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You become poocasso.
@LucDanton Oh. I see what you mean. I'm not so sure that literate programming was intended as an opposite, though. It might well have been the excuse for lack of explicit typing ("dictionary typing"?)
@sehe Don’t you have the risk of making anything that has a sensible-enough API literate? I honestly think that natural language is part of the literate equation.
@Cinch You felt a disturbance in the force?
@sehe No I'm freaking scared that the Rapture might be actually true. But I overreact most of the time.
It's just one of those what-ifs that could happen.
@Rapptz Is that what it feels like when American English is made fun of?
@sehe A disturbance in the farce!
@LucDanton Nope.
@LucDanton Okay. I never considered that to be a must. In my experience, pretty API's (the "chatty" ones with all the natural language appeal) break down in the less trivial usage patterns and certainly over time when adding features.
I guess I always mentally equated literate programming with what I wanted it to mean
@Cinch Hehehe. So you have the same Youtube recommendations
@Cinch why would you be scared of the rapture?
@orlp Because that means if people disappear and we're the ones left behind...
Like being scared of missing the bus
@sehe Oh… the literate programming approaches do keep the natural and programming languages separate mind you!
Do you know what that would mean?
@Cinch then what?
damn bloody nose.
the worst feeling
@orlp You haven't read the stuff that would come?
@Rapptz nose bleed* ?
@Cinch I don't have time for that shit.
@orlp (Unless it happens)
@Cinch It's not exactly part of the curriculum, no
@Cinch which is soon enough
(chuckle; loving the ambiguity in that. It's true though)
@sehe Sure.
@Rapptz Alright, so is this what it feels like when African American Vernacular English is made fun of then?
Anyone claiming his/her 'loving god' will send me to hell, despite being a reasonable person, just because I didn't had faith in the god without any proof, believes in and negotiates with a terrorist.
An imaginary terrorist.
Also. ITT Cinch wields rhetoric device with impunity
Okay never mind false alarm.
@LucDanton Not sure.
@Rerito spake*
@sehe You guys are doing it wrong.
I think more people tend to laugh about AAVE than make fun of it.
@sehe Indead
> never mind
Freud would like to have a word
@LucDanton I know. Creative, huh
@sehe Is that a sex position?
@Cinch lol, you confirm my suspicions from yesterday.
@Cinch Perhaps
Laugh takes less effort than making fun of ...
Just kidding lol but I really don't know much about Freud.
Deep words with no meaning.
A period takes less effort than suggestive ellipses ...
Why does this shitty (probably duplicate) question and my shitty answer get respectively 11 and 20 upvotes?
A: Polymorphism in C++: Calling an overridden method

orlpWhen you do this: A c = B(); You're converting the B value into A. You don't want that. You should make a B object and access it through an A pointer or reference to get polymorphic behaviour: B b; A& c = b;

@Cinch I was referring to the event when you accidentally convey your real thoughts through a slip of the tongue or awkward/subconscious phrasing
@sehe Oedipus complex mmmm...
std::complex<Oedipus> rex;
Yeah :(
So what is this supposed to be? i.imgur.com/ckSBw57.jpg
Q: What's this tense called: "I been done ate"?

John SaundersGrowing up in a Black family in the US, I frequently heard people have conversations like this: Mom: Have you eaten yet? Kid: Yeah, Mom, I been done ate. Wife: Have you fixed the sink yet? Husband: Woman, I been done fixed it. (Emphasis is on the word "been") The meaning has always been th...

