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11:01 AM
@sehe but my avatar isn't boring!
And I am my avatar
@Morwenn lol
@nwp that doesn't even remotely make sense
@Morwenn Also Chandler said that "drop the pointer cases" to avoid calling overloaded operator*.
@Ven which part is not clear?
@nwp the part where you want side-effects in constexpr code
11:03 AM
@Griwes If making such things invokable is a problem for UFCS, isn't std::invoke a problem for UFCS too?
@Ven where is the side effect?
@Morwenn std::invoke is conceptually older :P
(INVOKE and shit)
Huge fuckup and shit ahead. I can't wait <3
Allocating is a side effect
oh wow
11:07 AM
@Ven Haven't you read the lengthy discussions about predynamic storage? :p
Herb just voted SA because... EWG frequently disregards Bjarne's opinion on various topics?
@Ven only because the standard says so. If they would say it has no side effect after deallocating it would be fine
@Ven make it so that I actually notiss
@Griwes But what about Scott Meyers' opinion? :(
11:09 AM
:'( Scott
Bjarne: minor localized improvements are wrong; we should only allow stuff that helps a lot of people, and ignore the ones that don't.
You can actually already dynalloc, with static insides of refp counter classes... But no free :d
@LucDanton das local
Is he gonna survive the full week?
11:11 AM
He has left the game :)
I heard he still votes on talks for Meeting C++ though
@Morwenn You mean Bjarne?
@sehe I know, but the invokable pointer to member proposal cites Scott :p
@Griwes Yup.
why can't they let this guy just write the actual Stellaris patch notes https://t.co/ZlEshnHw9s
@Ven yeah, nwp suggested similar restrictions
@Morwenn He is going to be very disappointed on Friday.
11:12 AM
TIL searching chat transcript for "identicon" is a bit of a pathological case chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=identicon&user=&room=10
@Griwes The he'll be angry and start working on CFront 4 to implement his new proposals.
Yesterday night Bryce realized how exactly the default comparison operators work and afterwards said that he's going to try to amass some "strongly against" group.
@sehe heh, I guess there are others like 'img', too
@Morwenn But he admitted he went out of the compiler business in the '90s :P
otoh searching for 'onebox' gives you exactly what you want!
11:15 AM
@Morwenn wtf
dude algorithm 3 has multiple mistakes/differences compared to the provided code
@Griwes No fun allowed.
@Morwenn note that startl/startr are never used
@orlp Top kek. Great job. Good thing I only copy code.
@Morwenn EWG is pretty fun this week, short of the moments when Bjarne shows how unhappy he is. :P
11:16 AM
@LucDanton those I'd expect :)
@LucDanton I don't think so. I'm checking now
@sehe you do? it’s not like searching for 'imgur' gives you oneboxes from imgur
@sehe if you find a mismatch then the mistake is actually in what you want, not the search results
I didn't want oneboxes. Duh. I wanted to see when I mentioned identicons
@sehe I know, that’s the joke
No news from LWG/LEWG today.
int y : true ? 1 : a = 42;
int x : 1 || new int { 42 };
This is literally what we are looking at right now. :D
11:22 AM
What's the first ":" again?
@Griwes ew wtf is that
@Borgleader Bitfields and ambiguities if the grammar is naively specified to allow default bitfield initializers.
11:23 AM
it looks like shit :(
@Borgleader But otherwise it would be inconsistent
Like you can default initialize all but bitfields?
The proposed resolution is that the second case isn't proposed and the first one stops parsing the constant expression determining the bitfield with at the first not-nested = found.
Which is not bad.
Chandler: "I don't know why anyone would ever use assignment in a constant expression that computes a bit width".
@Griwes Because people are badlets.
Is he wearing pink glasses?
@Borgleader Who?
11:26 AM
Is Griwes our representative in the C++ committee?
@Griwes Chandler.
@Borgleader No, he's not wearing any glasses.
There was actually a comment from someone yesterday that Chandler probably can't see what's being shown because he doesn't have glasses.
@Griwes Oh sorry i should have asked about rose colored glasses
11:29 AM
...I understood, thank you.
Oh :(
ranyway, people are badlets thats why they'd try.
But then they can just slap a pair of () around and be done with it.
Funnily enough I've been struggling with the same grammar disambiguation for Vapor. :D
C++, the new Lisp
let foo : some + random - expression = some / value = 1;
Where does the type end?
was that
11:31 AM
And funnily enough, I've kind of settled for the exact same disambiguation rule as the paper we are discussing.
