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12:00 AM
It's an island or somethin
I can't find a peep of it anywhere.
No, it's some stupid cross-platform development tool apparently.
Xamarin was suggested and then someone was like "Ibiza" and my manager was like "Ibiza!" and I was like "What the hell is Ibiza???" (In my head, I didn't say that shit out loud).
Not a peep of it on the internet. Must be some internal garbage.
I'm going to kindly push back Xamarin if they try to make me use it, and if that doesn't work I will go straight to Windows RT and be a cunt.
12:03 AM
... In other news, my first task is going to be messing with Windows 8.1 applications.
I have to port a WPF application to work on all Windows devices.... as my first IT task!
12:27 AM
@ThePhD sounds like something to do with Miguel de Icaza
12:49 AM
Good morning.
@ThePhD It wasnt a kd-tree that Bartek did, it was a quadtree
lol so I had played stronghold 2 for ~3 hours at around 3 AM when I heard the game say something like "it's very late sire, are you not tired?"
there are lots of such tiny details scattered across the whole game, the nicest I think is the huge list of pre-recorded greetings for specific names
so after I set my name to "Alex", when the game starts I get greeted with "Greetings Lord Alex"
it's a pity that stronghold games after crusader went downwards in terms of quality :( especially with stronghold 3 from what I've read
I wish the adjutant in Starcraft 2 did that when you start a game
12:55 AM
with firefly it's not about deadlines and rushed development I think
it's really about very bad game designers that take very bad decisions
Instead of "Greetings commander". It could be "Greetings commander XYZ"
but I'll give S3 a try too, people said S2 was bad and I'm having a blast here
I wanted to make a mineral joke but then I remembered the adjutant only does the briefing :(
Actually if you play terran she does the whole "not enough minerals/you need additional supply depots/..."
if youre protoss though
1:00 AM
"Commander Borgleader, you require more minerals."
"Commander Borgleader, did you mine any new minerals?"
"Commander Borgleader, I'm watching you, you're not mining any minerals."
the adjutant is pretty hot for... a thing
would be a great abusive wife
> Using the FF8 game booster is entirely optional, and to be fair about it, some people really do just want to enjoy the narrative experience without having to deal with all the boss-fight hassle.
squeenix added official cheats to FF8 on Steam
tbh, as much as I hate those, the always max damage cheat would have worked wonders while I was playing FF IX and was unable to beat some boss but wanted to see what was going to happen next in the story
1:52 AM
@Borgleader Aww, bummercakes. D:
Well, thanks for asking.
I do appreciate it.
1:54 AM
I'm gonna work on Sol this weekend. :D
Not much. Working on a command line parser.
2:38 AM
I have like 4 pages of those stupid Steam cards
gimme :P
or just sell them on the market
Yeah I'm wondering about that
what item is that for?
Some random card
Also EVE has better market charts
Where is mah volume chart
2:59 AM
All tools should automatically reload the source content when it detects changes.
It's so fucking handy.
Never have to restart, just save and ohmigawd magical reloading. <3
@ThePhD ?
@Borgleader With my raytracer, if you specify an input file and then work on that input file and save it, it will freeze, clear, and reload the scene for you.
I want a shader authoring tool that does that in real time.
3:05 AM
I'm sure you can make that in a few hours.
aaaa I still have MATLAB installed die die die in fire
3:23 AM
> If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a
“protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor,”
and when was the last time you needed one? —Tom Cargill (1990
I am amused
class Base { private: virtual ~Base() =0 {} };
class Derived : protected Base {};
from that slide deck
A) who the fuck uses protected inheritance?
B) if the destructor is private you wont be able to do much afaik
imo "Hey I can do something retarded with the language" doesn't show that the language is overly complicated.
oh I know, it's a quote about what you can do... not that it was smart
you can stare down the barrel of a shotgun to see if the breach is clear too... I don't suggest it though
You can make anything sound scary by using a lot of words
3:33 AM
don't forget long words
4:00 AM
+1. If you think it's a good idea to deny people access to the bathroom (at least on long exams e.g. 3 hours where at least a handful of people might actually need it) just because one or two students might use it as an opportunity to "cheat", then you have your priorities seriously messed up. What's next, intrusive full-body searches? Spying on the student in the toilet to check on what he's doing? — Thomas yesterday
I was never denied bathroom breaks when taking a test.
Sounds horrible.
I've heard stories though.
@Rapptz Same. What this guy describes is what is done at my uni (1 student at a time etc)
yeah same here
No one followed me to the bathroom though.
Someone did in my case, otherwise i could have walked to my locker and checked a book or something.
he waited in the hallway (obv)
4:05 AM
Everyone cheats
All the time
I didn't :v
Unless they're like me and can't cheat without getting caught
I helped people cheat though.
Outside of tutoring I'd do people's homework for money :v
I didn't really care.
I still don't.
