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@BartekBanachewicz Never leave your car with a key in ignition if there is still a child (or a dog) inside.
Why dog? It says animal
Why not dog
What if there's a rhino?
Why not Zoidberg
It says beast, obviously.
Rhinos can't drive
Says who
Mine can
@AndyProwl Oh, true. My error.
@LisaAnn I like your nickname
@райтфолд You are just using wrong.
@wilx Granted, in most cases it's probably going to be a dog...
@AndyProwl Yeah. That was pretty much what I was thinking about when I was writing it and it slipped out into the message from my head through my fingers.
Yep, I figured
@LisaAnn you're in it
@khajvah you're such a perv
^ relevant
lol? LRiO, are you talking to your imaginary buddies again?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit We all are at some point
> Any pointer to resolve this error?
I CNR in the answer
@sehe CNR?
@chmod711telkitty no, to @khajvah
@chmod711telkitty which is why it says "@khajvah" on the message
hi guys
@khajvah Check your toxic masculinity, dude. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
@wilx From (S)CNR
@sehe What does that mean?
@wilx You're doing it again
@wilx Sorry Could Not Resist Googling That For You
@sehe Doing what? Give it a name.
@wilx I didn't get it but whatever
@sehe Ah. I have never heard that before.
Whenever I see epub I always think "How can pubs be electronic?" and only later I realize it is the electronic book format. :)
@wilx Playing the lounge.
@wilx epubescent
lel. They wants the COW reference proxy
@Nagarjun hi, sexist
@wilx just spotted where you saw 'epub' ;p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :)
@Mgetz More like, they make it very clear they actually work for the oil companies
@sehe Making fun of feminism is now playing the Lounge?
Feminism is all about equality for men and women. That's why it's called "feminism".
@wilx instigating the usual boring mess is :|
@sehe I do not find it boring. :)
@sehe Blame jalf for pushing me over the threshold when I started caring about this shit.
Just blame jalf for everything tbh
9/11? jalf.
MH370? jalf.
Vlad? jalf.
so it's "thank you, jalf" now?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It would be nice. But I did not say everything. :)
@AndyProwl "jalf you"
@AndyProwl "Thanks, Jalf" /FTFY
All right all right
@wilx I like to go the extra mile
We noticed
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You are a role model for all of us!
@wilx damn straight
@sehe I tend to not capitalize it :p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit But not so much when it comes to going the extra mile for food stuff, right? :D
@wilx zing
well you'll be happy to know that i'm eating lunch as we speak
and I only had to go 125 miles to get it
And since this is taking of so nicely, this means the Lounge will be inhabitable except for extremophiles
@sehe So... what else is new?
to the land of @Bartek's favourite taps
@jalf Nothing is new. Everything fluctuates.
Speaking of @Bartek, shall we expect a poll for Marmalade awards or something?
dunno. the marmaduke has been quiet since
What's marmalade?
@khajvah Orange jam.
It's a jam
That said, your desire to make fun of other people's attempt to be treated as equals is entirely on you. You can't blame me for that. Take responsibility for yourself, please
Or lemon, I suppose. Citrus jam.
Is there any way to make a function take a varying number of of parameters of a specific type or would I have to make a variadic template and use a type trait to check that all parameters are of a specific type?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Lemon, let it be lemon, lemon is good
@Veritas You could use an initializer_list
@khajvah unless you're Meredith McKay
But you'd have to call the function as foo({1, 2, 3})
Does anybody like Indian Food?
I love Indian food
@Veritas I think you will have to constraint the type parameter somehow.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hahahaha... didn't get the British joke
@khajvah It's not a British joke.
@khajvah And I couldn't help but notice you laughed anyway...?
@SmartDev Eating a curry right now.
inb4 not real indian food blah blah blah
@AndyProwl I love too
Yep. Love is great
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I laughed to not look ignorant. Who is Mckay?
@AndyProwl yeah, soonish. My laptop breaking yesterday fucked up my plans
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You made it yourself sweetie?
@BartekBanachewicz Ah, I see. That's unfortunate
@AndyProwl I just hope they'll take it under warranty
I love Norwegian Food.
Or should I say, it loves me
Next time consider that laughing at a joke then declaring that you didn't understand it whatsoever may not help so much to make you "not look ignorant" :)
Can you say "unlucky" as a synonym for "unfortunate"?
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe they'll take it under advisement
@AndyProwl Yes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I learn a lot in this chat
No need to guess while I'm here
@khajvah aye
inb4 "hahahah wait what does 'aye' mean?"
fuck, you are so fast
that's what she said
I have so many small problems I start for forget what some of them are ...
Do you guys carry tiffin to the office?
@chmod711telkitty Isn't that a good thing? :)
@AndyProwl Lunch Box
@SmartDev Oh, no, we have a cafeteria and they serve food there
Q: What was the first rock in the rock cycle?

