a DVD uses less energy than HD streaming it.
where was that meme
humans are not designed to eat meat only
1:27 PM
s/ to eat meat only//
Tous ces vegans plein d'autosatisfaction
@sbi maybe the way -v works is counter productive for what you are doing. It might be that if a line matches, then the return code is a certain value, but the -v just controls what is being printed
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/designed to eat //
@sbi hard to believe that was nearly three years ago
@CheukKinSing wanna c my meat bby
1:37 PM
inb4 flag
@R.MartinhoFernandes depends on a lot of things...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Netflix is a mass murderer then
@thecoshman How do you know it does?
Every times my phone stops at a debug point, it starts to make buzzing sound. Maybe it's going to explode soon ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes If your computer is coal-powered for example
1:50 PM
> In an experiment, Echizen was able to obtain fingerprint data from photos taken as much as three meters (9.8 feet) away from the subject’s exposed fingertips.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@BartekBanachewicz you can't generalise the whole group like that
you can generalise that no vegans eat animal products, but that's it :P
@Ell They're doing a good job themselves
how to tell if someone's vegan @Ell
are you asking me?
@BartekBanachewicz He asked if his risotto was gluten free
@Ell yes it's a question
1:52 PM
@BartekBanachewicz it's good grammar to end a question with a question mark
You ask them if they're vegan.
@Ell no, they'll fucking tell you themselves
1:53 PM
good one, never heard that one before.
I thought that was like the staple of veganism
Going around and telling everyone you're vegan
"a vegan"?
Bartek is immune to irony
@R.MartinhoFernandes because I am no an idiot and can see quite clearly that the energy to make and deliver a DVD is not an exact static thing, nor is transferring a HD movie file. And clearly you have to consider numbers, distances and re-watching (well, maybe you can ignore re-watching)
1:55 PM
@thecoshman And clearly, it is possible that the upper bounds for one are lower than the lower bounds for the other.
lower bound for streaming a file is gonna be pretty low
network devices don't take that much power
@R.MartinhoFernandes some of the things the answer depends on are the bounds, so he was clearly right :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes but you stated, iirc, that a is less than b, whilst I am saying that the values of a and b are not fixed, depend on a lot and thus you can't simply state it as a basic fact
@thecoshman Unless the upper bounds for one are lower than the lower bounds for the other. Then I can simply state it as a fact.
(I.e. unless they don't depend on shit)
what if the truck delivering the DVD runs into the users internet cabinet while he is streaming the film? :D
1:59 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah true, if max(a) < min(b) sure, you can safely say a < b, but I suspect that this is not the case, in fact, I'd suspect the opposite of your proposition to be true, but that depends on things
@thecoshman But now the burden of proof is on you.

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