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i saw a ladybug on my windowsill a few days ago and i remember thinking how buttiful it was
it died and fell to my desk yesterday
a few years ago I would have helped it out the door to freedom
> Suite Violentes rafales de vent De nombreux arbres chutent sur les voies, les lignes sont progressivement remise en service suite aux interventions de nos équipes sur le terrain.
i am so ashamed
@LucDanton what is this filthy pig latin?
speak American like a normal person
too much wind, no more trains
how poetic
> As a Croatian killer, I really feel offended by this video. I also feel like what she's saying goes against my basic human rights to kill people, she's a killophobe and should be in prison for that. Britain, sort out your laws will ya, the situation in your country is obviously fucked up if people like her are walking around freely, she's like a female version of Hitler.
@LucDanton what a brilliant summary
you'd make a great news reporter
Q: Justify your claim

E. MawuliAmstrong is a Harvard student who believes every computational problem is solvable. Do you agree with him? Justify your claim

That belongs in the Republican candidate debate.
Why is Armstrong a name but Legweak isn't
Because its your destiny to name your children that.
Why does being a Harvard student matter in that particular question?
appeal to supposed authority
People are even bad at fallacies. "Armstrong is a Lounge<C++> regular" would be much better.
The number of people who still have a "USA Good, China Bad" mentality is amazing
Why am I on HN again
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Fallout's storyline basically. :P
I can't decide whether or not to trade an existing relatively cache friendly but unclean and messy design for another less cache friendly but much more straight forward one
Also I have no idea what kind of performance I'd lose by switching
decision making sucks
When in doubt, come to the Lounge and pout.
this is my designated moan zone
A-Ahn, n-no, don't put your design there...!~
lol the Warlords of Documentation post has 3 close votes "unclear what you're asking"
Most of the politicians in China & the U.S. are fairly Sh!tty. They make Merkel looks like a diamond in a pot of sand ...
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Is that dead finally?
Nop, beta before end of year.
@chmod711telkitty I believe the term is diamond in the rough
I want to cri
I have to modify an makefile and everything is complex and brittle and confusing
lucbs where are you
migrate project to cmake
boss will say no
Makefiles are makefiles, they are not champaign glasses. If you follow their rules, they will work. But you need to know the dependencies of the library classes & how how everything works in your project.
@EtiennedeMartel that wiki is pretty cool
I need a real GH account cus I want to use GH pages, wat do
@LucDanton make one
@ElimGarak A question. In D3D11 (and D3D12 command lists, I guess) there's a few things off about the DeviceContext (D3D12 Command List) structure that perplexes me. For Index Buffers, there's
IASetIndexBuffer( buffer, format, byteoffset ); and then when you're rendering there's DrawIndexed( count, offset );
I was wondering... why there were two places to place the offset? It's confusing me a little...
@Prismatic out of ideas regarding account name
how about a gangster name
@ThePhD Mostly it revolves around choice. The latter allows concatenation of geometry to reduce the number of draw calls where possible.
And the former is just for shits 'n' giggles?
oh man
this thing is sexy
those little holes are recoil compensators
ITT Bartek is becoming American.
@ScottW how is that unintelligent?
hmpfh they sell for $450
@ThePhD That's for determining where exactly in memory does the index buffer begin, if you find yourself having a specialized approach. With DX12, that's basically encoded within the view itself, no more offset, just a direct GPU virtual address.
dunno if that porting is even legal in Poland
@ThePhD that's all @Etienne's fault
I guess I should make vertex_offset(s) be a property on vertex_buffer and index_offset on index_buffer, because trying to manage all of this is kind've... annoying.
James Bond's weapon, the PPK. Bloody ancient, too.
> The HS2000 traces its roots back to a service pistol known as the PHP
1911s are universally gorgeous, though. Just way too large.
Would love one for the shooting range.
NVI has no runtime cost amirit?
Why does Wikipedia say "The NVI pattern can be deployed with very little software production and runtime cost."
Buzzword bingo?
I was thinking that too
Microsoft, y u no add actual features instead of animating the text I am writing.
sup tony <3
@ScottW I love you, too, dawg <3
> (And I am definitely NOT Trevor.)
that’s exactly what Trevor would say
@BartekBanachewicz A few more years and the remaining Caesium 137 will decay into stable Barium. Not counting the transition state of Ba137m, it's like 160 seconds or something). Would love to walk the streets of that city.
some poles did a bike trip there
Must be creepy as fuck.
