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It looks cool?
at least to me
I want an aluminium unibody laptop
But I think that leave me with just macbooks :P
Why aren't you guys on IRC?
IRC is lame as a replacement for the lounge, imo. I'm just too accustomed to chat features.
same here
@Xeo what 'features'?
@thecoshman can you answer a specific message on IRC?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Corporate firewalls?
also I don't think you can quote previous messages, star messages, onebox stuff, search for messages
ICBW though, just entered the channel and missed all the shit
also murkdown
Search for messages is possible via bots that record the channel
@AndyProwl responding to previous messages is the only thing in particular I think would be nice to have. Staring is usually noise, and we can have a system added if you want to save quotes like that, onebox is an anti-feature, search requires transcript, and one of the nice things is the lack of transcript.
avatars, too
It's more like the lounge is meant to be
@thecoshman Unability to properly get rid of a troll, for one, I guess vOv
If you drop by the pub, you don't suddenly know everything ever that has been said
@Griwes we can do that here?
@Griwes Quite the opposite
> lack of transcript.
nice in a way
dunno, to me this chat is better
you can get nicer clients to
I don't mind the transcript
ones that will visually group consecutive messages from one person
my irc client logs the transcript
sometimes in fact I like going back and see what started a discussion etc.
or highlight your own messages
@thecoshman I mean, the unability to do that is probably perceived as a feature in that context.
it was a joke.
@AndyProwl I don't disagree with you there
@AndyProwl Then just... like... log stuff.
Put a bouncer up somewhere and be happy.
I don't wanna bother setting things up myself though
I don't have problems with people seeing what I've written in the past
We probably could look to get a bouncer set up that logs the full transcript for people if they really want
In the usual Lounge way, it all comes down to :effort:
and at least that way, it's not public
so it's best of both worlds
who cares?
why is it so important to keep our conversations hidden?
I do.
I'd prefer if the transcript was not being indexed by google
Because Lounge is also about sharing emotional moments
And you don't want those to be public
IRC also makes it very easy to hope over to private chat channels
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Not sure what you guys share here that is so private
my dildo stories
@AndyProwl I don't see why you are so willing to have everything always public
@thecoshman I'm not willing, I just don't mind. I don't see the point of losing nice features just because my messages aren't private
@AndyProwl the only thing I would honestly say would be nice to have is response to specific messages
thats not the main reason for switching, its more about being able to moderate. Annoying flags and dumb trolls, that only a smurf can really get rid of in the end.
@thecoshman that's a must IMO. It's the reason why I did not like Slack and Slack does have nice features that SO chat doesn't have
you can even have bots set up to pounce on people if you want to get a message to someone not around
IRC is just ew for me
as room owners we are fairly limited in our control, and its not going to change anytime soon.
@AndyProwl It's really not that big a deal
@thecoshman for me it is
sometimes it's really unpleasant to follow a conversation without linked messages
But if you think about it, if you are responding to someone, your response should be logical enough for them to know the context by what you have said
for instance if you want to reply to an old message by someone (provided we'll have a transcript) you'll have to provide context instead of just clicking a button
You just want to to be able to snoop in on other peoples conversations, without having spent the time to read a few messages to see what they are talking about
it's the reason why we have that public service announcement gif linked so often
I'd rather that didn't happen
If a message is so old that you would need to provide context for your response to make sense, it's probably not worth responding to, or the response needs to be given proper context
also often when you're discussing something you want to make objections to one particular point or message, while you're ok with other points or messages
providing context explicitly every time is annoying
again, if you are responding to a particular point, quote it
@AndyProwl You must love my compiler.
@thecoshman Every time? It's annoying
any way, who unpinned the announcement of IRC?
The mods most likely
I appreciate the fact of being more in control about who is allowed in the room but I don't like the IRC alternative
It's a conspiracy
Why not try joining us in IRC?
