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holly shit. I was going to look at getting a CHIP, but $25 dollars shipping is a joke.
@Ell lol
@Griwes So what?
I guess it's marginally reasonable that a lipo adds $5 to the shipping... they are fun explosive :\
@milleniumbug how you doin'
@Puppy No compile errors (except the tests). Running "CLI.exe" directly on "hello.wide" file containing Main() {} shows some warnings
which warnings did you get?
About incompatible ABI with linking Wide to Wide Expression
one was mingw32 the other was itanium
Wide Expression? I have no idea what that is.
I've been rebuilding it now
now I can rerun it
oh, that was
WARNING: Linking two modules of different data layouts: 'Wide Constant Expression Module' is 'e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S32' whereas 'Wide' is 'e-m:w-p:32:32-i64:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S32'
WARNING: Linking two modules of different target triples: Wide Constant Expression Module' is 'i686-pc-windows-itanium-elf' whereas 'Wide' is 'i686-pc-mingw32'
yes, I believe that you can safely ignore those.
it's a limitation of the version of LLVM that I'm currently using and I don't know if newer LLVM has it fixed or not
Running it resulted in a.o file
congratulations on your shiny object file
now just make sure you're using the correct brand of mingw32 ;p
Which currently is?
4.6.3 dw2
The same one as on the bitbucket, I see
yes, that has not changed
they changed their ABI and you have to make sure that the Clang you built Wide with matches the ABI used by mingw
I believe that Clang 3.6 requires mingw 4.7+ and 3.5 is 4.6.3 newest supported
Ok, got it
you probably could not build Wide against Clang and LLVM 3.6 without Wide source changes anyway
but it would probably be possible to accidentally try to link or compile against mingw 4.7+
Ok, running with g++ a.o -o a.exe went smoothly
Now to compile something more ambitious.
you can try Wide's stdlib, what little there is of it, if you want
but better to use the c++ stdlib
Compiling Main() { cpp("iostream").std.cout << "Hello"; } crashes CLI.exe
Investigating now
Ran with cli --mingw="Path_To_MINGW" hello.wide
The same result
that's curious, I have smoke tests for that in my test suite which are currently passing for me
It dereferences null for some reason
works for me here
try attaching debugger
er hang on a sec
you ran cli.exe directly?
ah it should probably still not crash
Yep, ran directly. Attached the debugger, and ClangTU::hs contains 4 paths where Dir is NULL
@StackedCrooked This may be interesting for you: groupees.com/vn1
Worth it for Aselia and Demonbane alone
Actually, worth it for just those. :P
Maybe Edelweiss
it could be that Clang 3.5.2 has different behaviour here than Clang 3.5
That's certainly possible
I think they're supposed to make all APIs completely compatible
but maybe that is only their command-line API for the executable
hiya all
I assumed they won't be breaking API on minor releases.
But maybe something different happens
guys, what was the name of that blackjack movie?
the played blackjack with his professor in vegas
nevermind, found it
brb building LLVM and Clang 3.5.0
well Wide does use some internal APIs which I guess are not guaranteed to be compatible anyway
but that is not one of them
Is it absolutely necessary to use internal APIs?
Ugh. agar.io broke.
Death screen out of nowhere. :c
@sbi so that'd be the 8th-12th week? I'm leaving for the Unconference in the 11th. Your pick of any day before that.
@Puppy what kind of stuff is it? And why wont clang make it public?
codegen for c++ apis
and they won't make it public because they don't want to have to design and maintain a public interface for it
Do you guys tend to use __LINE__ and __FILE__ in your logging output? I've never used it before and I don't think I've come across a lot of code that does, but it seems so handy. Any reasons I shouldn't use it?
@fredoverflow what the fuck
He claims sizeof arr != sizeof(arr).
I don't know whether he is correct or not.
Only C++ is that dumb :P
Which is kinda sad, because I have been teaching C for 7 years now :)
@Prismatic Your every logging function call will have to include __FILE__, __LINE__) which is a bit ugly, or use macros to avoid writing it, which is also ugly.
@fredoverflow who claims that?
See the link above
if arr is the name of an object the two are directly equivalent
It woulda been nicer if __func__ printed out the class name for class methods :l
gg JAST, it's 2015 and you manage to send plain-text passwords with the confirmation mail.
game developers writing web apps :P :P
Q: Do parentheses make a difference when determining the size of an array?

