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More awesome music on the livestream. Did everyone die in the lounge?
1 am, yes.
@wilx That's not usually any kind of excuse. I don't usually leave before 3am
@sehe No, of course not. That smell is....well, it's probably better not to ask about it.
:) I haven't seen you in a while. I heard you were moving
/cc @πάνταῥεῖ mmm. look what I found ^
@JerryCoffin Oh hey! :) Long time no see
Mojave desert again? :P
@sehe I was--but things are starting to settle down a bit. Still don't have an internet connection at the new house, but probably will by Friday or so.
Does that imply you switched jobs? Or are you a remote worker (now)?
@sehe I switched jobs about a year ago. I've been living in San Diego, but my wife and children have been in Colorado. Now that school year ended, finally got them packed up and moved out here to San Diego, so I'm not living like a bachelor any more. :-)
@Jefffrey heyyyyy I just found your answer here
A: extracting string from bracket using boost spirit

JefffreyAlright, so assuming we are given the following using and alias namespace directives: using namespace boost::spirit::qi; namespace phx = boost::phoenix; And given the string: std::string strLinesRecur = "%%DocumentNeededResources: CMap (90pv-RKSJ-UCS2C)"; We would like to extract the "code"...

That's... surprising :) I don't usually have much competition help in
You have a padawan :D
@Borgleader AAMOF, yes. The original plan was to start moving on July 1, stay in Las Vegas July 2-4, then get to SD on July 5. Moved here a little early, but still had paid-up hotel room July 2-4, so we went back there for a couple of days.
@JerryCoffin Oh that's cool, I hope you enjoyed your time in LV.
@Borgleader eeek
@Jefffrey I must say it's interesting style. It does tick the box for "gratuitous use of semantic actions" though (see "Boost Spirit: “Semantic actions are evil”?"). (I don't usually recommend that. Why did you use that? Was qi::omit[] not up to the task?)
ITS @sehe learns a thing about boost-spirit :O
std::quoted would be so cool if it could use a different ending delimiter
@Borgleader Mostly yes, though Las Vegas in July is just too damned hot for words. My first and (I hope) last time to go there in July.
std::quoted best library addition 2014
@JerryCoffin Ah yes, also, isn't LV about to dry up or something? I heard their water reserves are getting critically low.
@Rapptz that question about the clang issue didn't really get a definitive answer (someone posted a workaround though). Should I file a bug?
Q: Unexpected result for a type counter using templates with function local types in Clang

PrismaticI wrote a class template based on two types that is assigned a unique index based on its template parameters: template<typename SK,typename T> struct Component { static uint const index; }; The expectation is that for each new type, index is incremented: Component<X,A>::index; // 0 Component

@Borgleader yes. Things get added. I still have to start using Spirit X3
@Rapptz TIL about std::quoted too :)
Today is a good day
I like it a lot
@JerryCoffin hmm. I'm terribad at remembering things like this. Didn't you "become a statistic" ~half a year ago :S
@Rapptz I think you're freaky
@Borgleader Nearly the whole western part of the US is having a drought, and has been for ~4 years. LV has problems, but nearly everybody else in this general part of the country does too. OTOH LV is pretty much in the middle of a desert, so I guess it wouldn't surprise me if they're worse off than most.
@sehe Thought I would, but haven't (yet, anyway). OTOH, things haven't gotten drastically better either...
@JerryCoffin Oh I see, I only/mostly read about LV. But yeah, if it's a generalised thing, its stands to reason that the town in the middle of a sea son hot sand would get it harder than most.
@Borgleader Nevada and California argue over water rights almost constantly. California's line is: "we produce vegetables and fruit and cattle and dairy products, and ...". Nevada comes back with: "We produce...umm...would you prefer your bribe in the form or cash or women?" :-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Damn you, I've been thinking about how much i want a 3d printer all day :(
@Borgleader I have a 3D printer. What would you like made?
@CaptainGiraffe A mini-claptrap, or a lightsaber ;)
@JerryCoffin mmm. Best of luck with those. Hard decisions.
The future hard to predict is
@Borgleader You need to learn Blender Jedi style
Here I offer you my (vastly :)) simplified version based on your take: Live On Colirusehe 17 secs ago
@CaptainGiraffe I can sortof blend but not jedi style
@Borgleader I'm still at the coffe cup stage.
Why doesn't std::sort do radix for shorts and ints?
It maybe is hard to express % as a template requirement
@CaptainGiraffe why would it be faster? It would make more sense for strings, right.
Maybe I'm confusing radix sort with something else here
@sehe It is by a factor of four for random data. 32 bits is not enough to warrant a comparison sort.
If both your client and server use the same UDP port for communication and you bun both the client and server on the same machine you're gonna have a bad time. — Captain Obvlious 17 mins ago
@CaptainGiraffe That seems a bit gratuitous to say ("32 bits is not enough"). Did you actually profile things? And did you then profile it for SSE4/AVX enabled compilers?
@sehe I always preferred: "Predictions are hard--especially about the future." :-)
Hmmm... No-op or throw from reader.read() if no input selected?
@sehe Yes, I have done a lot of testing. The testing was done with a Core 2 Duo.
Interesting. I'd confer with @orlp
He's our new local sort hero (of timsort fame oder so etwas)
Apr 19 at 11:18, by orlp
@sehe pdqsort is exactly as general as std::sort
pdqsort then
@buttifulbuttefly it seems I have to put a cudaDeviceSynchronize before I read from pinned memory for the host to get an updated version. I also tried unified memory and I get segfault on host if I don't sync first
This is interesting. We have the O(NlogN) information limit. But we can still do better with 32 bit data,
Well, VISA has offered to increase my credit card limit. How generous of them.

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