Remove assignment and everything is solved
@Griwes Every software written in Vapor will be vaporware, I like.
Just assume that the first = is the syntactic part of the variable declaration, and not a part of any expression.
And then you can just use () to mean the other thing.
Why would you use assignment when writing down the explicit type for variable declaration? I have no idea.
But the disambiguation rule is pretty necessary in that case.
@Griwes Use := for the initializing expression.
11:34 AM
Why not? It would indeed solve that issue
It's ugly, and it's too verbose (yes I said that) for the cases where the disambiguation rule is not necessary.
a whole extra colon?
@Morwenn another bug
algorithm 3 puts the bigger elements on the left, rather than on the right
@Puppy yes
@Morwenn if I was a reviewer I would reject this paper
this is just sloppy
11:38 AM
Saying an extra colon is "too verbose" is ridiculous
Come on now
@orlp I'd reject the code since it doesn't work as is .____.
But once fixed, it seemed too work and was actually performant.
@Morwenn I think I properly implemented it now
let's profile...
(or well at least one that works reasonably well, but doesn't properly follow all of pdqsorts rules)
nope... segfault
> <wildea01> sg1 just inventing "independent istreams of independent ostreams"
:= for assignment is great.
It stands out and it's ugly.
11:53 AM
@orlp Really? I didn't have any of those.
@Morwenn I actually missed a large part of the implementation
Well, actually I had some at first, but only because I suck at copy-paste.
keep in mind I'm doing a clean sheet implementation
11:54 AM
no GPL for me
endleeeeessss niiiiiiiight
@orlp I'll probably steal that too then if you ever release it :p
Need help with min_element compare it always messes me up
string str = "xdfdsafdfdlwoeodsflxcvlvsdfdslfsa[fwf";
vector<int> vecc={4,12,9,19,20,7};
auto vecmin= min_element(vecc.begin(), vecc.end(), [&str](int x, int y) { return str[x] < str[y]; });

this code is not working, compare lamda function never works i expect it to except for x<y
holy guacamole a help vampire that writes code that isn't in C with Classes?!?!
@KartikV What do you expect the output to be? What's the actual output
That code works perfectly fine
12:19 PM
It's happening. :(
@Shoe sorry i pasted wrong code
remove_if(vecc.begin(), vecc.end(), [&](int& x) { return (x >= (int)str.size() || str[x]!=str[*vecmin]); });
@ThePhD You had it coming...
@Ven Yeah, I know. Now I have to do some deep-digging to crush the number of templates I instantiate down to nothing.
I mean, it's not as if the templates aren't justified.
We do get a significant speed increase from templating things all the way through.
12:22 PM
guys, do you know that feeling of discovering food you have forgotten in your home?
"oh shit a pack of chocolate chip"
But unpacking tuples is so fucking unintuitive and REQUIRES me to do the stupid apply bullshit... agh.
@ThePhD Read stuff about Boost.DI, Boost.Hana and compile times. There are interesting insights.
Also Metabench.
@orlp they INTENSIFY*, mate
@Ven no
@Morwenn I'm kind of tired of doing this at the moment, though.
12:25 PM
templates was an ancient greek c++ programmer
@orlp such a memer
like socrates was a philosopher
This is a whole lot of maintenance work for nothing other than recognition for being able to be a good programmer. I think after taking care of the low-hanging issues I'll freeze my efforts for now and just spend some time brooding on it.
@Morwenn Nice.
i feel its stupid to fix one problem we will generate 100 more
that is where i think philosophers are more important than programmers and phd's. But they hardly can get through
> significant speed increase
> templating
choose one
12:33 PM
@Shoe Significant runtime performance increase.
you could also choose that, yes
The only way to get better sped and maybe (?) better compile times is to use a macro-based system.
@Shoe any help on remove_if?
Either that or learning to slim down these template instantiations.
My first thing would probably be to instead of passing std::tuple<> into usertype_metatable<T, Tuple>, would instead be to have the "unpacked" thing available by default
That is, usertype_metatable<Args...>
and then usertype_metatable<T, std::index_sequence<Is...>, Args...> specialization.
That might allow me to just "naturally expand" things without having to do some ridiculous apply bullshti.
I could also do some compile-time analysis and reduce the number of available functions.
seems like a plan, good luck with that though i am not sure exactly what you mean :)
12:42 PM
@ThePhD Yeah compile time optimizations for templates is not an easy thing. The spirit guys did a hell of a job with x3, they somehow managed to bring it down by 50% or so. I'm not sure what tricks they used though, maybe you can look at their github in case theres anything useful.