Lucian09474I am an undergraduate student but I am a tutor at a High School, and one student asked me. Attempting to explain the rock cycle "if one rock turns into the other then which came first" my gut is telling me probably igneous (given Earth geologic past.) Resources online have different opinions. Am ...

What came first, the rock or the rock?
@SmartDev "tiffin" wtf
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The egg
lol I haven't had a lunch box since I was about 8
probably not even that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ohh God..Really?
@SmartDev really. also since we know each other a little now, you may address me simply as "Lightness". God is just a nickname.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OK OK
Hi all
I wonder why it's not allowed to have something like
template <int... Args>
void f(Args... args)
@райтфолд ??
baka-mplayer is a good player
@SmartDev baka
@райтфолд What do you mean?
inb4 baka
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Do you know the best alternative for Singleton pattern?
@SmartDev Passing the object as an argument?
damn I can't reach 30k at Falling Fellow
@khajvah Dependency Injection..right?
fuck fancy names
just pass things you need to operate with
I have no idea what that means
DI is more about behaviour injecting
Hi guys, so.. function overloading is actually a form of / or the idea of PolyMorphism?
google for "ad-hoc polymorphism"
that helps me understand a bit, ty
@BartekBanachewicz OK.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what are you talking about
.epub is a electronic publication
Is it just me or people are overthinking about design patterns?
@SmartDev Lotsa people. Especially women Indians.
then there is Operator Overloading .. which I have not heard of..
giving a name to every small solution is not helpful I think
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? I am sorry I didn't get you
Dat edit
Indians in general like Indian food. And there are many of them.
It's simple.
@SmartDev baka
@khajvah People overthink about design patterns when they do not know how to design.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ohh yes. That is the most tasty food I think
@JoJo it works exactly the same as function overloading
(The struckout "women" is a reference to a joke by a group of Portuguese comedians)
so method overriding is when a subclass declares a method of the same name and params. whereas method OVERloading is actually using different datatypes in the params etc.
where is @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@райтфолд Yes baka
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you part of this group?
I like the emphasis on "over" instead of "loading."
> Who has never had a mycosis in the scrotum?
Lotsa people, especially women.
With virtual functions, overriding is overloading on the dynamic type of *this!
OK, curry tonite:)
who is 0x2493
he starred Hate recently
@Nagarjun your profile.
who is Michal Jurosz
@Nagarjun Yes, I know. I have a PhD in electronic text media.
he starred Mill recently
How do you know who starred who?
They read minds
Hi how to enroll for PhD
currently i am doing PG
@Nagarjun Hi how do I roll a pita bread
can u help me with my doubt?..
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@khajvah on GH, not on SO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit question for you
someone in my city is looking for a place to rec those
@BartekBanachewicz GH?
@khajvah github
ah, I am stupid
@ThePhD \o/
@BartekBanachewicz why you want to roll pita bread?
ty all o/
@LightnessRacesinOrbit where are you from
@Nagarjun She is hot right?
and may i know your real name
static_cast<int>(x) vs truncate(x)?
@khajvah photo is hot but don't know its real or fake
@Nagarjun Why would you want to know that?
just like that
@Nagarjun why you want to enroll for PhD
you know what is PhD
Pornhub director
then whats your qualification
im not qualified
who is Pornhub director
@BartekBanachewicz What man?
This is confusing.
Alright, I need to decode UTF-8.
@Nagarjun Isn't it what PhD means?
Let's see how ICU works.
Did you abandon Ogonek btw @R.MartinhoFernandes?
@райтфолд Are you working on an embedded device?
@khajvah No, I'm working on a powerful workstation.
it means Doctor of Philosophy
@райтфолд No. I've been working on it recently, actually.
Just not very pushy.
There will be a large push soon.
hey @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@райтфолд Also, if it's only to decode, I'd probably go with utfcpp.sourceforge.net
@райтфолд ah, whatever
@R.MartinhoFernandes I also want to query the Unicode database and manipulate Unicode data in various ways eventually.
But for now, decoding will do.
Also, I need to make a mental note to properly evaluate utfcpp.
My object files store string literals encoded as UTF-8.
@R.MartinhoFernandes just curious, what's the license?
Lotsa tests.
@Mgetz Public domain.
I CC0 almost everything I do outside of work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why not GPL?
@R.MartinhoFernandes care to post that to github?
@khajvah Why GPL?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I saw, I was referring to the lack of a LICENSE file
@R.MartinhoFernandes It seems like a standard license for that kind of projects
@khajvah No, it doesn't.
@Mgetz Ah.
Guess I could rename it, or just have two.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit in which university you have done PhD
@khajvah fuck GPL forever
@Mgetz FWIW, it's also at the top of every source file.
@khajvah no it really doesn't
@Nagarjun are you a philosopher
@BartekBanachewicz why?
@BartekBanachewicz Out of open source licenses, which one do you prefer?