@TonyTheLion pin pls
What happened last night. Chat was down
@thecoshman mumble, IRC, SE chat, slack, lounge wiki, github org, google docs, I smell a veritable Lounge<diaspora>
This will not work. SE is what brings us together. What happened in the lounge that is so bad?
@sehe and how many are lurking that IRC-channel? (/cc @thecoshman)
Trolls and endless flagging and limited things we can do
if this whole thing could be reached through some IRC <-> SE.chat proxy, that'd be wickedly wicked
Part of the biosphere
that's pretty much part of what makes The Lounge, The Lounge.
@sehe mumble is for voice chat, IRC is what we want to move to as main chat, se chat is what we are sick and tired of putting up with not being able to moderate, slack is nice for private events, lounge 'wiki' is a site, github is for code, googld docs is for docs. vOv what's so hard to understand about right tool for right job
Another private chat will probably work if it has all the stuff here (live feed) but stuff on there will only be there
> we
@FilipRoséen-refp about 6 right now
@thecoshman write a proxy to this chat instead, that'd be more awesome.
@FilipRoséen-refp se->irc is trivial, a simple bot can watch this chat feed and post things
@thecoshman we've seen that before. We even had a working "free" lounge<> replacement somewhere for a month or two
irc->se could be trickier, unless you are willing to just have one 'person' hear speaking for IRC
@thecoshman not as trivial as you might think (taking edits and such into account), and it's the other way around that is of most importance
@sehe Woah I don't remember that
@thecoshman the "one person" issue is bullcrap, why would that be an issue?
@FilipRoséen-refp No it's not, no it's not
@CatPlusPlus what isn't what?
No it’s not as trivial?
@TonyTheLion Ask Robot,Cat/Xeo,Cosh etc. I don't remember the name of the site either. It could still be "live" :)
@sehe who knows all the things that are still live we forgot about :P
@LucDanton what is Cat trying to say?
@TonyTheLion He means Slack probably
@sehe chat thing?
Yes. Complete with starboard like things and history and so on. Web based
Yes that is still alive and kicking :)
We still have slack, but it's used for private events
like when we do meet ups and don't want to post where we are meeting up to the general internest
Oh wait. It's the same thing? ok.
so why can't we use Slack as a Lounge replacement? What makes IRC better?
Slack is prolly not indexed by our dear glorious Google
> it's used for private events
@AndyProwl ^ this is my point. That's gonna keep happening.
Slack has closed registration and also free limits
Yeah, Slack was never intended to be full time replacement
(FTR I wouldn't like a Lounge replacement)
It's not a "Lounge replacement"
@AndyProwl me neither
It's a snackchat replacement
I don't see it connected to a healthy community and source of people and their ideas.
Don't get me wrong, the people are cool :) But they will leave in the end
@sehe yeah... so each time we do it, we will use it for those events... but general chat is not what Slack is/was for
@CatPlusPlus well, that's what I meant
a chat proxy so that it can be reached through some other protocol; awesome, a replacement: nhaa.
ITT Lounge<Drama>
@sehe So what you're saying is it's exactly like this one :v
@CatPlusPlus Lounge<Buttocks>
@CatPlusPlus Hehe. It was to be expected
IRC chat looks bad IMO
lot of missing functionality I like and use
there's nothing wrong with the IRC protocol
but if people decide to move there, I'll move there of course
@AndyProwl "IRC chat" is like "LED diode"
Please don't do that :x
please don't nerd things up
But it grinds my gears!
@Griwes Would change the meaning of the sentence entirely to just remove 'chat'.
It's redundant
@AndyProwl what does looks have to do with it? it's for bloody chatting you nancy
Well, no. Since it would change the meaning of the sentence.
ITT Lounge<Lounge>
I already said I care about this particular set of people only
You know what I meant come on
@Griwes So is your mom
But! It grinds my gears :(
lunch time
STOP! lunch time
@sehe hammers for lunch?
