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@androidplusios.design stackoverflow.com/10m
@EtiennedeMartel excell is really shit
@Prismatic what's 10m? meter, million what?
10 meter dick
why dont you go to the link
@thecoshman The fact that it's the least shit product in its category is kinda depressing.
@EtiennedeMartel oh spread sheets?
Have you tried Gnumeric @EtiennedeMartel?
Nope, but it has Gnu in it so it's probably shit.
@EtiennedeMartel I rather like g-sheets, but it undeniably has it's limitations
I thought itd be pretty bad too but its great imo
definitely give it a shot if you find yourself stuck on a machine that can't use office and you don't want to mess with open/libre office etc
also gcc is great and it has gnu in it
So apparently LRiO, ThePhD, and Vlad all answered the poll.
@Nooble Not necessarily.
This place is full of trolls, any of which might have entered their names for fun.
@caps Haha I know.
And Mr. NoName answered, too.
And who's TheForce?
The complaining is on topic. — user2141130 49 mins ago
@ScottW They were posted here quite a while ago. I'm on mobile, so I can't really find it. Anyone care to permalink?
The Mpl-1 kinase interacts to regulate the YAP protein, related to the Hpo pathway which is responsible for regulating the size of tumors, and if unregulated, can lead to the "hippo" phenotype of organs growing and then eventually developing tumors
@ScottW You didn't even fill it out last time I checked :P
@Lalaland Do you happen to know what the message above says?
Oh, it was deleted.
I didn't even notice.
@Nooble <b>The Mpl-1 kinase interacts to regulate the YAP protein, related to the Hpo pathway which is responsible for regulating the size of tumors, and if unregulated, can lead to the &quot;hippo&quot; phenotype of organs growing and then eventually developing tumors</b>
You can install my extension!
I fixed the stupid scrolling on the starboard.
(And added a firefox version)
@Lalaland Link, please :)
I could do but what would be the purpose
do what
@Lalaland That's so fucking cool.
How did you overlay the text?
For deleted messages?
I just replace the text content.
domNode.textContent = "foo";
No, for the stars.
Where it shows it to the side.
position: absolute
@Puppy Yep. "Here is what we want it to look like!" "Do this; don't do this other thing. Do this and this, but not that."
I really should change that class name ...
Shoot I forgot to git push.
blah very professional :)
I'm a professional
Mostly, natural motion, principle of least surprise, flat design, bold colors
No you're a puppy
Ok, now the css is updated correctly.
@Puppy hey hey hey! shtop!
oh hey cosh sup
I didn't realize you were here
@Puppy wait a second. Is that a King Charles?
good eye
indeed it is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
@Puppy awww whats with the lampshade?
@TonyTheLion She lost a fight with some barbed wire.
and then she tried to lose a fight against her own stitches.
My dog growing up was a king charles. He died a few years ago. I just didn't recognize the breed because mine was brown + white.
@Puppy awww
@Jeremy They mostly come in brown and white, or black/brown/white.
Yeah - the tricolor ones are especially pretty, I think.
@rene I am equating downvoting with frowning upon. — user2141130 21 secs ago
^^ OP's in for a world of pain.
@Puppy I'm here more than is right or proper :'(
@Puppy I went to a king charles family reunion at the breeder's house and died of cute puppies
@Jeremy Personally I think I like the brown and white a bit more, but the tricolor can work.
@Jeremy Puppy Overflow
150+ king charles all hanging out outside @_@
@thecoshman Here's my KSP flag
Puppy Space Program
isn't Daisy the second dog in the last few years?
our previous dog, Toffee, died in about 2010 or so- she was a brown and white Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
@Lalaland What's /events?
she was 11 years old and definitely lost a fight against a large number of table scraps.
I had a picture of her somewhere but I seem to have deleted it.
it's probably still available in the chat somewhere
@Puppy oh I'd say so
good place to keep pics, in this chat
@Nooble Talking about const EVENTS_URL: &'static str = "http://chat.stackoverflow.com/events";?
@Lalaland Yes.
That's how you poll for snack chat events.
@TonyTheLion don't bloody say that
You can see it in action if you open an incognito tab.
and it's not, this place doesn't host them
@thecoshman I was being sarcastic
Basically, you provide it a starting event number, and then it'll give you all the new events since that one.
@Lalaland Why incognito?
ah here ew go
When you are logged in, it defaults to websockets.
