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@JerryCoffin well that was almost one of me
but im way too lazy to look up in a dictionary
bad news drums
@sehe what's wrong?
german axe man?
not funny
@sehe i know, i was asking
Still not funny. You can't be asking that. Because what I said could not have been in relation to that. Why would I reference that in such a moronic way.
I lost taste to explain what I did mean. Let it go.
well, i'm sorry
it must be in my dna to fuck up
so do you guys know a reasonable way to stay up-to-date with whatever is going on without being constantly bombarded by politically influenced emotional pandering that society is falling apart and everything is going to hell?
I'm not completely sure why it's world news. I vividly remember a very similar incident in the Netherlands (/cc @Zoidberg axe murderer Roosendaal Centraal). No one ever considered that world news.
Though it was on the national news.
I haven't sought any new article about it, yet. Perhaps that would tell me
@orlp Yeah. Don't stay up-to-date. I hate this tendency too. It's a filter too
@orlp every time something important happens, it's said over here, so that should be enough i'd say
whether it's terrorists, black lives, gay people, transgender bathrooms, the media and facebook and everything wants me to think I need to shut everything down and vote for stupid extremists or anti-extremists (guess what: they're also extremists just on the other end)
Or maybe we should just make software. That'll teach them.
@sehe that's my way of viewing things, we can't just stay there doing nothing, we gotta contribute to the world in some manner
Fine. Nice job implying I didn't do so before.
the worst part about politics is that everything is super fucking obvious to me, and I guess that's the same for everyone else so everyone thinks everyone is stupid and we get nowhere
That's the problem with people, not with politics
@sehe why does everybody read so much between lines?
@orlp It's also the problem with populism: if you can convincingly say "what's obvious to them" - you can bet your ass it gets a lot of votes
@ChemiCalChems Why don't you consider the flipside of what you say?
@ChemiCalChems Mine was a flippant remark. Maybe you meant to agree, but it sounded like you thought I promoted "sitting here, doing nothing". Sorry if I misread that
@sehe because i don't intend to say anything offensive (at least most of the time), so why should i think i'm doing so?
Also, if I point out a flipside or a possible interpretation that you may not have meant, it doesn't automatically mean I assume that's what you meant to say.
> Hi kids, do you like violence?
Geert, get out :0
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
how about
@sehe by the American
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men subscribe to fearmongering and vote with their emotions."
@sehe Geert 💝
@Bassie Hmm? I didn't take that away. Just happy I wasn't there that particular night
I like how the crop accurate reflects the nominal value
haal het weg
@sehe 🤓
I vote everitim
oh please god wake me
best song ever to describe my feelings now
waarom stemmen mensen PVV
What a strange time to start invoking gods
i'm not a believer
@orlp Because it appeals to their selfish world views...?
it's about the general meaning of the song
There is no song.
@sehe maybe
one by metallica
I think the western world is going through a phase
we need to get used to social media
@orlp the same reason people vote other parties: most accurately represents their opinions
and it takes a while for people to build up a filter to all the negative crap
I considered VNL but they want to reintroduce military conscription which is a no-go for me
Slavery is very bad.
@orlp that's not even close to the main issue. Though it does act as a catalyst
@Bassie no clue sry
The main issue would be "distribution of wealth". In a global village, it's really hard to keep imbalance
@orlp the bald guy and the former police chef
I don't think it's bout wealth
people don't care that they're poor
What else
all they care about is that no one gets more than them
Flat tax is nice
Gimme flat tax
@orlp So it's about wealth distribution.
@sehe sorry, I should've been more specific
no one they see
they don't care bankers steal billions
@orlp Also, think big. It's not about petty dutch politics. It's about grudge of middle-east, Afghans etc.
they care about that single turkish mom getting money from the government
not because it hurts them more than the banker taking billions
no, because they perceive it as unfair for some arbitrary definition of unfair
@Bassie meh
Bankers getting millions is fine if the bank is private
If it's state-owned then it's a nobrainer
@orlp i think they perceive it as fair for them to be robbed by bankers because it's been that way for a very long time
they have become used to it
they know nothing else
@Bassie dude the whole CEO pay thing is just circus
But balkenendenorm (oh hi NPO)
why wouldn't it be fair?
don't even bring it up
peanuts compared to where the real money disappears
but giving money to somebody who needs it... well, they feel like that person is not one of them
Goldman Sex
thats why they see it as unfair
@orlp They don't. Also, it's not at all about petty dutch politics
@orlp You mean, propaganda and image
I'm doing it again
fuck politics
@orlp and that again is peanuts compared to institutional delaying and exploitation of whole regions/continents
I want to not care
No you don't :)
I do, I feel like I can't but I really do
can't we all just not be dicks?