4:07 AM
I don't really care actually, good for you if you made money out of it
I made more money from tutoring than doing people's homework
damn "M$" people
they're everywhere
I do that sometimes
@Rapptz Be glad you can spot idiots from afar!
paying for cheating is crazy. it's like paying for a good meal and then paying somebody to eat it for you
4:25 AM
a bit. :) education costs money. and just like eating the goal is not to finish your plate but to enjoy the meal ;)
Maybe in your sucky country education costs money :v
Also it's shit, so the analogy still doesn't stand
i'm from euro. still costs at least time.
@CatPlusPlus do you just not like the analogy or do you think cheating can be valuable?
I'm tempted to try to cut my own hair
good luck with that
apparently argparse doesn't allow concatenated short options
I only ever do straight cut to 1-2cm
4:33 AM
@CatPlusPlus meh... that probably was fun the first three times after they invented or
Every 6 months or so :v
$ test.py -vtx 10
usage: test.py [-h] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--test TEST] [--stuff STUFF]
               [--square SQUARE]
test.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 10
@Rapptz argparse is crap
I actually like it :v
but this is new to me
otoh there's not much value in that behaviour, so I doubt you'll find it in non-getopt things
4:34 AM
I have been looking at command line parsers for the past 4 days
argparse is one of the few which don't allow it
but they allow -s10
Click or docopt, argparse is complicated and meh
Man. If argparse is complicated then all these other libraries I've seen must be complex as hell.
Try to do something more complex than a few optional switches :v
such as? :v
Click looks good btw
4:39 AM
tbh I'm not much of a fan of "parse your help message" things
I saw one for C too called "yick" I think
or was it "yuck" I don't remember
Click is definitely better than docopt
But I'd rather use old optparse than to ever touch argparse again :v
> The question came up why click does not auto correct parameters given that even optparse and argparse support automatic expansion of long arguments. The reason for this is that it’s a liability for backwards compatibility. If people start relying on automatically modified parameters and someone adds a new parameter in the future, the script might stop working. These kinds of problems are hard to find so click does not attempt to be magical about this.
I have no idea what this is referring to.
What auto correction?
Oh I see.
I didn't even know about it.
Apparently you can just type part of the option and it'll automatically figure out which one it is.
Sounds like a mess
5:11 AM
> The humble gobo—nature’s laxative, Mother Earth’s gift to our colon, Satan’s fiery rectal broom.
I can't make an SSCCE of my error :(
1 hour later…
6:36 AM
   oo._/ \___/ \
      /_//   \\_\
6:53 AM
@rightfold Mostly because of LayoutManagers and ActionListeners, I suppose.
Actions are quite OK IMO. LayoutManagers are ... not very nice
7:08 AM
@FredOverflow especially click listeners and such.
There shouldn't be this monolithic interface with different kinds of click events.
But rather one interface per click event.
Or one with default implementations that do nothing.
@rightfold Swing has those. For example, class KeyAdapter implements KeyListener.
@FredOverflow interface, not class.
7:10 AM
You're talking Java 8?
If applicable, yes.
Languages that don't support default implementations are too limited.
Because default implementations in interfaces is a Java 8 thing.
But I doubt they changed Swing for Java 8.
But my code works!
So it's fine!
I'm thinking about putting the following pearl in my upcoming lecture next week:
subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets = filterM (const [True, False])
Somebody has to spread the M-word :D
Most obscure code of the year award.
By obscure, you mean beautiful, right? ;)
No, obscure.
Unreadable shit.
7:15 AM
Okay, how about this:
subsets = subsequences
I found it by hoogling [a] -> [[a]].
But I don't like using lists for sets.
Use Set a.
@FredOverflow Sucks, because the sub-stuff are not sets
7:17 AM
Lists are overused.
I find small Haskell snippets enjoyable, and you guys aren't gonna ruin it for me ;)
Need a dictionary? Use a list of tuples.
Need a set? Better use a list mate.
Need a priority queue? Hey why don't we use a list?
Listly-typed APIs!
I wish Clojure offered multisets and multimaps.
7:22 AM
They're quite useful.
But not very difficult to implement.
morning chaps
case sensitivity is a trifle annoying at times :(
@thecoshman Nivea has products for case sensitive skin.
Finally, they're up for the competition.
7:33 AM
1 TB, nice
15GB for the free plan, in par with Google's I think.
@rightfold So go ahead and implement them?
$10/month :v
might as well buy a 1 TB external
LinkedIn is pestering me about invitation even though I don't even fucking have an account there
@FredOverflow Yes. :D
7:35 AM
But not now.
Guess who invited me though
@CatPlusPlus that's so 8 years ago ...
Vlad from Moscow!
7:36 AM
Try again
Scott Meyers?
Some guy from Bloomberg?
H2CO3 :lol:
7:36 AM
Osama bin Laden!
@CatPlusPlus Wild guess: Jerry?
@CatPlusPlus lol
@CatPlusPlus lol
My kitchen desperately needs knives
7:38 AM
my knives desperately need kitchen
I could use a dozen nuclear bombs today
never heard of him
your knives need wives who don't have hives
7:39 AM
You guys should get lives.
This is now knife recommendation thread
That is a surprisingly good looking shuriken
@chmod711telkitty Why a dozen? One should be plenty.