@TonyTheLion can't take the risk man! bite done on your left molars, the cyanide will do it's thing
@TonyTheLion o_0
cosh hates canine pictures
@Puppy no, you're spam
they're cute
@TonyTheLion Right hand one is Toffee.
@TonyTheLion not that many, that often, all one boxed.
and mid-yawn totally does not summarize her entire existence ;p
@thecoshman I could agree with the one boxed part
@thecoshman Auto oneboxing is a bit shit really.
@TonyTheLion if he just put links, it wouldn't be such a pain
@Lalaland Still says page not found for me 0_o
I could do but a) that would be effort and b) only the heartless and undeserving don't want to see pictures of cute puppies and c) it's seriously not that much.
@Puppy and the left one?
@Nooble What URL?
@TonyTheLion My grandmother's dog, Misty
she survived a couple years longer but is now dead too
@Lalaland chat.stackoverflow.com/events
poor mutt
@Puppy puppy pictures are like a penis, it's all well and good having one, I don't care, just don't shove it in my face
@Nooble It's a post request. Let me get you an example curl command.
boy cosh hates puppies
@thecoshman don't be so pissy
go have some rum
@Puppy What happened to the puppy in your old avatar?
also ho shit I forgot to take my pills
@Nooble All of my avatars have been the same dog, who is currently alive and mostly well.
oh yea drugmg
and to be fair, I started to get annoyed when it was hordes of one boxed images at once. Just one or two like just then, it's not a problem. You can't give these kids any slack you know.
have all of your family's dogs been the same breed
@Puppy Ah ok.
@thecoshman meh, cat people are worse in this regard
you haven't been here for long enough
I'm sure cosh wouldn't mind if it was titties posted :P
when Puppy lived at home, he took a lot of puppy pictures.
and he posted them all in here upon taking them.
I do remember that vividly
@Nooble curl chat.stackoverflow.com/events --data 'fkey=603fae71ca2fb5a2c0b5c99262014089&r10=51678896'
You need a correct fkey though.
Type fkey() in console to get one.
@Lalaland I'm guessing that's the token given to each user?
@TonyTheLion anything to distract from not having the necessary drugs
JavaScript console*
@Nooble I think it's user based for people logged in and IP based for non-logged in users.
@Puppy yea makes sense
@TonyTheLion it's the quantity not the cotent
@thecoshman I know, was winding you up
I actually don't have any new puppy pictures available.
I have so many favorites that I'll never go back and visit
@Puppy you talking in third person made me think cicada was pretending to be you, had to check the profile :\
but I am going home in a week and at that juncture I will take many more.
probably about ten or so over the weekend I reckon
at which point I'll promptly post them all in quick succession.
at which point I shall go ahead and bin them
unless you don't onebox them
you, bin me?
bold words
@Puppy No, those are italic.
I could have made that pun but did not since it was so awful
@Lalaland do you know how to properly respond to messages or do I need to get out the gif?
probably on mobile
meh mobile
@Lalaland oh I applaud you good sir. Very well done.
Never miss an opportunity for a pun
sigh my fridge is empty again
TonyTheLion has barely been a room owner, but his reign of terror has already begun.
The iron paw of TonyTheLion.
@TonyTheLion you monster!
@thecoshman I only went shopping two days ago
hang on, when did @TonyTheLion become not a room owner?
I guess that happens when you literally work from home all the time
@thecoshman that time when I voluntarily gave it up because I wanted to take a break from the lounge, back in March
@TonyTheLion oh, I guess that made sense
(make me owner again, whilst no one is around to notice)
he tried to quit the Lounge permanently
have any of you created android apps? like to the point where you're pretty comfy with the SDK and some of the general design features
you know it could never happen
@ʞɔᴉN its very hard
@Prismatic I updated an android app once, never really got into the sdk
are you still working with android studio?
I wanna know what yall think of 'density pixels' as a 'resolution independent' dimension to work with
@Prismatic its probably a good idea to have an abstraction in this case
saves you a bit of work generating a bunch of different sizes for your assets
I want to create a fairly flexible UI toolkit. A long time ago I played around with a scale factor based on dpi and screen size
@TonyTheLion please, there are children around
hold on are we talking about the same thing
having to figure the size of a pixel for each possible device your app might run on is very meh
@thecoshman lol
Nooble For Room Owner.
i know iOS ignores DPI meta on assets
@thecoshman Which is exactly why it's hard.