Closest thing I can find on E.SE. Nothing on 'I got my hair did' though :(
@Rapptz Two fingers holding a seed?
> Oedipus complex · Electra complex · Feminism and the Oedipus complex · Hamlet and Oedipus · Jocasta complex · Phaedra complex
Oh thanks.
I can finally see.
(I know it looks like a butt with shit.)
@wilx oooooooooo
@wilx lol that was my jerk reaction
I was seriously wondering cause all I could see was the ass.
@Rapptz ew. That took me entirely too long to "understand"
@LucDanton When you say this I imagine little lice raping your hair
@LucDanton Blackspeak is probably the more logical grammatical structure than English
Or at least easier.
I mean if you were making a parseable language English would not be a good choice, but behold.
It's why Japanese speech synthesis is easier than English
TIL black people have constructed a language that seems understandable
@Cinch You really set off my bs sensors often
The more you know~
I don’t know, the grammar (esp. conjugation) seems different but not really simpler. I don’t really have much exposure to it though.
@Rerito Looks like you haven't encountered Tagalog or Japanese et.
I’m biased towards Germanic conjugation though.
@Rerito Mine have been shut down to avoid overload
@Cinch Duh. Write your tutorial in it
@LucDanton I been done fixed it -> subject (past modifier) verb (object)
@ParkYoung-Bae You mean blown up right?
@ParkYoung-Bae Semi-relevant.
@Cinch I’m told that 'done' functions as an intensifier and not as part of the tense in this instance.
Where as, I have fixed it -> subject (that other past thing) (special past verb) object
If the English equivalent is 'I fixed it' I don’t see how a parser will get confused one way or the other.
@LucDanton done and fixed are the verbs
Guys. Have fun using VB or jabbascript!
@Rapptz Even the English version is grammatically incorrect lol
but he tried
The question involved "Have"
The correct response to "Have you eaten yet?" is "I have (optional: eaten.)"
Response is probably the same in both.
@Cinch Or "I beg your pardon"
But for greater emphesis is different in each
Make sure to add this to your tutorial.
> epmhesis
Compare to Hawaiian Pidgin English
Flame temptation is raising
"Ho cuz have you done da grinz yet, bra?"
Try translate that please
@Cinch Why? You originally said 'than English'.
@Rapptz LOL, it's exactly the flame I had in mind
@LucDanton Da English is so dakine bah
You godda try to loosen dakine, ya know, like dakine
@ParkYoung-Bae Let's take over the lounge by speaking "wesh french"
Be so chill
E'rybadi from da 'manelan, dey tink they so praprah with dare haole Engish and dakine
Well guess wat, bradah, dey not over here in da 'aina
@Rerito azy bqtqr
Dey no know da Pidgin from the mokeland, coz.
Need a translation yet?
@ParkYoung-Bae Hey, I know that one. tqvu!
Grav l'autre boloss me casse les yeuk
il me les pete un peu la
This must be how it feels like to watch monkeys talk.
et mon putain de clavier international qui d`econne sur les accents
2 messages moved to bin
nothing to see here.
your shit has viruses man
lmao you actually watched the video
1 user moved to bin
@райтфолд I'm still here Blink.
Isn't it late where you are Cinch
@Rapptz lol
@Rapptz Only 10:22pm
Fucking time zones.
Who can guess the 'aina time?!
Hint hint it's not Tahiti.
It's 4:23 AM.
@Rapptz Blaze it!
I missed all the Pi Day excitement.
@Rapptz Hey we've got 12 hours diff!
Stop linking shit already
it's a screenshot
@ParkYoung-Bae Also blaze it!
not a link
@orlp The virus is how you actually watched to that point.
How do you include a screenshot without a link
@orlp inb4 link to a screenshot
@ParkYoung-Bae magic
Maybe it's an elaborate parody video.
oh I just realized xfce's host on imgur is terrible
the idea is amazing
What am I missing?
but the execution is terrible =/
@Cinch Competence.
I use Shutter on Linux and ShareX on Windows.
@Pris disgusting
@Rapptz I really wish the imgur API has one particular feature
Can't parse that sentence.
@Rapptz that you can send an API request to start uploading an image, and get back a new URL immediately, and send the image data later
But I mean for the tutorials do you guys feel this is a competent flow?
Are you a competent flow
@Cinch it's incredibly incompetent
@orlp What's it missing.
No one made a menstrual joke.
first of all, a proper version of mingw
Good job guys.
@Pris I think the best place OP can look for help is an euthanasia clinic.
second, notepad++
third, raw windows console
It's like notepad but ++ -- Cinch, March 2015
@Rapptz Yup, lol.
fourth, fucking virus-ridden non-adblock browser
@райтфолд Euthanazi
fifth, windows 8
@orlp that's Firebox btw.
@orlp It's all a very elaborate troll
@Cinch and you managed to load it with your filth
Euthanasia is the solution to lots of problems.
Including C++ programmers.
@orlp Not my fault shit happens. I removed it right after
@Cinch yeah it fucking is your fault
I vote for abortion to be legal up to 80 years after birth.
We should eliminate people, since many problems are caused by people.
especially if you want to become a content creator - you better fix your shit before creating your content
I'm a content creator.
Fix your shit
I'm a creator, and content.
I already flushed.
What other communites can I go to?
For feedback, that is?
For what
@Cinch PHP seems like a pretty good fit for you
AwayAndNeverComeBack is a great community you can go to
You should ask Linus for feedback
I spend my time here in order to get quick feedback but it's quite draining when I can't get much.
It's better used in other places
12 secs ago, by Cinch
Ugh I don't know why I spend all my time here
neither do we
you see, often loungers here ask questions
and other loungers answer them
Today I will start working on my first multi-phase compiler.
this is an exchange of information
the case with you however, is purely a drain of information for no return
How is Hawaii so behind in time.
Do you guys not use DST?
@ParkYoung-Bae what is korea like
They don't.
I see.
Why should we?
DST is retarded.
I don't know.
Our sunrise and sunsets never vary over the year more than about two hours.
I hate time zones and DST.
And very slowly.