I've read that in some pretty official polish bike magazine
I guess.
but when they let tourists in, it will cease to be :(
Pripyat immediately reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
seriously though
I wonder if hpp will have the same problems as cpphs
> dit giff: command not found
makes sense
you're such a dit
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Sometimes I type a git command but forget the git :D
while we're at it
tanks shoot those
This kills the human.
this pierces through a tank's armor
And blows the humans into small, unrecognizable bits.
it's not an explosive
it's basically an equivalent of a big throwing dart
Oh haha that must be fun then
> If the armor is defeated, the heat and spalling (particle spray) generated by the penetrator going through the armor, and the pressure wave that would develop, ideally destroys the target
How nicely put
Yup, many folks forget that kinetic energy is still energy. Or somehow that it is "inferior".
I forgot to mention we play darts around the office a lot
why are you posting all these weapons bartek
Weapons are fun.
I started reading about that CoD mission
got me to recoil compensators
and now kinectic armor penetration rounds
The sniper mission where you sever the dude's hand?
@R.MartinhoFernandes: About the statistics tests we discussed yesterday. I am looking at the page. What I get from there, to compare two means, if the two means are the same or not, I could use the Two-proportion z-test with H0: p0 = p1. Am I right?
Is there a board for this?
I remember there was one mathematics SE board but it was for experts.
Hahahah, Rockstar Games told BBC through official channels their GTA movie is shit.
math.stackexchange.com seems appropriate.
Oh, there is even stats.stackexchange.com.
when people say "interface"
can I safely assume they mean "closed interface"?
Or is a concept of an open interface widespread enough to require clarification
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva hm
interface means just that, interface
@BartekBanachewicz I have never heard of either open or closed interfaces.
@wilx java interfaces are closed. Go interfaces are open.
see the difference?
@BartekBanachewicz Ah.
@BartekBanachewicz What does that mean?
and I don't mean "implicit" or "explicit" here mind you
Well, no, I do not know Go. But I believe you! :)
@elyse Classes/structs in C++ are closed, namespaces are open.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva good example
You cannot add members to a Go interface after it has been defined.
You can add implementations (implicitly), but so can you in Java (explicitly with implements).
you can take types declared without knowledge of that interface to fulfill it
@elyse that means the class needs to know about that interface
But that's totally irrelevant to what @AnastasiyaAsadullayeva said.
The set of interfaces implemented by a type is open for some definition of "open".
Interfaces are structural, not nominal, so you could say they already implement all of those interfaces even if they don't appear in code explicitly.
The definition of openness in the context of names is not random, I'ma guess it's Liskov's
> Can you provide the gidence?
Interface names in Go are irrelevant.
ask if it is urgent
@elyse I see what you mean I guess.
interface{} is the same type as T in type T interface{}.
type T int
func (T) F() {}
func (T) G() int { return 1 }
T now implements interface{}, interface{F()}, interface{G() int}, and interface{F(), G() int}.
absolutely fascinating. time to work.
gosh discussions with javazealots
those people are so brainwashed
@elyse mmm
@BartekBanachewicz fun that you would say it :)
@JohanLarsson I mean they can't talk about design in ways other than java primitives.
I've met with that more than once.
That's because they don't know anything other than Java.
I think I know what you mean but have never met one.
And have a puppy character.
i.e. all hope is lost
I meet many programmers who reply 'why? that is just another way' when trying to discuss code
Senior guys, senior in age.
They have become what one becomes if one never cares or thinks about code.
sehe is Donald Knut
@JohanLarsson Why? That is just another way.
god question
> public class Apple : IFruit
fuck another one
I prefix is moronic.
> However, That would probably be pretty difficult to use,
Even more moronic is Foo : IFoo.
no shit sherlock, you took a simple problem and overblown it into 250 lines of java code
seriously this is a fruit analogy
> we can use Reflection
god damn it
we're condemned as a race
Reflection in Java is unsafe.
we'll live in the desert and fight each other with sticks
Downcasts in Java are unsafe. :3
it's 2015 and we're still amazed that java solutions are difficult and lengthy
the fuck is wrong with humanity
in 2000 thousand years we could have converted our numeric system to hexadecimal, get rid of stones and miles, standardize human ids and power connectors
kbok and coincoin connect in a suspiciously simultaneous manner
but how if we can't overcome the idiocy of the design of The Java Programming Fucking Language
@BartekBanachewicz If there's a consensus in this room, there's no doubt it's Java hatred :D
it's not hatred
it's compassion
And it's still better than C++.