We largely are.
By vast majority. Otherwise, we would long have been extinct
@orlp I recently read a pretty convincing argument that staying informed was basically pretty pointless. Lots of shit happens, but you're not going to do anything about any of it, and can't do anything about most of it. In the end, about all you gain by knowing about it is the ability to discuss it with other people in essentially the same situation you are. Is that enough of a gain to be worth the pain?
Just listen to Maurice de Hoax
@JerryCoffin the problem is that with that mentality everything goes to shit because no one speaks up
it's a paradox
adding one grain of sand to a collection doesn't make it a heap
@orlp You want to not get emotionally tangled up. It should be easier if you try to stop looking at it one-sidedly‌​.
@orlp what is speaking up going to do when no one hears what we think or have to say?
but somehow at some point by adding grains of sand you have a heap
Accept that people have very limited views. Their view of the world is largely shaped by indoctrination and innocent misinformation.
@orlp a heap that is blown away by their mighty lungs, after all
@sehe that is my problem
If we stop being annoyed/afraid at dissenting views, we can start explaining. Or start looking for good explainers and point to them. It's what we call "public debate"
Nederlandse Propaganda Omroep
It's really about sharing, 99%
the super obvious part to me is that everyone is thinking with their emotions
that's the key; Donald knows it too, sadly
another guy that has obviously plonked me
@orlp I think the big point is to stay informed on local news where you can and might actually do something, but (mostly) ignore national and (especially) international news, where you really can't do much of anything.
then it's only that i'm being ignored
Ronaldy McDonaldface
that's feels better
imma go sleep
you made a rhetoric question, followed by a seemingly deep thought that wasn't really deep after all
@ChemiCalChems No. It's because you are impatient and need confirmation/acknowledgement :)
I'm sorry for being blunt, but it wasn't really reaction-worthy :P
^ +1
don't want to spread my disease of needing confirmation and acknowledgement, guess that's what being alone is all about
see ya guys tomorrow, and sorry for being a prick
@orlp np
@JerryCoffin I think a lot of valuable influence is to be had close-to-home. You don't need world politics for that.
Christianity taught me that
It's one thing they did right for me then :)
here's the thing
I'm in a bubble
seriously try this yourself
google some opinion opposite of yours
and try to find a legit source that doesn't seem propaganda, troll or parody to you
It's impossible because my opinions are the only correct ones
@ChemiCalChems You can stop being so self-deprecating. You know, people in the lounge are not typically going to step up and say "Oh, chop chop, you're not that bad, we like you;" etc. If you wanna be self-deprecating, we really can't help it much. Just know that I notice it and find it a bit sad.
now, obviously I'm disregarding some serious posts as 'propaganda' or 'troll' in my inner filter
@orlp In my case that's a given, since I don't bother to form an opinion unless the other side is obviously idiotic.
@sehe you don't have to be sad man, there's nothing you can do after all
but I'm pretty much 100% unable to find a legit source with opposite viewpoints of mine that doesn't instantly scream batshit insane
i keep on thinking
@ChemiCalChems Sure there is. I just did :)
we are just making a huge point about this world and what happens on it
can't no one realize we are just a bunch of fundamental particles put together by sheer luck?
@sehe thanks :)
@orlp The solution is easy: majority vote counts :)
@Bassie aaaaand now we have brexit
@ChemiCalChems What difference does that make? It's not one or the other
@orlp Oh - I have the opposite experience. I can often find lots of coherent resources for the other side.
:31775037 "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." (GBS)
You have to leave your frame of reference, because otherwise it /can't/ be coherent, obviously.
@JerryCoffin that's slightly motivating
I can piece together so many very convincing narratives from to many sides. Take the Brussel Bomber testament that turned up. I had real trouble puncturing obvious holes in that. It all comes down to values.
If you happen to value religious law above freedom, then... there you go.
@JerryCoffin George Bernard Shaw?