Department of Redundancy Department wants their redundancy back due to wanting their redundancy back.
no reference escaped da pirate
If you keep using snackchat then you lose complaining privileges about all the broken shit around
@Griwes lol
I have two hours to kill before the next uni-appointment
what am I to do now?
Compare: 'the web is ugly' vs 'the web page is ugly'.
two freakin' hours
too long to sit and do nothing, too short to head home and sleep
@FilipRoséen-refp Watch a movie.
Anyway a unified platform for voice talking, private shit and just regular room would be nice, but that also excludes snackchat as a candidate for anything
Compare: 'IRC is ugly' vs 'the IRC client is ugly'
Assuming you have a computer and a movie with you.
Ergo: you don’t know what 'redundant' mean
@CatPlusPlus let's just switch to facebook!
Great choice
Facebook doesn't have a voice platform as far as I know
SE has a level called director now, very new to me ... but then again I am new, so maybe that's not new
@LucDanton Err. Andy said "IRC chat", which expands to "internet relay chat chat", and that's redundant.
What colour is IRC that it is so ugly?
@Griwes Take your pills and chill
It may be a malaproper, it may be not the most sensible turn of phrase, it may be wrong, but it’s not redundant per the definition of redundant.
chilli != chilly
@Griwes "IRC chat" is not redundant like "ATM machine".
you should ass multiwindow (multi stak::context) support, @Nooble
Let’s hammer it in.
@LucDanton Also IRC client is called, surprise, "IRC client", not "IRC chat".
IRC is the name of a protocol.
2 mins ago, by Luc Danton
It may be a malaproper, it may be not the most sensible turn of phrase, it may be wrong, but it’s not redundant per the definition of redundant.
See: malaproper
are you guys really doing this?
"IRC chat" is a chat using the IRC protocol.
No, it's not.
@FilipRoséen-refp I blame Griwes.
IRC is a kind of chat.
You suck at grammar.
It's in the name!
but whatever
did that really work?
In 'IRC chat is ugly', IRC was never the subject of the verb. In 'IRC is ugly', it is. Hence, 'chat' is not redundant.
Last time someone cared what IRC expands to was 1999
apparently not
It's not used as an acronym
@LucDanton client != chat
Get over it
So what if it's in the name.
the utter nitpick
"Warlike" is in my name too.
@Griwes That word doesn’t appear in those sentences.
ircv3.net Exercise: find the word 'relay' on this page
Names are labels.
Do you not know what 'grammar' means either?
I know what a nazi is, and given that people often write "grammar nazi" on the internet I will just assume "grammar" to be slang for "grandma".
makes sense
@LucDanton sure does
@chmod711telkitty everyone knows that all nazis had mustaches.. so, where is her mustache?
NEWS: the IRC channel sucks.
@CatPlusPlus irchelp.org
@chmod711telkitty she's still better than the whole polish army
@πάνταῥεῖ I'd say the "pass it around" part of that advice is spot on: avoid (glorified) global variables. The rest highly depends on the context. (Don't overengineer prematurely). But yeah, the tight coupling is conspicuous in the OP's code. — sehe 59 secs ago
@FilipRoséen-refp I'm still shaking
@sehe but you were not part of the "everyone" I wanted to silence
@FilipRoséen-refp pfft. You should have targeted your weapons of mass three fucktons before firing
@Mgetz They also got a time machine
@Xeo is it in a hot tub?
@Xeo To make more time indeed
@Mgetz Wait, where is that trope from again
Hot Tub Time Machine is a 2010 American science fiction adventure comedy film directed by Steve Pink. It stars John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Crispin Glover, Lizzy Caplan, Kellee Stewart, Crystal Lowe, Collette Wolfe, and Chevy Chase. The film was released on March 26, 2010. A sequel, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, was released on February 20, 2015. == Plot == In 2010, three friends are miserable with their lives: Adam Yates (John Cusack) has been dumped by yet another girlfriend, and his geeky 20-year-old nephew Jacob (Clark Duke) lives in his basement, playing Second Life, with...