Somehow most inferior countries don't use DST.
It's one thing they are superior at.
Although I don't mind a backwards shift every weekend. :p
The reason DST is in place is probably because there's some rich guy somewhere who benefits from it.
I recently learned that prostitution makes up 4% of the South Korean GDP.
I wonder how much of the GDP samsung makes up
@Pris Don't forget Gangnam Style
> Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as "an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident, institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs)."
> The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period
how about that definition?
Hasn't the UK included prostitution and drug trade in their GDP?
@orlp That's a very broad question
Can you use override on a typedef? Like this:
struct A { using T = int; };
struct B : A { using T override = double; };
You can do this in Scala.
@ParkYoung-Bae you can vote to close
Although since they can't be virtual in C++ I don't really see why you'd do it.
And downvote
@BartekBanachewicz o_0 why have I not seen this before, so simple yet so effective.
called it ¬_¬
Make it fixed font?
I did
oh now what?
fucking hell markdown get's on my tits sometimes!
why can't all that blank space to the right be used to preview the post?
Because Balpha
fuck I'm stuck on math, in this room everything is simpler...
@Rerito maybe... despite being illegal, it can bring money into the country...
@райтфолд So, did you lose your job?
@райтфолд phase one: source code. phase two: compiled code.
@orlp lol
@райтфолд You can shadow it, but you can't make A::T suddenly become double - there is no "virtual-ness" when passing types.
@райтфолд it requires coordination. Coordination doesn't exist in such countries
@райтфолд No problem. Just make all days 24 and roughly 8 minutes.
@райтфолд if society counts as a rich guy
@Rerito Gangnam Style is prostitution
@Rapptz That's Gross (get it?)
@Rapptz I did actually, this morning. Everyone missed it.
@Rapptz I was too busy with the new Steak craze
ITT sehe reply rampage
@ParkYoung-Bae lol.
@ParkYoung-Bae your own fault
I was writing a big in-depth reddit post
accidently hit ctrl+r
In da browser. Noob
instead of ctrl+Y
> in-depth reddit post
@sehe better than "in-depth facebook post" or "in-depth ask.fm answer"
the latter being the worst of the worst
Never ever heard of ask.fm
class askdotfmUser { public: askdotfmUser { while(true) get_retarded(); } };
that's everything you need to know
@sehe Three lines long post.
It's a site where "famous" people can boost their ego by hosting a 24/7 AMA where they will answer only cherry picked questions.
Oh so like SO then
@ParkYoung-Bae Oi, don't go stealing my jokes!
@Xeo I've done that one countless times too
Clearly without as much success as you
Ah.. I believe floating point inaccuracies have bit me yet again.
It's what they do
Somehow getting an answer that is over 15.
I prefer over 18
@Xeo :[
@Rapptz Wrap it in catch(std::not_suitable_for_this_audience const&)
@Xeo ^ stole that one from the lounge wiki
> I don't have enough space to explain my reasoning
transl.: I don't have the reasoning
I meant to say I'm getting 53685.1 instead of 53670.85.
But that's not very funny eh
It's over 15 alright. I don't see the accuracy issue there
Maybe I'm the one who is too accurate and the paper isn't.
@sehe I’m having trouble with remaps :( Namely surround’s cs
Maybe I'm delegating the blame to someone else.
> n cs <Plug>Csurround
I thought nnoremap hs cs would do the trick :|
@DemCodeLines Please, indulge me, which part is "okay"? Because I missed it
@LucDanton Hrm?
cs is unsuitable. I 'change' with 'h'. What do?
You're being a bit brief for my petty brain
53685.7 now.
@sehe Oh sorry. surround.vim allows you to change delimiters with e.g. cs([, right?
Yes, use it all the time
c does not suit me and my layout. I would like to achieve the same with hs([.
Good morning my dear reprobates
The thing is, my understanding of surround is that it doesn’t expose functions, just the mappings (hence <Plug>blah). No options to customize those mappings either.
Well I've triple checked my work. Gonna just blame the paper.
> :nunmap can also be used outside of a monastery.
@LucDanton I kinda like this
I can realte to this story about "Little White Donkey"
> I get a slightly different value for this function which I think is because I didn’t round the intermediate values to 2 decimal places as the example does.
@LucDanton Ah. I'd just modify the plugin script, really. Does that not work?
At least I'm not insane.
@LucDanton That's an old one
Good morning my dear reprobates
Just who the fuck are you? Good morning.
@sehe Will Vundle bother me about it when updating?
ISTR 'uncomitted changes in repo' annoyances
@LucDanton Not if you host the forked repo somewhere accessible :)
._. wtf man
Then I have to rebase by hand and then update. The horror!
Yeah. It'll work though
I'm all for the easy road when it comes to tweaking the dev env
I've not compiled my own gcc either. Ever.
(Well. Maybe some "out of the box" cross compiler toolchain, but that's just following the steps)

this is a macro, correct, as part of libstdc++?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hi.
@Cinch Why don't you look it up
@Cinch I hope you killed the SuperFish
@sehe I was wondering because 'easy now' can easily be outmatched by 'learn now, easy forever'.
"Please don't down vote my question." Red rag to a bull, my friend. — Lightness Races in Orbit just now
@Rapptz lol
Is the new guy going to propose to LRiO?
Who doesn't?
@Cinch first Google result says yes
@chmod711telkitty Nobody here is new
Dang, the suggestion to have Vundle rebase by default was rejected. Maybe I should edit that, too!
you have a low standard
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Can you link it
@chmod711telkitty Dude you're in the Lounge; you have no right to accuse anyone of having a low standard :P
@chmod711telkitty Well, aside from the rest of us I suppose. Fair play. Never mind.
@Cinch No google.com
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I have literally googled that exact thing

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