fredoverflowThe following program prints the same number twice on gcc 4.8.2: #include <stdio.h> int main() { char a[13]; printf("sizeof a is %zu\n", sizeof a ); printf("sizeof(a) is %zu\n", sizeof(a)); } According to this reddit post, gcc is not standard-conformant in this respect, because a...

> visual novels
@Prismatic No guarantees on what it contains at all vOv
it could be simply "fuck you" and be compliant under the standard
Better GitHub would be GitSwitch
only good vn is
if you say so
@Prismatic Objection! Chaos;Head is also good.
jk I havent tried any other VNs
There are tons of great VNs
The best rated on vndb.org is Muv-Luv Alternative
And hot damn it's good.
I always have the fear that VN style games that aren't ace attorney or 999 or similar are too 'japanese-y'
The way that people in those kinda games behave and speak always bothers me. Its not just VNs either, it happens in a lot of japanese games and media
Its hard to describe what I'm talking about without sounding retarded
@R.MartinhoFernandes 5th, 9th, 10th I can.
Where's the Unconference this year?
(I'll have the kids that weekend, so I'm out of it anyway.)
@sbi London
Oh. Teures Pflaster.
Well, I'll go back to watering my salad and overseeing the kids. Have to make the best of the fantastic weather.
Once I had a baby rabbit, it ran away & hid in my neighbours backyard & ate all their baby salad while the neighbours were away on holidays
@sbi We just had a blitz of hail.
@sbi yeah... seems I'm the only one coming from somewhere that when they think London, thinks "not too expensive".
@sbi 9th is best for me because it's not the eve of travel.
That time of the months ...
Also I love to touch my chest when I am wearing this cashmere jumper, feels like I am stroking a soft, fluffy pet kitty
this 3rd party thing managing delivery requests for all restaurants is a great idea
they're constantly asking for feedback wrt specific restaurants' performance so I'm guessing they regularly keep a blacklist of restaurants pissing customers off and damaging their image
the more people use it the more restaurants will have to treat their deliveries seriously otherwise they'll be kicked from the 3rd party's service
That's been a thing for a long time here.
I got asked a few times about the delivery speed for this specific restaurant I order burgers from
and when I had to cancel an order with them
I was contacted directly by an employee from the service
to ask me what went wrong with the guys
@Xeo only started recently here
they released an android/iOS app and it's really nice
We got Pizza.de, Lieferheld.de, Lieferando.de, pizza-taxi.de, loads and loads of such pages.
@Xeo this is the site's app play.google.com/store/apps/…
for some reason it's in english
but I haven't seen it being used outside RO
Omgomgomg, I might've finally found a second kitten - after checking stuff within a 20km radius outside my city...
TIL I can make coffee using my tea press
I'll get some powder and try it
The lounge is so calm today.
@Xeo pic?
Nah. The ones that are online only show a tiny black furball without many details.
hi puppy
why so sleepy
I don't think I have any non-sleepy pics of Taiga, actually...
Because when she's not sleeping / dozing off, she's too active to really get a good one.
ITT: Puppy realizes that his collection of puppy pictures is not growing anymore.
excuse me whilst I just dump a bunch of cute puppy pictures
slight technical hitch
@xeo clean that shit up please :\
he started it
I merely won
I can't, morally. I dump pictures of Taiga in here too. :(
@Puppy I didn't post anything today!
also he had plenty of time to object beforehand
@Xeo vOv give me mod powers for like a minutes then please :D
@Xeo yeah but puppy > kitten
And that is where you're wrong.
@thecoshman I can always start posting food
Since I can still bin your puppy pictures, but you can't bin my kitty pictures!
actually I should post my new AC installment lol
that clearly proves kitten > puppy
I wish we could just have a room setting that stopped images inlining :(
it looks like a world war barricade
@thecoshman Personal setting, rather
@Puppy d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
it was the best we could do without destroying something in the apartment :<
the wood can be taken off once I move out so the landlord won't mind
@Xeo nah, room setting :D
@AlexM. surprisingly clean hack :P
@thecoshman yeah dad did a good job at that
@Puppy Ok, solved the issue. Not by rebuilding with Clang, it was my fault instead (the paths to libraries were set incorrectly)
Hmm... 1.5h till Dutch chips and frikandel.
that should probably not crash the driver ;p
but at least it was your fault
all your fault
those damn Users trying to do shit with my code.
