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@buttifulbuttefly what would you call it
hot as fuck
@buttifulbuttefly Meh. After years of such ads
i mean look at that
look at these proprotions
i need similar surgery
"Hi madam, welcome to the photoshoot for discount coupons. Now take of your clothes."
She has undies on
not for long
$ unzip package.zip -d xxx
zip packages are pretty small, Cicada
@Ell I tried all sorts of tricks and poisons but those little shits just won't stop leaking in
are you saying that because i'm asian
no, I am saying that because you used upzip
I just killed the joke, I know
@AndyProwl what do you have?
We have cluster flies in our house. Basically impossible to get rid of as the nest in the ground outside :S
we have lots of cicadas in our garden
we have a few in the lounge, too
Please help so urgent!
Q: Urgent: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed in cv::kmeans,,opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 2701

faezeh sadat zakeriI am compiling a code to extract SIFT descriptors and Bag of visual features and then using Kmeans to cluster and make a vocabulary,and finally using a matcher for a given Image with the clusters I am going to find, to find the category that this given image belongs to.I am doing this with Open...

if you need urgent help then maybe you should expect to pay someone
I'm voting to close this question as urgent — buttiful buttefly 2 mins ago
Let's make a thread on meta: "suggested income source: urgent questions" The OP pays an amount of monies that is shared between SO and the accepted answer. profit
lol, there's codementor for that.
The point of SE is the harsh community due to it being free. Or is it the other way around?
^star that.
> proportions.
@rubenvb profile pic cute enough
i don't think that kid can do opencv no
today's lesson, there is a thing called 'composition'
go to the toilet for the next lesson on "decomposition"
it's when you build a bigger entity from smaller components
> the're
high as cosh
as cosh'man
i w'ont comment on that
@AndyProwl and in your bed, soon
you can all suck my shit
that's debatable
@sehe Cicadas? Doesn't sound good
well - the infestations have already begun
no cicadas in my bedroom
nevah evah
have haven?
heaven no
Jul 21 '12 at 19:23, by Domagoj Pandža
nagila hava, nagila venish me ha.
> Detected language - English
am I going stupid, you can use std::unique_ptr for runtime poly' right? struct A{}; struct B:A{}; std::unique_ptr<A> ptr(new B); <-- that'll do job right? Or should I be using 'make_unquie'?
both work
you should use make_unique because you should use make_unique :P
@thecoshman make_unquie is quite nice
my personal fouvarite
@thecoshman virtual destructor mate
@thecoshman you need virtual dtor
@Columbo oooh yes, that little fooker
what is a virtual dtor but a miserable pile of vtables
@thecoshman Wasn't that a plane manufacturer in the first world war?
it's not shared_ptr, it doesn't store deleter for original type
@thecoshman you should apply make_eunuch. Pronto
@sehe huh?
@Columbo Yeah, that fokker
@thecoshman I'll wait
@sehe spare us all please :\
@sehe How're you doing
@thecoshman It's a pun on the pronunciation of eunuch
@buttifulbuttefly is that some funny talk?
of course it requires a minimum a culture
@buttifulbuttefly I'll one culture please
@buttifulbuttefly it's a punt on his spelling
@thecoshman how about a verb, to start slowly
I'll one verb, please
oh, I spelt unique wrong
@buttifulbuttefly only if you accept a preposition in exchange
@buttifulbuttefly run
I don't understand anything — buttiful buttefly 4 mins ago
@AndyProwl before the edits it was incomprehensible
@thecoshman you. nailed. it.
I've reached the Elbe!
@buttifulbuttefly Oh yeah
Edited! Is it helpful now? — Naseef Ur Rahman 2 mins ago
> Match,Trade generated - Example, Say TraderA was Selling 2@150 and TraderB was Buying 3@150, what happens is TraderA order is fully filled and order is removed from the order book, TraderA gets 2*150USD added to his wallet and BTC removed alread when he was placing order. TraderB in opposite has a partial fill (2BTC out of 3BTC bought) and gets +2 BTC added to his wallet (2*150USD removed when he placed an order).
cba to find dupe
lol screenshots
it is
inb4 the future of SO is only links to youtube videos explaining why i++ + ++i is not 3 or whatever
@R.MartinhoFernandes \o/
is it raining?
Wait. zero-aligned exists?
what does it even mean
@buttifulbuttefly It doesn't
@buttifulbuttefly unaligned?
although that would be one-aligned, wouldn't it.
yeah w_w
> How do you increment a variable name in for loop in C?
@milleniumbug 2^-∞
@AndyProwl man. hallelujah
@buttifulbuttefly hire a php programmer
allahu halleluia ahkbar
@buttifulbuttefly The finance tag is a wreck
I want to be a forever tourist
@Mr.kbok help how do i make this FUN PROJECT FOR MY OWN ME NOT FOR PROFIT BUT WITH REAL DOLLARS really quick thx
also lotsa finance guys asking cuda / opencl questions
all terrible
> Need step-by-step guide on how to hack an ATM for fun
"so I have this 2-books long formula and I want to parallelize it but how"
"run both books in parallel"
@DragonLord Assuming that file has template definitions in it, that's kind of okay but we tend to give such a file a different name, like include.ipp or just anotherinclude.hpp, because file.cpp implies a translation unit, not something you #include.
I am implement a stock exchange but I don't know exactly how trades are executed
@buttifulbuttefly you fail at your tutoring job
"Cuda" is "Miracles" in Polish
@chmod711telkitty You can implement the trades as long as you will be executed
thanks for all the explained
Nope. Not raining.
I'm gonna stop here in Mělník for food.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how does a programmer get a, well, girlfriend. Is there a stack site for that?
@milleniumbug that format string specifiers thing is a mess
nice that they tried to match standard behaviour
I wonder how it went so badly wrong
@edition expertsexchange
@edition use tinder & don't come back
> Can i use a mutex in a shared_ptr?
recipe for disaster
yo dawg
@edition like any other person vOv
Do they sell food in Kaufland?
they sell thuringers in kaufland
Thank you for contacting us! Your bug is important to us.
that's all you need for a great meal
Long signature here
"We love you"
Oh it's James McAlwaysAuto
and that last one (with the URL) is just fucked
MS websites are so messy
@edition Not saying they're programmers tends to help
Bron knew I'm a programmer for a long time.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I always feel like the Connect URL has a hidden ?slow=true at the end :<
I dunno why it'd be bad.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just like ms windows
Robot goes to Czechland for a few days and forgets his English
What's wrong?
time concordance I guess
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's called time space slow down ... maybe when you are not an american?
oh poor guy
Q: Why can I assign a QObject* to a QObject?