@ʞɔᴉN But I don't think this always works out. Usually you want to scale your components based on both screen size and dpi. Like, if a button you make has the same physical dimensions independent of screen size and dpi thats a bad thing
you bundle your assets with explicitly set resolutions in iOS
Because a button on a 4" phone should not have the same physical dimensions as one on a 21" monitor
yeah generally UI elements are the same physical size on all devices
no they aren't
thats my point
they aren't?
nvm technically you're correct
just lol, dancing badger it doesn't need any jokes made about it.
I meant in practice, a "PushButton" element on a web page on my desktop is not the same physical size as a PushButton on Android on a mobile device
In an emergency, you can replace a broken shoelace with a USB cable. — Martin James 30 secs ago
I'm always correct :)
^^ I love it when Martin plays along with me to derail a meta question.
@Prismatic i see what you're saying
mobile browsers sort of take this into account for you though
@ʞɔᴉN Your site is wonky on mobile. I mean it looks fine (thanks to me, I'm just too good) but it's a bit... glitchy.
@Mysticial That thing had left the tracks before leaving the station.
@MartinJames I love how collapsing comments can greatly improve the "flow" of a conversation:
Sweet tits a lambda window proc.
I have mixed feelings about this.
it's fucking awesome.
@Mysticial lol, these meta posters who fucking complain about a few downvotes on their 6-lane highway questions really get on my tits:(
@MartinJames same here
I do not possess tits for them to get on
I couldn't even be bothered to say that std::stringstream was painfully slow and should only be used when too drunk to design in an alternative.
> All tests passed (408 assertions in 16 test cases)
pfft unit tests
you should have a manly integration test suite
@Prismatic Test spec failed.
@Nooble oh thanks for letting me know, I haven't tested it all on mobile yet. pretty sure I know why though
my tests are criminally bad
oh well
I wanted the content to be more narrow than the full 12 columns which is like 1000+ pixels so I used 8, offset by 2. would not be surprised if it's shit on mobile
writing good tests is hard
@ʞɔᴉN No problem, so long as I'm getting paid 200 rupees.
@Mysticial all well and good, but really, time to sweep it all away
@TonyTheLion It's fuckin' hard.
@Prismatic also keep in mind most UI elements on the web aren't bitmaps; it's all vectors. so generally DPI/resolution isn't a problem in this situation
I found a new tool to help though, which is the React test utils
@Puppy ...but unit tests are so good! They are easy to quantify amongst the bikeshedding in progress meetings. Nobody wants to hear about system integration test results because the inevitable 'the whole thing does not work' leads to 'why?' and then 'we've no fucking idea yet'.
@ʞɔᴉN Lol 200 rupees is $3.
@Puppy don't be so mean on yourself, you have a delightful voluptuous pair
@MartinJames Yeah, but at least they can tell you that it actually does not work, whereas unit tests can't tell you if starting up the application actually works ;p
@Nooble I will have it sent promptly by Western Union by the end of this week
@TonyTheLion I think that stems from fluffy definitions of what exactly you the software should do.
@ʞɔᴉN You are all too familiar with this process...
@thecoshman or just the email saying "please build me this"
I have two kinds of tests in my lib. 'auto tests' which are unit tests and just normal tests which are small example programs that see if something is working correctly
@Puppy Another diary note - 'Agreed with Puppy again, got the 12-year-old malt out'.
Unit tests have their place.
People start writing tests to check how shit like right-to-left code is handled, without actually saying how the software should handle them in the first place, if at all.
@Nooble this is the final version: gist.github.com/nabijaczleweli/1f3957a42b7e1df0df7f plz tell me what's wrong with it
Anyway @Puppy, how is lampshade-head?
But I think people overuse them.
Since I'm mostly checking against graphics stuff its a pain in the butt since I have to run each test to see if its visually correct etc
@MartinJames Dunnno, I'mma find out in a few days
@TonyTheLion like I said, fluffy definitions.
@Lalaland Yeah, second place, after types.
If you don't know what tests you need to write, it's because you specification is not good enough.
lol specifications
@nabijaczleweli Nothing wrong with it. Although use a better color palette, like clrs.
I can't remember when I last saw a proper one
@thecoshman All my test specs are perfect. Anyone who questions them gets invited to rewrite them.
@TonyTheLion software shouldn't do jack shit unless something somewhere clearly states it should be doing it.
@TonyTheLion vOv 'stories' are (can be) good enough.