Also, there's something that concatenates paths directly
doing cli --mingw=C:\__MOJE\PROJEKTY\NotMine\WideDeps\mingw32\ is fine
that would not surprise me in the slightest
@AlexM. lol, here's me thinking you did it yourself
while doing cli --mingw=C:\__MOJE\PROJEKTY\NotMine\WideDeps\mingw32 isn't
I thought that I got all of those places but it would not surprise me if at least some were missed.
@thecoshman lol nah, dad does stuff like this
I couldn't even carry the thing :\
ah there it is
I tried to grab the package but I got bruises on my hands in like a minute
I need to think of some way of tracking if my pi is actually having power problems...
Also --mingw option expects path to directory containing mingw32-dw2 directory, not the path to this directory directly.
not sure if intentional.
I may have made it that way for a reason or I may have just done it that way because it was easiest.
should I make the user provide mingw32-dw2?
in some ways I think it's better not to because then if you have mingw32-seh or something, it will fail which is good.
Well, I expected the path to the directory that contained MinGW. All the other tools do that way (IDEs and stuff)
fair enough.
I will change it to take that directory instead then
Hello, world
did the directory you referenced actually not exist, or did it just not contain what was expected?
well I guess that if you referenced mingw in the wrong dir then the resulting expected include path would not exist.
either way I will add a defensive check in ClangTU to catch what happens if Clang refuses a filepath
I happened to have bin, include and other stuff from MinGW in C:\__MOJE\PROJEKTY\NotMine\WideDeps\mingw32
I ran the debugger, and then the path passed was
gonna have mingw32-dw2 added
something like C:\__MOJE\PROJEKTY\NotMine\WideDeps\mingw32mingw32-dw2\include
which obviously did not exist.
interesting - VS2015 does not highlight new as a keyword anymore
hey guys
some math pro around here?
So they deprecated new and removed it from keyword list. Finally! :D
I think it's just an intellisense change so that you can go to definition and see the overloads and shit
how can i solve (3^(x-1)) / (9^x) = 3^x
for x??
try crying in a corner
I've also heard that prayer may be effective
didnt work
Hint: 9 is 3*3
and if neither of those work
try giving some random dude on the internet a blowjob
@T_01 Just enter the formula into wolframalpha.com
okay.. i 'll try it
x = -1/2
Markdown + Wolfram Alpha = Epic parsing fail
wolfram says i have to use the logarithm..
but the exercise tells to do it without them
you don't really need it for this exercise I would posit
then i'm too mad
can someone help?
oh wait
all powers of 3
= 1/3 * 3^x / 3^2x = 3^x
=> 1/3 / 3^x = 3^x
@T_01 Nobody can help you.
Good morning!
=>1/3 = 3^x * 3^x
=>3^-1 = 3^2x
@UzumakiIchigo I would keep it more simple (RHS only): 3^(x-1) / 9^x = 3^(x-1)/3^(2x) = 3^(-1-x)
and then you can remove the powers, resulting in: (-1-x) = (x)
As everything is a power of 3
=>3^-1/2 = 3^x
-1/2 = x
I actually got -2
@paul23 That goes over my head
I got -1/2 too
@UzumakiIchigo The last sentence? That's what you did as well
wait.. thank you but.. how do you get to 1/3 * 3^x / 3^2x = 3^x ?
where is the ^ x - 1 and the 9..?
9 mins ago, by milleniumbug
Hint: 9 is 3*3
yeah i read it
hint 2: 9 = 3^2
@UzumakiIchigo The first part is simply rewrite (9^x) as (3^2)^x = 3^(2x) and then remembering that diving by a power is simply taking the negative power
@paul23 thanks, I get it now
1/(3^(2x) = 3^(-2x) - and then you can combine all powers
Hint 3: x^a * x^b = x^(a+b)
yeah i know that..
Simple arithmatec :P
Nice to do something can solve for a change :D
but what is with 3 ^ x - 1 ?
3^(x-1) I think you assume?
@T_01 3^x * 3^(-1) = ?
= something * 3 ^x ?
wait xD
i think i got it... wait i'll try it again..
Just connect the dots
chat broke - I can't see what I type anymore
Hey how about you make a program in C++ that solves this for you! That way it's interesting.
Anyways I'd keep everything as powers of 3, not combineseperate them like done tby uzumaki
@Nooble Numerically I assume
Numerically solving is the fun :D
@paul23 Even I wanted to keep in powers of 3
I just wrote 3^-1 as 1/3 to make it easy for myself
since this is a c++ lounge
I would like to ask what should I do to improve my algo's
lol that random question
and do code optimization (such as branch prediction fail)
not fail
@Prismatic Wow, this is awesome.