7:41 AM
H2CO3 links this as his reasons for leaving too.
the guy sounds so pretentious
"Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow " WHO GIVES A SHIT
@FredOverflow just in case ...
H2CO3 apparently
Also bah 14k in 4 years lame
Because butthurt.
7:42 AM
Considering he read it and links it as his reason for leaving lol
Not elected for mod.
> I'm in the top 3% of their contributors overall as of this writing.
That's very hard considering 95% has like less than 100 rep
Good job
> 9,195 Reputation top 4% overall
am I cool too
I am literally top 0.31%
I'm top 2%!
7:45 AM
"I have 100 popular question GOLD badges. GOLD MAN! GOLD!!!"
> Over one third of my reputation was "earned" from me doing absolutely nothing for over two years. Indeed I went from the top 4% of contributors at my time of departure to the top 3%, despite, you know, me not doing anything.
> Any scoring system that allows this to happen is simply broken in my opinion.
otoh fuck SO for this gamification shit anyway
Top 0.2% whoo
still lol'ing at my latest downvote
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, I think the percentile measure just doesn't mean what they want it to mean.
I noticed this when I started to use SO in 2011. Right away I was in the top percentiles. So that's when I knew that SO has a hughe passive userbase
mawning flaggots
7:54 AM
It's for a good cause now. Obvious spam be spam
@TonyTheLion what got flagged?
nothing, just felt like calling you that
could have said "morning dweebs", but chose the other instead
> top 0.04% this quarter
just goes to show. Top 3% is horrendous. That Richter guy should be ashamed of him self
@sehe which Richter guy?
@sehe you or me?
7:58 AM
Apparently I'm in the top 0.85% overall. I'm not even doing anything on SO
I'm the top 1 of all humans on earth.
Only those in outer space are better.
Stupid fly.
Leave my territory you fucker.
8:18 AM
<Joker>you know the thing about a nuclear bomb? it's fair</Joker>
@TonyTheLion you just need to get a few solid answers in, and you'll just keep getting rep it seems
I get upvotes for questions I answers/asked years ago
they should apply some reddit like algorithm, so you have to keep active to keep high
you know, some sort of system where the effect of each upvote is reduced by it's age, so an upvote from when you first start years ago counts for less than one today. It make sense, for the most part what you said in the past is probably not that relevant these days.
8:28 AM
This isn't a news site
This is a sandwich.
This is a pointer to a sandwich.
Also fuck you.
Now I want a sandwich.
8:36 AM
@Xeo nice gravatar
your mother's a nice gravatar
shall I tell her?
Hi Mum, Puppy says you're a nice gravatar. Tony
yes hun? ... tell that puppy 'thank you'
8:37 AM
inb4 "Who's puppy?"
inb4 "What's a gravatar?"
1 hour ago, by Rapptz
@rightfold what is "outer space"?
@sehe thanks
@sehe space minus inner space
Sort of self explanatory
8:49 AM
I would have expected more people over the 25k mark
Hahaha. I just got an accept on an answer from 2012
Hm, if I didn't get that stupid downvote, I'd be at exactly 69k right now
9:01 AM
> Hi, could anyone tel me what a professional grade method of transferring data across a network is?
@rightfold lol
So many things still to buy
I'm so goddamn stupid
Also my plan to raise my productivity is not going very well
@CatPlusPlus as long as you learn from your mistakes
9:08 AM
I managed to go to the shop and clean up after-move mess
But maaan writing docs
Fuck mutability.
9:31 AM
@Xeo Downvotes are never stupid
Hello young people
Does any one of you can are good to the C++
try saying something funny for a change
> does can are
Mine apologies for the engluish
9:35 AM
slow ... that's so yesterday
"Park Young-Bae" reminds me of egg foo yong.
Now I want egg foo yong.
9:37 AM
@ParkYoung-Bae three
what, puppy, puppy and puppy?
oh you
Xeo, Robot and sehe.
The compilation is so long! I am very bored.
9:45 AM
play FTL
@ParkYoung-Bae Compilation is not the only thing that's long. ;)
That Richter guy is quite the character. It seems to me he takes life (and himself) much too seriously
> For tiny embedded systems, Forth because it is one of the most malleable yet tiny languages in existence.

For systems-level programming (device drivers, etc. and maybe even larger embedded systems), Modula-2 or Modula-3 because, unlike languages in the C blight family, they actually take type safety and application stability somewhat seriously.

For just hacking around for fun, Prolog because it stretches my mind and forces me to think in different ways to solve problems
What to eat.
I'm into Chinese food but they don't serve that for lunch.
Let me get that right. "Prolog, for just hacking around for fun". Sure
@rightfold Then just eat Chinese instead.
9:53 AM
@sehe What's wrong with it?
I often do things for fun.
You're also quite the character. But, luckily, you don't take anything seriously :)
Sorry. I can't help it :|
Anyways, the "eat Chinese" advice was very literal
9:55 AM
I know.
But I was talking about using Prolog for fun.
@sehe Yes it was. :(

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