@sehe racist
@sehe Oh, sorry, yes.
@Bassie What's your point? Trying to drown my real thought in easy noise?
@sehe > The suspect entered the country as an “unaccompanied minor” and lived with a “foster family” for the last two weeks. Before that he had been housed at the Kolping-Heim refugee center, FOCUS online reported.
What is that about? I guess the Germany story?
@Shoe can that be proven?
@sehe typical reaction to anything that puts religions in negative perspectives
@ChemiCalChems It's from FOCUS online. The source credibility is right there.
@Bassie What was that?
@sehe mental note
Mental, indeed.
@sehe yup
it's hard to
in my case, if i go to sleep earlier than 3 am, i dream about stuff
that's why normally i go sleep at 4
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
Interesting, right after our discussion of two days ago
I know it means nothing, I'm just saying it's ironic
Trump's RNC is being shown on Twitch, meaning Tmartn is now only the 2nd most famous Twitch streamer with a failed gambling business
Yeah. Like olrp surmised. We might be in a bit of a media cramp.
You mean that they are lying?
why lie when you can accomplish so much with the truth?
people just haven't adjusted their filter yet for national-level or international-level instant media
anecdotal evidence is doing better than ever
cause finally we can get bombarded with anecdotes
@Shoe Huh
fuck it
lets dream about stuff
see you later
@sehe What do you mean by "media cramp"?
I mean that we get a bit stressed by all the instant news, and start to treat more and more news facts as immediately needing of attention
OT: How young is ChemiCalChems? He seems... younger than most.
Ah. That matches my readings then. Don't sweat it too much. It's good that you start noticing the world of course. But remember: the world has basically always been a mess, you just didn't notice/have to know.
@sehe it's not only that it all is a mess, it's that everyone tries to hide it all for everyone else, and everyone knows everyone else is bullshitting everyone else
I can tell because I certainly remember my share of vague recollection of coups (including Turkey IIRC), murdered presidents, toppled dictators, hijacked planes, bombed buildings, genocides, radical activist attacks, serial killers, corruption scandals etc. etc.
@ChemiCalChems My memories may be vague, but I distinctly know it was there. Just .. filtered for me. I was sheltered. That's luxury/liberty IMO
> land of the free? who ever told you that is your enemy
So I like that you are growing up feeling a bit cheated there. But also know that this is probably a good gift to have received.
@ChemiCalChems Sounds like just another brand of populism. But it's good to look at the polar opposite of your own beliefs/opinions. If only just to taste them.
In time, you can make up your mind. And - even get to vote.
i'll vote blank when i can
no one deserves my vote to do whatever they want with it
don't worry
i'll exercise my rights as i please
first past the post will make sure you'll vote for the one out of the two that seems ever so slightly less bad
@ChemiCalChems Don't be afraid to vote. Reckon this: your neighbours are going to vote. So if you don't, they get to decide
@sehe Isn't that a good thing? Would you prefer not to know?
@sehe i will vote, i'll just vote for no one
@ChemiCalChems honestly
in spain, if you draw anything on your ballot, the vote isn't counted
its invalid
that's worse than not voting
your voice was not heard but you'll still account for voter turnup
@orlp i really don't see why, vote who i vote they'll lie anyway
giving false confidence in whoever gets elected
@Shoe Man. You always turn questions around into negatives like that. It's a bit annoying, to be honest.
@Shoe I'd prefer to keep seeing things in perspective. And it's hard to tell whether that's still happening.
i'll just say what a bunch of liars they all are, but writing that on my ballot
it isn't gonna mean anything to anyone
but it's the most responsible way to vote in my opinion
dude I wouldn't even be surprised if that was a felony lol
I think it'd be insane
but I wouldn't blink twice
it might be a felony, but how the fuck do they know who did that?
they just don't count the vote
my parents were planning on introducing a piece of sausage in the envelope
chorizo in spanish (spicy sausage or close) also means thief
@ChemiCalChems ... Anger isn't going to change anything. These are people that have done the best they could. Also on your behalf. Make yourself heard.
point is, nobody gives a crap, but you feel good about yourself
Really. I'll talk to you in 10 years.