=>3^-1 = 3^2x
=>3^-1/2 = 3^x
why this step?
or how?
Apply Hint nr 3 once again
doesnt help..
Just fyi, one of the problems I have to solve right now (easy to be frank):
@khajvah The language Rust or is it some kind of library?
No, the actual rust
Get a metal and let environmental factors do their job
when a^x = a^y then x = y
(i = location index, n = time index)
hence -1 = 2x
-1/2 = x
undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
@milleniumbug so I'll use butterflies then. They will mine the ore and then bees will bring them to my sanctuary...
ooouu okay
i understood now
thank you all!!!
@T_01 Just wondering: what age/education you're following now?
so much indirection
Nice, drizzle.
I love drizzle.
@Prismatic That's actually headache inducing wondering why it's there
Wondering why what is there
@milleniumbug Happens if you don't link properly to the standard libraries.
yesterday, by fredoverflow
Yay, recursion works :)
in order to implement recursion, you must first implement recursion
@fredoverflow Making recursion not work is harder than making it work.
Main() {
    m := cpp("hello.cpp");
    m.std.cout << "Hello";
    m.printf(", world");
    //local := m.std.vector(std.string)();
    //local.push_back("Hello, World!");
    //std.cout << local[0];
@rightfold Hm, interesting.
What kind of madness is that milleniumbug?
hello.cpp includes <vector> <iostream> and <stdio.h>
That's Puppy's Wide
@paul23 What?
is that the _Unwind_Resume problem?
@fredoverflow m := cpp("hello.cpp");
@Puppy Uncommenting the lines causes the linking issue
@milleniumbug _Unwind_Resume is an Itanium ABI EH implementation detail.
it's something your implementation (i.e. mingw) should be providing.
a.o:(.text+0x111): undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
a.o:(.text[__ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEE13_M_insert_auxIJSsEEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSsS1_EEDpOT_]+0x29a): undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
c:/__moje/projekty/notmine/widedeps/mingw32/mingw32-dw2/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: a.o: bad reloc address 0x29a in section `.text[__ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEE13_M_insert_auxIJSsEEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSsS1_EEDpOT_]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Hmmm, the version is correct, but not sure why the previous program compiled
Since std::cout's operator<< could also potentially throw exceptions
hey, why it's __gnu_cxx17__
That seems incorrect
__gnu_cxx is the namespace and 17 is the length of __normal_iterator
Oh yeah, lol
confused 17 with C++17
I've had similar issues before but don't remember exactly what the problem was
mingw should be linking the EH support library implicitly for you
you are targetting x86 and not x64, right?
Yes, x86.
is that what g++ is targetting?
I don't know if it's possible for the object file and the linker to get confused about what the target is
g++ -v shows Target: i686-w64-mingw32
should be -pc- instead of -w64- I think
By i686 I assume x86
oh no that's what mine is targetting too
I think w64 is referring to MinGW-w64
The w64 is confusing and annoying
try passing that triple as --triple on the Wide command line
Wide's normal triple on Windows is -pc- instead of -w64-
That Elvis video is killing me :-D
I need a UTF-8 validator for C++.
Like --triple=i686-w64-mingw32 ?
I need to know whether some data is valid UTF-8.
Still the same output
I do not know why you would not be getting the appropriate support library linked in automatically.
Maybe the issue is with running g++
I always run i686-w64-mingw32-g++.exe
@rightfold I doubt any verification can be done without manually trying to read/convert the whole file.
Considering UTF-8 doesn't have fixed size
you can fail on first failure, but that would still be O(N) avergae
Ok, the current command I run is cli --triple=i686-w64-mingw32 --mingw=PATH_TO_MINGW --stdlib=PATH_TO_WIDELIB hello.wide && i686-w64-mingw32-g++ a.o -o a.exe
still got the issue?
yep, still got it
obvious thing to do is try to compile equivalent C++ code in the same manner and see if you still get a linking failure
@fredoverflow: sorry for the inconvenience caused by my mails to you. please forgive me. I won't disturb you now.
I really need to get my PHP repos unstarred :[
@rightfold not on irc?
The C++ code compiles with this version of g++
No linking error occurs
@milleniumbug command?
@TechnikEmpire what

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