12:57 PM
EU in-out referendum tomorrow.
What're you gonna go for?
I don't like UKIP or their ideas, and this one isn't convincing me I should start liking their ideas. :v
You have to be rightfold-level anti-muslim to vote UKIP
I don't really think so
rightfold hates muslims but to be fair, if I recall the Quran isn't exactly friendly to people like him
UKIP voters on the other hand have absolutely no basis for it whatsoever
1:05 PM
@Puppy Where did you get this from and why are you spreading this misinformation?
I don't hate muslims.
I hate their stupid medieval homophobic misogynist ideology.
every discussion we ever had where Islam comes up?
1:09 PM
There are plenty of nice muslims that don't follow most of these parts of this ideology.
@Bassie they are not true muslims
they would say the same of the Islamists
ITT no true scotsman
and here I was contemplating making a pun about it
but, eh, "getting a bit no true Muslim there" isn't a very good one.
So... template<auto> seems to have prompted a consistency change in the standard... that's going to be a breaking change. :D
(I'm not even going to try to summarize it in more detail here.)
1:22 PM
are you not? :o
and on that (ominous?) note, it's time for me to go to work. See y'all later
Omg I just had a great idea
I could add a CSV download button to the table stuff I made yesterday
I also just had a great idea
your face.
This software is gonna be great
1:31 PM
@Griwes ? What does that even mean.
@LucDanton J'imagine sans l'ombre d'un doute que tu as saisi la référence ?
Ahahahah, the result of the EWG poll is not to break anything and add some more complicated deduction rules; Chandler expects CWG to return to EWG with an angry response.
> COBOL is cargo cult English
so cute
@Griwes For what? template <auto X> ?
1:32 PM
> COBOL now has a modern language based on it: LOLCODE
@Ven lol:
> COBOL has an Object-Oriented Programming extension called “ADD 1 TO COBOL GIVING COBOL”.
@ThePhD There were three polls. One was to break template<auto n> void foo(int (&arr)[n]);, the second one to break template<typename T, T n> void bar(int (&arr)[n], T t); when called with an int as the second argument, and the third one to make both work.
The last choice requires some additional weird deduction rules that CWG will have to figure out how they are supposed to word that to work. :D
@Griwes Why are those... breaking changes, again?
1:36 PM
Like. I'm instantiating them with int and I can't see the break.
void foo<24>(int(&arr)[24])
void foo<int, 24>(int(&arr)[24], int)
Why would those conflict?
Oh, wait
For deduction
foo( myarr )
foo( myarr, 42 )
If T != the value type for arr, it will conflict / breaks
But the first one should be just fine, unless they explicitly disallow it.
I hate Adepts so goddamn much
they're worse than Ultralisks
so i have problems understanding the "name" at the end of an enum declaration like this:

enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE } MyColors;

Could someone explain me if this is valid and what the "MyColors" is?
Looks like a function to me
Let me check on Stack Over Flow
@TryToSolveItSimple It's the name of the object of type enum Color
No apparently it's something else but what
If only there was a place to find help!
1:48 PM
It's shorthand for enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }; Color MyColors;
Or maybe not
When in doubt, don't use it
@KretabChabawenizc it's "Stack over Flow" (like "Let over Lambda")
@KretabChabawenizc cmb
en fait non
@KretabChabawenizc how do you search for something you do not know? Tell me the keywords you would have searched for this without knowing what it does?
@KretabChabawenizc i am very familiar with finding "answers" on SO.
@KretabChabawenizc btw i find it much more complicate to FIND the SO chat system then googling a problem and clicking the first link you see...
1:50 PM
yeah, just like i thought
@Shoe thanks a lot.
@LucDanton alors je t'invite à enrichir ta culture et enlarger ta péniche au passage
@TryToSolveItSimple I don't know pls don't be mean I just trying to help
I guess I would search for enum or MyColors or maybe even RED GREEN BLUE
I don't know!!!
if only you could've used a comonad
@KretabChabawenizc ah ben c’est plus logique oui
1:55 PM
tu as peut être croisé le meme "identity theft is not a joke" aussi, c'est assez répandu
dirty frenchmen
> le meme
oh hey he came back
@ThePhD No, to break if T != std::size_t is what CWG proposed - because then T would be deduced to two different integer types, unlike currently.

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