> it means Doctor of Philosophy
@khajvah MIT
@khajvah But to answer that properly: because GPL is not a public domain dedication.
CC0 is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They can use CC0 software for commercial purposes right? I mean, theoretically, they can change the name and sell.
Yes, that is something a public domain dedication implies.
No one will buy it, though, because it's in the public domain.
@khajvah that's the point of public domain
If you change the name, make a cute GUI and close the source, ppl will buy
@khajvah You do know that "they" can use GPL software for commercial purposes right? I mean, theoretically, they can change the name and sell.
@khajvah Can't make cute GUIs for libraries.
@BartekBanachewicz No, it's not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is not permitted but nobody will know, so you are right I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that one isn't ripe yet. It takes 4 years on average for a testcase to reach maturity
@khajvah It is explicitly permitted.
@sehe FWIW, the v2_0 folder has more comprehensive tests. I suppose they haven't ported them all yet.
If there's something that annoys me more about GPL than people recommending it to me, it's people recommending it to me based on wrong assumptions about it.
aww no VS2013 support
From what I heard, you cannot reuse GPL licensed code in a closed source projects and that I like
@AndyProwl shhh. don't let them in on our secrets
@khajvah That is not the same as using it for commercial purposes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in the opskure references department
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, sorry for that. I meant closed source. Selling is fine.
@khajvah how do you think RedHat makes money? You can't just download RHEL last I checked. You have to buy support from RedHat first
FWIW, I'd be happy if someone made money using my libraries.
@Mgetz I meant closed source not commercial but I think you build red hat yourself
@JoJo it that an overloaded operator / there?
@khajvah absolutely not that might break compatibility you download binaries from RedHat directly
@MartinJames I was wondering the same
@sehe hehe sehe
@Mgetz The thing is, red hat is pointless for desktop, so it is hard to say but you should be able to download the binaries without paying anything
@khajvah I know quite a few companies that would disagree with you. Not everybody uses windows or mac
CentOS is pretty much RHEL with a different logo.
You pay for support but what if you dont want the support?
You use CentOS.
@Nagarjun University of Heaven
@khajvah you use CentOS and pray nothing happens
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you dream of heaven
@Mgetz That's the point, there is no point to "hide" the binaries
gone mad
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't tempt microsoft
@khajvah I don't even request that people keep my name associated with it. If I cared for that, I would use some MIT or BSD style license.
It's my gift to everyone, even to people that are dicks.
If I wanted to single out the people that are dicks, I would have to license it on an individual basis.
how to convert a pointer to a member function to a normal function pointer ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks. :3
Oh god, don't do that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I find that odd
@amin not.
how to convert 'void (MyClass::*)(void)' to void (*)(void) ?
@Xeo is it possible ?
16 secs ago, by Xeo
@amin not.
a member function pointer is, despite its name, not a pointer.
@amin Use libffi to create a closure.
Were it possible to do something like that, it would be to void(*)(MyClass*), not to void(*)()
@райтфолд what is libfii ? i want a simple hack to get it working ....
@amin And I want a million bucks.
There is no simple hack.
libffi is a library that allows you to do this.
You need to step back and think again about what you really want to do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes i understand the problem ... but what other options do i have ?
@amin Step back and try to solve the original problem.
@райтфолд can you give me a link or something ...
But you most likely want something else instead, such as templates or std::function<void()>.
@R.MartinhoFernandes both libraries are not mine ...
There is a problem for which you assumed the solution would be to do that conversion.
That is the problem you should be solving.
Not "how to do this conversion".
@Rerito i can't change NDK code ... but i may be able to change the other one ... (so there is absolutely no way ?)
We may be able to help if you formulate the solvable problem.
@Rerito it seem like a simple problem ...
2 free HLs
Fuck yeah I'm so popular
@amin The library that takes the function pointer probably allows you to pass in extra data as well.
@amin It's not. The problem you are not telling us about (the one for which you assumed this is a solution), is probably simpler.
grep the documentation for "user data" or "data."
If you don't formulate it, you can't get help for it.
inb4 what's grep
@R.MartinhoFernandes i will ask a question on stackoverflow and share the link here ... tnx
Please don't share the link here.
@райтфолд what's grep?
Verb: grep (third-person singular simple present greps, present participle grepping, simple past and past participle grepped)
  1. To use a program such as grep to search in a file.
  2. grep
  3. grep
Noun: grep m
  1. hook, fishhook
  2. grep n (definite singular grepet, indefinite plural grep, definite plural grepa or grepene)
  3. grep n (definite singular grepet, indefinite plural grep, definite plural grepa)
  4. grep c
@райтфолд Were you keeping that in your clipboard just in case? :)
No, in a separate tab.
Wait, not technically the Norwegian Sea.
Still funny.
Mario is an Italian plumber created by Japanese people who speaks English and looks like a Mexican.
@khajvah lol

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