anderasConsider the following code: #include <QObject> class A : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: A(QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {} } int main() { A a = new A(); return 0; } Why can I assign an object of type A* to a variable of type A without the compiler (or ru...

@R.MartinhoFernandes There are exceptions sure, but programmers tend to be seen as socially challenged weirdos and nerds
i actually feel sorry for him
no you don't ... you just want a laugh & he was right there in front of your screen
@Andy well, I wouldn't want those people as girlfriends anyway, so win-win.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The code's been refactored to move the implementation into the .h.
well done
now it's easier to move everything to the bin
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D eh, I don't know. I understand them a bit
sigh, nowadays I am automatically added to the attendance list of overnight bushwalks/hikes by some organizers
someone is 2 days late
Find myself on a 737/800, lets see Box-IFE-ICE-SATCOM, ? Shall we start playing with EICAS messages? "PASS OXYGEN ON" Anyone ? :)
took me shamefully long to see what is wrong with struct A{~A();};
> :)
get jailed :)
@buttifulbuttefly today's late what?
> chap
It's like the author is his friend.
I would feel great about it if I didn't feel slightly unwell these a few weeks
I am in a stressful situation.
I have no idea what I am doing
what's the worst that could happen? you fail a course or two? big deal
the project I am working on
life goes on
it is not going good
@khajvah You're not alone
I remember my newbish days - stressed about exams, about jobs
I either have to throw away a lot code and spend lots of time rewriting or finish the spaghetti code
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not really
El Reg regularly uses colloquial English terms, and this is no different
I guess I am lacking experience
@khajvah make it work perfectly first then re-write if you have time
or probably the will to solve the problem
@khajvah If it's a project you're supposed to maintain and you can afford the time and you know how to rewrite it in a better way, perhaps it's worth throwing away the code and rewriting it in a clean way
and then keep it clean constantly
@chmod711telkitty I guess I will take this one.
@AndyProwl I am afraid of being unable to keep it clean
definitely a lack of will
or is it willpower
@khajvah Personally I found TDD very effective in that respect
I have hard time with project organization
If you have enough unit tests, you're less afraid of breaking stuff when you clean up the code, so you'll be willing to clean up more often
makes sense. I will write some tests
lol that's a weight on the right
crazy setup
@AlexM. I don't think willpower is relevant in here
ok then
> Drunk Teenager Crashes Dad’s £100,000 Audi R8 Into A House
poor audi :(
poor house
poor khajvah's Dad
he's not poor if he has that car
No it wasn't me
@AlexM. He doesn't now, so he's poor
Vlad's up to 64k
5 more k
@milleniumbug if crashing your car makes you poor
then you're an idiot
@AlexM. I never understood that logic. "He has a £100,000 car, therefore he is rich." What if he's not rich because he spent all his money on a £100,000 car?
I need to do something about this
which is a bigger problem than being poor
@LightnessRacesinOrbit see what I said above
@AlexM. I saw it. It made no sense.
Except for the fact that you were saying only an idiot would spend all £100,000 on a car if that's the only rich money you had.
there's a difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something
Which sort of makes sense in a way
Depends how much you want it I suppose
if crashing your car makes you poor then you don't really afford that car
So what, the car is an asset
Is he "stupid" for not keeping £70,000 of it in savings? Or blowing it on something else? Why?
I don't have time for this
You've just transformed your money into a car, that's still worth 100 000
@AlexM. Not really mate
I think Alex has a point
Being able to afford something doesn't require that you can still afford to buy lots of other things afterwards
Being able to "afford it without noticing" is one thing (not sure what the term is)
I guess that's what you're talking about
If you're left poor after losing your super-expensive car, where poor probably means that you can't afford basic stuff, then you shouldn't have spent so much money on that car
not sure if "idiot" is the right word (it rarely is) but definitely not wise
@buttifulbuttefly Not forever, a car is the worst possible thing to invest in
it loses so much value after you buy it
It is not investment, not the R8 for sure
@TheForestAndTheTrees how do you know?
you can't forecast the future
> i've a host programm asynchron
sounds alright