@sehe you obviously don't know what situation spain is in
@sehe i'll still be around, i hope
You'll learn how to adult. You'll have to.
maybe my opinions sound immature af
but what's the point of elections when all we do is vote the least worst option?
let's fuck up our country as little as we can, but fuck it up anyways
@ChemiCalChems So you don't get the worst. And there is nothing stopping you from organizing opposition.
You can be constructive.
You might not feel like it, but see my remark about adulting.
to rebuild we have to destroy first
that's my job
@sehe What do you mean?
eliminating the bad is necessary to have enough materials to build the good
i don't mean the bad as abstract bullshit
i mean bad as unfair for the majority
@Shoe I'm not sure I'll be able to explain it much better.
but what's the point when the majority of people vote a guy who has been proven corrupt and doesn't do anything, period for the country?
not good or bad
simply nothing
@ChemiCalChems Are you vaguley referring to some kind of revolutionary activism?
@ChemiCalChems You know. That's such an easy depiction, it can hardly be right. Also, that's the old government. In 10 years, you can have your own new government. Don't get stuck in spite
I'm referring to the fact that I'm hungry as fuck
It might be a good idea to eat. Hopefully, you have food
I don't :(
What happened. Trouble, or grocery mismanagement?
I kind of forgot who was the eternal-pizza-guy in the lounge. Wasn't that Jefff? Nah. Something with an A
linux crashed again
@sehe yes, i am
@sehe you have to see him talk
Oh. Take good care there. It's easy to break more than you wish. But hey, I know little of Spanish politics, so who am I to say it's not a good idea
a spoon is a spoon and a plate is a plate
@ChemiCalChems Not really. You're narrowing it to 1 guy now
if that were the only thing, we'd be lucky
I know, which is why I notice you doing it.
@sehe the one guy everyone votes, proving spanish society is fucked in the brain
@sehe Alex
basically the guy says obvious things or fucks up
@ChemiCalChems ... Well. Good luck with that mate. I'm out of my area of expertise, and it sounds your mind is completely made up. I'm not interested to discuss much futher for these two reasons.
@Shoe Yup. What happened to him (was it ... you?)
problem is, there are much better alternatives, but people are discouraged to vote because no one does so
He is on discord
I'm Jefffrey, remember?
Alex M. That's it.
it's an infinite loop which causes more shit in every iteration
now i understand why i should vote
i can at least try stop that infinite loop
@Shoe Okay :) Thanks for straightening out my grey cells. I almost confused you (just the names; it always happens to me)
@ChemiCalChems So, rally! Change that.
Shit. I was gonna stop. Strike that.
what are your thoughts on the world only being the superposition of different particle fields?
i broke it again
I think that's irrelevant here. About as relevant as "The Celestine Prophecy" back in the days
@sehe Grocery mismanagement
Good. I mean, that's the least bad. So, there's nothing else but drink a bit more water than otherwise comfortable, I guess
How long ago was the discord thing?
May 1st, according to my history
Apr 29 at 12:46, by Andy Prowl
@MarcoA. btw: https://discordapp.com/invite/0oF7WvtiGIC1gTFF
Slightly earlier, yeah
Way earlier, seems:
Feb 5 at 9:16, by Cat Plus Plus
This should be a better invite https://discord.gg/0oF7WvtiGIEdyrmF
But that's on a different domain still
5 months
I thought more
And you already forgot about me
Oh well. I mix up names of my kids.
I get panic attacks when I have to call coworkers by name.
it's nothing personal
@Shoe It's just the labels that come out wrong. I don't mix up my kids. :)
I forgive you.
Good night :)
Sleep well
Harvard Law professor Roger Fisher, writing in 1981 about how to prevent nuclear war: https://t.co/qh2Af0r8qI
That's. Tough security.
@sehe To the people saying its terrible, explain to me in what world it makes sense for the decision to kill thousands/millions to be easier than only 1.
(inb4 i missed the.)
You did. Or, you demonstrated it.
Hey, come on, man, get your OWN material. https://t.co/wXQJop8Jf7
Man. Trump never ceases to amaze. Nice remix too
That's gobsmacked face of the reporter too
addiction is coming to the lounge, even though you are a lot of other things to do :p
@sehe I'm hoping it's the latter (for once)
It is
@Telkitty that, or self loath
addiction is self loath?
@sehe That's metal as fuck.
Also a bit weird psychologically, I guess. "If you can kill one, you can kill millions".

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