@thecoshman you know damn well that reality doesn't work that way
@MartinJames ... you said it though, you have specifications. You have clearly decided that this is a particular scenario you need to handle in a certain way.
@Nooble what's clrs?
@TonyTheLion because people let it.
@nabijaczleweli clrs.cc
@Nooble lol have you spent any time researching pixel art?
@thecoshman Fucking customers want to see them, so I have to write the bastard things:(
where I work, you build a "demo version" and then someone tries it and tells you how you forgot to put in X and Y and some feature K.
then you go back and put that in, and now it becomes production
@ʞɔᴉN A few minutes.
@Nooble minutes?? i used to collect this stuff
and then they wonder why things don't work properly
@ʞɔᴉN Hehe.
@MartinJames frankly, too fucking right. Because then they know exactly what they can refuse to pay you for.
pixel art, sprites, palettes, stuff like that
@thecoshman lol
@Nooble that'll be... tricky
got me feeling some type of way just thinking about it
Ill work on it tomorrow
@thecoshman I rarely come across the problem that I don't know what the code should do. The main problem I find is that figuring out whether or not it's done it correctly often seems to involve duplicating the code.
@MartinJames sure, that's why you charge them. Not because you threw some code at a few chips, but because you took time to state clearly exactly what you have proved it does.
@ʞɔᴉN hnnggg pixeeel arrrrt.
@Nooble exactly ;P
@Nooble i have an idea on how to fix your website
@Puppy 'what the code should do' is specification enough, for your own stuff.
Just gimme some time
@ʞɔᴉN Now all you need to be a complete hipster is a V60 with a pink aluminum case, with "Miami" colored PBT keycaps, doubleshot.
@nabijaczleweli What's there to fix?
I know people like to think the software industry is better for trying to move on from waterfall, but we seem to have forgotten that stating what we want the software to do is really fucking important.
@Nooble bgimage switch time
People have got swept up in this stupid idea that 'agile' means you can just fuck shit out the door and call it job done.
Dontcha worry I'm working on it
@Nooble haha I saw a Miami set, hurts my eyes. it had like an antibiotic coating too which is kinda weird
> hurts my eyes
Ok nab.
@thecoshman that's how I work :)
Any way, now that you've got me angry about general incompetencies, I'm of to bed
@ʞɔᴉN then please don't work with me.
good night sweet prince
How do people type on Ergodoxes (Ergodices?)?
What are those?
very expensively
@nabijaczleweli Very weird keyboard.
i ass-sume you type really fast on it once you get accustomed
You also look like a complete buffoon.
Only ergodicks buy those.
Pok3r best keyboard.
my coworker on vacation has an ergo keyboard
should i steal it for a couple days?
@MeltyButter Ergo != Ergodox
Why does my github repo show .gitignore in it
@Nooble okay ergodoxes look stupid. this guy's ergo keyboard is like, proper, the keys are where there 'sposeda be
@ʞɔᴉN You could make your HHKB programmable with a custom chip I heard.
@MeltyButter Yes but Ergo keyboards are weirdly curvy.
Maintaining "Pok3r master race best keyboard".
@Nooble yes but hands are weirdly curv
so it fits
hey is it a slow night on lounge or what? haha I'm a regular ;)
@Prismatic of course it deas!
@Nooble Clrs looks nice
@Nooble I considered swapping my hhkb logic board with something custom
maybe a small arduino with the newer USB interface, forget what it was called
But the only machine with devenv I have access to is textonly, so its gonna wait till I get my hands on my PC
lets you simulate HID signals and stuff
@ʞɔᴉN Yep.
Now if only I knew what topres feel like.
irta topless
finish my website and i'll let you feel my topres ;)
the main reason why I didn't bother with swapping the logic board is because there's like 30 little wires joined by a weird connector I don't recognize
@ʞɔᴉN 200 rupees = HHKB.
dunno what the spacing is on the pins, its much less than 1mm but i couldn't find match it to any other standard size
@Nooble ok
@ʞɔᴉN I'm sure there are instructions online.
@sehe :)
@Nooble meh, there's not many people with HHKB and far fewer want to tear it apart.
@sehe It's not about the hardware in your machine, but the software in your heart.
in the guide/log I saw, the guy just cut off the connector and soldered everything directly which is stupid
@ʞɔᴉN Yikes.
@Nooble Yes. But software is hard
@sehe Hardware is soft.
@ʞɔᴉN Do they feel like rubber domes?

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