I reckon time machine should be installed in toilets - they are everywhere, in ancient time & will be in the future, while offers full privacy to hide you when you traveling through time
you can also mark the time period you have visited with ... umm, you know, like the little doggies
> Upon arrival at the resort, they see that Kodiak Valley has fallen on hard times as well
"to fall on hard times" - one of English's weirdest idioms I know
@sehe but where's the fun in that?
StarGazer works again?
Don't ask
do ask. and do tell
what the heck is stargazer?
It's the decoy apparatus used to determine whether you failed lounge duty
I found the github thingie, connecting the dots now
dots connected
You missed 27 dots
Stargazer is alive once more!
This inductive charging stuff works quite nicely
Maybe I should get one. At least my girlfriend won't be able to take it and then lose it
I'm so tired of having to hunt the place for chargers
@sehe Cool paper. I'm a big fan of C#'s async; this seems really similar
@sehe meh. coroutines should be stackless so you can spawn as many as you need.
@Xeo "inductive charge" - is that when you get fined for arriving early at an appointment? ("Our data shows you must have exceeded the speed limit by at least 0.7%")
Fibers != coroutines to begin with.
Also, stackless and stackful are not mutually exclusive. You best get used to this: C++ favours the "you can choose" paradigm
think I'm gonna buy galaxy edge note /cc @Griwes
@AndyProwl isn't it like enormous?
@AndyProwl That's beatiful. The edge always reminds me of fishbowls
@TonyTheLion 5.6'' I think
the bigger, the better
I just wonder if it will fit in my pocket
as long as it does, it's fine
@sehe if the language will have async keyword, it would be either stackful coroutines, or stackless. not both.
@AndyProwl depends... I have carried my 6" ebook in my pocket this summer. It wasn't very comfortable :)
is this accurate? iruler.net
just don't put it in your backpocket.
I guess not
@AndyProwl that would be client dependent...
Seems ok in my Opera ifff I reset zoom to 100%
@AndyProwl off by 10%
in that case my phone is already bigger than 6'' which is weird because I always thought it's quite small
whats your current phone?
@TonyTheLion I was afraid someone would ask
I don't know :D
it's HTC but I don't know the model
Yeah, that's common with HTC
Statements from Ukip feel like a glimpse into alternate history where the Nazis successfully invaded GB & won WWII. https://t.co/QsxszoMX02
OUch. Ouch. Ouch
> The little Syrian boy was well clothed & well fed. He died because his parents were greedy for the good life in Europe.
oh my
Europeans embracing the American "Damn foreigners."
Even if that were true. Is that an offense!?!
it doesn't look superbig unless this guy has huge hands youtube.com/watch?v=P4-BEXEQmSM
(I'm trying not to write starrable messages)
"Ah. Sorry you're at war. Sorry you don't have a place to live and don't know where you'll grow the food for next year. But, -- don't be jealous now... that is not Christian! Remember the 10 commandments"
Fuck that
I think the guy is well-endowed yes.
The bigger question would be: what is the effect of big screen on battery life?
@sehe eh, apparently 18 hours
a. that's not a lot
b. I never trust vendor published mileage
it's not from the vendor
Really curious for the hardware inside the upcoming iPhone 6s, hope they keep the Plus version, though. I like big screens.
@AndyProwl Ok
and yeah it's not much
OTOH I always end up charging my current phone overnight anyway
Yeah, the battery is only an issue the first few days when you spend too much time tinkering with it.
@набиячлевэлиь How
I really like that phone
@ElimGarak IOW: battery doesn't matter unless you use it :)
@Xeo lol
I don't really use the phone overtly like most. Mostly phone calls and messaging, beyond that it is plugged in in "dev mode", so battery is mostly an irrelevant concern for meh. :D
Smurfs are important to the ecosystem. And they do not have balls
Phone in dev mode
I'll ponder the notion. You in the app business now? GLES?
Yeah, shoveling toy apps over the cable. (Metal, just for fun)

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