@buttifulbuttefly in general, cars deprecate in value after buying them, and it's a rare model that keeps its value.
@TheForestAndTheTrees exactly.
keeps value and increases (= it's an investment)
and anyway buying a car of any sort, regardless of its devaluation, is an investment, unless you intend to lose money by buying that car somehow
@LightnessRacesinOrbit expendable?
@buttifulbuttefly everything is an investment in that sense
that's what i just said
unless you're DAF you're investing
@khajvah It's funny that you felt the need to confirm
@sehe I jsut don't agree with it
With what
that everything is an inverstment
if it's not an investment then what is it, a net loss?
@khajvah invest in toilet paper, pronto. There's a huge market and few investor have realized the potential
you don't put money into something if you don't feel you're going to get advantage from it. charities aside.
@buttifulbuttefly it is like saying, I invest in food to not starve, so I can earn money
you invest in yourself staying alive
which is quite smart tbh
@AlexM. Oh. I assumed the fan was blowing it up enough to keep it balanced
Did @Alex turn his laptop into a buttrig?
@buttifulbuttefly If it was, you wouldn't eat $20 steak because from financial point of view, it makes not sense
@buttifulbuttefly Useless. Because if you lose yourself (...) you don't end up poor
@sehe Ameeeeeeericaaaa
@khajvah Yeah, so you buy something cheaper, so you can invest the remaining in something else. If you do get the 20$ steak, it's because you want to enjoy it => you invest in your happiness.
@R.MartinhoFernandes my laptop doesn't have overheating problems
car is an expense not an investment
not even 5 years later <3
no paste changed
== buttrig (Deutsch) == === Adjektiv === Nebenformen: butterig Worttrennung: butt·rig, Komparativ: butt·ri·ger, Superlativ: am butt·rigs·ten Aussprache: IPA: […], Komparativ: […], Superlativ: […] Hörbeispiele: —, Komparativ: —, Superlativ: — Bedeutungen: [1] viel Butter enthaltend, in der Konsistenz oder im Geschmack wie Butter Beispiele: [1] Die Creme ist sehr buttrig. ==== Übersetzungen ==== Referenzen und weiterführende Informationen: [*] Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache „buttrig“ [*] canoo.net „buttrig“ [*] Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon „buttrig“ [1] Duden online „butt...
did someone call me!
@buttifulbuttefly why do you want to make our world so boring
I don't
I just see things in a rational way
a $100k car can only be an investment if you want to use it to pick up chicks from the bar
@chmod711telkitty the acquisition is an expense. If you don't get property of it, it's a net expense.
Investment has a neutral meaning you know
@buttifulbuttefly I dont want to consider eating steak an investment
Then I guess we don't share the same definition
For investment in macroeconomics, see Investment (macroeconomics). Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame. Investment has a different meaning in finance from that in economics. In finance, investment is buying or creating an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends (profit), interest earnings, rents or some combination of these returns. This may or may not be backed by research and analysis. Most or all forms of investment involve some form of risk, such as investment in equities, property...
Cars are a terrible investment
generally speaking
@sehe a buttrig is a Bitcoin mining apparatus. It's typically built in a haphazard way with all sorts of fans and wires around in awkward positions.
I don't want to think about "investing in happiness" while eating my juicy steak.
yet that's exactly what you are doing
"I invested in happiness too much this month"
you invest with the expectation of getting more out of it than what you put in, which rarely happens in new cars
That's the same as "I had too much luxury this month".
look, I am not going to try to get you to agree
No big difference there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh
@buttifulbuttefly No, that would be making a steak factory.
anywhoops my dear colleague prokaryote investors
time to go home!
I want a pizza factory
you can also say 'I invested in good camping gears'. Invest can have a return in a form other than money - i.e. comfort or self esteem.
i.e. happiness factory
also, everyone invest in their happiness :p
@chmod711telkitty i think you're starting to understand my whole point
oh well
@milleniumbug yes
the sound of butte has rang
It's only 6:53pm, but what's happening with that deadline?
Always happy to fuel your pizza-o-holism.
fuck the deadline
my next next game should be a pizza sim
I made a project for uni related to pizzas
Producers/consumers of pizza in Ada
but meh pizza tycoon sounds lame :\
burgers would be a better fit
Damn, it's starting to rain.
Fuck you, nature.

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