Let try to explain, again. The juicer works with Fruit abstraction (everything that is classified as fruit and have proper/expected water content), not concrete objects. The juicer will work with any fruit as input and will produce juice (mixed or not), because the fruits allow to be squeezed. Everything that satisfies the Fruit contract should be a fruit, the thing Juicer works with. — ekostadinov 5 mins ago
> Let me try to explain. I don't give a fuck about requirements, I just spit out classes and you're supposed to tailor your problem to them
@elyse why? it s just a convention
my biggest issue with it is that files sorts poorly
@JohanLarsson it's literally Hungarian notation.
I have a toxic mood today ignore me
@elyse true that
So it has the same problems hungarian notation has.
@StackedCrooked lol. I did some queries here. Turns out that I have 1451 links to coliru in my answers.
Also, it allows you to have IList and List : IList, and people do that unfortunately, and it's unclear what particular kind of implementation List is.
Let me see what % of the total links in SO posts is
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva still phunny
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva kitty seems to know a lot of "facts" about finance that are actually totally wrong. I don't know why.
TIL about Ctrl-M,H
@Mr.kbok doctor ès platitudes
@Rerito Sorry I don't speak spanish :p
ppl stelin ma jokes
public domain
pubic domain mostly
> Ex-Gouverneur und Baptistenprediger Mike Huckabee warnte vor der "Kriminalisierung" des Christentums durch heiratende Homosexuelle. Tea-Party-Senator Ted Cruz warf Abtreibungsärzten vor, "Körperteile ungeborener Kinder für Profit zu verkaufen". Kollege Marco Rubio negierte den Klimawandel mit den Worten: "Amerika ist kein Planet."
Conservative, bigoted retards spreading funny stuff
@Columbo lol
> Haute-Loire : un enfant de 16 mois tué par un âne
> Un bébé de 16 mois est mort, frappé à la tête par le sabot d'un cheval
Did the donkey kill the baby with a horse iron?? or what
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Oh that reminds me, my twin just told me a story about a girl he overheard
She's 16 and just lost a baby (fausse couche, dunno how to say that in english)
And she was also talking about her BF who's seeing 3 chicks meanwhile
Couldnt help thinking it was better for the baby to die
@Rerito fake diaper
@Rerito ow
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yeaaaah I can hear the ghost of my english teacher saying "calque" here :D
hello every one
I am currently naming our new servers "Robert", "Jacques-Alain", "Mireille". 2 more to name, suggestions?
Arg. Can't cat the coliru results for all SO posts - too slow. As it happens, my personal numbers are quite interesting:
Amazing how every single number is prime in that result set
Single numbers are called digits, sehe.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Charlie
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva pfft. screw you
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Beauf names?
@sehe bullshit
1 isn't prime.
pls stop
@elyse 1 is not a number. It's a posttypeid :)
"Mathieu" would get along great with "Mireille" I think
Donatien Alphonse François
ok just for you
@LucDanton Isnt that from Spirou?
@LucDanton mercy!
@Rerito It is? I would love to know which issue.
Seeing how it’s normally mild.
Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (2 June 1740 – 2 December 1814) (French: [maʁki də sad]), was a French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer, famous for his libertine sexuality. His works include novels, short stories, plays, dialogues and political tracts; in his lifetime some were published under his own name, while others appeared anonymously and Sade denied being their author. De Sade is best known for his erotic works, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, criminality and blasphemy...
@LucDanton Ooooow google cleared that out for me.
I’m laying it out for all to see because I’m no sadist
WTF of the day
It's for a monitoring tool called Monique
In my project we use a custom xml parser (which is not working quite well)
And loading configs is a pain in the ass
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva French names to class it up, very smart.
And yet, no no boost property tree is out of the equation
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Then you should name one of your servers "ta mère" or "ta race"
This way it won't get too classy
Current status: downloading SE Data dump
I'd take a screenshot if I could
This management screen is hilarious

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